When does human life begin?

It is just a just a bunch of organic molecules, not much different from any other molecules.

The casual discarding of life is a very human quality. Humanity has always engaged in genocide, war, carpet bombing, capital punishment, etc. Most recently we've been engaged in a fight over how much to limit the spreading of Covid. Do we ban vaccination and mask mandates even though the science says they will save lives? There is no shortage of hypocrisy here.
Seems contradictory to your belief that we are more than the sum of our parts.

Incorrect, the casual discarding of a dehumanized life is necessary to eliminate conflict in the brain and consistent with the rationalization you just made. So is your inability to see your hypocrisy in this.
Abortion is wrong and I'm happy to say I've never been involved in any but I support a mother's right to choose it.
Can you explain to the class WHY it'd wrong?

BTW, rape is wrong, but I support a man's righ to choose it

See how that works
Seems contradictory to your belief that we are more than the sum of our parts.
People with brains are more than the sum of their parts, molecules are just a mix of chemicals.

Incorrect, the casual discarding of a dehumanized life is necessary to eliminate conflict in the brain and consistent with the rationalization you just made. So is your inability to see your hypocrisy in this.
I guess I care more about those already born. It is their brains that make them unique and valuable, not their DNA.
I guess I missed that biology lab where they showed sparked at conception.

Conception is a complex process, when exactly does the spark occur?

The stages of fertilization can be divided into four processes:
1) sperm preparation,​
2) sperm-egg recognition and binding,​
3) sperm-egg fusion and​
4) fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei and activation of the zygote.​
Can you explain to the class WHY it'd wrong?

BTW, rape is wrong, but I support a man's righ to choose it

See how that works
When a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy, something has gone wrong. Either she never intended to get pregnant, she was impregnated against her will, there are medical issues with the pregnancy, etc. Abortion should never the first choice for a woman.
People with brains are more than the sum of their parts, molecules are just a mix of chemicals.

I guess I care more about those already born. It is their brains that make them unique and valuable, not their DNA.
Arbitrary and capricious. SCOTUS won't have any appetite for those arguments. I certainly don't. It just makes you look like a nazi.
I guess I missed that biology lab where they showed sparked at conception.

Conception is a complex process, when exactly does the spark occur?

The stages of fertilization can be divided into four processes:
1) sperm preparation,​
2) sperm-egg recognition and binding,​
3) sperm-egg fusion and​
4) fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei and activation of the zygote.​

Less than 24 hours between stage 3 and 4 as you have it broken down, and fertilization results in a zygote, the zygote is new life.

“Science teaches without reservation that life begins at fertilization (conception). It is a scientific fact that an organism exists after fertilization that did not exist before. This new organism has its own DNA distinct from the mother and father, meaning that it is a unique person. As the embryo grows, it develops a heartbeat (22 days after fertilization), its own circulatory system, and its own organs. From fertilization, it is a new organism that is alive and will continue to grow and develop as long as nutrition is provided and its life is not ended through violence or illness.”

Arbitrary and capricious. SCOTUS won't have any appetite for those arguments. I certainly don't. It just makes you look like a nazi.
I think taking a complex issue and reducing it to a simple slogan doesn't make you look good.

If I take some human sperm, mix them with a human egg in a test tube, and they successfully fuse into a fertilized egg, then flush them down the drain, am I guilty of murder?
If you consider a unique combination of DNA molecules to be a human life then conception. If you, like me, consider a human life begins when a fetus show features unique to humanity, then it would be much later.
Human DNA is not a "feature unique to humanity". M'kay.
I think taking a complex issue and reducing it to a simple slogan doesn't make you look good.

If I take some human sperm, mix them with a human egg in a test tube, and they successfully fuse into a fertilized egg, then flush them down the drain, am I guilty of murder?
That would depend upon your audience.
I think taking a complex issue and reducing it to a simple slogan doesn't make you look good.

If I take some human sperm, mix them with a human egg in a test tube, and they successfully fuse into a fertilized egg, then flush them down the drain, am I guilty of murder?
I can handle you thinking it doesn't make me look good.

As for if being guilty of murder, ask me that after you have successfully created life and then ended it.

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