When does human life begin?

Dr Jerome LeJeune disagrees.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...."
Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner
What does science tell Dr. LeJeune to say is the age when someone should be able to vote?
Sanctimonious would be you believing that no one should ever be allowed to challenge the status quo because you think you know better.
Sanctimonious would be you believing that you think you know better than the mother what is the right thing to do.
What does science tell Dr. LeJeune to say is the age when someone should be able to vote?
Halfway butting in (public forum considered) but it should have been older if logical thought is important to the process. Due to need, voting was set at 18. We didn’t have the medical knowledge at the time and “middle-age” and “old age” categories were much lower than today’s lifespan averages. Voting and military draft to give us the best odds for full logic capabilities (frontal lobe connects fully with brainstem around 23 or even later by other studies) definitely not happening for most people at 18. Not then, and not now.
Sanctimonious would be you believing that you think you know better than the mother what is the right thing to do.
Good thing I am only arguing that legal rights for life in womb be established based on science and law. Seems only fair. Everything else can be sorted after that in due time. As those things have nothing to do with this determination.
No, you just regurgitated a stupid talking point of you anti choicers who think women are property.
If women were property then they could be disposed of at the will of its owner like an aborted baby. So I think you got that whole property argument backwards.
What does science tell Dr. LeJeune to say is the age when someone should be able to vote?
I suspect he would say that has nothing to do with the scientific determination of when a human being comes into existence.
Good thing I am only arguing that legal rights for life in womb be established based on science and law. Seems only fair. Everything else can be sorted after that in due time. As those things have nothing to do with this determination.
Legal rights can, by definition, only be established by law. Science may guide the law's creation but does not determine it.
I suspect he would say that has nothing to do with the scientific determination of when a human being comes into existence.
Whatever science has to say, it is WHEN a life is ended that is the question here and for that there is no scientific determination.
Science makes it clear too....

...at conception.

It begins as a sperm and and egg. So, preconception.


According to the right...
A valid defense of rape is not killing the semen
Every woman who fails to conceive during each and every cycle is guilty of murder.

Can we understand how ridiculous that position is?

Human life begins at birth. Prior to that the organism is called a fetus, or zygote. That is the science.
No. It's science.

“….it is scientifically correct to say that human life begins at conception.”
Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard Medical School
Semantics: 'person' does not necessarily equal 'human being'

II. Who or what is a person?

To be classified as a "person" normally entails having strong moral rights and legal protections, and higher moral status than living things that cannot credibly be classified as persons. But as Karen Gervais (1986) effectively argued, the more basic question here is a metaphysical or ontological one about the necessary and sufficient conditions for knowing when a particular kind of being exists or does not exist.
Science. Science textbooks do not teach ethics, morals, religion, sociology, the Constitution, or the law.
Why should they. You can believe the God shit forever and it's still bullshit.
Ironically, not one of the list you have are gifts from your silly God. Not one.
Whatever science has to say, it is WHEN a life is ended that is the question here and for that there is no scientific determination.
I don't believe anyone will argue that abortion doesn't end a human life. That's kind of the point of abortion. Science says that at conception a new human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.

It begins as a sperm and and egg. So, preconception.


According to the right...
A valid defense of rape is not killing the semen
Every woman who fails to conceive during each and every cycle is guilty of murder.

Can we understand how ridiculous that position is?

Human life begins at birth. Prior to that the organism is called a fetus, or zygote. That is the science.
I doubt very seriously anyone will be making that argument to SCOTUS. It's a ridiculous argument on so many levels.
I don't believe anyone will argue that abortion doesn't end a human life. That's kind of the point of abortion. Science says that at conception a new human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.
800,000 lives that never existed before are now gone because, in part, we didn't do everything to save them. I guess you'll leave that to the States or SCOTUS to decide. Must be great having such a clear conscience.

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