Zone1 When Has American Isolationism Failed?

Agreed that was but one example of horrific experiments performed by our Government.
The Sailors, Marines, and Soldiers exposed to radiation at the atomic bomb tests helped scientists write the book on long term radiation exposure.
Excuse me for pointing it out but "intentionally exposing Sailors, Marines, and soldiers to radiation" is part of the "horrific experiments" performed by the US government. To praise the government for the consequences is the same as praising the NAZI experiments of concentration camp inmates at the various camps in Europe. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.
America has done a lot of bad things too. You won’t ever hear me deny that. But that doesn’t excuse the behavior of the Soviets either.
What gives you the idea that excusing the Soviet's bad deeds has anything to do with my side of this dialogue? It is you (in the paragraph just above this one) who is excusing the deliberate suffering and death of American Veterans by their own government. In addition to my personal insight, I can tell you that I was listed to be sent to Edgewood Arsenal in 1966 to be a guinea pig in the MK ULTRA experiments. For some reason, they changed their mind and decided to send me to Vietnam instead. Think of the shock I felt when in the early 1980s I saw a documentary film on TV explaining what those experiments were all about. Maybe I was lucky.
I don't know or care when or if Stalin ran and which direction he chose. What I am telling you is "you swallowed the red scare malarkey hook, line, and sinker". Vietnam was not involved in any international "Red Hoard" Communist doctrine. In fact, it was Vietnam who put a stop to the Communist Khmer Rouge madness in Cambodia while the US hid beneath their little blue blankie.

lol it was a Soviet backed overthrow, dumbass; in fact it was why the Soviets went bankrupt in 1973. Soviet pilots flew the NV Migs. You really suck at spin. You should leave that to people a lot better read than you are.
lol it was a Soviet backed overthrow, dumbass;

Try using a complete sentence if you want to get your point across. "it was a Soviet backed overthrow" .... of what country, shit-fer-brains?
... You really suck at spin.
I'm waiting to see what sort of spin you're trying ... and as soon as you answer my question (above) I'll know.
You should leave that to people a lot better read than you are.
You telling me - now that's funny. :auiqs.jpg:

Ps. Don't forget to answer my question.
But the USA has had 220+ good years so far
Yes, but traveling along the South-West I don't know how long your theory will last. I was in Brownsville once and I was only able to get my hamburger because I can count in Spanish and heard my number called out.
My response was an attempt to elicit a discussion/debate with you WITHOUT insulting you in that way. I see that you are incapable of "thought" in a way that typifies "kiddie pool" mentality. In other words, your post was childish. You have no understanding of national or international issues. While you play paddy cake with Dick & Jane-level propaganda I actually lived in Berlin during the Cold War. What do you know about the relationship between Germany and the USSR ..... nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. All of the other parts of your post (that I quoted) are equally silly. If you don't think so - then try me, Bonzo Boy. :45:
Go back and reread your post. Nothing you said was even relevant to my post. For example, I said the US saved the USSR from Germany in WW2. Your reply was to ask where I got the idea that the US saved Germany from the USSR. Get it?
Go back and reread your post. Nothing you said was even relevant to my post.
Show me and don't lie like your example below:
For example, I said the US saved the USSR from Germany in WW2.
No, you did not say that. Is lying your m.o. or is it just this one time?
Your reply was to ask where I got the idea that the US saved Germany from the USSR.
Correct. That's right.
I do but .... but perhaps you think by lying you can fool me.
Helping" in WW1 set the stage for the Nazis, ignoramus.

Any intervention that kills right wingers at any time in history, and anywhere in history, is the right decision. The only good right winger is a dead right winger.
Show me and don't lie like your example below:

No, you did not say that. Is lying your m.o. or is it just this one time?

Correct. That's right.

I do but .... but perhaps you think by lying you can fool me.
Paranoid schizophrenia?

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