When did it become "rigged!"


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
For over 2 centuries America and its electoral and justice systems rose from a small former British colony to survive a civil war, 2 world wars, numerous recessions, one major economic depression to become the world's only superpower.

Enter Donald J Trump who proclaimed to the nation a few years ago: "It's all rigged!"

This begs the question: When did it become rigged? Or - - is it just possible that Donald J Trump is whistling dixie out of his glutes?
For over 2 centuries America and its electoral and justice systems rose from a small former British colony to survive a civil war, 2 world wars, numerous recessions, one major economic depression to become the world's only superpower.

Enter Donald J Trump who proclaimed to the nation a few years ago: "It's all rigged!"

This begs the question: When did it become rigged? Or - - is it just possible that Donald J Trump is whistling dixie out of his glutes?
people were calling the system rigged long before trump came along,,
For over 2 centuries America and its electoral and justice systems rose from a small former British colony to survive a civil war, 2 world wars, numerous recessions, one major economic depression to become the world's only superpower.

Enter Donald J Trump who proclaimed to the nation a few years ago: "It's all rigged!"

This begs the question: When did it become rigged? Or - - is it just possible that Donald J Trump is whistling dixie out of his glutes?
It's time to forget the politics and face the situation, in order to save your country.
Trump has a better than 50% chance of winning and that's almost certain death for America for the reasons I've mentioned. Even though it could be our best chance of avoiding nuclear war.

Are you taking the threat seriously? It's become very real now and there are few remedies to stop it!
It's time to forget the politics and face the situation, in order to save your country.
Trump has a better than 50% chance of winning and that's almost certain death for America for the reasons I've mentioned. Even though it could be our best chance of avoiding nuclear war.

Are you taking the threat seriously? It's become very real now and there are few remedies to stop it!
at least we have the fact we dont give a shit about your opinion,,
For over 2 centuries America and its electoral and justice systems rose from a small former British colony to survive a civil war, 2 world wars, numerous recessions, one major economic depression to become the world's only superpower.

Enter Donald J Trump who proclaimed to the nation a few years ago: "It's all rigged!"

This begs the question: When did it become rigged? Or - - is it just possible that Donald J Trump is whistling dixie out of his glutes?
The day at that rally, when he said "the only way I lose is if it's rigged". That was it. The rubes swallowed it hook, line and sinker. A nice built-in excuse.

From the guy who said the 2016 Iowa primary was rigged when he lost to Cruz.

From the guy who said the Emmys were rigged when he lost.

From the guy who lacks the maturity to admit he lost.
so all that yelling that the tax code is rigged in favor of the rich is bullshit??

and corp subsidies is also bullshit??
Of course the tax code is rigged in favor of the wealthy.

1. Earned income is taxed more than unearned income. Most middle class Americans have little to no unearned income.

2. Income subject to the Social Security tax is capped. Middle class Americans never reach that cap, they pay a Social Security tax from the first dollar to the last. The wealthy eventually cap it out. Jeff Bezos is probably done on January 2.

3. For most middleclass Americans, their equity holdings are held within their retirement account and will be taxed
For over 2 centuries America and its electoral and justice systems rose from a small former British colony to survive a civil war, 2 world wars, numerous recessions, one major economic depression to become the world's only superpower.

Enter Donald J Trump who proclaimed to the nation a few years ago: "It's all rigged!"

This begs the question: When did it become rigged? Or - - is it just possible that Donald J Trump is whistling dixie out of his glutes?

Where were you in 2000 when the DemoKKKrats said the election was rigged? Or in 2004 when they said it again? Or 2016 when they said it again?
Of course the tax code is rigged in favor of the wealthy.

1. Earned income is taxed more than unearned income. Most middle class Americans have little to no unearned income.

2. Income subject to the Social Security tax is capped. Middle class Americans never reach that cap, they pay a Social Security tax from the first dollar to the last. The wealthy eventually cap it out. Jeff Bezos is probably done on January 2.

3. For most middleclass Americans, their equity holdings are held within their retirement account and will be taxed
there is no separate tax code for the rich,,
it applies to everyone equally,,
there is no separate tax code for the rich,,
it applies to everyone equally,
Way to totally miss the point. Never claimed there was a separate tax code. Applies to everyone equally but doesn't equally apply to everyone. That tax code favors the rich, and I provided examples. Care to try again hoss?
Way to totally miss the point. Never claimed there was a separate tax code. Applies to everyone equally but doesn't equally apply to everyone. That tax code favors the rich, and I provided examples. Care to try again hoss?
if democrats didnt work so hard to keep poor people poor it wouldnt be a problem,,,

you are aware the democrats helped write the tax code???
if democrats didnt work so hard to keep poor people poor it wouldnt be a problem,,,

you are aware the democrats helped write the tax code???
Who said anything about Democrat or Republican? Damn skippy, they all in on the gravy train.,

Seriously, the tax code has underwent some major changes since the time of "Happy Days". And in every single change, the rich got richer. And while the poor didn't get poorer, for a little while, the 70's sure has hell set them back. And don't get me wrong, it was good times.
But after Reagan, well it has been Katie bare the door, hell even Clinton got in on the action. Turn a screw in the poor every chance they got. Two presidents, two presidents in history that raised the taxes on the poor and cut the taxes on the rich. Reagan, and OBAMA!

Corporations don't pay a decent tip when measured as a percentage of national income. It is a disgrace. And Social Security, going broke. Well no shit you stupid assholes, for fawking generations, you been raping the poor and collecting more money than you need to pay off the wealthy ones that lived to retirement. Borrowing from US, the damn poor and middle class, to fund your glorified telemarketing job and you spend hours and hours a week in the "phone room", begging for dollars, or selling your favors. You decide.

We have to change the system. All income, earned or unearned, taxed the same. That was what Reagan proposed, and I agree. The cap on income subject to the Social Security tax, that shit goes away, there is no cap. And the step-up, I got no problem with it, to a limit. And about 1.5 million seems to be about right. And sure, I will toss you a bone and eliminate the estate tax all together.
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Who said anything about Democrat or Republican? Damn skippy, they all in on the gravy train.,

Seriously, the tax code has underwent some major changes since the time of "Happy Days". And in every single change, the rich got richer. And while the poor didn't get poorer, for a little while, the 70's sure has hell set them back. And don't get me wrong, it was good times.
But after Reagan, well it has been Katie bare the door, hell even Clinton got in on the action. Turn a screw in the poor every chance they got. Two presidents, two presidents in history that raised the taxes on the poor and cut the taxes on the
very few people are born rich,,

if the poor dont like being poor they can better themselves and become rich,,

taxs are not meant to be a punishment for success,,
very few people are born rich,,

if the poor dont like being poor they can better themselves and become rich,,

taxs are not meant to be a punishment for success,,
I got to tell you, more people are born rich than you realize. And the second part, about the poor being able to better themselves, well yeah, but why should it be an uphill battle? It is only that way to protect the wealthy, make it a level playing field and the entire dynamic will change.

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