When does human life begin?

No, right on target. Notice you have never been to a funeral for a miscarried, fertilized egg.
Farty. It remains irrelvant. Whether one can determine that the egg is that of a giraffe or a human doesn’t alter the FACT that if it is born, it will be only what the two parents conceived: one of their own kind.

I didn’t have a funeral for my wife’s miscarriage either. And that establishes exactly not a thing of any relevance to the discussion. Apparently, irrelevance is still your specialty.
It remains irrelvant.
False, sorry. As evidenced by legal abortion. It may be irrelevant to your personal beliefs. Good for you, then. Thank goodness you don't have a uterus, so you never have to tax that shriveled little brain of yours and make this hard decision based on something besides the first feeling that fizzles into your colon.
And yet here you are arguing they aren't human. Odd. Like I said before, it's hilarious the lengths some will go to to deny their humanness. So a scientific ruling is 100% needed to shut down that argument. The fact that that argument must be made says more about the unreasonableness of people who dehumanize human life for the express purpose of ending human life.
Maybe I should have said, I don't consider a human egg to be person worthy of more legal protections than an adult human. Is that better?

Your very argument proves you know abortion is wrong because you have to argue against the science to justify the morality of abortion. I'd respect you more if you admitted abortion was wrong but supported it anyway. At least then you would be being honest about it.
Abortion is wrong and I'm happy to say I've never been involved in any but I support a mother's right to choose it.
False, sorry. As evidenced by legal abortion. It may be irrelevant to your personal beliefs. Good for you, then. Thank goodness you don't have a uterus, so you never have to tax that shriveled little brain of yours and make this hard decision based on something besides the first feeling that fizzles into your colon.
No you mental void. It still doesn’t matter whether one can ascertain if a human fetus outside the uterus is a human fetus. It’s the DNA that counts. This is so obviously true and valid that you now want to change the subject. You remain an illogical and stupid little anal leakage.
Alternatively, we value the mother over the fetus much of the time.
Ultimately that will be up to the states to decide as it should have been all along.

Inherent in that argument is that abortion is the lesser of two evils which would require an admission that abortion is wrong. Something adherents of abortion have been unwilling to admit.
Maybe I should have said, I don't consider a human egg to be person worthy of more legal protections than an adult human. Is that better?

Abortion is wrong and I'm happy to say I've never been involved in any but I support a mother's right to choose it.
An unfertilized egg is not a human. A fertilized egg is a human albeit in it's earliest stage of the human life cycle.

I can respect someone's position that abortion ends a human life but they still support a mother's right to choose it because it's an honest statement. I cannot respect a statement that does not acknowledge that a human life is being ended by abortion because it is a position that does not acknowledge reality.
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Of course you see it that way. Nazis didn't see Jews as humans just like some good Christians didn't see blacks as humans. To you a fetus is property to be disposed of at the will of it's owner. You would discard their lives as casually as you would throw out trash.
Nothing casual about it. I view a fertilized egg just as I do any human tissue but not any more valuable than any other human tissue.
Nothing casual about it. I view a fertilized egg just as I do any human tissue but not any more valuable than any other human tissue.
It's not any tissue though. It is a genetically distinct new human being. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Arguing it's just tissue is not reality. It's a lie which is designed to make it easier to end a human life.

Which is absolutely a casual position which leads to the casual discarding of human lives. If you are going to support the ending of a human life, own it. Don't try to minimize it to make yourself feel good.
Ummmm... that abortion is ending a human life and not a potential human. Because that's exactly how you see abortion. You believe abortion does not end a human life and that's why you are Ok with it.
That is true, that is how I see a fertilized egg, a bunch of molecules little different or valuable than other molecules.
It's not any tissue though. It is a genetically distinct new human being. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. Arguing it's just tissue is not reality. It's a lie which is designed to make it easier to end a human life.
It is just a just a bunch of organic molecules, not much different from any other molecules.

Which is absolutely a casual position which leads to the casual discarding of human lives. If you are going to support the ending of a human life, own it. Don't try to minimize it to make yourself feel good.
The casual discarding of life is a very human quality. Humanity has always engaged in genocide, war, carpet bombing, capital punishment, etc. Most recently we've been engaged in a fight over how much to limit the spreading of Covid. Do we ban vaccination and mask mandates even though the science says they will save lives? There is no shortage of hypocrisy here.
Not according to every embryology textbook that has ever been published.
You're forgetting all that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny stuff. The fetus goes through all those fish and reptilian forms.

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