Zone1 When do you feel the 2nd Coming of Christ will be?

When will the 2nd Coming of Christ be?

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Why do youb call my grandpa king David "Jecohiah" - whatever this could mean? David made some mistake but to call him "evil" is for the time of history in which he lived a little exaggerating. He loved it to sing and to dance for example.
Why can't you get your scriptures straight? Jesus' LEGAL LINEAGE (as the son of Joseph the carpenter) goes through Jechohiah, through a different son of David (ancestor) -- Matthew 1:12 Luke 1:32-33 Jecohiah: Also known as "Coniah".

Jecohiah is not king David.........he is an ancestor of king David. And He was EVIL/WICKED -- Jer. 22:24-30 So evil that God placed a curse upon his future descendants.............none would be allowed to sit on David's throne. Yet, Jesus' legal line goes through CONIAH/JECOHIAH (wink, wink).
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A thief in the night? And He still wants all His followers to have assault weapons?
Assault weapons? Like the "arms" Jesus commanded His disciples to equip themselves with, to the point that if they had no sword, He commanded them to sell their garments if necessary and purchase weapons? (Luke 22:35-36)

Jesus ordered His apostles to arm themselves. He had sent His disciples......first the 12 (Luke 9:1-6), then 70 (Luke 10:1-17) to preach the gospel. Each time He told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely on the generosity of those they would preach to, since they would be preaching to their own neighbors, their own countrymen (Matt. 10:5-6).

Right before His death He sent them on another campaign ....... to travel, to other far away strange nations (Matt. 28:18-20)

This time Jesus presented them with different instructions. He asked, "When I sent you without moneybag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything? So they said, Nothing. Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise, a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one." -- Luke 22:35-36

Jesus knew the trail he was sending them on was often occupied with thieves who preyed on travelers (Luke 10:30). He urged His disciples to prepare themselves for SELF DEFENSE. How do we know that the weapons was for self defense only, and not for aggression? He told them that 2 swords would be enough to protect the 12. (Luke 22:38)

According to Jesus, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (Home), his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Its clear that Peter was "pack'n" most of the time. Peter used his sword to remove the ear of "Malchus", the servant of the one of the high priests (Matt. 26:51, Luke 22:49-50) Jesus chastised Peter for the inappropriate use of his weapon, Jesus told Peter that He could call upon legions of angels for self defense if desired..........but, this was necessary to fulfill prophecy.

In fact one of the first Gentile converts to Christianity........10 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ.....was a Roman Soldier who commanded 100 soldiers, a centurion. (Acts 10).

There is a great deal of difference in someone slapping you in the face because of a disagreement.......and someone, with premeditation attempting to do you, your family or your property harm. You have every right to protect yourself in such circumstances. There is also a great deal of difference between seeking justice and self defense. When you seek justice, you are commanded to allow your government agents to protect you and punish the unjust (Romans 13:1-4).....up to and including the death penalty. But no Christian is to attempt to personally avenge an injustice, as vengeance is mine saith the Lord (Roman 12:19)

Jesus stated there is no greater love than to lay down your life in defense of another (John 15:13)
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And interesting idea which you bear here. But I fear it could also be a stillbirth. God is not only our father - god is also our mother. And also in any woman on our planet you will be able to find Jesus - and perhaps you do not see him with such a prejudice. I "fear" sex is not important for god - sex is only important for you now and not "for all eternity".
what could be a stillbirth? I believe that God has at least one wife in not more. I think upon marriage they became one flesh just as Adam and Eve and thus they are one God. So yes, I too believe that we have a mother God. I don't believe that God the Father is our mother. You can refer to my beliefs as a prejudice but would you consider your beliefs to be a prejudice? I believe sex is a very important part of our creation and that it will continue on in the eternities. I believe many of those worthy of the kingdom of heaven will continue to be married for time and all eternity and produce spirit children in the hereafter.
Exactly. But no one was thinking in racist systems. An adopted son was the same as a biological son. Also the Romans and the Germanics thought so. His "political line" had been the line of his father - his "spiritual line" had been the line of his mother - and his "existential line" had been god on his own.
Not sure why you would call it a racist system? All I was commenting on was that Jesus' biological heritage came down from the tribe of Judah from his mother and directly from God the Father who was of not tribe. Thus Jesus was not considered being born of the tribe of Joseph.
Aha! Nothing gets by you!

The same people who have the faith to throw their mind in the trash have usurped positions of authority to legislate their perverted views of the world and criminalize everyone who disagrees.

Without having a functional brain!

This is something that I just cannot abide.

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And again the question: What is your real problem? What do you really like to know from me or from any other believer in god? Nothing or less than nothing?
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Not sure why you would call it a racist system?

The racist people today - specially the people in the English speaking world - do not understand intuitively any longer how someone is able to be adopted and also to be the same like a biological descendent. Example: A German knight in the middle ages who attacked a pagan village had the duty to adopt a child of his enemies who he had killed. So it was able to happen that a biological child of his enemies became his own heir and a descendant of the house of his own noble ancestors.

All I was commenting on was that Jesus' biological heritage came down from the tribe of Judah from his mother and directly from God the Father who was of not tribe. Thus Jesus was not considered being born of the tribe of Joseph.

As far as I remember I did not say you are wrong. The "biological" father from Jesus was the "spirit" of god. I made it just simple a little more simple to understand what this means in a concrete context. I used here the analogy "Joseph" = "political line", "Mary" = "spiritual line" and "god" = "existential line"; better is "essential line" for god because we believe 'only' in god. We do not really know whether god exists or not exists, when I ignore the proof of god from Kurt Gödel, which I am not able to understand on my own.

By the way: It will seldom happen that I repeat what I said about god. Indeed I am not able to say anything about god. I am per se an agnostics.
what could be a stillbirth?

A child who is born dead. An aborted child. Did I use the wrong word? ... What I liked to say: Your idea in this context is perhaps only a dead idea.

I believe that God has at least one wife in not more.


I think upon marriage they became one flesh just as Adam and Eve and thus they are one God.

God gave his breath to Adam and made Eve from his breath-bone (=rib) so Adam and Eve are the same breath, the same life, the same spirit of god.

By the way: I hate theology. More simple rule: A man never - under no circumstances - should beat a woman. A man who is doing so is no man. And when a man is a step over this level then perhaps discussions about theology in sophisticated ways are possible.

So yes, I too believe that we have a mother God. I don't believe that God the Father is our mother.

Weird- very weird. It exists onyl one god so god is father and mother. When Hildegard von Bingen said once "God is also our mother" then this was surprising because never anyone before who was known thought about this possibility. And then everyone said "You are right , Hildegard, sure is god also our mother".

If you don't know: "Abess" means also father. And "abbot" and "abbess" are absolutelly the same. Nevertheless we call an abbess "mother" and an abbot "father".

You can refer to my beliefs as a prejudice but would you consider your beliefs to be a prejudice? I believe sex is a very important part of our creation and that it will continue on in the eternities. I believe many of those worthy of the kingdom of heaven will continue to be married for time and all eternity and produce spirit children in the hereafter.

I do not think every form of belief is true only because I like to be a nice tolerant guy. I'm for example also not happy about a formula like "god is not male and not female but god". God is your father, god is your mother. Speak with him, speak with her. This will help to be tolerant without to lose the contact to the realities of life.
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🤔 No! Everything is proceeding as planned. ...

Okay. When we will kill this planet then I will send you to explain god how this had happened and that this is his fault, because I will for sure not say to our Lord "Sorry boss, we killed your living creation!". I will not ask for sorry in this case - I will silently and sad go to hell on my own free will.
Assault weapons? Like the "arms" Jesus commanded His disciples to equip themselves with, to the point that if they had no sword, He commanded them to sell their garments if necessary and purchase weapons? (Luke 22:35-36)

Jesus ordered His apostles to arm themselves. He had sent His disciples......first the 12 (Luke 9:1-6), then 70 (Luke 10:1-17) to preach the gospel. Each time He told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely on the generosity of those they would preach to, since they would be preaching to their own neighbors, their own countrymen (Matt. 10:5-6).

Right before His death He sent them on another campaign ....... to travel, to other far away strange nations (Matt. 28:18-20)

This time Jesus presented them with different instructions. He asked, "When I sent you without moneybag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything? So they said, Nothing. Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise, a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one." -- Luke 22:35-36

Jesus knew the trail he was sending them on was often occupied with thieves who preyed on travelers (Luke 10:30). He urged His disciples to prepare themselves for SELF DEFENSE. How do we know that the weapons was for self defense only, and not for aggression? He told them that 2 swords would be enough to protect the 12. (Luke 22:38)

According to Jesus, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace (Home), his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Its clear that Peter was "pack'n" most of the time. Peter used his sword to remove the ear of "Malchus", the servant of the one of the high priests (Matt. 26:51, Luke 22:49-50) Jesus chastised Peter for the inappropriate use of his weapon, Jesus told Peter that He could call upon legions of angels for self defense if desired..........but, this was necessary to fulfill prophecy.

In fact one of the first Gentile converts to Christianity........10 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ.....was a Roman Soldier who commanded 100 soldiers, a centurion. (Acts 10).

There is a great deal of difference in someone slapping you in the face because of a disagreement.......and someone, with premeditation attempting to do you, your family or your property harm. You have every right to protect yourself in such circumstances. There is also a great deal of difference between seeking justice and self defense. When you seek justice, you are commanded to allow your government agents to protect you and punish the unjust (Romans 13:1-4).....up to and including the death penalty. But no Christian is to attempt to personally avenge an injustice, as vengeance is mine saith the Lord (Roman 12:19)

Jesus stated there is no greater love than to lay down your life in defense of another (John 15:13)
Have you read a scholarly commentary on self-defense in the NT? Can you recommend a book on self-defense from a Christian, biblical perspective?
Red Front

I am an agnostics who believes in god. I never understood why today most people seem to think an agnostic has not to believe in god. As well to believe in god and the belief god not exists are beliefs. Also atheism is 'only' a belief, a kind of religion with more or less brainwashing sects. Nothing prefers the belief in atheism. And the "compromise" god exists and not exists (the same time) could be indeed true - but it helps no one nothing at all, because this is in our two component logic "true vs false" a contradiction and so everything is true for the believers in this contradiction - what's in our world here nothing else than only a nihilistic absurdity.
True, we don't know the day or the hour, but Jesus taught the parable of the fig tree.

Matthew 24:32-33
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

If we watch for the signs of the times, we can know when the time is very near.

Fig trees bear two crops of figs a year.
Red Front

I am an agnostics who believes in god. I never understood why today most people seem to think an agnostic has not to believe in god. As well to believe in god and the belief god not exists are beliefs. Also atheism is 'only' a belief, a kind of religion with more or less brainwashing sects. Nothing prefers the belief in atheism. And the "compromise" god exists and not exists (the same time) could be indeed true - but it helps no one nothing at all, because this is in our two component logic "true vs false" a contradiction and so everything is true for the believers in this contradiction - what's in our world here nothing else than only a nihilistic absurdity.
agnosticism or atheism isn't a belief, it's a lack of belief or any affirmative conviction with respect to God's existence. That's not a belief in God.
agnosticism or atheism isn't a belief,

Atheism is a belief. Agnosticism is a philosophy. An agnostics accepts the own recognition (in sense of the German word "Erkenntnis") not to be able to know whether god exists or not exists.

it's a lack of belief

Agnosticism is no belief at all but the philosophical insight [still] not to be able to solve the problem whether god exists or not exists (or both). What to do with this knowledge or how to interpret this is a totally other thing. I am for example an agnostics who believes in god. Very most Christians who believe in god are agnostics - whether they call this so or not. But on a mysterious reason today the word "agnosticism" is often used instead of the word "atheism".

or any affirmative conviction with respect to God's existence. That's not a belief in God.

Atheism is nothing else than a belief. It's "only" the spiritual belief not to believe in spirituality. And like all other forms of religions atheism also has to live with contradictions, paradoxes, absurde sects and murderous attitudes. Also atheists are human beings. Atheism is no way to switch into a position where recognition is independent from humanity - in all good and bad forms of humanity.

Also atheistic scientists for example have to believe in a common truth between all sciences - otherwise to do science makes not any sense. Science believes in one common truth and not in many truthes depending on different perceptions and positions. To believe in one common truth which connects all people with each other is a form of belief in god.

One of the worst mistakes today is to think human beings are god on their own ("supermen" in sense of Nietzsche) and manipulations of the human languages bear a "new" truth. Nothing bears a new truth. Truth was always what it is. We do not make it. We recognize - if we are lucky - what's wrong. And as long as something is "definetelly" not wrong it's true. But this "definition" is not man made. It's universe-made for scientists. And Christians believe in very most cases the universe is made from god - out of nothing. This belief is not essential for Christians - we just simple found not a better "solution" or plausibility in the last 1600-1700 years. But somehow this belief seems to frustrate a lot of not-Christians.
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Atheism is nothing else than a belief. It's "only" the spiritual belief not to believe in spirituality.
You "only" believe you are a dictionary. Alas, you are not.


  1. a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

But I have learned and do believe you'll just keep spewing your unsupportable nonsense and never learn until the cows come home.

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