When does human life begin?

Many things are arbitrary. How old should you be to vote in an election?
True. But you want to decide it for everyone whereas I want each state to decide that for themselves.

So which one of us is being more demanding in forcing their beliefs on others? The one who doesn't want anyone else to decide for themselves or the one who wants others to decide for themselves?
It will be up to the states to determine how they will balance the rights of the child and the mother.
I think you are right. I wonder if those states will offer more support to mothers and families or will we be inundated with horror stories? The burden on a family to raise a severely handicapped child affects many people, financially and emotionally. That time and money has to be taken from somewhere so the suffering is not just endured by that disabled child.

I think many in the pro-life ranks have an ideological purity that those of us in the real world can only envy.
True. But you want to decide it for everyone whereas I want each state to decide that for themselves.

So which one of us is being more demanding in forcing their beliefs on others? The one who doesn't want anyone else to decide for themselves or the one who wants others to decide for themselves?
I lived through the Civil Rights era, so you may have more respect for States than I do. I see us spiraling downward to Jim Crow.
Her right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
She still has all of those things but if you believe she doesn't then I would say that her rights end when she infringes on the rights of others.

The child in the womb is not her property. The child in her womb is not her body. The child in her womb is a genetically distinct new human being. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.

But again... I'm not the one who wants to force his beliefs on everyone. That's you. You want to skip examination and go straight to implementing your judgement and want it to be binding on everyone. I want SCOTUS to make a ruling on when legal rights begin for a new, specific, genetically distinct human being.
I lived through the Civil Rights era, so you may have more respect for States than I do. I see us spiraling downward to Jim Crow.
Again... it's odd that you are so eager to remove all civil rights for a child in the womb without ever having a fair trial.
I think you are right. I wonder if those states will offer more support to mothers and families or will we be inundated with horror stories? The burden on a family to raise a severely handicapped child affects many people, financially and emotionally. That time and money has to be taken from somewhere so the suffering is not just endured by that disabled child.

I think many in the pro-life ranks have an ideological purity that those of us in the real world can only envy.
Don't know. That's up to each state to decide. But it's certainly no reason not to have a fair hearing to determine when those rights begin for a child in the womb. Or for that matter to let it influence the outcome of the decision. Rights are not granted because they are convenient. So they shouldn't not be granted because they are inconvenient.
It would be better to distinguish between the following: when does human life occur/begin, and when can a new life form exist by itself. Huge difference and I see a little bit of blending of the two, perhaps unintentionally, with your remarks.
How about asking the scientists when the fetus can feel pain, or have thoughts?
She still has all of those things but if you believe she doesn't then I would say that her rights end when she infringes on the rights of others.
Do others have a right to infringe on her? If giving birth to the baby will jeopardize her health would that change the equation? What if the baby will be severely disabled would that change your equation?

The child in the womb is not her property. The child in her womb is not her body. The child in her womb is a genetically distinct new human being. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.
You mean that DNA is something special because it is unique? Sorry not impressed. My kids did plenty of artwork that was certainly unique but most got thrown out.

But again... I'm not the one who wants to force his beliefs on everyone. That's you. You want to skip examination and go straight to implementing your judgement and want it to be binding on everyone. I want SCOTUS to make a ruling on when legal rights begin for a new, specific, genetically distinct human being.
You don't want to accept responsibility either. Should Civil Rights be returned to the states too?
Again... it's odd that you are so eager to remove all civil rights for a child in the womb without ever having a fair trial.
Because I don't see a fertilized egg as a 'child'. It is merely a biological machine. When it can testify at its trial it will already have won.
Don't know. That's up to each state to decide. But it's certainly no reason not to have a fair hearing to determine when those rights begin for a child in the womb. Or for that matter to let it influence the outcome of the decision. Rights are not granted because they are convenient. So they shouldn't not be granted because they are inconvenient.
How many thousands of children did the US kill in the WWII bombing of German because they were inconveniently close to a target (or they were the target themselves)? Was the US morally right to drop those bombs?
Again... it's odd that you are so eager to remove all civil rights for a child in the womb without ever having a fair trial.
I believe in restrictions on abortion, meaning I'm against abortion at any stage for any reason. Are there any circumstances that you'd condone abortion? Imminent threat to the mother's life for instance?
Do others have a right to infringe on her?
When someone is infringing upon the rights of others, yes. It happens all the time. In fact, even after someone has infringed upon the rights of others, their rights can be lost.
If giving birth to the baby will jeopardize her health would that change the equation?
That's for each state to decide.
What if the baby will be severely disabled would that change your equation?
That's for each state to decide.
But again... I'm not the one who wants to force his beliefs on everyone. That's you. You want to skip examination and go straight to implementing your judgement and want it to be binding on everyone. I want SCOTUS to make a ruling on when legal rights begin for a new, specific, genetically distinct human being.

You don't want to accept responsibility either. Should Civil Rights be returned to the states too?
Wanting a legal determination of when rights convey to a genetically distinct living human being in a womb based upon science and law is in no way denying responsibility.

The irony of your civil rights argument is that it was some states that were denying human rights to humans. It was because some states wanted to continue treating humans as property - as less than human - like you want to do today.
Because I don't see a fertilized egg as a 'child'. It is merely a biological machine. When it can testify at its trial it will already have won.
You misspelled human. You don't see a fertilized egg as a human being in its earliest stage of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. Every point along the continuum is fully human and has the characteristics appropriate for that stage of the human life cycle.

This is you treating human life as less than human. This is you treating human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner. If that's not a civil rights violation, nothing is.
How many thousands of children did the US kill in the WWII bombing of German because they were inconveniently close to a target (or they were the target themselves)? Was the US morally right to drop those bombs?
Comparing war between nations to women who want to abort their babies seems like a silly argument even for you.

War is not moral. Therefore, killing in war would be considered the lesser of two evils. Abortion is not moral and for the overwhelming vast majority of abortions cannot be considered to be the lesser of two evils.
I believe in restrictions on abortion, meaning I'm against abortion at any stage for any reason. Are there any circumstances that you'd condone abortion? Imminent threat to the mother's life for instance?
That should be up to each state to decide.

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