When I was a Kid..........................

When I was a kid I _____________________________________________everything was someone else's problem.

Now I have to deal with it, growing up sucks.
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You have no idea how much I loved Kids Incorporated!
And yes I had my birthday at McDonalds also but we have this McDonalds here where they have train which is where the parties are held! AWESOME!
I also had a full She Ra outfit that came with a gold sword, man I loved the sword!
When I was a kid, my mother would give my brother, sister and I a dime each. We'd walk up to the top of the hill from our house to this tiny little mom and pop corner store, and we were able to practically fill a small bag with candy for that dime. Some stuff was even a half cent, so you'd have to buy something else that was a half a cent.

Marlboro reds were $0.27 a pack.

My father used to pull up to the "full service" gas station and say, "two dollars worth of regular," and while the gas was filing they'd wash the wind shield and check the oil, and usually there was change back from the two bucks because it wouldn't take it all.

We used to stand with our hand over our heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every school day.

There was no cell phones.

There was no play stations.

There was no computers.

We played outside and entertained ourselves. Would I have wanted to grow up now with all the cool electronic stuff as opposed to growing up 40-50 years ago? No freakin' way. We had freedoms the kids of today will never have, ever again, and I loved every minute of it. 1950-1960-1970... it was great time to be a kid.
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When I was a kid, this country had nominated Al Gore and Dubya while voting in Dubya. I haven't regained my faith in humanity since. :(

Oh, and Pokemon was everything. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbhbLrSQKyY]YouTube - The First Pokemon Theme Song[/ame]
The fire department had to get my buddy and I out of a tree that we climbed while wearing Batman and Spiderman costumes when we were like 4 or 5. It wasn't Halloween season.

All you need to do is add FML to the end of that and it could go on the interwebs. :lol:
Ravi's thread, and Mani's posts, inspired this thread.

When I was a kid I ______________________________________________.

only had to walk a block to my neighborhood school. It was close enough that I - like lots of other kids who attended neighborhood schools across America in those years (1947-53) - ran home for lunch which my mom fixed for me, and listened to Paul Harvey's noontime radio broadcast before returning.
remember Reading Rainbow, Square One, and 3 2 1 contact? I loved that shit!

And speaking of birthday I think my best birthday was held in my backyard and my neighbors owned a Jack in the Box franchise here and the neighbor girl dressed up as Jack back when he was a clown for my birthday. I remember almost pissing my pants I was so excited!
We had locally produced children's TV shows. Rikki and Copper (host Rikki Wertz and her Golden Retriever) Chiller Theater with Chilly Billy Cardille!

My screen name is from a character on Paul Shannon's Adventure Time.

And since my birthday is at the tail end of January (29), I never had any big picnic type parties. Just low keyed affairs ending with blowing out candles and thanking my guests for the cool models (I liked planes)
I also had a full She Ra outfit that came with a gold sword, man I loved the sword!

The fire department had to get my buddy and I out of a tree that we climbed while wearing Batman and Spiderman costumes when we were like 4 or 5. It wasn't Halloween season.
There was a bully who tormented my younger brother. The bully was named Bruce, but my brothers pronunciation was Bluce.

Every day my brother would dread going outside for fear Bluce would beat him up.

Then, on his sixth birthday, my brother got a Superman suit! He thought he was invincible! He donned the magic suit and strode to the front door to confront his nemesis Bluce.

Suddenly, my brother turned on his heel and came back into the living room. You could have landed a plane on his lower lip as he pouted.

Mom couldn't figure out why his mood darkened so quickly. Then she looked across the street to see Bluce wearing his very own Superman suit!
in the summer time, (i guess i was 8 or 9 maybe) we'd get up early eat a bite and out the door we go and not get back home til way after dark. now day parent wouldn't let that happen.
we'd take the metal skates apart fasten them to a plank and realy have a time.
They had glass when you were a kid? :eek:

well, yeah, by junior high, but the really exciting thing for us was metal skates-way faster than wood

They needed that wood to make your false teeth I bet.

nah, we used ivory. it was still legal then. quite comfortable, too.

old school- magnifying glass

They had glass when you were a kid? :eek:

well, yeah, by junior high, but the really exciting thing for us was metal skates-way faster than wood

I remember we had the plastic fisher price adjustable skates but I got a pair of really cool white skate with purple wheals for my sixth birthday.:lol:

The best thing about the 80's were moon boots and we had a pair for all six kids.

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