Zone1 When do you feel the 2nd Coming of Christ will be?

When will the 2nd Coming of Christ be?

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You hope.
What is the alternative? HOPELESSNESS? :dunno: I am surprised that some give up so easily in allowing the world and its god (Satan 2 Cor. 4:4) to dictate their future.

Hope is what Christianity is all about. Without hope, the Christ died in vain. The scriptures explain: There is hope within each of us (1 Peter 3:15) The Christian is always prepared to make a defense as for the reason that hope exists within.

It's hope that saves us. (Romans 8:23-25). Its hope that gets us through the trials and tribulations that are common to the human condition, hope brings us peace. (Romans 5:1-5).

The Word of God (the Holy Scriptures) was given to mankind to build hope as a foundation of our faith (Romans 15:4)....."Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17

Hope is established in the Word of God from the beginning. Father Abraham's hope was not in this world, but the world to come after this race called life is over, as God has prepared a place for the righteous in heaven. (Hebrews 11:8-16)

The WICKED MY DESPAIR......but the righteous have hope for better things. (Pr. 14:32)
What is the alternative? HOPELESSNESS? :dunno: I am surprised that some give up so easily in allowing the world and its god (Satan 2 Cor. 4:4) to dictate their future.

Hope is what Christianity is all about. Without hope, the Christ died in vain. The scriptures explain: There is hope within each of us (1 Peter 3:15) The Christian is always prepared to make a defense as for the reason that hope exists within.

It's hope that saves us. (Romans 8:23-25). Its hope that gets us through the trials and tribulations that are common to the human condition, hope brings us peace. (Romans 5:1-5).

The Word of God (the Holy Scriptures) was given to mankind to build hope as a foundation of our faith (Romans 15:4)....."Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Romans 10:17

Hope is established in the Word of God from the beginning. Father Abraham's hope was not in this world, but the world to come after this race called life is over, as God has prepared a place for the righteous in heaven. (Hebrews 11:8-16)

The WICKED MY DESPAIR......but the righteous have hope for better things. (Pr. 14:32)

Within the link you provided it self contradicts that position you are attempting to dicatate.....that Jesus will return to earth at His 2nd comming....which contradicts the scriptures. The return of the Christ: He will come back in the same method He ascended into heaven, in the clouds in the company of angels (Acts 1:1-9) The last time the apostles witnessed the Christ was when He ascended into heaven in the SKY.

He will return in the same manner. When Jesus Christ returns "New Jerusalem" will accompany Him, as coming down from heaven as a Spiritual Kingdom, not a physical kingdom.

"And I saw the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming out of heaven (not earth), prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband." -- Rev. 21:2

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive and remain will be shall be caught up together with them in the clouds (where will Jesus meet His bride...the church, on earth? the clouds, in the heavens); TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR AND SO SHALL WE ALWAYS BE WITH THE LORD." -- 1 Thess. 4:16-17

The Bride of Christ....aka, the church/kingdom of heaven........will be changed from a physical body to a spiritual the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor. 15:1-58) the physical has no place in heaven, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, (1 Cor. 15:50) Thus there will be no physical reign on earth......its not possible as the flesh can never inherent the kingdom of God.

At the return, after Jesus has defeated His last enemy......death. The kingdom will be returned to the Father who gave Him the kingdom (Matt. 16, 28-18-20, 1 Cor. 15:24)

There it is...........the truth as revealed by the actual Word of God. Question? If the quick and the dead meet Jesus in the sky.........and will remain with the Lord forever.........who will be on earth to rule over? No one. Because at this time.......When Hades (the resting place of the dead) gives up its dead..........its JUDGMENT DAY for everyone (Rev. 20)

Its impossible for the Christ to rule over New Jerusalem in heaven and physically rule on earth......if the Bride of Christ, the saved, the church will remain with the Lord forever.
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It's hope that saves us.

you hope ...

because the heavens will not intervene again and is left to humanity to fulfill their own destiny - as prescribed - to triumph over evil for their to be judgement and admission to the everlasting ... for everyone.

were there a satan, clyde best find them or someone and bring them to justice w/ the other crucifiers that rule the desert religions - fact not hope will rule the day.
you hope ...

because the heavens will not intervene again and is left to humanity to fulfill their own destiny - as prescribed - to triumph over evil for their to be judgement and admission to the everlasting ... for everyone.

were there a satan, clyde best find them or someone and bring them to justice w/ the other crucifiers that rule the desert religions - fact not hope will rule the

you hope ...

because the heavens will not intervene again and is left to humanity to fulfill their own destiny - as prescribed - to triumph over evil for their to be judgement and admission to the everlasting ... for everyone.

were there a satan, clyde best find them or someone and bring them to justice w/ the other crucifiers that rule the desert religions - fact not hope will rule the day.
Here comes the ad hominem TROLL again. LMAO. prefer hopelessness and will continue to serve the flesh and the god of this world? 2 Cor. 4:4
Really FACTS? Question: What will you do when the sun suddenly and without warning goes SUPER NOVA? Fact: you will do nothing, because you have no hope for the spirit that animates your flesh. You will simply burn as described in Rev. 20

Why don't you present THE FACTS that refute the Word of God? You cannot. What if you have your facts wrong? What price must you pay for your hubris if you are wrong? On the other hand, what do I have to lose if you are correct? I live a life dedicated to righteousness and honor......perhaps leaving the world a better place. I have lost nothing.
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Atheism is a word, genius,

More exact is "atheism" an English word with Latin roots. Words are placeholders which represent a human idea in a special cultural, historical and civilisatoric background.

and words have meaning.

Tsropf is for exampel a word without meaning (in sense of the German word "Bedeutung" but not in sense of the German word "Meinung" (opinion). Opinion and meaning have nothing in common in the German language. Same in English, I guess and hope).

Since you clearly remain 100% convinced that you alone get to define the meaning of words for everyone else,

Bullshit. If everyone understands totally different things with the same words than a common language makes no sense any longer.

it is clearly you alone who remain unable to distinguish knowledge from belief, reality from fantasy, fact from fiction.

I will never understand why people who never learned prefer to think others are idiots ... one moment ... just in the moemnt I understand why you do so: You have not any lousy idea what you try to speak about - but as long as you are able to defame you have the feeling you are on a good propagating way. Step 1: Try to convince everyone with nonsense. Step 2: If not possible to do so start to defame the person who is opposing this nonsense. Step 3: If this is not possible then isolate, arrest or kill this person. You are now in step 2 with your form of "convincing" extremist propaganda.
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The Day of the Lord in Zachariah is about the destruction of the temple and the period between 66-70 AD.
I guess everyone missed it when Jesus came down from heaven and set his foot upon the Mount of Olives and it split in half and created a great earthquake. Funny how everyone missed it.
Did it? His wording was correct. He stated it in the positive which is the correct way. You stated it as a negative which is the incorrect way. Atheists don't lack beliefs. They believe no God exists. That's a belief. That's not a lack of a belief.

We believe there's not enough evidence to affirm that there is a God. That's a lack of belief in God. Am I wearing a baseball cap now? If you respond " I don't know, I don't have enough information or evidence to justify a belief that you are wearing a baseball cap". You won't affirm or believe that I am wearing a baseball cap, hence you lack an affirmative belief in me wearing a baseball cap. That's a lack of belief in me wearing a baseball cap. You believe that there isn't enough information or evidence to warrant an affirmative belief that I am wearing a baseball cap. You lack a belief in me wearing a baseball cap, but you're not claiming that I'm not wearing a baseball cap, because you don't know. That's the equivalent of an agnostic atheist.

The agnostic-atheist (which is really what most atheists are, as opposed to being anti-theists), isn't saying there isn't a God/god, but rather lacks a belief in a God, because they believe there isn't enough evidence to warrant an affirmative belief in the existence of God. I'm not saying there isn't a God, I'm saying I don't know, hence I don't affirm or believe in the existence of a God. There might be one, but I just don't have enough information, to convince me that there is one.
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With all the immorality in the world and little respect for the sanctity of life I feel that the second coming of Christ is near but beware of false prophets.

People have been saying that for 2,000 years and will probably continue saying that for the next 5,000 years.
We believe there's not enough evidence to affirm that there is a God. That's a lack of belief in God. Am I wearing a baseball cap now? If you respond " I don't know, I don't have enough information or evidence to justify a belief that you are wearing a baseball cap". You won't affirm or believe that I am wearing a baseball cap, hence you lack an affirmative belief in me wearing a baseball cap. That's a lack of belief in me wearing a baseball cap. You believe that there isn't enough information or evidence to warrant an affirmative belief that I am wearing a baseball cap. You lack a belief in me wearing a baseball cap, but you're not claiming that I'm not wearing a baseball cap, because you don't know. That's the equivalent of an agnostic atheist.

The agnostic-atheist (which is really what most atheists are, as opposed to being anti-theists), isn't saying there isn't a God/god, but rather lacks a belief in a God, because they believe there isn't enough evidence to warrant an affirmative belief in the existence of God. I'm not saying there isn't a God, I'm saying I don't know, hence I don't affirm or believe in the existence of a God. There might be one, but I just don't have enough information, to convince me that there is one.
Agnostic atheism exists because even atheists can see how being an atheist is bad. But putting that aside, the vast majority of atheists who post here aren't agnostic about God in the slightest.

There's no direct evidence of dark matter or dark energy - which is no different than the evidence for the existence of God - but that doesn't keep atheists from believing in dark matter and dark energy.
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We believe there's not enough evidence to affirm that there is a God. That's a lack of belief in God.
I disagree that's a belief that God does not exist. There's no such thing as a lack of belief. You either believe God exists (theism), don't believe God exists (atheism) or don't know if God exists (agnosticism). Anything else is just railing against one's own choice.
Agnostic atheism exists because even atheists can see how being an atheist is bad. But putting that aside, the vast majority of atheists who post here aren't agnostic about God in the slightest.

But putting that aside, there's no direct evidence of dark matter or dark energy - which is no different than the evidence for the existence of God - but that doesn't keep atheists from believing in dark matter and dark energy.

Agnostic atheism is not an admission that atheism is "bad." Rather, it's a nuanced stance on the question of the existence of God. An agnostic atheist doesn't believe in a god or gods (atheism) but acknowledges that they don't know or cannot be certain if a god exists (agnosticism). It's about intellectual honesty and acknowledging the limitations of our knowledge.

  • Nature of Evidence
    : There is indirect evidence for dark matter and dark energy based on their gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe. These hypotheses have been developed to explain observed phenomena that cannot be accounted for by the standard model of cosmology. On the other hand, evidence for the existence of God is often anecdotal, personal, or philosophical, which doesn't have the same empirical grounding as the evidence for dark matter or dark energy.
  • Belief in Scientific Theories: Atheists, like anyone else, may accept scientific theories because they trust the methodological rigor of the scientific community. Science progresses through testable and falsifiable claims. If a better explanation for the phenomena currently explained by dark matter or dark energy comes up, the scientific community would be open to changing its stance. This adaptability based on evidence is a cornerstone of the scientific method.
  • Comparing Apples to Oranges: The existence of God is a metaphysical and philosophical question, while dark matter and dark energy are scientific hypotheses developed to explain specific physical phenomena. Comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges. They operate in different realms of inquiry and have different standards of evidence.
I should remind you that you are an atheist when it comes to most of the gods. Do you believe in the Muslim deity Allah or in Krishna? How about Apollo or Zeus? Thor?
I disagree that's a belief that God does not exist. There's no such thing as a lack of belief. You either believe God exists (theism), don't believe God exists (atheism) or don't know if God exists (agnosticism). Anything else is just railing against one's own choice.

If you don't know that God exists, does that imply you believe in God? You lack a belief in God. If you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap right now, does that mean you believe I'm wearing a baseball cap? No, you lack a belief, because you don't know. You're not going to affirm that I'm wearing a baseball cap if you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap. Agnostic atheism is "I don't know if there's a God, hence I lack a belief or affirmative conviction with respect to the existence of a God". There is both "I don't know" and "I don't believe". That's agnostic atheism. There is also anti-theism, which is a more aggressive form of atheism, which people like Christopher Hitchens held. Richard Dawkins, a well-known biologist, is an agnostic atheist. He admits, he doesn't know if there is or isn't a God, hence he doesn't affirm a belief in a God.
If you don't know that God exists, does that imply you believe in God? You lack a belief in God. If you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap right now, does that mean you believe I'm wearing a baseball cap? No, you lack a belief, because you don't know. You're not going to affirm that I'm wearing a baseball cap if you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap. Agnostic atheism is "I don't know if there's a God, hence I lack a belief or affirmative conviction with respect to the existence of a God". There is both "I don't know" and "I don't believe". That's agnostic atheism. There is also anti-theism, which is a more aggressive form of atheism, which people like Christopher Hitchens held. Richard Dawkins, a well-known biologist, is an agnostic atheist. He admits, he doesn't know if there is or isn't a God, hence he doesn't affirm a belief in a God.
You and I both know they've had all this thoroughly explained to them many times before to no avail. Thanks for the effort nonetheless.
Agnostic atheism is not an admission that atheism is "bad." Rather, it's a nuanced stance on the question of the existence of God. An agnostic atheist doesn't believe in a god or gods (atheism) but acknowledges that they don't know or cannot be certain if a god exists (agnosticism). It's about intellectual honesty and acknowledging the limitations of our knowledge.

  • Nature of Evidence
    : There is indirect evidence for dark matter and dark energy based on their gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe. These hypotheses have been developed to explain observed phenomena that cannot be accounted for by the standard model of cosmology. On the other hand, evidence for the existence of God is often anecdotal, personal, or philosophical, which doesn't have the same empirical grounding as the evidence for dark matter or dark energy.
  • Belief in Scientific Theories: Atheists, like anyone else, may accept scientific theories because they trust the methodological rigor of the scientific community. Science progresses through testable and falsifiable claims. If a better explanation for the phenomena currently explained by dark matter or dark energy comes up, the scientific community would be open to changing its stance. This adaptability based on evidence is a cornerstone of the scientific method.
  • Comparing Apples to Oranges: The existence of God is a metaphysical and philosophical question, while dark matter and dark energy are scientific hypotheses developed to explain specific physical phenomena. Comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges. They operate in different realms of inquiry and have different standards of evidence.
I should remind you that you are an atheist when it comes to most of the gods. Do you believe in the Muslim deity Allah or in Krishna? How about Apollo or Zeus? Thor?
I know all the arguments for different designations. They just don't sway me. Especially the one about multiple perceptions of God meaning anything other than what they are which are perceptions. It's pretty simple. You either believe in a higher power than man or you don't or you don't know. Anything other than that is an unnecessary shade of grey that is little more than a rationalization to hedge one's bets for any one of several reasons.
If you don't know that God exists
Let me stop you right there. I'm sure you had some really amazing points but they were all predicated on this statement. That's a pretty big leap from no direct evidence to not knowing. Like I said before there's no direct evidence for dark matter but we still know it's there because we can see its effects. Same for God.
If you don't know that God exists, does that imply you believe in God? You lack a belief in God. If you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap right now, does that mean you believe I'm wearing a baseball cap? No, you lack a belief, because you don't know. You're not going to affirm that I'm wearing a baseball cap if you don't know whether I'm wearing a baseball cap. Agnostic atheism is "I don't know if there's a God, hence I lack a belief or affirmative conviction with respect to the existence of a God". There is both "I don't know" and "I don't believe". That's agnostic atheism. There is also anti-theism, which is a more aggressive form of atheism, which people like Christopher Hitchens held. Richard Dawkins, a well-known biologist, is an agnostic atheist. He admits, he doesn't know if there is or isn't a God, hence he doesn't affirm a belief in a God.
Ok, getting back to your excellent points. This doesn't persuade me. You either believe a higher power than man exists, you believe a higher power than man doesn't exist or you don't know. It's like Neapolitan ice cream.
If you don't know that God exists, does that imply you believe in God?

how about something other than tunnel vision and the god story - such as belief in the heavens from whence evolved life on planet earth ... the metaphysical forces that do control the universe.
Ok, getting back to your excellent points. This doesn't persuade me. You either believe a higher power than man exists, you believe a higher power than man doesn't exist or you don't know. It's like Neapolitan ice cream.
From what you're asserting, a person can't lack a belief in God without being absolutely certain God doesn't exist, which is absurd. There might be a few atheists who claim to know, but they're being intellectually dishonest.

Going back to what I said earlier about me wearing a baseball cap while I'm sitting here in front of my PC. If you lack an affirmative belief or conviction that I'm wearing a baseball cap, that doesn't imply that you believe YOU KNOW I'm not wearing a baseball cap. You really don't know if I'm wearing a baseball cap, hence you don't believe that I'm wearing one. If I don't believe in a personal God, that doesn't imply that I believe I have absolute certainty or knowledge of whether such a God exists. I just haven't been presented with enough evidence to believe it.

I can say both "I don't know" and "I don't believe" with respect to God's existence, just as you can say the exact same thing about whether I'm wearing a baseball cap or not. You can say "I don't know if he's wearing a baseball cap" and " I don't affirm or am of the conviction/belief, that he's wearing a baseball cap". You may not appreciate or grasp this, but others do, hence remain in your willful ignorance if you wish.

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