When do they change the name of the city?

When does the idiocy stop?
The idiocy ends when folks of good conscience, en masse force change.

Name it whatever the fuck you want.
Reactions: WillHaftawaite
PC stupidity
Nope. Mod stupidity. You get the last word on USMB. Use it and prove me right.

You see any part of my post in red?

If not, you're projecting, because I'm not a mod 24/7.

You, however, are a jackass 24/7.
Columbus had a great PR team in Italian Americans.

The man never set foot on this continent, yet for some reason, this man who could arguably be considered the father of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, is, if not revered by many, given undue respect.

Personally, I am unmoved by his statues. Keep them, move them, makes no difference to me. As for changing a city's name... not in favor, but not my call.

When does the idiocy stop?
The idiocy ends when folks of good conscience, en masse force change.

Name it whatever the fuck you want.
Reactions: WillHaftawaite
PC stupidity
Nope. Mod stupidity. You get the last word on USMB. Use it and prove me right.

You see any part of my post in red?

If not, you're projecting, because I'm not a mod 24/7.

You, however, are a jackass 24/7.
Interesting. You get to be a shopping mall rent a cop, part timer on USMB as a Mod, and then you spend the rest of your time being a Twat here.
But I digress from the OP.

When does the idiocy stop?
The idiocy ends when folks of good conscience, en masse force change.

Name it whatever the fuck you want.
Reactions: WillHaftawaite
PC stupidity
Nope. Mod stupidity. You get the last word on USMB. Use it and prove me right.

You see any part of my post in red?

If not, you're projecting, because I'm not a mod 24/7.

You, however, are a jackass 24/7.
Interesting. You get to be a shopping mall rent a cop, part timer on USMB as a Mod, and then you spend the rest of your time being a Twat here.
But I digress from the OP.
where did you see that information?

on the toilet paper, just before you flushed?
What about George Berkeley, who has a university named after him?

Bishop George Berkeley came to the New World to "establish a College or Seminary in Bermuda--known as the Summer Islands." Berkeley described his plans in his 1725 "A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in our Foreign Plantations and Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity by a College to be Erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda."

While he proposed slavery as the best way to Christianize black people, he proposed a different way for native North Americans. He thought the best people to convert Native Americans to Christianity would be the Native Americans themselves.


When does the idiocy stop?
What was new york city named after ?
Evidently it was changed once (at least) already; New Amsterdam.

It happens every time.

RW nutbag bigots have no appetite for leveling the playing field for black and brown Americans, so they focus all of their attention on issues like name changes.

Yes. There is a call for an end to honoring confederate traitors. And, along with that, some insignificant voices are calling for the removal of any monument related to American slaveholders. The former is going to ( and should )happen. The latter is not. Columbus was not an American and did nothing to deserve our admiration. Fuck him and his legacy.

The appropriate reaction by our RW Trombie weirdos would be to agree that confederate leaders were traitors to the nation and to join the call for the purge of monuments and to support the name changes. That would, however, force them to address the real issues.

When does the idiocy stop?
Why is it such a problem for you Will ?

Still is. A name change isnt going to alter that.

When does the idiocy stop?

The idiocy really hasn't been cranked up yet. The question is what major city will be the first to actually change their name over the New Political Correctness and what name will they adopt in place of honoring Columbus? Columbia MD? Columbia sportswear? Columbiana OH? Columbia University?
"the statue represents patriarchy, oppression and divisiveness."
Huh? What's not to love?
It happens every time.

RW nutbag bigots have no appetite for leveling the playing field for black and brown Americans, so they focus all of their attention on issues like name changes.

Yes. There is a call for an end to honoring confederate traitors. And, along with that, some insignificant voices are calling for the removal of any monument related to American slaveholders. The former is going to ( and should )happen. The latter is not. Columbus was not an American and did nothing to deserve our admiration. Fuck him and his legacy.

The appropriate reaction by our RW Trombie weirdos would be to agree that confederate leaders were traitors to the nation and to join the call for the purge of monuments and to support the name changes. That would, however, force them to address the real issues.

The Confederates weren't "Traitors" at all, but were all exonerated and restored after the war. Most within a year after Appomattox. President Davis was the last restored, and that was by Leftist President Jimmy Carter.
It happens every time.

RW nutbag bigots have no appetite for leveling the playing field for black and brown Americans, so they focus all of their attention on issues like name changes.

Yes. There is a call for an end to honoring confederate traitors. And, along with that, some insignificant voices are calling for the removal of any monument related to American slaveholders. The former is going to ( and should )happen. The latter is not. Columbus was not an American and did nothing to deserve our admiration. Fuck him and his legacy.

The appropriate reaction by our RW Trombie weirdos would be to agree that confederate leaders were traitors to the nation and to join the call for the purge of monuments and to support the name changes. That would, however, force them to address the real issues.

The Confederates weren't "Traitors" at all, but were all exonerated and restored after the war. Most within a year after Appomattox. President Davis was the last restored, and that was by Leftist President Jimmy Carter.

Traitors. Period.

Their monuments will be removed from the public square.
It happens every time.

RW nutbag bigots have no appetite for leveling the playing field for black and brown Americans, so they focus all of their attention on issues like name changes.

Yes. There is a call for an end to honoring confederate traitors. And, along with that, some insignificant voices are calling for the removal of any monument related to American slaveholders. The former is going to ( and should )happen. The latter is not. Columbus was not an American and did nothing to deserve our admiration. Fuck him and his legacy.

The appropriate reaction by our RW Trombie weirdos would be to agree that confederate leaders were traitors to the nation and to join the call for the purge of monuments and to support the name changes. That would, however, force them to address the real issues.

The Confederates weren't "Traitors" at all, but were all exonerated and restored after the war. Most within a year after Appomattox. President Davis was the last restored, and that was by Leftist President Jimmy Carter.

Traitors. Period.

Their monuments will be removed from the public square.

Libs might be able to remove them from public view, like they did with Nick Yezhov.

But the fact that none of the rebels were convicted of treason is a fact that will live forever.

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