When do we start talking about an illegal coo? Which is treasonous

His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
There were two articles of impeachment:
Allegation of Abuse of Power and
Obstruction of Congress.
Exactly what is the Abuse of power?
Withholding $391 million to make sure it wasn't going to a corrupt Ukrainian government?
After all VP bragged about withholding nearly $1 billion from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son.
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Now Obstruction of Congress...
Exactly what was the "Obstruction"?

bla bla bla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

too f'n late asshat - Goldilocks just took a spot on the A team.

So it was OK for Biden as a Democrat to withhold $1 Billion to fire the prosecutor going after his son...BUT there was no money
withheld by Trump asking not blackmailing Ukraine. But the hypocrisy is so obvious and that's why more and more "deplorables" like
us are evidently less gullible than people like you!
Stop lying. No prosecutor was going after Biden's son. :eusa_liar:
His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.
The democrats don't know when to stop digging, no matter how deep the hole they are in gets.
His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.
The only mark will be the circus event called this Impeachment. The History books will show the mockery of the Constitution by the Dems and nothing more.
His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades. :mm:
His finger, and the rest of him, is impeached.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.
The only mark will be the circus event called this Impeachment. The History books will show the mockery of the Constitution by the Dems and nothing more.

Liberals write the history books.

So.........it doesn't mean shit............get yourself a trophy and pat yourself on the back. It means jack squat.

Your losing voters..........you need to get more illegals here quick.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades.
Keep telling yourself that old man. Dementia? I am 39. You’re 60? LOL
tik tok tik tok

pay for the headstone now.

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Here, in planet Earth, that's a mark on him that will follow him in the history books for the rest of this country's existence.

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades.
Keep telling yourself that old man. Dementia? I am 39. You’re 60? LOL
tik tok tik tok

pay for the headstone now.

No, not 60. And I'm a software engineer for a top U.S. firm. I could easily afford to get an apartment in San Fran if I wanted. As it is, I own a home in an affluent area in Boca Raton.
Now the wittle babies .......IF we don't get our way in the Senate......we will not send it........

How da hell did these whiny fucks get into office.......LOL

Go put your nose in the corner Pelosi and come out when you are told to.......

Now the wittle babies .......IF we don't get our way in the Senate......we will not send it........

How da hell did these whiny fucks get into office.......LOL

Go put your nose in the corner Pelosi and come out when you are told to.......

I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades.
Keep telling yourself that old man. Dementia? I am 39. You’re 60? LOL
tik tok tik tok

pay for the headstone now.

No, not 60. And I'm a software engineer for a top U.S. firm. I could easily afford to get an apartment in San Fran if I wanted. As it is, I own a home in an affluent area in Boca Raton.

Its 20 degrees here so FU and your nice weather
I do not believe he cares as he is not a career politician. He likely sees it as a badge of honor as he lives to anger leftists like you and Pelosi.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades.
Keep telling yourself that old man. Dementia? I am 39. You’re 60? LOL
tik tok tik tok

pay for the headstone now.

No, not 60. And I'm a software engineer for a top U.S. firm. I could easily afford to get an apartment in San Fran if I wanted. As it is, I own a home in an affluent area in Boca Raton.

Interesting that as a "software engineer" you deal on a basic level with the need for accuracy. I'm sure you have heard of "Six Sigma".
So tell me if these events are linked.

This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said.
I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

Trump asked Ukraine to :
"I would like you to do US (by the way not ME as falsely reported) a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike..."
Regarding Biden....
President Trump:"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to fanout about that ...."Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it...
Read the Trump-Ukraine phone call readout

So Obama directly asked a favor so he could get re-elected.

Trump asked a favor to find out if corruption by the previous administration took place, i.e. the VP withholding $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was going after Biden's son's company.
Trump never linked withholding $391 million to Ukraine UNTIL Ukraine investigated Biden's son.
Biden and Obama withheld $1 billion until the prosecutor who was looking into Biden's son was fired. Totally linked. Biden bragged about it.

But this is the basis of the impeachment i.e. "Abuse of Power" of Trump.
"Abuse of Power"... Obama promising if Putin does something and Biden withholding $1 billion if Ukraine doesn't fire the prosecutor.

As a "software engineer" there is no evidence of "linkage" between Trump releasing $391 million and Ukraine doing an investigation is a fact.

As an apparent rational, thinking person, please provide the hard valid proof, i.e. any documents or any direct witnesses to show where Trump directly linked $391 million to doing an investigation of Joe Biden.

No guesses. Hard proof.
One need not be a career politician to not want to go down in history as an impeached president. Nobody wants that.

And until Pelosi sends the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Trump remains the only impeached president in U.S. history who wasn't acquitted.

I'm tempted to rent an apartment in her district just so I can vote for her next year.

So now you have ESP and speak for him? You cannot afford the apartment and you’re old so you won’t be around by then anyway. My condolences.

You poor thing, you're consumed with dementia. I could easily afford it and if I live as old as my parents, I'll be here for several more decades.
Keep telling yourself that old man. Dementia? I am 39. You’re 60? LOL
tik tok tik tok

pay for the headstone now.

No, not 60. And I'm a software engineer for a top U.S. firm. I could easily afford to get an apartment in San Fran if I wanted. As it is, I own a home in an affluent area in Boca Raton.

Interesting that as a "software engineer" you deal on a basic level with the need for accuracy. I'm sure you have heard of "Six Sigma".
So tell me if these events are linked.

This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said.
I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election

Trump asked Ukraine to :
"I would like you to do US (by the way not ME as falsely reported) a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike..."
Regarding Biden....
President Trump:"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to fanout about that ...."Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it...
Read the Trump-Ukraine phone call readout

So Obama directly asked a favor so he could get re-elected.

Trump asked a favor to find out if corruption by the previous administration took place, i.e. the VP withholding $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was going after Biden's son's company.
Trump never linked withholding $391 million to Ukraine UNTIL Ukraine investigated Biden's son.
Biden and Obama withheld $1 billion until the prosecutor who was looking into Biden's son was fired. Totally linked. Biden bragged about it.

But this is the basis of the impeachment i.e. "Abuse of Power" of Trump.
"Abuse of Power"... Obama promising if Putin does something and Biden withholding $1 billion if Ukraine doesn't fire the prosecutor.

As a "software engineer" there is no evidence of "linkage" between Trump releasing $391 million and Ukraine doing an investigation is a fact.

As an apparent rational, thinking person, please provide the hard valid proof, i.e. any documents or any direct witnesses to show where Trump directly linked $391 million to doing an investigation of Joe Biden.

No guesses. Hard proof.

You think Fawn is a black belt? NO F*CKING WAY!
There were two articles of impeachment:
Allegation of Abuse of Power and
Obstruction of Congress.
Exactly what is the Abuse of power?
Withholding $391 million to make sure it wasn't going to a corrupt Ukrainian government?
After all VP bragged about withholding nearly $1 billion from Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor who was investigating Biden's son.
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Now Obstruction of Congress...
Exactly what was the "Obstruction"?

bla bla bla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

too f'n late asshat - Goldilocks just took a spot on the A team.

So it was OK for Biden as a Democrat to withhold $1 Billion to fire the prosecutor going after his son...BUT there was no money
withheld by Trump asking not blackmailing Ukraine. But the hypocrisy is so obvious and that's why more and more "deplorables" like
us are evidently less gullible than people like you!
Stop lying. No prosecutor was going after Biden's son. :eusa_liar:
Well he couldn’t he was fired , why was the ambassador briefed on how to talk about hunter Biden if it came up?

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