When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
I wonder why... shit for brains...


If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.

Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.

To be a Christian, I have to pretend 9/11 never happened????????

That's not Christianity dumb ass that's Scientology!

Go lecture that one to Tom Cruise!

Read what she wrote....did she say anything about limiting anything? But yeah....there are times when Freedom of speech is limited....slander, libel, harrassment....just for some examples. I think a film which directly or indirectly causes the deaths of our citizens would fall into a situation that isn't fully protected.

So these murdering pieces of shit were well withing their rights to kill?

Dude....gimme a fucking break. Do you REALLY think that was even REMOTELY what I was saying? I'm telling you fuckers who live to hate to grow the fuck up....That is a part of the world where it's really fucking unstable.....and that your hatred has contributed to the deaths of innocent Americans.

But do blather the fuck on about "Freedom of Speech" and how the most unstable part of the globe should just shrug shit off like we do here in probably the most stable and educated place on the planet....We'll just fight another fucking war in the sandpit just so you can be an ignorant bigoted dickhead. What's another trillion or so?

You are a real hypocrite you know? You are blasting people who hate with hateful language yourself. You should pratice what you preach.

Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.
If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.
You bet yur ass I believe that zipper head, but if you want to pretend muslims are all some sort of warm and fuzzy, cuddly bunch, you've got bigger problems than I do, idiot.

Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it? You are just a fucking bully and a bigot....A fucking shitstain on the underwear of this great country.
And I'm sick of you lily livered, libroid, leftist NAZI fucks that BLAME AMERICA FIRST for every fucking thing BAD that happens on earth. It is NEVER anyone else's fault. IT'S ALWAYS AMERICA AND OUR FREEDOMS that you COCK SUCKING, FILTHY, NASTY MOTHER FUCKING SCABS blame.

Go stand on your head in a barrel of pig shit you slimy little anti American TURD FACED TRAITOR.
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Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.

Tell that to our Ambassador! Oh yeah! He's dead!!!!!!!
Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.

Tell that to our Ambassador! Oh yeah! He's dead!!!!!!!

^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.

Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.
*ALL* of islam may not be... but the examples of it NOT being is FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. TOO few and far between. For every muslim that MIGHT not be in lock step with the radicals, there's MILLIONS that are.

Just the damn simple truth of the matter. Look at the riots going on RIGHT NOW and all the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of MUSLIMS chanting DEATH TO AMERICA. They've been taught that shit since they were INFANTS!

Now you or any other libroid expecting me to start CODDLING MILLIONS of people that want to KILL ME, hell KILL ALL AMERICANS, is just INSANE.
Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it?

A predictable result of binary, absolutist, black & white thinking.

One can only hope that only a few impotent people actually believe this stuff.


Amen Brother.....Then they have the Gall to call themselves Christians....They aren't Christians....they are doing Satan's work, not God's. I hope God can forgive them...because I am having a rough time with it right now.

There is no place for hate in God's house. Hate is the root cause for all of this. Hate by the guy that made the film, hate from the radicals that attacked the embassy, and hate from the radicals like 007 & Co.

This is NOT what Christ died for, this is NOT what God is about, and these are NOT the principles on what this great country was founded upon.

Radicalism is the problem....and it just doesn't come from the Muslim Community.
Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.

Tell that to our Ambassador! Oh yeah! He's dead!!!!!!!

^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.

What of your hatred for religion. Taking the lords name in vain when speaking is understandable. Writing it down though is not. Not unless you dispise christianity and are maybe trying to incite violence yourself huh?
Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.
*ALL* of islam may not be... but the examples of it NOT being is FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. TOO few and far between. For every muslim that MIGHT not be in lock step with the radicals, there's MILLIONS that are.

Just the damn simple truth of the matter. Look at the riots going on RIGHT NOW and all the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of MUSLIMS chanting DEATH TO AMERICA. They've been taught that shit since they were INFANTS!

Now you or any other libroid expecting me to start CODDLING MILLIONS of people that want to KILL ME, hell KILL ALL AMERICANS, is just INSANE.

It's like saying not every German was a bad person. Sure! Some of them even hid Jews from the Nazi regime. But that hardly means we shouldn't fight the country hosting that evil regime.
Can anyone say photoshop?

It's not photoshop. Get more tech savy before you speak on tech.

Dude the ME uses photoshop so often to lie to the American press, it's the first thing you should suspect.

You ever read about the Photoshop Scandal with Reuters?

Reuters Photo Fraud

You can't trust anything you see in photos from Islamofacists.

Don't you know how to examine a jpg and determine if it's a photoshop?

Google it, dumbass.
Yes, nevermind all of the people with them with the same signs not translated. Moving along.

Finding any excuse to justify hate, is what Extremists do, but it looks to me like you and they share that in common.

All of Islam is not extremists.

Tell that to our Ambassador! Oh yeah! He's dead!!!!!!!

^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.
Well we just don't know about that for sure now do we... because he was MURDERED BY MUSLIMS.
When freedom of speech crosses the line.
The problem is Who decides where the line is drawn?

Uh huh... two different people carrying the same sign... wonder what leftist organization staged that photo op... :eusa_hand:

Which screams photoshop!

Wow....photoshop is good....they can even put wrinkles in the one sign that isn't in the other.

That's how bigoted and hateful you guys have become....you'd rather think that some "leftist group" staged it, or it was photoshopped than to believe that there are good, decent people over there.
Tell that to our Ambassador! Oh yeah! He's dead!!!!!!!

^ The Ambassador didn't believe all of Islam was extremists. Jesus christ, learn about the man before you go parading his dead body out to justify your hatred of a Religion.

What of your hatred for religion. Taking the lords name in vain when speaking is understandable. Writing it down though is not. Not unless you dispise christianity and are maybe trying to incite violence yourself huh?

No, saying "jesus christ" as a perjorative is a side effect of growing up in an Italian household, it's more of an expression than a Religious comment. That's all.

But if you'd like, I can tell you that I do not believe in any of the Religions if that makes you feel any better.

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