Zone1 When Do You Think Jesus Will Return?

That's not what the Word of God declares.......Jesus was crowned as King of the Kingdom of God on the day of Pentecost.......following His ascension into heaven among the clouds accompained by angels from heaven. (Act 1:9-11)

As detailed by the Apostle Peter while speaking on the day of Pentecost. "But Peter standing up among the 11 (other apostles) litfed up his voice, and said unto them (the crowd he was addressing) men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and harken my words........" Act 2 (vs.14)

Peter goes on to declare that Jesus is now sitting on the throne of David as promised in prophecy (vs. 30)

Peter makes it clear.........Jesus Christ was appointed by God as King of His Kingdom on that day in the 1st century and is now sitting on the right hand of the Father in Heaven on David's Lord (Judeo Christian God) and Christ (Savior of Prohecy). -- (vs.36) and on that day over 3000 souls was allowed entrance into that kingdom (vs.41) by accepting the keys to the kingdom that Peter was given by the Christ (Matthew 16).........the keys to the kingdom are as explained, "Repent and be batpized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin........." (vs. 38) Jesus promised Peter, "And I (Jesus) will give to you (Peter) the keys to the kingdom of Heaven..........and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt. 16:19)......thus, Peter's words are now bound on earth and in heaven.............Repent and be batpized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin......

Again it must be pointed out that the Kingdom of God ....i.e., the church that Christ build as the chief cornerstone (Matthew 16).....WILL NOT COME WITH OBSERVATION. (Luke 17:20-21) are claiming your cult witnessed the kingdom come in 1914? :no_text11:


If you read revelation, Armageddon comes to earth prior to the 1000 year reign, its been almost 2000 years, yet Armageddon has not come yet--You are in error.
Jesus said--Those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom, you post 2 lines, Jesus says his Fathers will is this--Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--he meant it=OT-NT learned and applied. It takes years of study.
The real cult to those actually know God= A house divided(34,000 trinity religions) will not stand--pretty simple.
We may be having a language problem here. The word "controversy" is usually defined thus--



  1. A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views.
  2. The act or practice of engaging in such disputes.
  3. Disputation; debate; agitation of contrary opinions; a formal or prolonged debate; dispute.

You said that "Revelation is a letter to the 7 churches and says it will be soon... Within a generation." OK, so maybe somewhere in Revelation is something that "suggests" what u said, but your exact words aren't in any translation that I've been able to find. Hey, I'm not disagreeing w/ u, I'm pointing out that there are a lot of folks who don't agree w/ what u said and that's what most people would call 'controversy'.


Read the first 5 verses of revelation. John says, "from your brother in tribulation".
If you read revelation, Armageddon comes to earth prior to the 1000 year reign, its been almost 2000 years, yet Armageddon has not come yet--You are in error.
Jesus said--Those living now to do his Fathers will get to enter his kingdom, you post 2 lines, Jesus says his Fathers will is this--Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--he meant it=OT-NT learned and applied. It takes years of study.
The real cult to those actually know God= A house divided(34,000 trinity religions) will not stand--pretty simple.

Armageddon isn't mentioned in revelation. Rev 16 is about har Megiddo but there's no mountain.
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We may be having a language problem here. The word "controversy" is usually defined thus--




  1. A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views.
  2. The act or practice of engaging in such disputes.
  3. Disputation; debate; agitation of contrary opinions; a formal or prolonged debate; dispute.

You said that "Revelation is a letter to the 7 churches and says it will be soon... Within a generation." OK, so maybe somewhere in Revelation is something that "suggests" what u said, but your exact words aren't in any translation that I've been able to find. Hey, I'm not disagreeing w/ u, I'm pointing out that there are a lot of folks who don't agree w/ what u said and that's what most people would call 'controversy'.

She is a full preterist, which is overwhelmingly considered a heresy.

She also agrees with anti-christians and atheists on this site most of the time, and thumbs up their posts, while thumbing down posts of bible-believing Christians. She has also used a known satanist as a source before, while at the same time dismissing respected biblical scholars as a source. Just FYI.
She is a full preterist, which is overwhelmingly considered a heresy.

She also agrees with anti-christians and atheists on this site most of the time, and thumbs up their posts, while thumbing down posts of bible-believing Christians. She has also used a known satanist as a source before, while at the same time dismissing respected biblical scholars as a source. Just FYI.

Preterist was traditional until the Darbyites. .. and later Scofield and Hal Lindsey.
Preterist was traditional until the Darbyites. .. and later Scofield and Hal Lindsey.

That's a big fat lie. Which is your native tongue. As for your predictable mention of Scofield etc, in almost every post, we're all tired of that strawman. Many of us don't agree with the views put forth by Darby, Scofield, etc, but we are not preterists. Many of us don't care what any misguided fallible men had to say, we care about what the bible actually says. So put your usual "Darby / Scofield / Lindsey" strawman to rest. That got old a long time ago.
That's a big fat lie. Which is your native tongue. As for your predictable mention of Scofield etc, in almost every post, we're all tired of that strawman. Many of us don't agree with the views put forth by Darby, Scofield, etc, but we are not preterists. Many of us don't care what any misguided fallible men had to say, we care about what the bible actually says. So put your usual "Darby / Scofield / Lindsey" strawman to rest. That got old a long time ago.

Nope. Scofield is the basics for Dispensationism, Dominionism.. and evangelical fundamentalism.

Read the first 5 verses of revelation. John says, "from your brother in tribulation".
If I may I'd like to share my reasoning here. Not that you'd somehow be won over to my thinking on this because u seem to have very strong beliefs here. It's on the outside chance that someone else reading our convo might be interested in joining our search for the truth.

What u said was:
Revelation is a letter to the 7 churches and says it will be soon... Within a generation.
Since u were replying to someone that had posted Matthew 24 my assumption was that the "it" was the Return. I may be wrong.

The first two verses say:
1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
You said "Within a generation." The first two verses don't say "generation". You appeared to suggest that it was the Return that was to be "soon". The first two verses don't say that. You appear to have your understanding and you sound to me like there's nobody else that matters, there's no controversy, no other reasonable opinion. My understanding is that there's more than one point of view a person can take.

Someone might ask which of us does God agree w/, u or me. I care more about whether I'm agree w/ God.
She is a full preterist, which is overwhelmingly considered a heresy.

She also agrees with anti-christians and atheists on this site most of the time, and thumbs up their posts, while thumbing down posts of bible-believing Christians. She has also used a known satanist as a source before, while at the same time dismissing respected biblical scholars as a source. Just FYI.
Thanks for the headsup.

My interest here is for a large part in the kind of thought processes taking place. For instance many times when someone will say something that my experience has shown to be what I see as "controversial", I mention it and then hear about how there's somehow "no controversy".

What I'm beginning to see here is a zealous bigotry where only their opinion is worth considering and any other point of view is what, from Satan?
Nope. Scofield is the basics for Dispensationism, Dominionism.. and evangelical fundamentalism.

Another strawman which has nothing to do with my point. I notice you do that a lot, someone will say something and you'll reply with a strawman, instead of addressing what is actually being said.

Again, some of us care about what the bible actually says. Not what some author said or what some misguided bible teacher said, or whatever. What matters is what the bible says, but since you've made it clear you don't even believe the bible, there's no use in even talking to you about these topics, because you seem to be guided by your politics and personal views instead of the scriptures and God.
Dispensations are time periods in which the Lord has at least one authorized servant on the earth who bears the holy priesthood and the keys, and who has a divine commission to dispense the gospel to the inhabitants of the earth. We are currently living in the Dispensation of the fulness of times.

  • dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me, 1 Cor. 9:17.
  • dispensation of the fulness of times, Eph. 1:10.
  • heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, Eph. 3:2.
  • dispensation of God which is given to me for you, Col. 1:25.

Scofield is not the founder of the idea of dispensations.
Thanks for the headsup.

My interest here is for a large part in the kind of thought processes taking place. For instance many times when someone will say something that my experience has shown to be what I see as "controversial", I mention it and then hear about how there's somehow "no controversy".

What I'm beginning to see here is a zealous bigotry where only their opinion is worth considering and any other point of view is what, from Satan?

She is a full preterist, which is overwhelmingly considered a heresy.

She also agrees with anti-christians and atheists on this site most of the time, and thumbs up their posts, while thumbing down posts of bible-believing Christians. She has also used a known satanist as a source before, while at the same time dismissing respected biblical scholars as a source. Just FYI.
Thanks for the headsup.
What I'm beginning to see here is a zealous bigotry where only their opinion is worth considering and any other point of view is what, from Satan?

how more objective can a christian be ... than agreeing to the jingoism from another of the same kind. ex-p.
No nothing about Buttercup, but it is a sexy name.
As for "Jesus coming back" it is a fictional name invented about 500 years ago.
Since most folks read a New Testament based on Greek, the word Geesus, in Greek means Seducing Pig.
Armageddon isn't mentioned in revelation. Rev 16 is about har Megiddo but there's no mountain.
Lots of symbolism in revelation--Rev 19:11-14 is clear-Jesus will lead Gods armies to the earth to wipe out all wickedness, and to abyss satan for 1000 years. Rev 16 is clear--with 3 inspired expressions from satans side-EVERY kingdom( country=Govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he does that ride to earth. Rev 19:18 proves what a kingdom is made up of. 99% will be annihilated. You dont have to be apart of that number. It is coming.
No nothing about Buttercup, but it is a sexy name.
As for "Jesus coming back" it is a fictional name invented about 500 years ago.
Since most folks read a New Testament based on Greek, the word Geesus, in Greek means Seducing Pig.
Jesus wasn't given his name based upon the Greek language but on the Hebrew language. According to Webster's dictionary the Greeks got the Jesus' name from the Hebrew name for Jesus:

Late Latin, from Greek Iēsous, from Hebrew Yēshūaʽ

BibleHub gives us the following:
Any ideas? Will it be in our lifetimes or not? I already know that nobody except God knows for sure, but I sort of think it will be in my lifetime and I also sort of think that the world has gotten way too crazy at the moment for Him to come back. Btw, how can Jesus not know the time but God the Father did? Wasn't Jesus God in human flesh?
Jesus has already came back. he took one look at what people are doing in his name and said fuck it and left.

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