When freedom of speech crosses the line.

Thank you RW morons LOL. Time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and bust some bigots for incitement to riot. It's a 3rd World ignorance thing, btw, plus East Jerusalem and the West Bank should be bought and given back to the Palestinians, and the Rock tunned into a tasteful Holyland Theme park run by Scandanavians....
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Thank you RW morons LOL. Time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine and bust some bigots for incitement to riot. It's a 3rd World ignorance thing, btw, plus East Jerusalem and the West Bank should be bought and given back to the Palestinians, and the Rock tunned into a tasteful Holyland Theme park run by Scandanavians....

Shocking that mini-Hitler over here would shout for oppression of freedom first and cowering to muslims second.

There is a much better solution than spitting on the U.S. Constitution which you have so much contempt for. Proper security and killing the muslim maniacs when they decide to attack us. Problem solved without surrending our rights as Americans.

I want to know who the crazies are.

I want to know where the crazies are.

I want to know what the crazies think and say.

I want to know who agrees with the crazies.

The only way for me to know all this is through freedom of expression. The PC Police are so afraid of words that they don't understand how much damage would be caused if we just shut the crazies up.

Besides...we are well educated and can disseminate information pretty well. ...look at the Obama bashing film 2016....no one gives a shit.

Obviously, we're not that educated as you sit here claiming that "no one gives a shit" when it is the second highest grossing political documentary in US history :lol:

Nothing is funnier than idiot liberal Dumbocrats belief that if they say something that is not true, it will simply become true by saying it. Kind of like Obama getting re-elected... ROTFLMFAO!

Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
Besides...we are well educated and can disseminate information pretty well. ...look at the Obama bashing film 2016....no one gives a shit.

Obviously, we're not that educated as you sit here claiming that "no one gives a shit" when it is the second highest grossing political documentary in US history :lol:

Nothing is funnier than idiot liberal Dumbocrats belief that if they say something that is not true, it will simply become true by saying it. Kind of like Obama getting re-elected... ROTFLMFAO!

Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
I wonder why... shit for brains...

Obviously, we're not that educated as you sit here claiming that "no one gives a shit" when it is the second highest grossing political documentary in US history :lol:

Nothing is funnier than idiot liberal Dumbocrats belief that if they say something that is not true, it will simply become true by saying it. Kind of like Obama getting re-elected... ROTFLMFAO!

Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
I wonder why... shit for brains...


If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.
Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
I wonder why... shit for brains...


If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.
You bet yur ass I believe that zipper head, but if you want to pretend muslims are all some sort of warm and fuzzy, cuddly bunch, you've got bigger problems than I do, idiot.
Hey....go do your right wing masturbating somewhere else....NO ONE gives a shit...you don't see left wing people here protesting the movie....nothing.....nada.....zilch.

Look at how offended the right wing goon from hell gets when he even THINKS someone was putting down his favorite flick....EVAH!!!!!
I wonder why... shit for brains...


If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.
Why don't you ask the ambassador in Libya what he believes? Oh that's right... MUSLIMS KILLED HIS ASS.

You stupid, ignorant fucking imbecile.
I wonder why... shit for brains...


If you really believe that...you're an ignorant fuck...and should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian.
You bet yur ass I believe that zipper head, but if you want to pretend muslims are all some sort of warm and fuzzy, cuddly bunch, you've got bigger problems than I do, idiot.

Didn't say all of them were...but your picture doesn't suggest that, does it? You are just a fucking bully and a bigot....A fucking shitstain on the underwear of this great country.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

These are the people that defend Jesus in a Jar of urine as "art" and "free speech."

But NOW they are going to lecture us when free speech "crosses the line??????????"

Screw you libs! Free speech is FREE SPEECH or it is not free.

Mohammed was a caravan robber, rapist and murderer. And if it "crosses the line" now to TELL THE TRUTH, then we don't have free speech to begin with.

You libs are so predictable.

Never blame the actual PEOPLE who committed this attrocity. Nooooooooo. BLAME OUR RIGHTS AS AMERICANS THAT PEOPLE HAVE FOUGHT AND DIED FOR.

Can't say libs are using this to their political advantage, noooooooooo.

You guys are idiots!

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