When do we start talking about an illegal coo? Which is treasonous

Your definition included "illegal". One of the primary pieces of "evidence" was illegally created and then used as part of the "evidence".
So with that definition, i.e. 17 one sided inaccuracies used "illegally" are as follows:
Here Are the 17 Inaccuracies and Omissions in the FISA Report
For example one of the biased inaccuracies:
"Omitted Papadopoulos’s statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like WikiLeaks in the release of emails;"
Why wasn't his statement accepted into the FISA "evidence"? Biased. Illegal. It was illegal to not put as part of the "evidence"
So continue reading the 17 errors that were biased towards falsely accusing Trump, et.al. in working with the Russians directly!
Remember one of the FISA FBI agents
FBI Agent Who Worked for Peter Strzok Under Criminal Investigation for Altering FISA Document Against Carter Page
FBI Agent Who Worked for Peter Strzok Under Criminal Investigation for Altering FISA Document Against Carter Page - American Liberty Report
So the agent that worked for Strzok altered FISA and Strzok also wrote these texts to Lisa Page...
[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” the lawyer, Lisa Page, wrote to Strzok, according to The Post.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded, The Post says the IG report reveals. The text was sent in August 2016 only a few months before the presidential election, and after the FBI had started its investigation into Trump campaign aides, according to The Post.
Peter Strzok’s Texts & Emails to Lisa Page Revealed: READ | Heavy.com

So this by definition was a "coup", i.e. using illegal means to force illegal impeachment of Trump so as Strzok said:
We’ll stop it,

As soon as someone is arrested and charged in the "coo", get back to me

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.
Under what Statues.......hmmm.........specific crimes......not general ones......LOL
Why is this illegal let alone treasonous?
There is no coup. You should learn to use Englush properly.

Your unsupported and flat denial is noted. Of course, you are a self admitted liar, so your words hold no weight what so ever.
Nope, I am not a "self admitted liar." That would be yet another shiny example of your poor understanding of the English language again. Snd what do you think I'm not supporting? Your imaginary coup?

No, it is you, that does not understand that a defense of, "yes, but you side does it too" contains an admission.

YOu are a self admitted liar, and always will be.
Here's my exact quote, which is missing the word, "yes." You're literally lying by misquoting me in order to falsely claim I admitted I lied about something I never actually lied about. :lmao:


You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:

Nice the way you cut out the context, which was me accusing you personally of lying.

THus, your defense of, "yes, but both sides do that", is an admission of you lying.

You are a self admitted liar.

You're sooo fucked in the head, ya lying loser. Watch me expose you once again as the flaming cretin you are...

You assume I admitted to lying after you accused me of ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh because rather than deny I did, I opted to point out that both sides pull shit like that.

G'head, moron.... find one post where I ginned up bullshit about Kavanaugh. I'll even spot you the link to get ya started...

Click here to make an idiot of yourself
As soon as someone is arrested and charged in the "coo", get back to me

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.
Under what Statues.......hmmm.........specific crimes......not general ones......LOL
What the hell is a "coo"?

Are you talking about the sound a pigeon makes?

Or are you just a functioning illiterate?

Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.

It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

Your support of this anti-democratic action, makes you a bad person.
LMAO @ some dumbass tRumpling calling anyone else "anti-democratic".
What the hell is a "coo"?

Are you talking about the sound a pigeon makes?

Or are you just a functioning illiterate?

Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.

It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

You're confusing definitions. A coup is a takeover that occurs outside the context of the law. Impeachment is a legal process, not a coup. You might not agree with it, but that doesn't magically make it something else. Calling it something else anyway is just a lie.

If the process was launched with criminal abuses of power, that does make it a coup.
Well then, get your buddies and your guns and stop the coup....that's what the 2nd Amendment is for, I've been told.
Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.

It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

You're confusing definitions. A coup is a takeover that occurs outside the context of the law. Impeachment is a legal process, not a coup. You might not agree with it, but that doesn't magically make it something else. Calling it something else anyway is just a lie.

If the process was launched with criminal abuses of power, that does make it a coup.
Well then, get your buddies and your guns and stop the coup....that's what the 2nd Amendment is for, I've been told.

Impeachment is a coup. Immigration is an invasion. Terrorism is warfare. And everyone who refuses to tickle Trump's balls is a member of the "deep state".

I think Democrats are wrong about most things. But Republicans have lost their minds
Your definition included "illegal". One of the primary pieces of "evidence" was illegally created and then used as part of the "evidence".
So with that definition, i.e. 17 one sided inaccuracies used "illegally" are as follows:
Here Are the 17 Inaccuracies and Omissions in the FISA Report
For example one of the biased inaccuracies:
"Omitted Papadopoulos’s statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like WikiLeaks in the release of emails;"
Why wasn't his statement accepted into the FISA "evidence"? Biased. Illegal. It was illegal to not put as part of the "evidence"
So continue reading the 17 errors that were biased towards falsely accusing Trump, et.al. in working with the Russians directly!
Remember one of the FISA FBI agents
FBI Agent Who Worked for Peter Strzok Under Criminal Investigation for Altering FISA Document Against Carter Page
FBI Agent Who Worked for Peter Strzok Under Criminal Investigation for Altering FISA Document Against Carter Page - American Liberty Report
So the agent that worked for Strzok altered FISA and Strzok also wrote these texts to Lisa Page...
[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” the lawyer, Lisa Page, wrote to Strzok, according to The Post.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded, The Post says the IG report reveals. The text was sent in August 2016 only a few months before the presidential election, and after the FBI had started its investigation into Trump campaign aides, according to The Post.
Peter Strzok’s Texts & Emails to Lisa Page Revealed: READ | Heavy.com

So this by definition was a "coup", i.e. using illegal means to force illegal impeachment of Trump so as Strzok said:
We’ll stop it,

As soon as someone is arrested and charged in the "coo", get back to me

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Your unsupported and flat denial is noted. Of course, you are a self admitted liar, so your words hold no weight what so ever.
Nope, I am not a "self admitted liar." That would be yet another shiny example of your poor understanding of the English language again. Snd what do you think I'm not supporting? Your imaginary coup?

No, it is you, that does not understand that a defense of, "yes, but you side does it too" contains an admission.

YOu are a self admitted liar, and always will be.
Here's my exact quote, which is missing the word, "yes." You're literally lying by misquoting me in order to falsely claim I admitted I lied about something I never actually lied about. :lmao:


You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:

Nice the way you cut out the context, which was me accusing you personally of lying.

THus, your defense of, "yes, but both sides do that", is an admission of you lying.

You are a self admitted liar.

You're sooo fucked in the head, ya lying loser. Watch me expose you once again as the flaming cretin you are...

You assume I admitted to lying after you accused me of ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh because rather than deny I did, I opted to point out that both sides pull shit like that.

G'head, moron.... find one post where I ginned up bullshit about Kavanaugh. I'll even spot you the link to get ya started...

Click here to make an idiot of yourself

You had your chance to challenge me to support my accusation then.

Your defense instead was, "yes, but both sides do it".

I don't want to derail the thread by changing the subject to you.

It is just relevant to mention that your words are the words of a self admitted liar.

Now, as to the topic of the thread, you could try supporting your words with a supporting argument or logic, as your flat unsupported denial has no weight at all.

But we both know that you cannot do that, because the actions of the Dems are indeed, an attempt at a coup, and those behind it, should be arrested.

You would say or do anything to dodge addressing that.

Which is why your response will NOT address it, and will instead employ one of a surprisingly few choices of evasive tactics.
The FISA Court just kicked the Democrats' barricaded door - the one they have used to prevent attention from being placed on their coup attempt - down, making it clear that the criminal Left abused its power, committed crimes, violated the Constitution, and trampled America citizens' rights.

The FISA Court just set a deadline for the FBI to come before it and address their unprecedented, historic crimes.

The ability for the Dems and conspirators to lie, spin, ignore, & hide these crimes is GONE.

The FISA Court also made it clear that these criminals have endangered our national security, as the existence of and continued operation / use of the court is now in jeopardy.

The FISA Court just stomped flat any continued lies, spin, rejection of reality by Dems/snowflakes about who really abused their power, committed crimes, violated the Constitution, victimized the American people, and endangered our national security...

'nuff said.

Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.

It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

Your support of this anti-democratic action, makes you a bad person.
LMAO @ some dumbass tRumpling calling anyone else "anti-democratic".

Yep. We won a democratic election and you people immediately cried RESIST, like it was the end of the world.

Remember the panic mongers claiming that Trump would start a nuclear war or collapse the economy?

That what nothing but bullshit from your face anuses, and so is your denial that the coup is your side being anti-democratic.
What the hell is a "coo"? Are you talking about the sound a pigeon makes? Or are you just a functioning illiterate?
Good one...



Honest-to-God, some of these semi-literate Bumper Sticker Echo Chambers are soooo lame that they're frickkin' funny...

And I'm sure that Democrats are just a-shakin'-in-their-booties at the prospect of these clowns calling for en masse arrests...

Funny... but, simultaneously and eerily reminiscent of the Brown Shirt jingoism of a bygone era in Europe.
Excellent catch. You really got him on his poor spelling.

THat being said, the coup attempt he brought up, is a huge wound to our democracy.

Arrests are called for.

It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

You're confusing definitions. A coup is a takeover that occurs outside the context of the law. Impeachment is a legal process, not a coup. You might not agree with it, but that doesn't magically make it something else. Calling it something else anyway is just a lie.

If the process was launched with criminal abuses of power, that does make it a coup.
Well then, get your buddies and your guns and stop the coup....that's what the 2nd Amendment is for, I've been told.
It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

You're confusing definitions. A coup is a takeover that occurs outside the context of the law. Impeachment is a legal process, not a coup. You might not agree with it, but that doesn't magically make it something else. Calling it something else anyway is just a lie.

If the process was launched with criminal abuses of power, that does make it a coup.
Well then, get your buddies and your guns and stop the coup....that's what the 2nd Amendment is for, I've been told.

Impeachment is a coup. Immigration is an invasion. Terrorism is warfare. And everyone who refuses to tickle Trump's balls is a member of the "deep state".

I think Democrats are wrong about most things. But Republicans have lost their minds

The "impeachment" investigation was launched on investigation based on lies. It is an abuse of power by government officials who did not respect the outcome of the election.

Calling that a coup, is at WORST, an exaggeration.

Pretending that what it is being called is the problem instead of the illegal and anti-democratic actions of the Dems, is not reasonable.
Impeachment is a coup. Immigration is an invasion. Terrorism is warfare. And everyone who refuses to tickle Trump's balls is a member of the "deep state". I think Democrats are wrong about most things. But Republicans have lost their minds
The wings have been driven into a state of delirium.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd wonder if Russia or China are dumping something into our water.
ONE of the most disgusting spectacles I have seen from the Dems was watching IMPEACHED former Judge D-Am Hastings lecture America on how the President, not proven criminal Dems / conspirators (as confirmed now by the FISA Court itself), abused his power and jeopardized a national security, demanding Impeachment.

After the FISA Court's unprecedented rebuke of the traitors' confirmed FISA Court abuses, I hope Durham and Comey reak 'holy hell' in the Left through Indictments and prosecutions of everyone involved, to include Biden, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Baker, Clinesmith, and anyone else involved!
It is not poor spelling, it is far more than that.

As for a "coup"...

View attachment 295184

There has been nothing sudden, violent, or illegal and nothing seized.

1. a brilliant and successful stroke or action
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) short for coup d'état

Not sure I would call it "brilliant", but definitely an attempted coup.

Your support of this anti-democratic action, makes you a bad person.
LMAO @ some dumbass tRumpling calling anyone else "anti-democratic".

Yep. We won a democratic election and you people immediately cried RESIST, like it was the end of the world.

Remember the panic mongers claiming that Trump would start a nuclear war or collapse the economy?

That what nothing but bullshit from your face anuses, and so is your denial that the coup is your side being anti-democratic.
You didn't win shit.

Vladimir Putin and his troll farms did.
This is the most blatantly obvious coo orchestrated by Democrats and the media..

these people should face a trial! But first arrested and dragged to jail until trial!

Everybody is saying they been trying to impeach Trump since he was elected! That is and illegal coo!

As soon as someone is arrested and charged in the "coo", get back to me

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating overthrow of Government,
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government” could face charges.
And a former Obama administration official, Rosa Brooks—a law professor at Georgetown University who was the counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy and previously served as a senior advisor at the State Department—appeared to suggest that a coup attempt against Trump might be inevitable, but she stopped short of calling on officials to instigate a coup.
Brooks, in her piece for Foreign Policy, titled “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump Before 2020,” wrote: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
Advocating a 'Coup' Against Trump Is Against the Law
No one is advocating the overthrow of the government. Trump is just one member of the government. He's not the government.

And just like that, your entire diatribe crumbles.

If your side establishes that you will not respect elections, and thus, that my side, no longer has the option of peaceful change,

our current system of government is effectively over at that point.

And that will be on your heads.
You're truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:

Trump is getting impeached because he broke the law. He solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign by asking president Zelensky to investigate a political rival of his. That's illegal. Because of that, he's getting impeached for abuse of power, not because of any election. In fact, there's almost no chance he'll be removed from office, so it doesn't alter the 2016 election and he can still run again in 2020.

These actions began way before TRump did anything. The way a witch hunt works, is to make up some bullshit excuse for the actions you have already planned to take.

There was no suggestion of quid pro quo in Trump's discussion with the foreign national, and certainly nothing that a sane person could consider proof.

It is nothing but a thin rationalization for your coup. Which gets us back to the op.

Since this whole exercise is an illegal attempt at a coup, why are we not talking about charges for the traitors behind it?
Dumbfuck, the Articles of Impeachment are all about Trump and Ukraine and his blocking subpoenas during the impeachment process.

And again, it's not a coup. A coup is a sudden and violent overthrow of a government. Impeachment is a Constitutional response to a malfeasant president; it's neither violent nor overthrowing a government.

It's a pity your abuse of the English language represents you as an imbecile.
There’s nothing illegal or unconstitutional about what the Dems are doing with impeachment.

Stop the hyperventilating nonsense.
Nothing? How come it’s not bipartisan. What law was broke? Why have dems been talking about impeachment? You do understand the importance of having a president not being underminded during his administration? It has severe consequences and if you want to be hung continue
It’s not bipartisan bedside Republicans are sellouts. Trump abided his office. Impeachment is part of the constitutional process of checks and balances. The president is not immune from criticism. Nothing illegal about impeachment. It’s in the damn constitution.

Hung for what? Questioning the president?
In a illegal coo,, which is taken place.. let’s investigate.. are you ok with that?

Nah. Cult45 doesn't deserve shit. I'd rather see you perpetually triggered and whining. Carry on.
Nope, I am not a "self admitted liar." That would be yet another shiny example of your poor understanding of the English language again. Snd what do you think I'm not supporting? Your imaginary coup?

No, it is you, that does not understand that a defense of, "yes, but you side does it too" contains an admission.

YOu are a self admitted liar, and always will be.
Here's my exact quote, which is missing the word, "yes." You're literally lying by misquoting me in order to falsely claim I admitted I lied about something I never actually lied about. :lmao:


You're pretty fucking rightarded to not recognize both sides do that. :cuckoo:

Nice the way you cut out the context, which was me accusing you personally of lying.

THus, your defense of, "yes, but both sides do that", is an admission of you lying.

You are a self admitted liar.

You're sooo fucked in the head, ya lying loser. Watch me expose you once again as the flaming cretin you are...

You assume I admitted to lying after you accused me of ginning up bullshit about Kavanaugh because rather than deny I did, I opted to point out that both sides pull shit like that.

G'head, moron.... find one post where I ginned up bullshit about Kavanaugh. I'll even spot you the link to get ya started...

Click here to make an idiot of yourself

You had your chance to challenge me to support my accusation then.

Your defense instead was, "yes, but both sides do it".

I don't want to derail the thread by changing the subject to you.

It is just relevant to mention that your words are the words of a self admitted liar.

Now, as to the topic of the thread, you could try supporting your words with a supporting argument or logic, as your flat unsupported denial has no weight at all.

But we both know that you cannot do that, because the actions of the Dems are indeed, an attempt at a coup, and those behind it, should be arrested.

You would say or do anything to dodge addressing that.

Which is why your response will NOT address it, and will instead employ one of a surprisingly few choices of evasive tactics.

I'll accept that as a no, you can't find a single quote of me ginning up bullshit on Kavanaugh. And the reason you can't is because I didn't as I never believed Blasey-Ford's uncorroborated accusations and even said so at the time...
For one, because then they would have to start the whole process of nominating/confirming all over again and they want someone to take Kennedy’s seat before the election. For another, there’s no proof corroborating the accusations levied against Kavanaugh.

And you are not a very good source for verification as your inability to be objective led you astray, wrongly believing I probably believed Ford’s accusation of Kavanaugh.
... proving you falsely claimed I ginned up bullshit on Kavanaugh; and proving I didn't admit to lying.

And as far as this thread topic, you've already been smashed in the face with the reality that impeaching a president, who is but one member of the government, is not a sudden and violent overthrow of the government.

You only persist because you're too fucked in the head to know you lost this argument from the get go.

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