Zone1 When do you feel the 2nd Coming of Christ will be?

When will the 2nd Coming of Christ be?

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Has to come a first time.

However offspring of deities are not uncommon in most all religious mythologies.
No one knows. He will come like a thief in the night, remember?
Everyone will know after the fact, when satan discovers that all of his possessions are missing, his minions have become inept, his pastures are ravaged, and the predator has become the prey.

Hunting season has now begun! Jeremiah 16:16 Watch for the attack of the killer sheep! Baa!

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Feelings of when the end of everything is imminent are of course linked with hopelessness and depression.

So feelings aren't exactly relevant...up to a point.

Eschatological studies are extremely confusing because usually it's done by depressed people instead of those with talent for hermeneutics. And it's a form of a "Final Exam " for knowing and understanding ALL the scriptures.

Since most people parrot those who peddle the scriptures for profit, people really don't know scriptures well...and the few who do aren't telling. Just like things were when Jesus came as a baby.

Technically, Jesus has license to come at any moment...but I don't think He will just yet. Soon is the best time I can say...I know that it's rather vague. But I'm not exactly qualified to speak for God. Who is?
This is something I have noticed is common among all End of the World doomsayers. They are generally unhappy to be alive and angry at the world.

They always imagine themselves on some special perch as they get to observe the rest of humanity getting what they feel it deserves.

It's a really sick, twisted mindset.
Today - if not today then tomorrow.
What if it was yesterday or years ago? If you are still waiting maybe he already came and went without you. If you were left behind because you are clinging to iniquitous arcane superstitious lore you wouldn't have noticed anything even if you are dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.

I think if he comes again we will crucify him

Just like last time

Which last time? When did the world stop to crucify god?

What if it was yesterday or years ago? If you are still waiting maybe he already came and went without you. If you were left behind because you are clinging to iniquitous arcane superstitious lore you wouldn't have noticed anything even if you are dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.

I'm sure he will come today - if not today then tomorrow. And if you like to know something about real history and not only something about your own prejudices in context history then ask me and I will help you to find out what's fake and what's real.
Christ's resurrected body was male. He will remain a male for all eternity to come.

And interesting idea which you bear here. But I fear it could also be a stillbirth. God is not only our father - god is also our mother. And also in any woman on our planet you will be able to find Jesus - and perhaps you do not see him with such a prejudice. I "fear" sex is not important for god - sex is only important for you now and not "for all eternity".
I'm sure he will come today - if not today then tomorrow. And if you like to know something about real history and not only something about your own prejudices in context history then ask me and I will help you to find out what's fake and what's real.

Great! Thank you. I just don't seem to have what it takes to throw my mind in the trash and pretend to believe that God became a Jewish man who was crucified for "us" whoever 'us' is.

Woe is me!

Help me! help me! help me! What should I do? Throw some spare change at a priest? Defy divine law and worship a first century Jewish rabble rouser? Should I eat Jesus? What? I am lost. Help!

Pretty please?
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2000 years ago
They wrote a book about it

I read the book and never found anything to support the perverted belief that God was crucified.

In fact the entire Bible teaches that God has never been and will never become a human being.

Whats up with that?
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2000 years ago
They wrote a book about it

Today "they" - and/or "we" - write a reality about it.

... For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ ...

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Great! Thank you. I just don't seem to have what it takes to throw my mind in the trash and pretend to believe that God became a Jewish man who was crucified for "us" whoever 'us' is.

Woe is me!

Help me! help me! help me! What should I do? Throw some spare change at a priest? Defy divine law and worship a first century Jewish rabble rouser? Should I eat Jesus? What? I am lost. Help!

Pretty please?

You sound stupid now. What's your real problem?

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You sound stupid now. What's your real problem?
Aha! Nothing gets by you!

The same people who have the faith to throw their mind in the trash have usurped positions of authority to legislate their perverted views of the world and criminalize everyone who disagrees.

Without having a functional brain!

This is something that I just cannot abide.

Who needs “a second coming” of Jesus Christ?
Who would even notice him? Who really wants … that?

What most Americans want … is cheap gasoline!

For most MAGA types the only important thing is a “second coming” of … Donald Trump!

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What if the powers that be (or were) covered up the event?
I heard that at the resurrection the "Dead in Christ" will be the first to rise when he comes.

The "Dead in Christ" rising from their tombs and graves would be impossible to cover up since those who would be doing the covering up are the sanctimonious and perverse "Dead in Christ".

All of those zombies suddenly being restored to a right mind would be impossible to not notice.

If you see a Pope going to countries around the world on his knees begging for forgiveness you should conclude that something must be going on. Wait a minute! That happened decades ago!

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... Jesus legal lineage goes directly through that evil King Jecohiah (Luke 1:32-33)

Why do youb call my grandpa king David "Jecohiah" - whatever this could mean? David made some mistake but to call him "evil" is for the time of history in which he lived a little exaggerating. He loved it to sing and to dance for example.
... Jesus wasn't a descendent of Joseph but of God the Eternal Father in Heaven and Mary.

Exactly. But no one was thinking in racist systems. An adopted son was the same as a biological son. Also the Romans and the Germanics thought so. His "political line" had been the line of his father - his "spiritual line" had been the line of his mother - and his "existential line" had been god on his own.
It was a sacrifice, just like you make your own sacrifices for the beings you have created.

Before my kids were born, I knew they would not be perfect. I knew they would make mistakes. I created them anyway.

And when they do make mistakes, it does not change how I feel about them one bit. And sometimes I make sacrifices to reach across the gulf that opens between us to bring them back to me and to let them know I still love them.

That's what Jesus' sacrifice was. An atonement for all the sins of mankind.

I am not happy about the necessary sacrifices I have to make, but I am very happy when my children come back to me.

How is that love? Do you have to whip yourself, walk on burning coals, or kill yourself to forgive your children? Christians like you have misinterpreted the true meaning of the cross.

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