When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.

Election rigged? You have proof? All you have is nothing but speculation. Liberals claimed before the election that the wikileaks had no effect on the polls, but because you lost because you could not see what voters really wanted, you want to blame others because she could not have been as bad as Trump. The fact is, she was out of touch so bad that those of us that couldn't vote for Trump, couldn't vote for Clinton. Next time instead of rigging the Democratic nominee, get someone respectable.
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.

Election rigged? You have proof? All you have is nothing but speculation. Liberals claimed before the election that the wikileaks had no effect on the polls, but because you lost because you could not see what voters really wanted, you want to blame others because she could not have been as bad as Trump. The fact is, she was out of touch so bad that those of us that couldn't vote for Trump, couldn't vote for Clinton. Next time instead of rigging the Democratic nominee, get someone respectable.
Fair enough. Now you tell me what you would consider proof without the speculation!!!
In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.

Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president.

Best President money could buy, eh?
In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat, nearly 57% of the Electoral College voted for Trump.
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat, nearly 57% of the Electoral College voted for Trump.
Are Trump-GOP Congress and Red State voters enjoying their "Soft Coup" on America????
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.

Election rigged? You have proof? All you have is nothing but speculation. Liberals claimed before the election that the wikileaks had no effect on the polls, but because you lost because you could not see what voters really wanted, you want to blame others because she could not have been as bad as Trump. The fact is, she was out of touch so bad that those of us that couldn't vote for Trump, couldn't vote for Clinton. Next time instead of rigging the Democratic nominee, get someone respectable.
Google "GOP Govenors and "Cross Checking"
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.

Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president.

Best President money could buy, eh?
Is Donald "Putin" Trump
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Yes Trump is:cuckoo:

no, my little thumb sucking friend, you are the crazy one.
Republicans have an entire fake news TV channel that lies about Democrats all day and all night. Their stupid viewers won’t watch any other news because their fake news channel told them not to. Really frightening. You begin to see how a Hitler came to power in a country with an “educated” population.

Wow! and liberals have CNN and MSNBC, do you have a point or are you still crying like a spoiled brat because your person didn't win?
Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat, nearly 57% of the Electoral College voted for Trump.
Are Trump-GOP Congress and Red State voters enjoying their "Soft Coup" on America????

How was it a coup?

no, my little thumb sucking friend, you are the crazy one.
Republicans have an entire fake news TV channel that lies about Democrats all day and all night. Their stupid viewers won’t watch any other news because their fake news channel told them not to. Really frightening. You begin to see how a Hitler came to power in a country with an “educated” population.

Wow! and liberals have CNN and MSNBC, do you have a point or are you still crying like a spoiled brat because your person didn't win?

Not sure what this has to do with fox, CNN, MSNBC, you seem to throw darts at a lot of subjects, shift from subject to subject and then claim you make a point. Stick to one topic at a time.
Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Repeat, nearly 57% of the Electoral College voted for Trump.
Are Trump-GOP Congress and Red State voters enjoying their "Soft Coup" on America????

I'm enjoying the tidal wave of liberal tears.

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