Zone1 When do you feel the 2nd Coming of Christ will be?

When will the 2nd Coming of Christ be?

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  • after 500 years

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  • He will never come again

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You have not yet synthesized your observations of the text into any cohesive summary. Nor have you refuted me yet.

Why do you keep arguing? You're not accomplishing anything.
Maybe our disconnect is the because I have no intention of proving u wrong and the reason I persist in my point is that I see us both on the same side.

From what I gather, you still see our convo as a contest, and you seem to perceive that you can prove me wrong and prove that you are right. In contrast, I see that I am right not because you're wrong, but rather I see that I am right because I see you as being right. I see that we have a common cause that we can join to work in and I may be wrong in that you only want to disagree w/ anything I say. Hey, I'm a grown up & I'm aware that there are hundreds of millions of people who would prefer to disagree w/ me, and the world is good because God is good.

If it's true that you want to feel you're right w/ me wrong then I couldn't stop u even if I wanted to. Please let me know when ur interested in us both being right.
Recently, I have pointed out three different instances of prophetic fulfillment: the gospel being preached in the world, the abomination of desolation, and building of the new temple.

All the details of the Olivet Discourse have been fulfilled. If history doesn't confirm these details, the Bible does.
Feelings of when the end of everything is imminent are of course linked with hopelessness and depression.

So feelings aren't exactly relevant...up to a point.

Eschatological studies are extremely confusing because usually it's done by depressed people instead of those with talent for hermeneutics. And it's a form of a "Final Exam " for knowing and understanding ALL the scriptures.

Since most people parrot those who peddle the scriptures for profit, people really don't know scriptures well...and the few who do aren't telling. Just like things were when Jesus came as a baby.

Technically, Jesus has license to come at any moment...but I don't think He will just yet. Soon is the best time I can say...I know that it's rather vague. But I'm not exactly qualified to speak for God. Who is?
Jesus said he would come within a generation to judge Judea. Well, Judea was destroyed some 40 years after Jesus said that. That would have been when he came to judge it.

He certainly isn't coming in the future to judge it; it's no longer here.

It's all in the text.

The problem isn't emotions. The problem is that we read the text from the wrong point of view.
Wondering when others think the 2nd coming of Christ will be. Let me know your thoughts.

Maybe God kind of re-thought the whole "wipe most of those bastards out again" routine.

We're a mess ... But we are a lovable mess.
With enough time ... We can wipe ourselves out and destroy things.


Maybe God kind of re-thought the whole "wipe most of those bastards out again" routine.

We're a mess ... But we are a lovable mess.
With enough time ... We can wipe ourselves out and destroy things.

🤔 No! Everything is proceeding as planned. Jesus said in the Last Days (of this Age of Man), we would be just like the time of Noah.

As for us being a "lovable mess," It is written, God was grieved in His heart that He had made Man.

That doesn't sound like He shares you view.

And God doesn't destroy us. Jesus said He is returning to SAVE US FROM DESTROYING OURSELVES.

Man has had 6,000 years to go it alone without God. "We" chose that in the Garden of Eden and God respected that.

Now the Millennial Sabbath Rest is almost here.
It will begin with His return along with the RESURRECTED SAINTS.

They will land on the Mount of Olives, and destroy the armies that will gather in the region, and establish the Kingdom of God headquarters in Jerusalem.

The time is almost here when failed Man will be ruled over by GOD BEINGS. That is the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of the coming Kingdom of God.
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🤔 No! Everything is proceeding as planned. Jesus said in the Last Days (of this Age of Man), we would be just like the time of Noah.

As for us being a "lovable mess," It is written, God was grieved in His heart that He had made Man.

That doesn't sound like He shares you view.

And God doesn't destroy us. Jesus said He is returning to SAVE US FROM DESTROYING OURSELVES.

Man has had 6,000 years to go it alone without God. "We" chose that in the Garden of Eden and God respected that.

Now the Millennial Sabbath Rest is almost here.
It will begin with His return along with the RESURRECTED SAINTS.

They will land on the Mount of Olives, and destroy the armies that will gather in the region, and establish the Kingdom of God headquarters in Jerusalem.

The time is almost here when failed Man will be ruled over by GOD BEINGS. That is the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of the coming Kingdom of God.

Umm ... Okay ... But that's not what's in the memo yesterday ... What's the date on yours?

🤔 No! Everything is proceeding as planned. Jesus said in the Last Days (of this Age of Man), we would be just like the time of Noah.

As for us being a "lovable mess," It is written, God was grieved in His heart that He had made Man.

That doesn't sound like He shares you view.

And God doesn't destroy us. Jesus said He is returning to SAVE US FROM DESTROYING OURSELVES.

Man has had 6,000 years to go it alone without God. "We" chose that in the Garden of Eden and God respected that.

Now the Millennial Sabbath Rest is almost here.
It will begin with His return along with the RESURRECTED SAINTS.

They will land on the Mount of Olives, and destroy the armies that will gather in the region, and establish the Kingdom of God headquarters in Jerusalem.

The time is almost here when failed Man will be ruled over by GOD BEINGS. That is the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of the coming Kingdom of God.

the quest begun by a&e for their own self determination as free spirits in paradise would have concluded with the death of noah as that would have been the last vestige of good (humanity) on earth - the heavens intervened to grant mankind a second chance.

the conclusion of the parable will have only one persuasion remaining if that is evil all on planet earth will perish - their will be no one to save remaining.

the parable is for humanity not the individual.
The days are coming when you will PRAY there is a God who will come and save Mankind. You just haven't hit rock bottom yet -- yet.

When I pray to God and listen to Him ... I only ask for Strength and Wisdom ... You should try it.
I am not really worried about what happens to Mankind ... Or hitting rock bottom ... I just follow His guidance.

If He is telling you to do something else ... I don't need to argue with you or God about it ... I am not God.

What if Jesus comes back as a Homosexual?
He does dress like one!


My pronouns are thee and thou
One has nothing to do with the other

God chooses prophets. That doesn't make prophets God.

Yes, president Trump was chosen.
Trump was chosen to build gambling houses?

:Trump was chosen to steal from cancer kids?

Trump was chosen to defraud the elderly?

Trump was chosen to run a contest of the flesh and bust into the contestants dressing rooms to catch them naked?

Trump was chosen to host a game show?

Trump was chosen to cheat on three wives?

Trump was chosen to sleep with porn stars and Playboy bunnies while married?

Trump was chosen to grab pussies?
So God was HAPPY that we tortured and executed his son?
It was a sacrifice, just like you make your own sacrifices for the beings you have created.

Before my kids were born, I knew they would not be perfect. I knew they would make mistakes. I created them anyway.

And when they do make mistakes, it does not change how I feel about them one bit. And sometimes I make sacrifices to reach across the gulf that opens between us to bring them back to me and to let them know I still love them.

That's what Jesus' sacrifice was. An atonement for all the sins of mankind.

I am not happy about the necessary sacrifices I have to make, but I am very happy when my children come back to me.
You're the only one comparing Trump to Jesus. You're also the only one who can't accept that people CHANGE. Christ forgives. Liberals use it as a weapon. Liberals are scum
Trump has not changed, and never will.

To receive forgiveness, you have to be penitent.

Also, whenever I hear hypocrites talking about Trump being forgiven, I like to remind them I have never ONCE heard them talk about forgiving the Democrats or the Clintons.

So...nigga, please!
Why do libs always think we don't know Jesus was swarthy--or that we care? We don't care. That's first.

He was not "left wing". Left wing says use a big, bloated, over stuffed federal govt as a means of supporting the population. Jesus never advocated that. He said YOU do it. From YOUR resources. Definitely not leftist.

Last, Jesus was a terrible SJW. Not nearly judgmental enough.
Blue Jesus: I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Magdalene...

Red Jesus: I have a wide stance!

Blue Jesus: We have to pass the Law so we can find out what's in it.

Red Jesus: I will not heal you, blind man, until you show me some ID.

Blue Jesus: I have a pen and a direct phone line to my Father, and I am not afraid to use them.

Red Jesus: Muslims suck, and I'm pretty sure Doubting Thomas is a fag!

Blue Jesus: I invented cocaine as a way of telling you that you make too much money.

Red Jesus: Look at these hands! Look at these feet! I know more than anyone what torture is, and waterboarding is not torture.

Blue Jesus wears a WWBD (What Would Biden Do?) bracelet.

Red Jesus: And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed." But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Moral of the story: Red Jesus would support building a wall to keep out aliens so they don't suck up holy resources.

Blue Jesus: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

Moral of the story: Blue Jesus hates profit, and believes health care should be free.

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