Zone1 When do you feel the 2nd Coming of Christ will be?

When will the 2nd Coming of Christ be?

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  • He will never come again

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Fig trees bear two crops of figs a year.
Do they both come before summer? If so, then you would still expect when summer would come. If not you would still know when summer would come after the first crop. Not sure what point you are trying to make. Jesus is only saying that when you see certain signs, you know that summer is near. So too with his second coming.
Do they both come before summer? If so, then you would still expect when summer would come. If not you would still know when summer would come after the first crop. Not sure what point you are trying to make. Jesus is only saying that when you see certain signs, you know that summer is near. So too with his second coming.

The breva crop comes in the spring. The second crop comes in late summer.
Did it? His wording was correct. He stated it in the positive which is the correct way. You stated it as a negative which is the incorrect way.

Auguste Comte

Auguste Comte

On this date in 1798, Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism and generally considered the father of sociology, was born in Montpellier, France. A mathematical prodigy, he rejected belief in God by age 14. He gave a series of lectures on positive philosophy in 1826, which were eventually published. Positivism is defined as a theory stating that certain ("positive") knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic, is the source of much knowledge.
He married Caroline Massin in 1825. "The Course of Positive Philosophy" ("Cours de Philosophie Positive") was a series of texts he wrote between 1830 and 1842. The works were translated into English by Harriet Martineau and abridged to form The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, published in 1853. He was a close friend of John Stuart Mill.
In the 1840s he developed Religion de l'Humanité (Religion of Humanity) for positivists to fulfill the cohesive function once held by traditional worship. His ideas contributed to the rise of ethical culture societies and secular humanism. He died of stomach cancer in 1857.
"Daily experience shows that the ordinary morality of religious men is not, at present, in spite of our intellectual anarchy, superior to that of the average of those who have quitted the churches. The chief practical tendency of religious conviction is ... to inspire an instinctive and insurmountable hatred against all who have emancipated themselves, without any useful emulation having arisen from the conflict."
—"The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte" (1853)
"...Positivism is defined as a theory stating that certain ("positive") knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. Thus, information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic, is the source of much knowledge..."

Not exactly sure what you are trying to get at but the material world can only be made manifest by mind. Everything is information. Mind is the source or matrix of the material world. It's not the other way around. That's what the information derived from sensory experience, interpreted through reason and logic tells us.
The breva crop comes in the spring. The second crop comes in late summer.
The fig tree is one of the last trees to bud in the spring and so when it’s leaves are budding we know that summer is just around the corner! Jesus was simply saying; “when the fig tree buds you know that summer is near – likewise, when you see all these things happening, know that the end is near”.
The fig tree is one of the last trees to bud in the spring and so when it’s leaves are budding we know that summer is just around the corner! Jesus was simply saying; “when the fig tree buds you know that summer is near – likewise, when you see all these things happening, know that the end is near”.
Final answer?
When will Jesus return? When God decides to stop His longsuffering with humanity. (2 Peter 3:9) No one knows exactly when the Christ will return to collect His bride, the church...aka, the kingdom given to Him by the Father (Matthew 16, 28:18-20)

Jesus Himself declares that He will come for judgment, like a thief in the night (unexpected and suddenly).....and only the Father knows when that time will come, not Jesus, not angels in heaven. Jesus states that we must be prepared 24/7, living each day as if it were that DAY (Matthew 24:36-34).

Peter states the end will come like a thief in the night (2 Peter 3:10). When Jesus will be end of everything, the earth will be judged (the living and the dead), by the content of the books (Rev. 20:12-14), Jesus will meet His bride, the church in the sky without ever sitting foot on earth again, after the quick and the dead are judged, when Hades gives up its dead......the kingdom/church will be returned to the Father only after Jesus defeats the last enemy of mankind........DEATH ( 1 Thess. 4:17, 1 Cor. 15:1-58).

There will be no physical reign on earth when the Christ returns. It will be judgment day, and Christ's last enemy will be defeated (Death) and the kingdom returned to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24-26) Those who are judged unworthy will be cast into the Hell (lake of fire) reserved for Satan and his disciples (Rev. 20)
I don't when he will come but if he does they will crucify him worse than the first time.
I don't when he will come but if he does they will crucify him worse than the first time.
Jesus Christ will not sit foot on earth again...........He collects His bride (the church/the kingdom of God) at the last trump in the sky. (1 Thess 4:17)There will be no one on earth to crucify anyone (2 Peter 3:10)......there will be no earth, the church will occupy Spiritual Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) in heaven, serving God in fellowship for eternity.
Jesus Christ will not sit foot on earth again...........He collects His bride (the church/the kingdom of God) at the last trump in the sky. (1 Thess 4:17)There will be no one on earth to crucify anyone (2 Peter 3:10)......there will be no earth, the church will occupy Spiritual Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) in heaven, serving God in fellowship for eternity.
You hope.
Atheism is a lack of belief in a god/God,

No. Atheism is anything else than a lack of belief. It is the belief god not exists. And most atheists are 100% convinced they are right so they are not able to see the difference between knowledge and belief.

And by the way Red Front. I remember very well the sentence of one of the red front soldiers of Mao. He said a long time after the culture revolution in China when he described what they had done also this little sentence which I never forgot: "Then we let him do self-criticism until he died." Such things had happened in 20 up to 100 millions cases in China in those days.
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No. Atheism is anything else than a lack of belief. It is the belief god not exists. And most atheists are 100% convinced they are right so they are not able to see the difference between knowledge and belief.
Atheism is a word, genius, and words have meaning. Since you clearly remain 100% convinced that you alone get to define the meaning of words for everyone else, it is clearly you alone who remain unable to distinguish knowledge from belief, reality from fantasy, fact from fiction.
The literal definition of “atheist” is “a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods,” according to Merriam-Webster. And the vast majority of U.S. atheists fit this description: 81% say they do not believe in God or a higher power or in a spiritual force of any kind. (Overall, 10% of American adults share this view.) At the same time, roughly one-in-five self-described atheists (18%) say they do believe in some kind of higher power. None of the atheists we surveyed, however, say they believe in “God as described in the Bible.”


Like Americans, Europeans in many countries are more likely to say they do not believe in God than they are to identify as atheists, including two-thirds of Czechs and at least half of Swedish (60%), Belgian (54%) and Dutch adults (53%) who say they do not believe in God.


The vast majority of U.S. atheists say religion is not too or not at all important in their lives (93%) and that they seldom or never pray (97%). At the same time, many do not see a contradiction between atheism and pondering their place in the world. About a third of American atheists say they think about the meaning and purpose of life at least weekly (35%), and that they often feel a deep sense of spiritual peace and well-being (31%). In fact, the Religious Landscape Study shows that atheists are more likely than U.S. Christians to say they often feel a sense of wonder about the universe (54% vs. 45%).
Atheism is a word, genius, and words have meaning. Since you clearly remain 100% convinced that you alone get to define the meaning of words for everyone else, it is clearly you alone who remain unable to distinguish knowledge from belief, reality from fantasy, fact from fiction.
His original point was that atheism isn't a philosophy and that agnosticism is a philosophy. Which is correct. As for his definition of atheism, I'm not seeing a distinction between what he wrote and what you wrote. You are tilting at windmills Don Quixote.
Jesus Christ will not sit foot on earth again...........He collects His bride (the church/the kingdom of God) at the last trump in the sky. (1 Thess 4:17)There will be no one on earth to crucify anyone (2 Peter 3:10)......there will be no earth, the church will occupy Spiritual Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) in heaven, serving God in fellowship for eternity.

oh, and what that may have been ... who won, you presume to know. not involving the heavens (in the sky) for sure.
His original point was that atheism isn't a philosophy and that agnosticism is a philosophy. Which is correct.
Because you need only feel things and enjoy changing the subject.. I know.
As for his definition of atheism, I'm not seeing a distinction between what he wrote and what you wrote.
Because you are..
  1. Reliably unreasonable
  2. Just one person with an opinion
  3. Not a dictionary
  4. Nothing special
  5. A speck of dust in the grand scheme of things
  6. In need of new glasses for the past decade
  7. Evidence uninfringed
  8. A legend only in your own mind
  9. A belligerent poster or illogic on the internet
  10. Adorably ignorable
..Bubbye again.
  1. Reliably unreasonable
  2. Just one person with an opinion
  3. Not a dictionary
  4. Nothing special
  5. A speck of dust in the grand scheme of things
  6. In need of new glasses for the past decade
  7. Evidence uninfringed
  8. A legend only in your own mind
  9. A belligerent poster or illogic on the internet
  10. Adorably ignorable
You are just mad because I corrected you. This is your pride speaking.

But yes, there's nothing special about me. There's nothing special about any of us. You tend to see people as all bad or all good. Real people are way more complex than that.
Because you need only feel things
I'm the most objective poster on this board because I don't feel things and get emotional over them. If you want to see an emotional response look no further than the one where you attacked my character for no other reason than I disagreed with you.

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