When giving a trespass warning to cops goes wrong.....Understand your rights

A secret with cops - treat them like anyone else, and it gets you everywhere.

1) About 6 months ago I ran a red light. Flat out went right through it. It was a busy day at work I was going back to the office and thinking about that - and blew right through it.
I didn't even get a warning.
2) 2 years ago I was driving 73 in a 55, which I did think was a 65 mph zone.
I didn't even get a warning.
3) Around 5 years ago I think, pulled over for not having a seat belt on... and to boot... I changed into a pair of shorts and failed to have my wallet with me.
I didn't even get a warning.

I talk to cops like a neighbor. Honest, straight forward, friendly and never act nervous... like we are both having a beer on the back porch.

You would be amazed how well that works.
Then don’t give them a reason to ever be on your property; and give them every reason to not want to be there.

There are 22 officers in my local PD. I know every single one of them personally. They know me as well. We’re all good friends… even though I’ve lived here for less than two years.
You want a cookie?

My dad was the chief of police in my town. Sure, back then I knew them all....I couldn't tell you the current CoP's name if my life depended on it....That's just the way I like it too.

Never invite the man into your life as no good deed goes unpunished.
No. I don’t eat a lot of sweets.

I have had excellent experiences over the years getting to know the local LEOs wherever I’ve lived. It’s been a mutually beneficial situation more than once
Fine, go polish a badge then.
Still dismissive of the fact that overwhelmingly cops every single day face all manner of abuse from the public, ranging from the screaming Karen to a crazed lunatic putting multiple lives at risk, once they catch him, a video goes on YouTube bitching at how they treated the lunatic who just endangered 100s of lives.

1000's if not 10's of thousands.
Fine, go polish a badge then
LOL. I don’t polish badges. I do deliver food and beverages to work sites and the headquarters on occasion. I smile and wave when I see them on the street. That’s really all it takes most of the time.

If you ain't got a warrant get off my property! Listen! Off of my property!"
"Ma'am, you're gonna have to chill out"
"You're gonna have to get off my property"

"We're here on a warrant attempt, looking for (somebody who is isn't here) that's why you needed to come outside" - I don't think it works that way.

"We gonna secure the house, make sure there's nobody in there"
"But you ain't got no search warrant"
"I gotta make a phone call" - yeah, I think you do.

Apparently the guy who was initially talking to them ended up getting the shit beat out of him for objecting when they arrested the wife for issuing a trespass warning "obstructing".

The problem with trying to marginalize "only 1% are bad cops" is 1% of bad Wendy's employees can ruin your order but 1% of bad cops can ruin your life.

No, it's more like 99% are bad cops.

A ''good cop'' will kick your door down just as eagerly as a ''bad cop.''

There are no good cops. Most cops would HAPPILY strut around in fancy Hugo Boss duds and herd Jews into boxcars.

A secret with cops - treat them like anyone else, and it gets you everywhere.

1) About 6 months ago I ran a red light. Flat out went right through it. It was a busy day at work I was going back to the office and thinking about that - and blew right through it.
I didn't even get a warning.
2) 2 years ago I was driving 73 in a 55, which I did think was a 65 mph zone.
I didn't even get a warning.
3) Around 5 years ago I think, pulled over for not having a seat belt on... and to boot... I changed into a pair of shorts and failed to have my wallet with me.
I didn't even get a warning.

I talk to cops like a neighbor. Honest, straight forward, friendly and never act nervous... like we are both having a beer on the back porch.

You would be amazed how well that works.

Yeah, that doesn't work when someone's pulse rate triples and she starts hyperventilating if a cop looks at her. It's tough to be "straightforward" when she is using every ounce of her willpower to not murder him with her bare hands. She will always act nervous...though it's been more than ten years since she woke up screaming.

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