When did Trumps worshippers get so shy, when he was down in the polls

Sure. They don't SAY they support the rioting, they just order the cops to stand down and arrest people that dare to fight back.

And refuse offers of help from outside.

How could anyone look at that and think, that they support the rioting?
The question is how to make it better or worse. Sometimes violence begets violence. Just because you disagree with their decisions doesn’t mean that you can accuse them of supporting it.

So stop lying about who is and isn’t supporting violence. It makes everything worse.

THe question is how to protect the lives and rights of the citizens from violent criminals.

Allowing or even helping the violent criminals run rampant though the streets is the opposite of that.

VIOLENCE, if it is the rioters being stopped, would be a GOOD THING, not something to be avoided.

That you need that explained is you being decadant.
But your looters are okay? They weren't in any danger. I know you loons are scared shitless at the American flag. Just wait to see what we do to your looters after Trump wins.
Being chased, boxed in, screamed at and threatened by armed activists is wrong and any reasonable person would feel like they were in danger.

No one said looting is okay. But y’all are nearly universal in your defense of these thugs.
Oh shut up drama queen, none of that happened.
Sure. They don't SAY they support the rioting, they just order the cops to stand down and arrest people that dare to fight back.

And refuse offers of help from outside.

How could anyone look at that and think, that they support the rioting?
The question is how to make it better or worse. Sometimes violence begets violence. Just because you disagree with their decisions doesn’t mean that you can accuse them of supporting it.

So stop lying about who is and isn’t supporting violence. It makes everything worse.

THe question is how to protect the lives and rights of the citizens from violent criminals.

Allowing or even helping the violent criminals run rampant though the streets is the opposite of that.

VIOLENCE, if it is the rioters being stopped, would be a GOOD THING, not something to be avoided.

That you need that explained is you being decadant.
I was there. You weren’t. Trust me, I don’t need an explanation from someone getting their information from popular conservative media.
Never were the Trampers shy, not in proud boys or they tried to run Biden's bus off the road, and not in
Unite the Right rally

Now they claim to be shy, right in the nick of time, but their not shy , they are aggressive.

In New York, video showed vehicles filled with Trump supporters on the Mario Cuomo Bridge. A New York State Police spokesperson said no arrests were made and the bridge was never shut down.

Traffic briefly stopped three times during the caravan on the bridge for between approximately two and seven minutes.

Joe Biden denounced disruptive demonstrations by Trump supporters across the country.

Speaking at a canvass kickoff in the Philadelphia suburbs, Biden referenced a recent effort by Trump supporters to swarm a Biden campaign bus and drive it off the road in Texas. Trump tweeted a video of the caravan and declared, “I LOVE TEXAS!” Biden also referenced reports that Trump supporters shut down a major roadway in New Jersey.

They have never been shy, but very aggressive!
lol a democrat complaining how shy are democrats when rioting and burning business and public buildings killing cops looting stopping traffic and pulling people out of cars beating them , attacking the elderly and disabled destroying public and private property .
Don’t forget torturing puppies and horses. Progressives are scumbags.
Trying to run Biden`s bus off the road is textbook fascism and there`s no way around that fact. When this election is over they have 2 choices. Terrorism or mass suicide.
Wow I guess I must be a Fascist. Just as long as I'm not a whining worthless democrat I can live with it.
Trying to run Biden`s bus off the road is textbook fascism and there`s no way around that fact. When this election is over they have 2 choices. Terrorism or mass suicide.
Trump supporters did not try to run the bus off the road---this is yet ANOTHER lie of the dems again. The dems in the white suv tried to run the black truck off the road.
Trump supporters didn`t try to run the bus off the road and when Trump asked the Ukraine president "can you do us a favor" he was asking if the president had jumper cables to help start the limousine. Got it.
Gawd you just keep burying yourself in the stupid. Trump supporters weren't trying to run the bus off the road----------they were showing that people in TEXAS don't like BIDEN by protesting the bus as it went down the road and out of their county. Nothing they did was illegal or violent but watch the dems lie their azzes off......

Trump is required by law and by a TREATY signed by BILL CLIINTON in the late 90's to ask for Ukraines help in investigating crimes involving both countries. Not that this matters-----BIDEN clearly was bragging of EXTORTING the Ukrainians using US TAX MONEY to fire the prosecutor that was going after his son's company that was paying his inept unqualified son MILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$$------------which was obviously to keep Burisma higher management from going to prison. Don't know why dem and chinese trolls are trying to spin that somehow that BIDEN commit whatever CRIME is somehow above the law--he isn't you nitwit.
Never were the Trampers shy, not in proud boys or they tried to run Biden's bus off the road, and not in
Unite the Right rally

Now they claim to be shy, right in the nick of time, but their not shy , they are aggressive.

In New York, video showed vehicles filled with Trump supporters on the Mario Cuomo Bridge. A New York State Police spokesperson said no arrests were made and the bridge was never shut down.

Traffic briefly stopped three times during the caravan on the bridge for between approximately two and seven minutes.

Joe Biden denounced disruptive demonstrations by Trump supporters across the country.

Speaking at a canvass kickoff in the Philadelphia suburbs, Biden referenced a recent effort by Trump supporters to swarm a Biden campaign bus and drive it off the road in Texas. Trump tweeted a video of the caravan and declared, “I LOVE TEXAS!” Biden also referenced reports that Trump supporters shut down a major roadway in New Jersey.

They have never been shy, but very aggressive!
I never have for the simple and we'll known reason that polls are pure bullshit and wishful thinking for insecure and fearful left wing shitforbrains types such as yourself.
Seven minutes? Seriously? Your side is killing people in the streets and arresting people for self defense, and you want to whine about SEVEN MINUTES?


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Biden supporters have closed freeways and other roadways in many cities in honor of George Floyd.

I can't see where they have any room to complain now
No, it went on all summer until the weather cooled down or they went to a mayors house to protest, then they would shut that down.
No it didn’t. I was there.
Portland the riots continued and are continuing. They have been allowed, there is little if any prosecuting. I can read these stories all day about Portland are you saying the Oregonian, KATU, KOIN, KGW, KPTV are all lying to us?

The police have little at their disposal to stop anything.
No, it just doesn't fit your reality. They did nothing to stop any of it, they told police to stand down and even denied help from outside sources to keep the peace. It is what it is, and you can't change history.

Here is just one:Rantz: Seattle councilmember dangerously endorses looting and riots
What a garbage article. The headline says they endorsed looting and riots but the body of the article has no such statements.

I never heard of this author but he’s clearly a complete hack.

The site is leans right however it is also rated highly accurate. The councilwoman said this “But what I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told looting doesn’t solve anything,” Morales said. “It does make me wonder why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, black people are being killed around the country.”

That is endorsing the riots, not telling the group to be civil. to be reactionary, to be told looting doesn't solve anything.

If you want to throw your bias in on it fine, but that is endorsing what was going on.

The inaction by the cities and the states also show they endorse it by allowing it and letting them continue for months.
No, it went on all summer until the weather cooled down or they went to a mayors house to protest, then they would shut that down.
No it didn’t. I was there.
Portland the riots continued and are continuing. They have been allowed, there is little if any prosecuting. I can read these stories all day about Portland are you saying the Oregonian, KATU, KOIN, KGW, KPTV are all lying to us?

The police have little at their disposal to stop anything.

You mean Portland, the whitest city? That Portland?
Still going on over a hundred days.
Protests are going on for a hundred days. Not riots.

The tolerance of free speech among many on the right (and sometimes the police) varies with the people exercising it.
Well considering you have no idea what you presidential candidate believes. This doesn't surprise me. CNN quit reporting it because it was hurting Biden. But they are going on.
No, it went on all summer until the weather cooled down or they went to a mayors house to protest, then they would shut that down.
No it didn’t. I was there.
Portland the riots continued and are continuing. They have been allowed, there is little if any prosecuting. I can read these stories all day about Portland are you saying the Oregonian, KATU, KOIN, KGW, KPTV are all lying to us?

The police have little at their disposal to stop anything.

You mean Portland, the whitest city? That Portland?
It is one of the most liberal cities in the United States. So that doesn't surprise me. Y'all can't have them black folk living amongst you.

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