When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Once again, and for the umpteenth time today... the limits on our speech have to do with impeding the unalienable rights of our fellow citizens. We're not allowed to threaten people if our threats are deemed credible, we're not allowed to slander them in such a way as to imperil their livelihood, we're not allowed to use our words to cause imminent bodily harm. The thread running through those examples is that another citizen's natural rights are violated. The free exercise of one person's rights may not impede upon the like rights of another. That doesn't mean we don't have free speech. It simply means that our right to it doesn't outweigh the natural rights of others.

But we DO NOT have a right to never feel offended. And people who act on their offended feelings violently are DIRECTLY responsible for their own actions.

I don't disagree nor was I stating otherwise. What I was saying is you have the right to call me an asshole, and while I may not have the right. The end consequence is you being punched in the face a few times.

More to the point the director as well is. Directly responsible for the content of what he puts out and is to blame.

Or does he not get any of the blame at all? If that's the case micheal moore is quite innocent.

Careful you are running into hypocrite territory...

If I call you an asshole and you punch me in the face, I have not violated your rights, but you have violated mine because you've caused actual harm. The only guy getting charged with a crime is you.

Of course the moron who put this tasteless movie together has earned criticism. He doesn't have the right to never be offended either. But that doesn't excuse violence done to him or because of him. In that, he is blameless. The blame for violence rests singularly on the shoulders of those who perpetrated it. It is this which makes society civilized.

Michael Moore is an idiot, with less charm and appeal than a toad, but he has an absolute right to say what he wants without fear of reprisal so long as his speech doesn't impede any other individual citizen's like rights. And if it does, that's a matter of LAW, not of the mob.

jesus christ no shit its against the law to hit someone. That wasnt the point.

I never stated violence should be excused, You really should read what i am writing and not state redundant nothings.

great then you agree he doesnt take any blame either.
I'm new to this site so I'll do my best to be as diplomatic and nonconfrontational as possible. Being a constitutionalist, the titlel of this thread caught my eye and after spending an hour reading responses I couldn't resist putting in my 2 cents worth.

The events in the middle east and north africa and many post on this board prove that there are alot of children occupying the bodies of adults. The first lesson you must learn to qualify as an adult is you can't rely on anyone but yourself for happiness, number two is that you can't control the actions of others but you can control how you react to others.

Muslims and liberals have poven themselves totally child like because you can make them react in very predictable ways to even small pokes and prods. You have to take a breath and do a little thinking if you want others to respect you and quit resorting to tantrums to try to get your way, all tantrums will get you is a spanking.
Why can't you radical christians just worhip your GOD and let others worship their GOD. This little punk ass bitch knew what the video would do and he did it just for the thrill he is not able to get anywhere else. Probably watching the violence with his pant down and his tiny penis in his hand.
Another probablity is that is a right wing nut conspiracy to make Obama look bad because Romney is a big loser. We are not talking about the election?

So then, the guy that stuck a cross in a jar of urine and called it art, should not be allowed to do so?

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

How should he be "held accountable?" Put in jail?

You just proved you don't believe in freedom of speech. Like all liberals, you're a Nazi.

The raghead scumbags who did the murders and the rioting are the only ones responsible.
You guys are morons - so, to dumb it down for you --- if a girl in a miniskirt gets raped, is it her fault?

Look - bad people do bad things - terrorists are bad people - taking it further than that is basing arguments on conjecture and holds no weight. In fact you guys do things so BACKWARDS that you are taking an end result and attempting to draw conculsions back to the origin bases on your personal desires. It's unclean...

typical lefty behavior.

None of us praised the terororists who committed a crime in Libya. And 4 members of the plot were arrested by Libyan police and they are being interrogated. We all condemn the killings and may they RIP

But, the video isn't simpy a freedom of speech case where Rightwingers try to justify that hateful video as freedom of speech. There isn't freedom of speech like you think. It doesn't allow threats or attacks against Muslim American citizens or anybody of any faith

Stop excusing his pitiful behavior and disgusting attack on Muslims. Since when was something like that accepted? This hate campaign against Muslims is going too far.

Your entire post is ridiculous. Looks like you have the development of a 12 y/o.

Nobody said you praised terrorists...
There is freedom of spech like I think. EXACTLY LIKE I THINK.
There are nothreats or attacks on muslims in the film... NONE!!!
You obviously haven't seen the film - or you weren;t able to understand it...
His pitiful behavior is protected by the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITES STATES of AMERICA!!!


The hate campaign is against AMERICANS, ISRAELI's, and ALL PEOPLE OF THE WEST. Nobody here hates muslims that I'm aware of --- I DO HATE THE BEHAVIOR OF RADICAL MUSLIMS AND TERRORISTS --

Oh, and the behaviors of liberals -- they are frequently worse than radical muslims as they are too stupid to see the effects to their cause...

think about it!

Israel isn't part of the West, and no it's a protest against the movie....thanks to some morons who dubbed it into Arabic....they didn't know until then
How about these cartoons?




So called Freedom of Speech goes way to far here in America.

And is not what the founding fathers intended.

We need to place strict limits on this absurd "right". :cool:

I think what we need to do is expel all Arabs from this country. Islam should be made illegal.
Freedom of Speech was originally intended for people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances without the fear of reprisals.

But now it has morphed into protecting pornography and insulting sacred religious figures. :cool:

Your religious figures are not sacred to me. I enjoy seeing them ridiculed. Mohammed was a pedophile. It's hard to get much lower than that.
This thread should earn the MOST DISGUSTING thread of the week here.. You and your thread are a disgrace. Christians are bashed CONTINUALLY and offended.. that doesn't afford anyfuckingone to SLAUGHTER innocent people... nor does it negate our protection under the United States Constitution to speak freely without fear of the government.. LEFTISTS always seek to rob our freedoms and perpetually blame the victims or speech for what CRAZED lunatics commit.

Muslims do not disrespect Christ and GOD and we claim to be more civilized them them and we stoop to this low, say a lot about Christianity.

"We" don't "stoop" to any level. One person is responsible, not the entire USA.
Parst of it has been amended, like 26 times and it would make lots of common sense it to be the 27th amendment. We are way past being the white anglo christian nation and it's way past time to act accordingly.
If you want respect you have to show same respect. Do into others as you would have them do into you is a reminder from your christian GOD. If you cannot trust him, he is a useless worthless GOD.

I couldn't give a damn about getting respect from a gang of vicious raghead savages. I just want the murderers to be strung up by their heals and flogged until they are dead.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

Um, hey you stupid bitch, these same muslims who attacked our embassy's also hate women and look at you as beneath them and an animal. Since you being a woman with freedom enrages them and "incites" them, I guess your right to being a woman with rights should be immediately revoked. We should hold you accoutable for the rage it causes in muslims and immediately treat you like garbage. You have no vote, you're not allowed to voice your opinion, and oh yeah - if you're raped, we're going to stone you for being "promiscuous".

Still think that how the way a muslim feels should supersede an Americans rights?
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None of us praised the terororists who committed a crime in Libya. And 4 members of the plot were arrested by Libyan police and they are being interrogated. We all condemn the killings and may they RIP

But, the video isn't simpy a freedom of speech case where Rightwingers try to justify that hateful video as freedom of speech. There isn't freedom of speech like you think. It doesn't allow threats or attacks against Muslim American citizens or anybody of any faith

Stop excusing his pitiful behavior and disgusting attack on Muslims. Since when was something like that accepted? This hate campaign against Muslims is going too far.

Your entire post is ridiculous. Looks like you have the development of a 12 y/o.

Nobody said you praised terrorists...
There is freedom of spech like I think. EXACTLY LIKE I THINK.
There are nothreats or attacks on muslims in the film... NONE!!!
You obviously haven't seen the film - or you weren;t able to understand it...
His pitiful behavior is protected by the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITES STATES of AMERICA!!!


The hate campaign is against AMERICANS, ISRAELI's, and ALL PEOPLE OF THE WEST. Nobody here hates muslims that I'm aware of --- I DO HATE THE BEHAVIOR OF RADICAL MUSLIMS AND TERRORISTS --

Oh, and the behaviors of liberals -- they are frequently worse than radical muslims as they are too stupid to see the effects to their cause...

think about it!

Israel isn't part of the West, and no it's a protest against the movie....thanks to some morons who dubbed it into Arabic....they didn't know until then

I never said Israel WAS part of the west -- and what is a protest against the movie? As long as there is no bloodshed, protest all you like. You will probably make a few radical muslim friends that way!! Maybe they can teach you to strap a bomb to your chest and kill Americans, or Israelis, or ANYONE from the WEST!!!

...because that is what they want to do whether somebody makes a silly movie dipicting the horrible truths of the birth of islam or not!
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Liberals demanded the right to burn our flag as speech. Countless military members have died for what that flag represented.. The flag is draped over our heroes coffins who fall in battle or have served and passed.. The act of burning the flag is very offensive to some people.. Does that give them the right to go and slaughter the person burning it??? SEEE HOW THIS SLIPPERY SLOPE WORKS once you fuck with our freedoms?? You don't get to pick and choose ONLY what offends you.. Kindly step the fuck away from our constitutional freedom of speech.
Can't rep this... I'll be back for it when I can.
Besides...we are well educated and can disseminate information pretty well. ...look at the Obama bashing film 2016....no one gives a shit.

Obviously, we're not that educated as you sit here claiming that "no one gives a shit" when it is the second highest grossing political documentary in US history :lol:

Nothing is funnier than idiot liberal Dumbocrats belief that if they say something that is not true, it will simply become true by saying it. Kind of like Obama getting re-elected... ROTFLMFAO!

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