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When did Antisemites start using the term "ZIONIST" instead of "JEWISH"?

Well, you're a pretty ignorant woman. There were lots of Palestinians in Arabia .. They ran the Post office, recreation, residential services.. Some worked in the library..some worked as houseboys. Some were Christians and attended the Catholic Mass.

They were kind, gentle people.. usually educated and friendly.

The problem is Palestine was that the European Jews wanted more land than they were given in the mandate.... including a piece of Syria and a piece of Lebanon.

They have done their best to provoke the neighbors and then blame them.
Well, you're a pretty ignorant woman. There were lots of Palestinians in Arabia .. They ran the Post office, recreation, residential services.. Some worked in the library..some worked as houseboys. Some were Christians and attended the Catholic Mass.

They were kind, gentle people.. usually educated and friendly.

The problem is Palestine was that the European Jews wanted more land than they were given in the mandate.... including a piece of Syria and a piece of Lebanon.

They have done their best to provoke the neighbors and then blame them.
The whole truth is that an estimated 726,000 Arabs fled their homes during Israel’s War of Independence. That war was instigated not by the Jews but by the Arabs, who rejected the United Nations’ plan partitioning the British Mandate of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Israel accepted that plan, but the Arabs chose war.

The vast majority of Arabs left their villages out of their own free will to avoid being caught in the crossfire of war. They were encouraged to do so by their leaders, who told the Arab public that they would soon remove the Jewish population by force and after which they could return to their homes.

“This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades,” declared Arab League Secretary-General Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha. “It does not matter how many (Jews) there are. We will sweep them into the sea.”

In the years that followed Israel’s establishment, more than an equal number of Jews were expelled from Arab countries. More than 850,000 Jews lived in Arab countries at the time of Israel’s establishment. These were ancient Jewish communities that had lived on their land for thousands of years. Less than 4,500 Jews live in the Arab world today.

Thriving Jewish communities that had existed since antiquity were destroyed overnight. Arab leaders murdered Jewish leaders, expelled Jewish communities, and stole Jewish property. About 100,000 square kilometers of land owned by Jews in Arab countries were confiscated by Arab leaders. This amounts to five times the size of the state of Israel.

Yet, there was a critical difference in how these two groups of refugees were treated. Israel integrated the Jews kicked out of Arab countries, making them an integral part of the country’s social fabric and future success.

No Arab country, with the exception of Jordan, has provided the opportunity for Palestinian refugees to earn citizenship. Throughout the Arab world, severe restrictions continue to be imposed on Palestinians. For instance, in Lebanon, Palestinians are not allowed to own land or enter certain professions, like medicine and law.

This article explains many things but people like a Surada continue to parrot their nonsense to the naive and uneducated as well as those that buy her nonsense hook line and sinker.. People will make up their own minds but it is best if they educate themselves.. Not saying that Israel is completely blameless but it is far from the demonizing that so many label her with… Just eveningthe playing field and can’t change the minds of people that are already poisoned with here say and propaganda and whose minds are closed…One other thing Surada parots that Israel was settled by “ European Jews” but the facts do not back her at all as it is true that what was left of Europes Jews mostly settled there but many of the Jews came from Muslim lands as well and are their children considered European or now Asian as in middle eastern it is complete nonsense and a typical Muslim ploy which is a form of Taqiyya which is permissible lying in Islam showing where Surada loyalty lies to say the least…

The whole truth is that an estimated 726,000 Arabs fled their homes during Israel’s War of Independence. That war was instigated not by the Jews but by the Arabs, who rejected the United Nations’ plan partitioning the British Mandate of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Israel accepted that plan, but the Arabs chose war.

The vast majority of Arabs left their villages out of their own free will to avoid being caught in the crossfire of war. They were encouraged to do so by their leaders, who told the Arab public that they would soon remove the Jewish population by force and after which they could return to their homes.

“This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades,” declared Arab League Secretary-General Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha. “It does not matter how many (Jews) there are. We will sweep them into the sea.”

In the years that followed Israel’s establishment, more than an equal number of Jews were expelled from Arab countries. More than 850,000 Jews lived in Arab countries at the time of Israel’s establishment. These were ancient Jewish communities that had lived on their land for thousands of years. Less than 4,500 Jews live in the Arab world today.

Thriving Jewish communities that had existed since antiquity were destroyed overnight. Arab leaders murdered Jewish leaders, expelled Jewish communities, and stole Jewish property. About 100,000 square kilometers of land owned by Jews in Arab countries were confiscated by Arab leaders. This amounts to five times the size of the state of Israel.

Yet, there was a critical difference in how these two groups of refugees were treated. Israel integrated the Jews kicked out of Arab countries, making them an integral part of the country’s social fabric and future success.

No Arab country, with the exception of Jordan, has provided the opportunity for Palestinian refugees to earn citizenship. Throughout the Arab world, severe restrictions continue to be imposed on Palestinians. For instance, in Lebanon, Palestinians are not allowed to own land or enter certain professions, like medicine and law.

This article explains many things but people like a Surada continue to parrot their nonsense to the naive and uneducated as well as those that buy her nonsense hook line and sinker.. People will make up their own minds but it is best if they educate themselves.. Not saying that Israel is completely blameless but it is far from the demonizing that so many label her with… Just eveningthe playing field and can’t change the minds of people that are already poisoned with here say and propaganda and whose minds are closed…One other thing Surada parots that Israel was settled by “ European Jews” but the facts do not back her at all as it is true that what was left of Europes Jews mostly settled there but many of the Jews came from Muslim lands as well and are their children considered European or now Asian as in middle eastern it is complete nonsense and a typical Muslim ploy which is a form of Taqiyya which is permissible lying in Islam showing where Surada loyalty lies to say the least…

Please attempt to use your own words rather than regurgitating the same long, scripted and debunked "Hasbara History" that deliberately omits salient and inconvenient facts.

Your verbose Hasbara script begins with: "The whole truth is..." but there's not a word of truth in the reams of rubbish that follows.

Not surprising, your script omitted why nearly one million native residents of Palestinians "fled their homes..."

In the 1940s, Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs invaded Palestine (1) where they raped, murdered, mutilated and / or burned residents of over 500 Palestinian villages during the Nakba
In 1922, the first British Census and Survey, Jews only comprised about 11.1 % of Palestine's population yet after over 20 years of of Zionist murder and land theft, the foreign, colonial powers at the U.N. gave the majority of Palestine (56%) to the much smaller (33%) Jewish population.(2)​
We are never told that Palestine's native residents had no part in these machinations of foreign Jews and the Colonial Powers to confiscate their homes and they did what any brutally occupied people would do.​
They resisted and have been resisting the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.​
Now that Netanyahu's infamous Gaza genocide has made Israel a global pariah, Israel's army of Hasbara trolls have been as dishonest as they have been hysterical.​
Netanyahu's genocide is neither a "war" nor did reciprocal violence begin on October 7th 2023​
No amount of Hasbara propaganda can obfuscate Netanyahu's genocide agenda that has become so blatant that ethical Jews (3) join the rest of the planet in calling for an end to the indiscriminate slaughter or Gaza's long tormented civilians.​

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

(2). "Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba"​

EXCERPT "In November 1947, following World War II and the Holocaust, the newly-created United Nations approved a plan to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, against the will of the majority indigenous Palestinian Arab population. It gave 56% of the land to the proposed Jewish state, despite the fact that Jews owned only about 7% of the private land in Palestine and made up only about 33% of the population, a very large percentage of whom were recent immigrants from Europe." CONTINUED​

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
no. Jews are a people.

in fact if your mother is not Jewish, you are not jewish.

and according to orthodoxy, you cannot convert to judaism, you can be a "noahide", or righteous gentile, not a full class member.
Orthodox Judaism does generally accept converts as full class members.

Please attempt to use your own words rather than regurgitating the same long, scripted and debunked "Hasbara History" that deliberately omits salient and inconvenient facts.

Your verbose Hasbara script begins with: "The whole truth is..." but there's not a word of truth in the reams of rubbish that follows.

Not surprising, your script omitted why nearly one million native residents of Palestinians "fled their homes..."

In the 1940s, Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs invaded Palestine (1) where they raped, murdered, mutilated and / or burned residents of over 500 Palestinian villages during the Nakba
In 1922, the first British Census and Survey, Jews only comprised about 11.1 % of Palestine's population yet after over 20 years of of Zionist murder and land theft, the foreign, colonial powers at the U.N. gave the majority of Palestine (56%) to the much smaller (33%) Jewish population.(2)​
We are never told that Palestine's native residents had no part in these machinations of foreign Jews and the Colonial Powers to confiscate their homes and they did what any brutally occupied people would do.​
They resisted and have been resisting the oldest and most brutal foreign funded occupation in modern history.​
Now that Netanyahu's infamous Gaza genocide has made Israel a global pariah, Israel's army of Hasbara trolls have been as dishonest as they have been hysterical.​
Netanyahu's genocide is neither a "war" nor did reciprocal violence begin on October 7th 2023​
No amount of Hasbara propaganda can obfuscate Netanyahu's genocide agenda that has become so blatant that ethical Jews (3) join the rest of the planet in calling for an end to the indiscriminate slaughter or Gaza's long tormented civilians.​

(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

(2). "Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba"​

EXCERPT "In November 1947, following World War II and the Holocaust, the newly-created United Nations approved a plan to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, against the will of the majority indigenous Palestinian Arab population. It gave 56% of the land to the proposed Jewish state, despite the fact that Jews owned only about 7% of the private land in Palestine and made up only about 33% of the population, a very large percentage of whom were recent immigrants from Europe." CONTINUED​

(3). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action”

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED
Wow talk about a revision of history you are saying the Jews were trained by the Nazi s even though the facts are the Nazis we’re doing terrible things to the Jewish population of Europe which is factual and uncontested by all except the most vile of halucaust deniers… We now know where you are coming from obviously esp with your term of the use of Hasbara….You are digging yourself deeper into a hole you may wish you never opened. Arab complicity in the halaucaust was rampant Esp by so called Palestinians opposite of what you portray someone is telling the truth and someone is not…Haj Amin al Husseini was the grand mufti of Jerusalem( a relative of Arafat) but what is not well known is that he was also Waffen SS recruiter and a nazi propagandist living for a time in Berlin during the war…. The mufti was personally involved in the 1920 anti jewish riots in Palestine and the 1929 Arab programs against the Jews that destroyed the Jewish community of Hebron… The Mufti received funding from Hitler during 1936-1939 in which hundreds of innocents were killed including British servicemen, Jews and fellow arabs who didn’t like what he was doing….In 1941 he fled to Berlin where he recruited thousands of muslims to the Waffen S S. He personally intervened with the Nazis to prevent the escape of thousands of desperate Jews from Europe toPalestine who ended up dying in Nazi concentration camps unlike what your anti hasbara has portrayed ..Some say that if Rommel hadn’t been defeated the nazis would have finished off the Jews that has escaped to Palestine…..I am sure guys like him were rubbing their hands in glee for this possibility…As I said before the arabs have a lot of explaining to do… Germany indeed awful generous of them considering Israel belongs to the Jews even stated in the Koran….Further when the British were given control of Palestine by the breakup of the Ottoman Empire they calved off nearly 85 per cent of the land to the arabs and formed the State of Transjordan which became Jordan… The other 15 per cent was the area that was further split between the Jews and the arabs living there where 6 per cent was allocated to the Jews and 9 per cent to the Arabs.. The Arabs were not satisfied with receiving over 90 plus per cent of the original mandate for Palestine and attacked the Jews who defended themselves and miracurasly survived to the chagrin of the Arabs who lived there and the surrounding Arab armies that attacked them… These are the facts not what you have espoused..These lands that are currently being argued over are disputed lands that will be determined at a later date.. You personally are hardly worth arguing with because any can see with an open eye and mind where you are coming from … I have come across people like you before and I know you by your teachings or FRUIT which are rotten to the core and vile to the taste esp to any that try to swallow your malarkey and nonsense…I would wish you a nice day however personally I find it distasteful dealing with someone like you and am in need of a shower after dealing so…Like I said before people are free to educate themselves and figure things out but if they digest any FRUIT from TREES you are partaking from they are in for one big belly ache after trying to DIGEST such vile poison…
Wow talk about a revision of history you are saying the Jews were trained by the Nazi s even though the facts are the Nazis we’re doing terrible things to the Jewish population of Europe which is factual and uncontested by all except the most vile of halucaust deniers… We now know where you are coming from obviously esp with your term of the use of Hasbara….You are digging yourself deeper into a hole you may wish you never opened. Arab complicity in the halaucaust was rampant Esp by so called Palestinians opposite of what you portray someone is telling the truth and someone is not…Haj Amin al Husseini was the grand mufti of Jerusalem( a relative of Arafat) but what is not well known is that he was also Waffen SS recruiter and a nazi propagandist living for a time in Berlin during the war…. The mufti was personally involved in the 1920 anti jewish riots in Palestine and the 1929 Arab programs against the Jews that destroyed the Jewish community of Hebron… The Mufti received funding from Hitler during 1936-1939 in which hundreds of innocents were killed including British servicemen, Jews and fellow arabs who didn’t like what he was doing….In 1941 he fled to Berlin where he recruited thousands of muslims to the Waffen S S. He personally intervened with the Nazis to prevent the escape of thousands of desperate Jews from Europe toPalestine who ended up dying in Nazi concentration camps unlike what your anti hasbara has portrayed ..Some say that if Rommel hadn’t been defeated the nazis would have finished off the Jews that has escaped to Palestine…..I am sure guys like him were rubbing their hands in glee for this possibility…As I said before the arabs have a lot of explaining to do… Germany indeed awful generous of them considering Israel belongs to the Jews even stated in the Koran….Further when the British were given control of Palestine by the breakup of the Ottoman Empire they calved off nearly 85 per cent of the land to the arabs and formed the State of Transjordan which became Jordan… The other 15 per cent was the area that was further split between the Jews and the arabs living there where 6 per cent was allocated to the Jews and 9 per cent to the Arabs.. The Arabs were not satisfied with receiving over 90 plus per cent of the original mandate for Palestine and attacked the Jews who defended themselves and miracurasly survived to the chagrin of the Arabs who lived there and the surrounding Arab armies that attacked them… These are the facts not what you have espoused..These lands that are currently being argued over are disputed lands that will be determined at a later date.. You personally are hardly worth arguing with because any can see with an open eye and mind where you are coming from … I have come across people like you before and I know you by your teachings or FRUIT which are rotten to the core and vile to the taste esp to any that try to swallow your malarkey and nonsense…I would wish you a nice day however personally I find it distasteful dealing with someone like you and am in need of a shower after dealing so…Like I said before people are free to educate themselves and figure things out but if they digest any FRUIT from TREES you are partaking from they are in for one big belly ache after trying to DIGEST such vile poison…

I only needed to skim your poorly written and insulting "word salad" to notice the usual ignorant and fact free slurs one sees in fraudulent Habara drivel.

You should have stayed in school at least until you were taught what a "paragraph" is.
The cult is isolating left wing Jews.

That may come back to bite them.
the Zionists are the left wing Jews.

Labor Zionism.

Labor Zionism | Encyclopedia.com

https://www.encyclopedia.com › humanities › encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps › labor-zionism
LABOR ZIONISM. one of the main ideologies and political currents within the zionist movement. From the beginning of the twentieth century, Labor Zionism dominated the political philosophy of the Jews who went to resettle in Palestine, both during the British
Many liberal anti-Semites hide behind the line that "I'm not anti-Semitic, just anti-Israeli." Then, they turn around and cheer for Hamas, ignoring the fact that Hamas imposed radical Muslim rule in Gaza when they took over, which includes the overt persecution of gays, the suppression of women's rights, the banning of opposition newspapers, etc.

We should take these anti-Israeli demonstrators and deport them to Gaza, and let them see firsthand what they are supporting.
Wow talk about a revision of history you are saying the Jews were trained by the Nazi s even though the facts are the Nazis we’re doing terrible things to the Jewish population of Europe which is factual and uncontested by all except the most vile of halucaust deniers… We now know where you are coming from obviously esp with your term of the use of Hasbara….You are digging yourself deeper into a hole you may wish you never opened. Arab complicity in the halaucaust was rampant Esp by so called Palestinians opposite of what you portray someone is telling the truth and someone is not…Haj Amin al Husseini was the grand mufti of Jerusalem( a relative of Arafat) but what is not well known is that he was also Waffen SS recruiter and a nazi propagandist living for a time in Berlin during the war…. The mufti was personally involved in the 1920 anti jewish riots in Palestine and the 1929 Arab programs against the Jews that destroyed the Jewish community of Hebron… The Mufti received funding from Hitler during 1936-1939 in which hundreds of innocents were killed including British servicemen, Jews and fellow arabs who didn’t like what he was doing….In 1941 he fled to Berlin where he recruited thousands of muslims to the Waffen S S. He personally intervened with the Nazis to prevent the escape of thousands of desperate Jews from Europe toPalestine who ended up dying in Nazi concentration camps unlike what your anti hasbara has portrayed ..Some say that if Rommel hadn’t been defeated the nazis would have finished off the Jews that has escaped to Palestine…..I am sure guys like him were rubbing their hands in glee for this possibility…As I said before the arabs have a lot of explaining to do… Germany indeed awful generous of them considering Israel belongs to the Jews even stated in the Koran….Further when the British were given control of Palestine by the breakup of the Ottoman Empire they calved off nearly 85 per cent of the land to the arabs and formed the State of Transjordan which became Jordan… The other 15 per cent was the area that was further split between the Jews and the arabs living there where 6 per cent was allocated to the Jews and 9 per cent to the Arabs.. The Arabs were not satisfied with receiving over 90 plus per cent of the original mandate for Palestine and attacked the Jews who defended themselves and miracurasly survived to the chagrin of the Arabs who lived there and the surrounding Arab armies that attacked them… These are the facts not what you have espoused..These lands that are currently being argued over are disputed lands that will be determined at a later date.. You personally are hardly worth arguing with because any can see with an open eye and mind where you are coming from … I have come across people like you before and I know you by your teachings or FRUIT which are rotten to the core and vile to the taste esp to any that try to swallow your malarkey and nonsense…I would wish you a nice day however personally I find it distasteful dealing with someone like you and am in need of a shower after dealing so…Like I said before people are free to educate themselves and figure things out but if they digest any FRUIT from TREES you are partaking from they are in for one big belly ache after trying to DIGEST such vile poison…
you see arabs as just a monolithic group.

that would be like thinking Germany should be ok having half it's country given to France just because they're all white people.
How many loyal Americans want to sacrifice more of their children so that genocidal Zionists can have their "Greater Israel" / Lebensraum?
i'll wager jews will be distancing themselves from zionism in the near future Grau

because when I show people the reality of the chabadniks and their insane noahide world order, then they start saying chabad are fringe.

are chabad fringe?
Your claim was about conversion in Orthodoxy. Now you want to grind an a about Chabad. It is clear you are just looking to be angry without having any real reason. Good luck.
Your claim was about conversion in Orthodoxy. Now you want to grind an a about Chabad. It is clear you are just looking to be angry without having any real reason. Good luck.
I didn't say Orthodoxy. I didn't specify.

do the Orthodox differ greatly from the chabad?

Tell us the differences Rebbe.

do your job.

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