Zone1 When Do You Think Jesus Will Return?

Lots of symbolism in revelation--Rev 19:11-14 is clear-Jesus will lead Gods armies to the earth to wipe out all wickedness, and to abyss satan for 1000 years. Rev 16 is clear--with 3 inspired expressions from satans side-EVERY kingdom( country=Govt, armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he does that ride to earth. Rev 19:18 proves what a kingdom is made up of. 99% will be annihilated. You dont have to be apart of that number. It is coming.

The Roman garrisons assembled at the plain of Megiddo with soldiers from all over the Roman empire to fight in 66 AD... They fought under Vespasian and then under Titus.
The Roman garrisons assembled at the plain of Megiddo with soldiers from all over the Roman empire to fight in 66 AD... They fought under Vespasian and then under Titus.
That isnt even close to every kingdom on earth, now is it.
Any ideas? Will it be in our lifetimes or not? I already know that nobody except God knows for sure, but I sort of think it will be in my lifetime and I also sort of think that the world has gotten way too crazy at the moment for Him to come back. Btw, how can Jesus not know the time but God the Father did? Wasn't Jesus God in human flesh?
Yes. I have even seen him leave with any evidence he did so it’s equally as hard to predict anything will ever return.
Perhaps when the sun rises in the west?
Jesus would still return when judgment comes on the unrepentant of the world, to then reign. Mystery Babylon will fall ahead of that.

"Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your name, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth."
Revelation 11:18

"Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."
Revelation 18:4

"And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth."
Luke 21:25-26

Climate Chaos: Not Climate Change, Not Global Warming

Captain Paul Watson,
October 2022

It’s time that we look at this thing called Climate Change for what it is. The same with the term Global Warming.

These are friendly sounding words. Climate and Change. Climates have always changed, usually far slower than what is occurring now but changing nonetheless.

Global warming. What’s not to like about things getting warmer. Longer growing season, more sunny days. Not so bad.

The reality is that what is occurring now is not simply change nor a warming trend.

It is chaos. Climate Chaos to be specific and the world is feeling it now. No more politically convenient denial and no more complacency.

The storms are getting stronger, the fires are getting hotter, the floods are getting higher, the tornadoes are becoming more frequent, species migrations are getting disrupted, snowpacks and glaciers are being diminished, the permafrost is melting and belching more and more methane as the Antarctic and Arctic ice are experiencing an accelerated melting.

We are seeing the climate disruption causing unprecedented migration of peoples from the tropics as their eco-systems are ravaged by drought, famine, pestilence and war.

We are seeing the emergence of more and more zoonotic transmitted viruses and the release of long dormant pathogens from the thawing permafrost.

We know what factors are the cause of climate chaos. We need to shut off those factors by ending dependence on fossil fuels, by stopping the industrialized production of meat, fish, and chemically intensive agriculture.

The five biggest threats to our natural world … and how we can stop them

People should see the trouble facing civilization, with resource crises ahead, environments diminishing from our civilization, species extinctions and depletion of the oceans, and many other serious issues, along with other possible crises Any big city is associated with its history to the characteristics shown in Revelation 18. We should not be here, and continuing to stay with it. We should get out, and be away from cities, in small communities we start, growing what is needed for food and materials together, believers with other believers, as soon as we possibly can. Can it really be thought that waiting, until it is known we shouldn't be here what, three days before it all collapses, will do? Like that is enough, while others probably scramble too? We should just get out when we know, we shouldn't be here. Believers should find other believers to join with, and become independent from others where we can live sustainably where that works... not near cities.

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