When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

Has our education system really degraded to the point that people on both sides actually don't know how to sort out the propaganda from what is right in front of them ?

Interesting question.........So, lets redirect the thread....How is Trump doing in the approval ratings?
Is the entire world (except for Trump's acolytes and lap dogs) being mean to the Trumpster?
Did the Democrats have 60 seat Filibuster proof majority????? If so for how long??? During that time frame how many Filibusters did the GOP senate use to obstruct President Obama????

For quite a while now, conservative presidents manage to leave office in such a fucking mess that when a smarter president takes over, the first couple of years are spent just cleaning up......Obama had the world financial market collapsing, the car industry on life support, and TWO wars to contend with when he had a dem majority in congress.

Which presidents would that be ?

Reagan....got a great economy from Carter ?

And the democrats had the house and senate in 2006 (basically handed to them as they essentially ran on an anti-war campaign).....and they have no accountability for the start or continuation of those stupid wars.

BTW: Bush was not a conservative president. You'll never sell that idea to anyone who understands what the term means.
Has our education system really degraded to the point that people on both sides actually don't know how to sort out the propaganda from what is right in front of them ?

Interesting question.........So, lets redirect the thread....How is Trump doing in the approval ratings?
Is the entire world (except for Trump's acolytes and lap dogs) being mean to the Trumpster?

Don't know......

Don't care.....

If Trump is above 25%, I'd be surprised. Many of us who voted for him only did so because the prospect on the other side was even less appealing.

Trump ran in a primary he could never win....he won.

The establishment GOP fought him.

The left totally hates him.

He runs against a career politician who is supposed to cream him in the general.

But somehow he wins the the general.

And he is supposed to be popular right off the bat ?

I have never made it a secret that I don't like the guy......

But he is in there now.....

You lost.

Get over it.
Has our education system really degraded to the point that people on both sides actually don't know how to sort out the propaganda from what is right in front of them ?

Interesting question.........So, lets redirect the thread....How is Trump doing in the approval ratings?
Is the entire world (except for Trump's acolytes and lap dogs) being mean to the Trumpster?

Most of the entire world could probably care less about Trump.

If you think these demonstrations represent something "big", knock yourself out.

I could have cared less about what the world thought of us during the Bush or Obama administrations.

It does not change the fact that I consider both of them to be candidates for worst president ever.
Why do you think GTMO costs so much more? The guards are military, so we don't have to pay civilians. The land is free to use. Why does it cost so much?

The same reason it would cost so much in the US! Lawyers.

Bullshit, ignorant moron.....We spend $3 million on every detainee at Gitmo (versus about $35,000 for a prisoner in a federal prison stateside) is because EVERYTHING and EVERYONE has to be shipped in, food, supplies, medicines, etc. AND elected morons who go there for photo-ops.....
Prove it or shut up.
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Matt McDermott @mattmfm

Thing to watch: Trump has a very real problem with white college-educated voters. Biggest deficit between his vote and current approval.

12:15 PM - 5 Feb 2017 · Manhattan, NY
Trump's first tweet this morning: "Any negative polls are fake news"
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 6m6 minutes ago

Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.

This is not normal.............this is Trump Bowling Green shit
Added 10 trillion to the debt.

Nitwit.......WHO was going to pay for the TWO unfunded wars? WHO was going to pay for the unfunded Medicare Advantage [sic]....WHO was going to pay for the reversal of 750,000 unemployed folks per month? WHO was going to stem off the world economy for falling into a depression?
Then don't bitch if Trump does the same.
Trump's first tweet this morning: "Any negative polls are fake news"
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 6m6 minutes ago

Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.

This is not normal.............this is Trump Bowling Green shit
Awe shut up and let Trump run the country. Stop your whinning, it's getting old.
When will snowflakes admit Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and should never have been allowed to run in the last month of the campaign due to being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations (setting the bar for future candidates pretty damn low)?
When will snowflakes admit Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and should never have been allowed to run in the last month of the campaign due to being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations (setting the bar for future candidates pretty damn low)?

Yea....FBI investigation that showed nothing

Trump doesn't win without Comeys help
Which one elects the president?

Well, obviously the electoral college does....and YES, your last TWO "victories" have been won NOT by the popular vote, but by an outdated system.....

BUT, if you could read without outside help, this thread is about Trump's approval ratings....Care to comment about that?
so if trump governs the way he won, you're pissed, if he sat on his hands and did nothing you'd be in here saying he's not doing what he campaigned on. Which way you want to bitch is the game of the day, you stupid fk, you are the least of trump's worries. so, blah, blah, blah all fking day and year I give two shits. The fact is he won. PERIOD. He is entitled to present his agenda and policy the same as every other fking president that we've ever had.

Edit: As obummer stated, elections do have consequences.
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When will snowflakes admit Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and should never have been allowed to run in the last month of the campaign due to being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations (setting the bar for future candidates pretty damn low)?

Yea....FBI investigation that showed nothing

Trump doesn't win without Comeys help

I thought it was the russkies?
When will snowflakes admit Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and should never have been allowed to run in the last month of the campaign due to being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations (setting the bar for future candidates pretty damn low)?

Yea....FBI investigation that showed nothing

Trump doesn't win without Comeys help

I thought it was the russkies?

Trump would have lost without either one of them

It is becoming evident that Putin has some pretty damning evidence against President Tinkles
When will snowflakes admit Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and should never have been allowed to run in the last month of the campaign due to being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations (setting the bar for future candidates pretty damn low)?

Yea....FBI investigation that showed nothing

Trump doesn't win without Comeys help

I thought it was the russkies?

Trump would have lost without either one of them

It is becoming evident that Putin has some pretty damning evidence against President Tinkles

Keep telling yourself that. I give two shits. The fact is she ran a bad campaign. And until you on the left admit that, which still hasn't happened as the proof from over the weekend tells us. The chances of you all taking anything except more laxatives is where we'll be.
Yea....FBI investigation that showed nothing
Thank you for acknowledging there was never / is no connection.

Trump doesn't win without Comeys help

Come back to reality, snowflake. Hillary was / is a loser.
She carried more baggage than an AmTrack train.
Being under MULTIPLE FBI Investigations she should have been forced out of the election campaign.

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Fox News Poll: Majority says Russian hacking made no difference in 2016 election

Russia Didn’t Make Hillary Lose. Nor Is It Trump’s Friend.

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