When hollywood portrays the truth about our political reality today.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Yeah, sometimes there is actual truth cause truth always has a certain ring to it.
There will be plenty left.

There is always a doomsday clock, always the end of mankind, always a great catastrophe, always something even for the Mayan's. But it never happens.

The only difference is now it seems worse is because everyone is on the internet 24/7 filling their heads with garbage. Those same people also have easy lives which means they are bored and spend all of their time worrying about whatever the current boogeyman is because they don't have any real worries.

Media also doesn't help because they are all fighting for attention, including TikTok users, that will do or say anything they have to for just one more viewer.
There will be plenty left.

There is always a doomsday clock, always the end of mankind, always a great catastrophe, always something even for the Mayan's. But it never happens.

The only difference is now it seems worse is because everyone is on the internet 24/7 filling their heads with garbage. Those same people also have easy lives which means they are bored and spend all of their time worrying about whatever the current boogeyman is because they don't have any real worries.

Media also doesn't help because they are all fighting for attention, including TikTok users, that will do or say anything they have to for just one more viewer.
The difference is that right now, in the matter of a few phone calls and agreemenrs between pychos, the world could be turned to ashes. If Russia and the U.S sent all of their 12k.combined nukes.or whateber it isto the most.populated locations on earth, what would be left? At some point advanced A.I.will find a way to hack their intranets

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