When do we start talking about an illegal coo? Which is treasonous

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go thru the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
Last edited:
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
Provide evidence is is trying to be
Every time I see this thread, I giggle a little over the spelling of "coup".

Talk radio should spell out tougher words when they say them, just in case.
What the hell is a "coo"? Are you talking about the sound a pigeon makes? Or are you just a functioning illiterate?
Good one...



Honest-to-God, some of these semi-literate Bumper Sticker Echo Chambers are soooo lame that they're frickkin' funny...

And I'm sure that Democrats are just a-shakin'-in-their-booties at the prospect of these clowns calling for en masse arrests...

Funny... but, simultaneously and eerily reminiscent of the Brown Shirt jingoism of a bygone era in Europe.

Thunberg said at a climate march in Turin, Italy ...

“We will make sure that we put them against the wall..."
yeah, one could get the impression that the OP is a bonafied retard. this thread is just a sneak peak into OP's deep-seeded idiocy. case and point: coo. but for all intensive purposes, i could care less, as i remain unphased.
I do wish Democrats would focus more on building real consensus, rather that spending all their energy on theatrics. They need to win back working-class whites, but they don't seem to be trying. Maybe they just don't know how.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

Your support of this anti-democratic action, makes you a bad person.
LMAO @ some dumbass tRumpling calling anyone else "anti-democratic".

Yep. We won a democratic election and you people immediately cried RESIST, like it was the end of the world.

Remember the panic mongers claiming that Trump would start a nuclear war or collapse the economy?

That what nothing but bullshit from your face anuses, and so is your denial that the coup is your side being anti-democratic.
You didn't win shit.

Vladimir Putin and his troll farms did.

What a strange coincidence that the people who are convinced that <insert reason> is grounds for a valid impeachment, just happen to be the same people that are convinced that russian trolls are what made the election go against them.

I mean, you just happen to want to impeach a president, who you believe was elected not by the people but by russian trolls.

NOt that you are claiming any connection or cause and effect to your actions, and your disrespect for the election, the democratic election.

NOpe. Just a coincidence.

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.

A coup by a false investigation and trumped up bullshit charges, is a coup just as much as one lead by tanks.
Every time I see this thread, I giggle a little over the spelling of "coup".

Talk radio should spell out tougher words when they say them, just in case.

Yep. THat is really something.

Far more interesting than a move to remove a sitting president on bullshit charges, based on lies.
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.

A coup by a false investigation and trumped up bullshit charges, is a coup just as much as one lead by tanks.

Sure man. Who needs words with actual definitions? Just make up whatever shit you want and rage on!
If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.

What law did President Trump break?
The two impeachment charges are : Allegation of Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.
Now this is what the "Abuse of Power" is based on:
Trump's decision to withhold roughly $400 million of congressionally approved military aid from Ukraine until the country announced an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden, a political rival.

Was this truly the reason for the withholding ?

Obstruction of Congress:
For lack of cooperation with the House inquiry into the Ukraine decision.

Who determines what was the "lack"? Who determines the limits of "cooperation"?
Is there proof there was a "lack"? Trump wanted SCOTUS to decide the "cooperation". That was the lack.
Trump articles of impeachment: Charges of obstruction, abuse explained
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
Provide evidence is is trying to be
"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
Provide evidence is is trying to be
"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Great Poem
twas the eve of impeachment
Opinion | ’Twas the Eve of Impeachment
What the hell is a "coo"?

Are you talking about the sound a pigeon makes?

Or are you just a functioning illiterate?

Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.
Hmmmm, when did following the Constitution warrant being called a "coo"?

When/if you guys kill democracy in this country, we will not forget it. Your verbal games are just you, deluding yourselves that you are not doing something very wrong.

What would you do about it? Hell, you pout and throw a fit when someone ask you a simple question...I am pretty sure you do not scare a fly, let alone a person.
Thank you.
There is no coup. You should learn to use Englush properly.

Your unsupported and flat denial is noted. Of course, you are a self admitted liar, so your words hold no weight what so ever.
Nope, I am not a "self admitted liar." That would be yet another shiny example of your poor understanding of the English language again. Snd what do you think I'm not supporting? Your imaginary coup?

No, it is you, that does not understand that a defense of, "yes, but you side does it too" contains an admission.

YOu are a self admitted liar, and always will be.
Here's my exact quote, which is missing the word, "yes." You're literally lying by misquoting me in order to falsely claim I admitted I lied about something I never actually lied about. :lmao:


You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:

Nice the way you cut out the context, which was me accusing you personally of lying.

THus, your defense of, "yes, but both sides do that", is an admission of you lying.

You are a self admitted liar.
More namecalling.....
These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
Provide evidence is is trying to be
"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Yes corruption.. if Biden did that. That’s a issue
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
The president has privileges,, you have to go they the courts. Even then they they would take the 5th.. if you want those privileges you need to win elections.. and you can’t. Because your not educated
No president is above the law.
Provide evidence is is trying to be
"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Yes corruption.. if Biden did that. That’s a issue
And a candidate for office cannot legally solicit a foreign national to investigate another candidate for that same office.

Trump should have asked Barr to do that, not Zelensky.

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