When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

By Travis Bille on May 20, 2016

Categories: Healthcare, Immigration, War

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obamaā€™s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist heā€™s a ruthless dictator.

10. Illinois State Senate
This might be hard for some Republicans to believe, but Obama did not, in fact, go straight from community organizer to the White House. His first served in the Illinois State Senate representing the 13th district. And during that time, believe it or not, he built a reputation for working with Republicans in the state legislature.

[Republican Kirk] Dillard was the Senate sponsor and Obama the co-sponsor of legislation, approved in 1998, that banned lobbyists from giving gifts to lawmakers and enacted new campaign finance disclosure requirements, along with other reforms.

Republicans were actually encouraged to seek out then-State Senator Obama, knowing that he was eager to pass important legislation and was willing to work across party lines. He carried that enthusiasm into his next role as a U.S. Senator, but that doesnā€™t come next on the countdown, calm down. Cheaters.

9. New START Treaty
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) has a long, tumultuous history, with negotiations first starting as far back as 1982. It also has a strong bipartisan history. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and the leader of the former Soviet Union, Mikhael Gorbachev, began talks on what would turn into a major draw-down in the massive nuclear stockpiles and delivery vehicles the two countries hoarded during the Cold War.

Because of the significance and difficulty and getting an agreement through both governments, especially with the dissolution of the Soviet Union lodged in the middle, Reagan was not able to seal it up completely. But with Reagan passing the presidential torch to Vice President George H.W. Bush, the smooth transition helped the talks continue until an agreement was reached in 1991.

Implementation of what was later renamed START I went all the way through the 90s, but expired in 2009. In response to the expiration, and to the failure of passing START II and START III, Obama started talks with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on what was called New START.

It did not go down easily, though. Needing 67 votes in the U.S. Senate, it went right down to the wire because some Republicans simply werenā€™t willing to let Obama do something meaningful in which he could take credit. Republican Senator Richard Lugar points this out in an interview shortly before the vote.

New START was ratified by the U.S. Senate in 2010 by a vote of 71-26, which included support from thirteen Republicans and two Independents. The treaty went into force in February of 2011.

8. DREAM Act
The DREAM Act was immigration legislation designed to protect children illegally brought to the U.S. by family members. As long as they stayed out of trouble, they wouldnā€™t be deported. This would also protect immigrants who have served in the U.S. military. Seriously, risking your life in war for the U.S. is apparently not enough, leading to actual military veterans being deported. They fight for our freedom, only to be told they canā€™t partake. ā€˜Murica!

The original DREAM Act was proposed in 2001 by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and included co-sponsors from both parties. It came to a vote in 2010, passing the U.S. House 216-198, but failing in the Senate by not reaching the 60-vote super-majority needed to avert a filibuster.

You might think perhaps the bill changed enough between 2001 and 2010 in ways that angered Republicans, but surprisingly, the only real changes actually made the bill more restrictive towards immigrants. Ironically, these changes led to five Democrats voting against it, which would have been enough to avoid the filibuster.

Nevertheless, Obama did everything he could to garner enough support from both sides of the aisle. When it came up short, it was due to opposition from Democrats upset that it contained too much compromise.

7. Republican Appointments
This list is long, and goes deep in the cabinet. Obama actually has the distinction of being the first president to remind me of the last season of The West Wing, when President-elect Santos offered to appoint the Republican presidential nominee, Arnold Vinick, as Secretary of State. This is sort of how I imagine the conversation went when Obama appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who previously served in the administrations of both George W. and George H.W. Bush.

But he didnā€™t stop with Gates. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Army Secretary John McHugh were all appointed to their posts by Obama despite their deep Republican ties. Capping it off was the appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to China, which went to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who also ran for president as a Republican in 2012.

Considering these high appointments going to Republicans, itā€™s probably safe to say there were a few Ainsley Hayesā€™s on the White House staff as well.

6. Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax)
It was once called ā€œCap and Trade,ā€ at least it was back when it was proposed by a Republican. Then Democrats got their dirty hands on it, and as soon as Obama touched it, it became ā€œCap and Tax.ā€ Because thatā€™s how you make Republican ideas sound bad when Democrats try to pass themā€¦you add the word ā€œtax.ā€ Itā€™s also useful to add ā€œBigā€ as an adjective in front of anything the opposition likes (big government, big oil, big pharma, big ag, etc.).

Cap and Trade has a complex operation, but on a very basic level, it is basically an incentive given to businesses to encourage them to lower emissions of certain pollutants. It was a central component of the Clean Air Act of 1990, proposed, passed, and signed by George H.W. Bush. At that time, it was seen by conservatives as a breakthrough; a market-based approach to reducing pollution.

But, of course, when Obama took this great conservative idea for emissions reduction and wanted to apply it to carbon emissions that were speeding up the warming of the earth, it became the Nazi-Communist-Kenyan-Muslim Tax and Spend Plan. Paraphrasing, of course.

5. The Coburn-Obama Bill
Letā€™s step back for a minute to the term Obama served in the U.S. Senate, where he made several Republican friends. Most prominent among them was then-Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. In 2006, the two of them came together for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which was given the pet name ā€œGoogle for Government.ā€ The bill allowed regular taxpayers to use a ā€œGoogle-likeā€ search engine to track government spending.

The bill, which was also often referred to as the ā€œCoburn-Obama Bill,ā€ also had 43 co-sponsors hailing from both sides of the aisle. To this day, even amidst their many differences while Coburn was still in Congress, Coburn still regards President Obama as a ā€œgenuinely very smart, nice guy.ā€

Interesting to note from the interview: President Obamaā€™s relationship with Congress apparently was in some part based on the fact that he took his job seriously. He didnā€™t start off meetings with a dirty joke. I donā€™t know about you, but when I voted for him, I expected him to take his job seriously and not start off meetings with a dirty joke.

Bravo to Senator Coburn and President Obama for being able to respectfully disagree and still find common ground on which to work together.

4. Chained CPI
Iā€™ll be honest, getting down to these last few has me a little freaked, because some of these times when Obama actively worked with Republicans are now considered naughty words in progressive circles.

One of those naughty words was part of the ā€œGrand Bargainā€ struck between Obama and then-Speaker of the House John Boehner. That deal ultimately failed as neither could get enough support from their own caucus, but every discussion from now on regarding Social Security will end up with a heated conversation on chained CPI.

So what is it? I am so glad you asked.

Currently, government benefits go up each year based on a certain version of the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The reason for this change is because the value of a dollar changes over time. This is called a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). The current version in use is CPI-W, which is shorthand for ā€œConsumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.ā€

Chained CPI is shorthand for ā€œChained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.ā€ Itā€™s based on the idea that as certain products go up in price, eventually consumers will replace them with other items. For example, letā€™s say the price of hamburger goes through the roof, but the price of chicken stays relatively the same. Chained CPI is meant to reflect the inflationary adjustment of the dollar while taking into context the fact that consumers would probably buy less hamburger and more chicken.

If youā€™re wondering what happens to the people who donā€™t make the substitutions for which this index adjusts, the answer is that they will get less money to purchase those products. Because of the substitutions made with chained CPI, the inflation adjustment for government benefits would rise at a much slower rate than under CPI-W.

Obama agreed to this change, caught the disdain of his party, and then watched it fail to pass because the overall agreement called for a tax increase.

3. TPP
Another naughty word. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is a huge trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and the Pacific Rim. And Republicans absolutely love it. And Obama loves it. And Democrats hate it.

Not all Democrats, of course, but the rise of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and a progressive movement surge on the issue have combined to push it to the front, and put Obama in a position to explain it more than he ever hoped would be necessary. As most trade deals of that magnitude are conducted in private, much of the early dissent was based on speculation.


ā€œStanding Together Against TPPā€ ā€“ Photo by SumOfUs via Flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0

Currently the agreement is stuck on hold, as full implementation requires 12 countries to agree on everything, followed by getting it all approved and ratified by their central government. If you ever felt like the government runs too slowly, make sure you take into context that 12 countries are trying to get all parts of their governments to agree with each other and all parts of all the other governments. Soā€¦yeah. Check back in a decade.

2. Corporate Taxes
This a big one. Not based on the size or stretch of such a change, but because Obama has repeatedly offered it over the years, and Republicans have repeatedly brushed him off, only to then complain that Obama wonā€™t lower the corporate tax rate.

Several years ago, one of the bigger stories in the news was fast food chain Burger King moving its headquarters to Canada. And why would they do such a thing? Because Canadaā€™s corporate tax rate is 15%, compared to the U.S. rate of 35%. And according to this guy, thatā€™s all on Obama and his ā€œanti-business, big tax agendaā€¦ā€œ

Democrats and Republicans alike say they want corporate tax reformā€”eliminate loopholes and deductions and lower ratesā€”but Obama has made clear he wants more revenue overall out of the exercise.

Obama has said over and over that his plan is to close tax loopholes and use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate. The basis of this plan is revenue-neutral. The most recent proposal from Obama on corporate tax reform is explained here by Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal:

Sadly, the idea of Obama cutting taxes just doesnā€™t fit the GOP rhetoric that they would like you to hear, so he still gets viewed as a tax-and-spend liberal. But we donā€™t get to make up our own facts, and the fact is that Obama has worked very hard to come to an agreement with Republicans, and while Republicans continue to rail on high corporate taxes, they donā€™t seem willing to come to the table.

1. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Also known lovingly as Obamacare.

If you didnā€™t know the foundation of this came from Republican ideas, then Iā€™ve got a story to tell you.

Back in the 80s and 90s, the solution pushed by Democrats to reform our massively screwed up health care system was universal healthcare, also known as single-payer healthcare. The main reason we didnā€™t get health care reform in the 90s was because President Bill Clinton wanted single-payer (then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was also a very vocal proponent), and Republicans wanted healthcare to remain in some form of a market-based system.

While it never happened at the federal level, the ideas proposed by Republicans during that time carried on in Republican circles. The most prominent of these was the individual mandate, which was the foundation on which Republican Governor Mitt Romney passed his healthcare plan in the state of Massachusetts.

That is some fine messaging right there. Not once did he call it a ā€œmandate.ā€ It was taking personal responsibility and not getting a free ride. Brilliant.

The reason for the individual mandate is fairly simple, especially when explained by the organization the basically invented it: the extremely conservative Heritage Foundation. If we want a healthcare system that covers people who have preexisting conditions, it can only remain affordable for everyone else if healthy people who donā€™t have health insurance are forced to buy it.

The major disagreement the modern Republican Party pretended to have with the mandate was that it forced people who didnā€™t want insurance to buy insurance. What they appear to have missed is what was explained by Romney in the above clip. Because a major illness or injury could hit at any time, and because emergency rooms are required to treat anyone that comes in the door, it just doesnā€™t make sense to allow people that can afford insurance to not buy it. When their appendix bursts and they go to the emergency room, that cost is passed on to the rest of us.

Speaking of which, during the major Supreme Court trial addressing the individual mandate, it turns out that the lead plaintiff hadā€¦wait for itā€¦filed for bankruptcy partially due to medical bills.

When that happens, the healthcare provider has to absorb that loss. When they absorb that loss, they have to make up for it somewhere else, which leads to higher prices on other medical services. All of this, at the end of the day, means that the people carrying health insurance are being charged in part for the unwillingness of others to carry health insurance.

Here I am expanding on Mitt Romneyā€™s point, which originally the Heritage Foundationā€™s point, which at one time was also Newt Gingrichā€™s point, which is now the same point being made by President Obama.

Like it or not, President Obama has tried and compromised repeatedly in order to bring Republicans to the table on healthcare and many other major issues our country faces. He has made it a focus to work together to pass meaningful, bipartisan legislation. And in exchange, he has been called all sorts of nasty names and portrayed to the world as a dictator that wants to rule by force and not listen to anyone else.

We can only hope that decades from now, his legacy in our childrenā€™s textbooks will reflect the spirit of bipartisanship that he brought to every position he was elected to as a public servant.

Your liberalamerica.com talking points are hyperbole and lack specifics. Specifics would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, so I can't blame you necessarily. Second they are not doing anything, even as described, to benefit conservatism, only continuing liberalism. How is that compromising? Less Liberalism isn't conservatism, it's still liberalism, not compromising. Third, and most important to the argument is that these didn't happen within 20 days of the start of his Presidency. The fact that this article makes a joke that Obama had a job that was a state senator was a little disturbing. Lifetime politicians, Conservative or Liberal are not impressive to me at all.
Meanwhile, as of today the GOP congress, Trump and Red State America has all the POWER lets see how they Govern!!!! Will they govern on behalf of Red State America or will they use their new found power to govern for ALL of America!

/------ First strawman argument of the day.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

By Travis Bille on May 20, 2016

Categories: Healthcare, Immigration, War

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obamaā€™s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist heā€™s a ruthless dictator.

10. Illinois State Senate
This might be hard for some Republicans to believe, but Obama did not, in fact, go straight from community organizer to the White House. His first served in the Illinois State Senate representing the 13th district. And during that time, believe it or not, he built a reputation for working with Republicans in the state legislature.

[Republican Kirk] Dillard was the Senate sponsor and Obama the co-sponsor of legislation, approved in 1998, that banned lobbyists from giving gifts to lawmakers and enacted new campaign finance disclosure requirements, along with other reforms.

Republicans were actually encouraged to seek out then-State Senator Obama, knowing that he was eager to pass important legislation and was willing to work across party lines. He carried that enthusiasm into his next role as a U.S. Senator, but that doesnā€™t come next on the countdown, calm down. Cheaters.

9. New START Treaty
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) has a long, tumultuous history, with negotiations first starting as far back as 1982. It also has a strong bipartisan history. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and the leader of the former Soviet Union, Mikhael Gorbachev, began talks on what would turn into a major draw-down in the massive nuclear stockpiles and delivery vehicles the two countries hoarded during the Cold War.

Because of the significance and difficulty and getting an agreement through both governments, especially with the dissolution of the Soviet Union lodged in the middle, Reagan was not able to seal it up completely. But with Reagan passing the presidential torch to Vice President George H.W. Bush, the smooth transition helped the talks continue until an agreement was reached in 1991.

Implementation of what was later renamed START I went all the way through the 90s, but expired in 2009. In response to the expiration, and to the failure of passing START II and START III, Obama started talks with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on what was called New START.

It did not go down easily, though. Needing 67 votes in the U.S. Senate, it went right down to the wire because some Republicans simply werenā€™t willing to let Obama do something meaningful in which he could take credit. Republican Senator Richard Lugar points this out in an interview shortly before the vote.

New START was ratified by the U.S. Senate in 2010 by a vote of 71-26, which included support from thirteen Republicans and two Independents. The treaty went into force in February of 2011.

8. DREAM Act
The DREAM Act was immigration legislation designed to protect children illegally brought to the U.S. by family members. As long as they stayed out of trouble, they wouldnā€™t be deported. This would also protect immigrants who have served in the U.S. military. Seriously, risking your life in war for the U.S. is apparently not enough, leading to actual military veterans being deported. They fight for our freedom, only to be told they canā€™t partake. ā€˜Murica!

The original DREAM Act was proposed in 2001 by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and included co-sponsors from both parties. It came to a vote in 2010, passing the U.S. House 216-198, but failing in the Senate by not reaching the 60-vote super-majority needed to avert a filibuster.

You might think perhaps the bill changed enough between 2001 and 2010 in ways that angered Republicans, but surprisingly, the only real changes actually made the bill more restrictive towards immigrants. Ironically, these changes led to five Democrats voting against it, which would have been enough to avoid the filibuster.

Nevertheless, Obama did everything he could to garner enough support from both sides of the aisle. When it came up short, it was due to opposition from Democrats upset that it contained too much compromise.

7. Republican Appointments
This list is long, and goes deep in the cabinet. Obama actually has the distinction of being the first president to remind me of the last season of The West Wing, when President-elect Santos offered to appoint the Republican presidential nominee, Arnold Vinick, as Secretary of State. This is sort of how I imagine the conversation went when Obama appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who previously served in the administrations of both George W. and George H.W. Bush.

But he didnā€™t stop with Gates. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Army Secretary John McHugh were all appointed to their posts by Obama despite their deep Republican ties. Capping it off was the appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to China, which went to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who also ran for president as a Republican in 2012.

Considering these high appointments going to Republicans, itā€™s probably safe to say there were a few Ainsley Hayesā€™s on the White House staff as well.

6. Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax)
It was once called ā€œCap and Trade,ā€ at least it was back when it was proposed by a Republican. Then Democrats got their dirty hands on it, and as soon as Obama touched it, it became ā€œCap and Tax.ā€ Because thatā€™s how you make Republican ideas sound bad when Democrats try to pass themā€¦you add the word ā€œtax.ā€ Itā€™s also useful to add ā€œBigā€ as an adjective in front of anything the opposition likes (big government, big oil, big pharma, big ag, etc.).

Cap and Trade has a complex operation, but on a very basic level, it is basically an incentive given to businesses to encourage them to lower emissions of certain pollutants. It was a central component of the Clean Air Act of 1990, proposed, passed, and signed by George H.W. Bush. At that time, it was seen by conservatives as a breakthrough; a market-based approach to reducing pollution.

But, of course, when Obama took this great conservative idea for emissions reduction and wanted to apply it to carbon emissions that were speeding up the warming of the earth, it became the Nazi-Communist-Kenyan-Muslim Tax and Spend Plan. Paraphrasing, of course.

5. The Coburn-Obama Bill
Letā€™s step back for a minute to the term Obama served in the U.S. Senate, where he made several Republican friends. Most prominent among them was then-Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. In 2006, the two of them came together for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which was given the pet name ā€œGoogle for Government.ā€ The bill allowed regular taxpayers to use a ā€œGoogle-likeā€ search engine to track government spending.

The bill, which was also often referred to as the ā€œCoburn-Obama Bill,ā€ also had 43 co-sponsors hailing from both sides of the aisle. To this day, even amidst their many differences while Coburn was still in Congress, Coburn still regards President Obama as a ā€œgenuinely very smart, nice guy.ā€

Interesting to note from the interview: President Obamaā€™s relationship with Congress apparently was in some part based on the fact that he took his job seriously. He didnā€™t start off meetings with a dirty joke. I donā€™t know about you, but when I voted for him, I expected him to take his job seriously and not start off meetings with a dirty joke.

Bravo to Senator Coburn and President Obama for being able to respectfully disagree and still find common ground on which to work together.

4. Chained CPI
Iā€™ll be honest, getting down to these last few has me a little freaked, because some of these times when Obama actively worked with Republicans are now considered naughty words in progressive circles.

One of those naughty words was part of the ā€œGrand Bargainā€ struck between Obama and then-Speaker of the House John Boehner. That deal ultimately failed as neither could get enough support from their own caucus, but every discussion from now on regarding Social Security will end up with a heated conversation on chained CPI.

So what is it? I am so glad you asked.

Currently, government benefits go up each year based on a certain version of the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The reason for this change is because the value of a dollar changes over time. This is called a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). The current version in use is CPI-W, which is shorthand for ā€œConsumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.ā€

Chained CPI is shorthand for ā€œChained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.ā€ Itā€™s based on the idea that as certain products go up in price, eventually consumers will replace them with other items. For example, letā€™s say the price of hamburger goes through the roof, but the price of chicken stays relatively the same. Chained CPI is meant to reflect the inflationary adjustment of the dollar while taking into context the fact that consumers would probably buy less hamburger and more chicken.

If youā€™re wondering what happens to the people who donā€™t make the substitutions for which this index adjusts, the answer is that they will get less money to purchase those products. Because of the substitutions made with chained CPI, the inflation adjustment for government benefits would rise at a much slower rate than under CPI-W.

Obama agreed to this change, caught the disdain of his party, and then watched it fail to pass because the overall agreement called for a tax increase.

3. TPP
Another naughty word. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is a huge trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and the Pacific Rim. And Republicans absolutely love it. And Obama loves it. And Democrats hate it.

Not all Democrats, of course, but the rise of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and a progressive movement surge on the issue have combined to push it to the front, and put Obama in a position to explain it more than he ever hoped would be necessary. As most trade deals of that magnitude are conducted in private, much of the early dissent was based on speculation.


ā€œStanding Together Against TPPā€ ā€“ Photo by SumOfUs via Flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0

Currently the agreement is stuck on hold, as full implementation requires 12 countries to agree on everything, followed by getting it all approved and ratified by their central government. If you ever felt like the government runs too slowly, make sure you take into context that 12 countries are trying to get all parts of their governments to agree with each other and all parts of all the other governments. Soā€¦yeah. Check back in a decade.

2. Corporate Taxes
This a big one. Not based on the size or stretch of such a change, but because Obama has repeatedly offered it over the years, and Republicans have repeatedly brushed him off, only to then complain that Obama wonā€™t lower the corporate tax rate.

Several years ago, one of the bigger stories in the news was fast food chain Burger King moving its headquarters to Canada. And why would they do such a thing? Because Canadaā€™s corporate tax rate is 15%, compared to the U.S. rate of 35%. And according to this guy, thatā€™s all on Obama and his ā€œanti-business, big tax agendaā€¦ā€œ

Democrats and Republicans alike say they want corporate tax reformā€”eliminate loopholes and deductions and lower ratesā€”but Obama has made clear he wants more revenue overall out of the exercise.

Obama has said over and over that his plan is to close tax loopholes and use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate. The basis of this plan is revenue-neutral. The most recent proposal from Obama on corporate tax reform is explained here by Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal:

Sadly, the idea of Obama cutting taxes just doesnā€™t fit the GOP rhetoric that they would like you to hear, so he still gets viewed as a tax-and-spend liberal. But we donā€™t get to make up our own facts, and the fact is that Obama has worked very hard to come to an agreement with Republicans, and while Republicans continue to rail on high corporate taxes, they donā€™t seem willing to come to the table.

1. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Also known lovingly as Obamacare.

If you didnā€™t know the foundation of this came from Republican ideas, then Iā€™ve got a story to tell you.

Back in the 80s and 90s, the solution pushed by Democrats to reform our massively screwed up health care system was universal healthcare, also known as single-payer healthcare. The main reason we didnā€™t get health care reform in the 90s was because President Bill Clinton wanted single-payer (then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was also a very vocal proponent), and Republicans wanted healthcare to remain in some form of a market-based system.

While it never happened at the federal level, the ideas proposed by Republicans during that time carried on in Republican circles. The most prominent of these was the individual mandate, which was the foundation on which Republican Governor Mitt Romney passed his healthcare plan in the state of Massachusetts.

That is some fine messaging right there. Not once did he call it a ā€œmandate.ā€ It was taking personal responsibility and not getting a free ride. Brilliant.

The reason for the individual mandate is fairly simple, especially when explained by the organization the basically invented it: the extremely conservative Heritage Foundation. If we want a healthcare system that covers people who have preexisting conditions, it can only remain affordable for everyone else if healthy people who donā€™t have health insurance are forced to buy it.

The major disagreement the modern Republican Party pretended to have with the mandate was that it forced people who didnā€™t want insurance to buy insurance. What they appear to have missed is what was explained by Romney in the above clip. Because a major illness or injury could hit at any time, and because emergency rooms are required to treat anyone that comes in the door, it just doesnā€™t make sense to allow people that can afford insurance to not buy it. When their appendix bursts and they go to the emergency room, that cost is passed on to the rest of us.

Speaking of which, during the major Supreme Court trial addressing the individual mandate, it turns out that the lead plaintiff hadā€¦wait for itā€¦filed for bankruptcy partially due to medical bills.

When that happens, the healthcare provider has to absorb that loss. When they absorb that loss, they have to make up for it somewhere else, which leads to higher prices on other medical services. All of this, at the end of the day, means that the people carrying health insurance are being charged in part for the unwillingness of others to carry health insurance.

Here I am expanding on Mitt Romneyā€™s point, which originally the Heritage Foundationā€™s point, which at one time was also Newt Gingrichā€™s point, which is now the same point being made by President Obama.

Like it or not, President Obama has tried and compromised repeatedly in order to bring Republicans to the table on healthcare and many other major issues our country faces. He has made it a focus to work together to pass meaningful, bipartisan legislation. And in exchange, he has been called all sorts of nasty names and portrayed to the world as a dictator that wants to rule by force and not listen to anyone else.

We can only hope that decades from now, his legacy in our childrenā€™s textbooks will reflect the spirit of bipartisanship that he brought to every position he was elected to as a public servant.

Your liberalamerica.com talking points are hyperbole and lack specifics. Specifics would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, so I can't blame you necessarily. Second they are not doing anything, even as described, to benefit conservatism, only continuing liberalism. How is that compromising? Less Liberalism isn't conservatism, it's still liberalism, not compromising. Third, and most important to the argument is that these didn't happen within 20 days of the start of his Presidency. The fact that this article makes a joke that Obama had a job that was a state senator was a little disturbing. Lifetime politicians, Conservative or Liberal are not impressive to me at all.
Meanwhile, as of today the GOP congress, Trump and Red State America has all the POWER lets see how they Govern!!!! Will they govern on behalf of Red State America or will they use their new found power to govern for ALL of America!

/------ First strawman argument of the day.
Oh well can you provide a link which shows how the GOP congress between 2009-2016 reached across the isle to compromise with President Obama?
Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

By Travis Bille on May 20, 2016

Categories: Healthcare, Immigration, War

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obamaā€™s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist heā€™s a ruthless dictator.

10. Illinois State Senate
This might be hard for some Republicans to believe, but Obama did not, in fact, go straight from community organizer to the White House. His first served in the Illinois State Senate representing the 13th district. And during that time, believe it or not, he built a reputation for working with Republicans in the state legislature.

[Republican Kirk] Dillard was the Senate sponsor and Obama the co-sponsor of legislation, approved in 1998, that banned lobbyists from giving gifts to lawmakers and enacted new campaign finance disclosure requirements, along with other reforms.

Republicans were actually encouraged to seek out then-State Senator Obama, knowing that he was eager to pass important legislation and was willing to work across party lines. He carried that enthusiasm into his next role as a U.S. Senator, but that doesnā€™t come next on the countdown, calm down. Cheaters.

9. New START Treaty
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) has a long, tumultuous history, with negotiations first starting as far back as 1982. It also has a strong bipartisan history. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and the leader of the former Soviet Union, Mikhael Gorbachev, began talks on what would turn into a major draw-down in the massive nuclear stockpiles and delivery vehicles the two countries hoarded during the Cold War.

Because of the significance and difficulty and getting an agreement through both governments, especially with the dissolution of the Soviet Union lodged in the middle, Reagan was not able to seal it up completely. But with Reagan passing the presidential torch to Vice President George H.W. Bush, the smooth transition helped the talks continue until an agreement was reached in 1991.

Implementation of what was later renamed START I went all the way through the 90s, but expired in 2009. In response to the expiration, and to the failure of passing START II and START III, Obama started talks with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on what was called New START.

It did not go down easily, though. Needing 67 votes in the U.S. Senate, it went right down to the wire because some Republicans simply werenā€™t willing to let Obama do something meaningful in which he could take credit. Republican Senator Richard Lugar points this out in an interview shortly before the vote.

New START was ratified by the U.S. Senate in 2010 by a vote of 71-26, which included support from thirteen Republicans and two Independents. The treaty went into force in February of 2011.

8. DREAM Act
The DREAM Act was immigration legislation designed to protect children illegally brought to the U.S. by family members. As long as they stayed out of trouble, they wouldnā€™t be deported. This would also protect immigrants who have served in the U.S. military. Seriously, risking your life in war for the U.S. is apparently not enough, leading to actual military veterans being deported. They fight for our freedom, only to be told they canā€™t partake. ā€˜Murica!

The original DREAM Act was proposed in 2001 by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and included co-sponsors from both parties. It came to a vote in 2010, passing the U.S. House 216-198, but failing in the Senate by not reaching the 60-vote super-majority needed to avert a filibuster.

You might think perhaps the bill changed enough between 2001 and 2010 in ways that angered Republicans, but surprisingly, the only real changes actually made the bill more restrictive towards immigrants. Ironically, these changes led to five Democrats voting against it, which would have been enough to avoid the filibuster.

Nevertheless, Obama did everything he could to garner enough support from both sides of the aisle. When it came up short, it was due to opposition from Democrats upset that it contained too much compromise.

7. Republican Appointments
This list is long, and goes deep in the cabinet. Obama actually has the distinction of being the first president to remind me of the last season of The West Wing, when President-elect Santos offered to appoint the Republican presidential nominee, Arnold Vinick, as Secretary of State. This is sort of how I imagine the conversation went when Obama appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who previously served in the administrations of both George W. and George H.W. Bush.

But he didnā€™t stop with Gates. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Army Secretary John McHugh were all appointed to their posts by Obama despite their deep Republican ties. Capping it off was the appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to China, which went to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who also ran for president as a Republican in 2012.

Considering these high appointments going to Republicans, itā€™s probably safe to say there were a few Ainsley Hayesā€™s on the White House staff as well.

6. Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax)
It was once called ā€œCap and Trade,ā€ at least it was back when it was proposed by a Republican. Then Democrats got their dirty hands on it, and as soon as Obama touched it, it became ā€œCap and Tax.ā€ Because thatā€™s how you make Republican ideas sound bad when Democrats try to pass themā€¦you add the word ā€œtax.ā€ Itā€™s also useful to add ā€œBigā€ as an adjective in front of anything the opposition likes (big government, big oil, big pharma, big ag, etc.).

Cap and Trade has a complex operation, but on a very basic level, it is basically an incentive given to businesses to encourage them to lower emissions of certain pollutants. It was a central component of the Clean Air Act of 1990, proposed, passed, and signed by George H.W. Bush. At that time, it was seen by conservatives as a breakthrough; a market-based approach to reducing pollution.

But, of course, when Obama took this great conservative idea for emissions reduction and wanted to apply it to carbon emissions that were speeding up the warming of the earth, it became the Nazi-Communist-Kenyan-Muslim Tax and Spend Plan. Paraphrasing, of course.

5. The Coburn-Obama Bill
Letā€™s step back for a minute to the term Obama served in the U.S. Senate, where he made several Republican friends. Most prominent among them was then-Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. In 2006, the two of them came together for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which was given the pet name ā€œGoogle for Government.ā€ The bill allowed regular taxpayers to use a ā€œGoogle-likeā€ search engine to track government spending.

The bill, which was also often referred to as the ā€œCoburn-Obama Bill,ā€ also had 43 co-sponsors hailing from both sides of the aisle. To this day, even amidst their many differences while Coburn was still in Congress, Coburn still regards President Obama as a ā€œgenuinely very smart, nice guy.ā€

Interesting to note from the interview: President Obamaā€™s relationship with Congress apparently was in some part based on the fact that he took his job seriously. He didnā€™t start off meetings with a dirty joke. I donā€™t know about you, but when I voted for him, I expected him to take his job seriously and not start off meetings with a dirty joke.

Bravo to Senator Coburn and President Obama for being able to respectfully disagree and still find common ground on which to work together.

4. Chained CPI
Iā€™ll be honest, getting down to these last few has me a little freaked, because some of these times when Obama actively worked with Republicans are now considered naughty words in progressive circles.

One of those naughty words was part of the ā€œGrand Bargainā€ struck between Obama and then-Speaker of the House John Boehner. That deal ultimately failed as neither could get enough support from their own caucus, but every discussion from now on regarding Social Security will end up with a heated conversation on chained CPI.

So what is it? I am so glad you asked.

Currently, government benefits go up each year based on a certain version of the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The reason for this change is because the value of a dollar changes over time. This is called a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). The current version in use is CPI-W, which is shorthand for ā€œConsumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.ā€

Chained CPI is shorthand for ā€œChained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.ā€ Itā€™s based on the idea that as certain products go up in price, eventually consumers will replace them with other items. For example, letā€™s say the price of hamburger goes through the roof, but the price of chicken stays relatively the same. Chained CPI is meant to reflect the inflationary adjustment of the dollar while taking into context the fact that consumers would probably buy less hamburger and more chicken.

If youā€™re wondering what happens to the people who donā€™t make the substitutions for which this index adjusts, the answer is that they will get less money to purchase those products. Because of the substitutions made with chained CPI, the inflation adjustment for government benefits would rise at a much slower rate than under CPI-W.

Obama agreed to this change, caught the disdain of his party, and then watched it fail to pass because the overall agreement called for a tax increase.

3. TPP
Another naughty word. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is a huge trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and the Pacific Rim. And Republicans absolutely love it. And Obama loves it. And Democrats hate it.

Not all Democrats, of course, but the rise of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and a progressive movement surge on the issue have combined to push it to the front, and put Obama in a position to explain it more than he ever hoped would be necessary. As most trade deals of that magnitude are conducted in private, much of the early dissent was based on speculation.


ā€œStanding Together Against TPPā€ ā€“ Photo by SumOfUs via Flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0

Currently the agreement is stuck on hold, as full implementation requires 12 countries to agree on everything, followed by getting it all approved and ratified by their central government. If you ever felt like the government runs too slowly, make sure you take into context that 12 countries are trying to get all parts of their governments to agree with each other and all parts of all the other governments. Soā€¦yeah. Check back in a decade.

2. Corporate Taxes
This a big one. Not based on the size or stretch of such a change, but because Obama has repeatedly offered it over the years, and Republicans have repeatedly brushed him off, only to then complain that Obama wonā€™t lower the corporate tax rate.

Several years ago, one of the bigger stories in the news was fast food chain Burger King moving its headquarters to Canada. And why would they do such a thing? Because Canadaā€™s corporate tax rate is 15%, compared to the U.S. rate of 35%. And according to this guy, thatā€™s all on Obama and his ā€œanti-business, big tax agendaā€¦ā€œ

Democrats and Republicans alike say they want corporate tax reformā€”eliminate loopholes and deductions and lower ratesā€”but Obama has made clear he wants more revenue overall out of the exercise.

Obama has said over and over that his plan is to close tax loopholes and use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate. The basis of this plan is revenue-neutral. The most recent proposal from Obama on corporate tax reform is explained here by Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal:

Sadly, the idea of Obama cutting taxes just doesnā€™t fit the GOP rhetoric that they would like you to hear, so he still gets viewed as a tax-and-spend liberal. But we donā€™t get to make up our own facts, and the fact is that Obama has worked very hard to come to an agreement with Republicans, and while Republicans continue to rail on high corporate taxes, they donā€™t seem willing to come to the table.

1. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Also known lovingly as Obamacare.

If you didnā€™t know the foundation of this came from Republican ideas, then Iā€™ve got a story to tell you.

Back in the 80s and 90s, the solution pushed by Democrats to reform our massively screwed up health care system was universal healthcare, also known as single-payer healthcare. The main reason we didnā€™t get health care reform in the 90s was because President Bill Clinton wanted single-payer (then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was also a very vocal proponent), and Republicans wanted healthcare to remain in some form of a market-based system.

While it never happened at the federal level, the ideas proposed by Republicans during that time carried on in Republican circles. The most prominent of these was the individual mandate, which was the foundation on which Republican Governor Mitt Romney passed his healthcare plan in the state of Massachusetts.

That is some fine messaging right there. Not once did he call it a ā€œmandate.ā€ It was taking personal responsibility and not getting a free ride. Brilliant.

The reason for the individual mandate is fairly simple, especially when explained by the organization the basically invented it: the extremely conservative Heritage Foundation. If we want a healthcare system that covers people who have preexisting conditions, it can only remain affordable for everyone else if healthy people who donā€™t have health insurance are forced to buy it.

The major disagreement the modern Republican Party pretended to have with the mandate was that it forced people who didnā€™t want insurance to buy insurance. What they appear to have missed is what was explained by Romney in the above clip. Because a major illness or injury could hit at any time, and because emergency rooms are required to treat anyone that comes in the door, it just doesnā€™t make sense to allow people that can afford insurance to not buy it. When their appendix bursts and they go to the emergency room, that cost is passed on to the rest of us.

Speaking of which, during the major Supreme Court trial addressing the individual mandate, it turns out that the lead plaintiff hadā€¦wait for itā€¦filed for bankruptcy partially due to medical bills.

When that happens, the healthcare provider has to absorb that loss. When they absorb that loss, they have to make up for it somewhere else, which leads to higher prices on other medical services. All of this, at the end of the day, means that the people carrying health insurance are being charged in part for the unwillingness of others to carry health insurance.

Here I am expanding on Mitt Romneyā€™s point, which originally the Heritage Foundationā€™s point, which at one time was also Newt Gingrichā€™s point, which is now the same point being made by President Obama.

Like it or not, President Obama has tried and compromised repeatedly in order to bring Republicans to the table on healthcare and many other major issues our country faces. He has made it a focus to work together to pass meaningful, bipartisan legislation. And in exchange, he has been called all sorts of nasty names and portrayed to the world as a dictator that wants to rule by force and not listen to anyone else.

We can only hope that decades from now, his legacy in our childrenā€™s textbooks will reflect the spirit of bipartisanship that he brought to every position he was elected to as a public servant.

Your liberalamerica.com talking points are hyperbole and lack specifics. Specifics would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, so I can't blame you necessarily. Second they are not doing anything, even as described, to benefit conservatism, only continuing liberalism. How is that compromising? Less Liberalism isn't conservatism, it's still liberalism, not compromising. Third, and most important to the argument is that these didn't happen within 20 days of the start of his Presidency. The fact that this article makes a joke that Obama had a job that was a state senator was a little disturbing. Lifetime politicians, Conservative or Liberal are not impressive to me at all.
Meanwhile, as of today the GOP congress, Trump and Red State America has all the POWER lets see how they Govern!!!! Will they govern on behalf of Red State America or will they use their new found power to govern for ALL of America!

/------ First strawman argument of the day.
Oh well can you provide a link which shows how the GOP congress between 2009-2016 reached across the isle to compromise with President Obama?

You mean the group Obama told to sit in the back of the bus?
Quit rewriting history, Obama didn't have a clue to lead or compromise..

That was our biggest complaint along with Harry keeping bills from the president to vote yes or no on.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

By Daniel Bender
January 11, 2013
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To President Obamaā€™s critics, he will never bring about the era of bipartisan cooperation that he campaigned on in 2008, but the facts prove otherwise.

The presidentā€™s nomination of conservative Republican Chuck Hagel to his cabinet is just another example in a long line of Obamaā€™s attempts to reach across the aisle and work with a recalcitrant Republican minority. Here are a few other gems, as we highlight some of Obamaā€™s most bipartisan gestures of his first term and the Republican response.

1) Keeping Robert Gates as secretary of defense

In January, 2009: Obama is inaugurated and immediately seeks out Republican lawmakers willing to work with his new agenda. He makes it a point to maintain Robert Gates (previously appointed by Republican President George W. Bush) as his Secretary of Defense. Some Republicans on the Hill even whisper that Obama was working with them more than Bush ever did.

Republican response in January, 2009: Rush Limbaugh welcomes the president with a hearty ā€œI hope he fails."

2) Obama meets with pro-choice and pro-life advocates

In May, 2009: Obama begins the first of several sessions meeting with pro-choice advocates and their detractors in order to help design legislation that protects both the lives of women and the unborn.

Republican response in September, 2009: South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouts ā€œYou lie!ā€ at the president during Obamaā€™s speech to Congress wherein he intended to reach out to Republicans and voice his concerns with our failing healthcare system and his plans to fix it. To make matters worse, fact checkers have disproved Wilsonā€™s claim, saying that the healthcare proposal explicitly does not provide for illegal immigrants.

3) Obama listens to Republicans on health care

In January, 2010: Obama holds a meeting with Republicans in Baltimore, where he allows for a candid question-and-answer session in order to hear directly from the opposition and allow them to express their skepticism. A month later, he speaks with Republicans in what will be dubbed the ā€œHealthcare Summit.ā€ Obama compromised his initial plan for a single-payer system, instead seeking a Republican-promoted individual mandate mirroring the one Mitt Romney created as Governor of Massachusetts in the 1990s.

Republican response in October, 2010: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell states that the most important objective of the Republican Party is to make Obama a one-term president, not fixing our budget/debt issues, our broken healthcare, education or immigration systems, and certainly not protecting U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks.

4) Obama compromises on 2010 budget deal

In December, 2010: Obama compromises on his previously-stated goal of not prolonging the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy by agreeing to a budget deal. By doing so, Obama provides for the continuation of unemployment benefits to the needy, establishes a payroll tax holiday, renews the inheritance tax, and ensures that the government continues paying its debts.

Republican response by Spring of 2012: Senate Republicans have blocked Obamaā€™s judicial nominees at an unprecedented rate, delaying their being placed on the bench by greater than four times more than Democrats ever did to Bush judicial nominees.

5) Obama compromises on "fiscal cliff"

On January 1st, 2013: Obama once-again compromises on a ā€œfiscal cliffā€ deal by raising the threshold of the income level for whom taxes would rise from $250,000 to $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families and pushing back sequestration of funds allocated to the military. His deal-making resulted in the Federal government receiving even less revenues than Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had previously offered to allow.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

These are horrible examples obviously because these are compromises by republican's, (Or at least conservatism) for Obama not the other way around. Also Trump has been in office like 20 days so using any examples older than 20 days old in Obama's first term is ridiculous.
We all know Trump has 4 years to prove to the country that he can compromise and govern for the good of the country and for all Americans. But the only problem is will he and red state America do it while they are in power????

No, the problem is that Trump does things like having Schumer, and Pelosi into the WH immediately after the election where those two lie to his face and tell him that they want to work together, then walk out and immediately begin to obstruct.
Its pay back from the GOP obstructing and filibustering Obama for 8 years.
Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

By Travis Bille on May 20, 2016

Categories: Healthcare, Immigration, War

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obamaā€™s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist heā€™s a ruthless dictator.

10. Illinois State Senate
This might be hard for some Republicans to believe, but Obama did not, in fact, go straight from community organizer to the White House. His first served in the Illinois State Senate representing the 13th district. And during that time, believe it or not, he built a reputation for working with Republicans in the state legislature.

[Republican Kirk] Dillard was the Senate sponsor and Obama the co-sponsor of legislation, approved in 1998, that banned lobbyists from giving gifts to lawmakers and enacted new campaign finance disclosure requirements, along with other reforms.

Republicans were actually encouraged to seek out then-State Senator Obama, knowing that he was eager to pass important legislation and was willing to work across party lines. He carried that enthusiasm into his next role as a U.S. Senator, but that doesnā€™t come next on the countdown, calm down. Cheaters.

9. New START Treaty
START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) has a long, tumultuous history, with negotiations first starting as far back as 1982. It also has a strong bipartisan history. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and the leader of the former Soviet Union, Mikhael Gorbachev, began talks on what would turn into a major draw-down in the massive nuclear stockpiles and delivery vehicles the two countries hoarded during the Cold War.

Because of the significance and difficulty and getting an agreement through both governments, especially with the dissolution of the Soviet Union lodged in the middle, Reagan was not able to seal it up completely. But with Reagan passing the presidential torch to Vice President George H.W. Bush, the smooth transition helped the talks continue until an agreement was reached in 1991.

Implementation of what was later renamed START I went all the way through the 90s, but expired in 2009. In response to the expiration, and to the failure of passing START II and START III, Obama started talks with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev on what was called New START.

It did not go down easily, though. Needing 67 votes in the U.S. Senate, it went right down to the wire because some Republicans simply werenā€™t willing to let Obama do something meaningful in which he could take credit. Republican Senator Richard Lugar points this out in an interview shortly before the vote.

New START was ratified by the U.S. Senate in 2010 by a vote of 71-26, which included support from thirteen Republicans and two Independents. The treaty went into force in February of 2011.

8. DREAM Act
The DREAM Act was immigration legislation designed to protect children illegally brought to the U.S. by family members. As long as they stayed out of trouble, they wouldnā€™t be deported. This would also protect immigrants who have served in the U.S. military. Seriously, risking your life in war for the U.S. is apparently not enough, leading to actual military veterans being deported. They fight for our freedom, only to be told they canā€™t partake. ā€˜Murica!

The original DREAM Act was proposed in 2001 by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch and included co-sponsors from both parties. It came to a vote in 2010, passing the U.S. House 216-198, but failing in the Senate by not reaching the 60-vote super-majority needed to avert a filibuster.

You might think perhaps the bill changed enough between 2001 and 2010 in ways that angered Republicans, but surprisingly, the only real changes actually made the bill more restrictive towards immigrants. Ironically, these changes led to five Democrats voting against it, which would have been enough to avoid the filibuster.

Nevertheless, Obama did everything he could to garner enough support from both sides of the aisle. When it came up short, it was due to opposition from Democrats upset that it contained too much compromise.

7. Republican Appointments
This list is long, and goes deep in the cabinet. Obama actually has the distinction of being the first president to remind me of the last season of The West Wing, when President-elect Santos offered to appoint the Republican presidential nominee, Arnold Vinick, as Secretary of State. This is sort of how I imagine the conversation went when Obama appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who previously served in the administrations of both George W. and George H.W. Bush.

But he didnā€™t stop with Gates. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and Army Secretary John McHugh were all appointed to their posts by Obama despite their deep Republican ties. Capping it off was the appointment of the U.S. Ambassador to China, which went to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who also ran for president as a Republican in 2012.

Considering these high appointments going to Republicans, itā€™s probably safe to say there were a few Ainsley Hayesā€™s on the White House staff as well.

6. Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax)
It was once called ā€œCap and Trade,ā€ at least it was back when it was proposed by a Republican. Then Democrats got their dirty hands on it, and as soon as Obama touched it, it became ā€œCap and Tax.ā€ Because thatā€™s how you make Republican ideas sound bad when Democrats try to pass themā€¦you add the word ā€œtax.ā€ Itā€™s also useful to add ā€œBigā€ as an adjective in front of anything the opposition likes (big government, big oil, big pharma, big ag, etc.).

Cap and Trade has a complex operation, but on a very basic level, it is basically an incentive given to businesses to encourage them to lower emissions of certain pollutants. It was a central component of the Clean Air Act of 1990, proposed, passed, and signed by George H.W. Bush. At that time, it was seen by conservatives as a breakthrough; a market-based approach to reducing pollution.

But, of course, when Obama took this great conservative idea for emissions reduction and wanted to apply it to carbon emissions that were speeding up the warming of the earth, it became the Nazi-Communist-Kenyan-Muslim Tax and Spend Plan. Paraphrasing, of course.

5. The Coburn-Obama Bill
Letā€™s step back for a minute to the term Obama served in the U.S. Senate, where he made several Republican friends. Most prominent among them was then-Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. In 2006, the two of them came together for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, which was given the pet name ā€œGoogle for Government.ā€ The bill allowed regular taxpayers to use a ā€œGoogle-likeā€ search engine to track government spending.

The bill, which was also often referred to as the ā€œCoburn-Obama Bill,ā€ also had 43 co-sponsors hailing from both sides of the aisle. To this day, even amidst their many differences while Coburn was still in Congress, Coburn still regards President Obama as a ā€œgenuinely very smart, nice guy.ā€

Interesting to note from the interview: President Obamaā€™s relationship with Congress apparently was in some part based on the fact that he took his job seriously. He didnā€™t start off meetings with a dirty joke. I donā€™t know about you, but when I voted for him, I expected him to take his job seriously and not start off meetings with a dirty joke.

Bravo to Senator Coburn and President Obama for being able to respectfully disagree and still find common ground on which to work together.

4. Chained CPI
Iā€™ll be honest, getting down to these last few has me a little freaked, because some of these times when Obama actively worked with Republicans are now considered naughty words in progressive circles.

One of those naughty words was part of the ā€œGrand Bargainā€ struck between Obama and then-Speaker of the House John Boehner. That deal ultimately failed as neither could get enough support from their own caucus, but every discussion from now on regarding Social Security will end up with a heated conversation on chained CPI.

So what is it? I am so glad you asked.

Currently, government benefits go up each year based on a certain version of the CPI (Consumer Price Index). The reason for this change is because the value of a dollar changes over time. This is called a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). The current version in use is CPI-W, which is shorthand for ā€œConsumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers.ā€

Chained CPI is shorthand for ā€œChained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.ā€ Itā€™s based on the idea that as certain products go up in price, eventually consumers will replace them with other items. For example, letā€™s say the price of hamburger goes through the roof, but the price of chicken stays relatively the same. Chained CPI is meant to reflect the inflationary adjustment of the dollar while taking into context the fact that consumers would probably buy less hamburger and more chicken.

If youā€™re wondering what happens to the people who donā€™t make the substitutions for which this index adjusts, the answer is that they will get less money to purchase those products. Because of the substitutions made with chained CPI, the inflation adjustment for government benefits would rise at a much slower rate than under CPI-W.

Obama agreed to this change, caught the disdain of his party, and then watched it fail to pass because the overall agreement called for a tax increase.

3. TPP
Another naughty word. TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) is a huge trade agreement between the U.S., Canada, and the Pacific Rim. And Republicans absolutely love it. And Obama loves it. And Democrats hate it.

Not all Democrats, of course, but the rise of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign and a progressive movement surge on the issue have combined to push it to the front, and put Obama in a position to explain it more than he ever hoped would be necessary. As most trade deals of that magnitude are conducted in private, much of the early dissent was based on speculation.


ā€œStanding Together Against TPPā€ ā€“ Photo by SumOfUs via Flickr, available under Creative Commons 2.0

Currently the agreement is stuck on hold, as full implementation requires 12 countries to agree on everything, followed by getting it all approved and ratified by their central government. If you ever felt like the government runs too slowly, make sure you take into context that 12 countries are trying to get all parts of their governments to agree with each other and all parts of all the other governments. Soā€¦yeah. Check back in a decade.

2. Corporate Taxes
This a big one. Not based on the size or stretch of such a change, but because Obama has repeatedly offered it over the years, and Republicans have repeatedly brushed him off, only to then complain that Obama wonā€™t lower the corporate tax rate.

Several years ago, one of the bigger stories in the news was fast food chain Burger King moving its headquarters to Canada. And why would they do such a thing? Because Canadaā€™s corporate tax rate is 15%, compared to the U.S. rate of 35%. And according to this guy, thatā€™s all on Obama and his ā€œanti-business, big tax agendaā€¦ā€œ

Democrats and Republicans alike say they want corporate tax reformā€”eliminate loopholes and deductions and lower ratesā€”but Obama has made clear he wants more revenue overall out of the exercise.

Obama has said over and over that his plan is to close tax loopholes and use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate. The basis of this plan is revenue-neutral. The most recent proposal from Obama on corporate tax reform is explained here by Jason Bellini of the Wall Street Journal:

Sadly, the idea of Obama cutting taxes just doesnā€™t fit the GOP rhetoric that they would like you to hear, so he still gets viewed as a tax-and-spend liberal. But we donā€™t get to make up our own facts, and the fact is that Obama has worked very hard to come to an agreement with Republicans, and while Republicans continue to rail on high corporate taxes, they donā€™t seem willing to come to the table.

1. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Also known lovingly as Obamacare.

If you didnā€™t know the foundation of this came from Republican ideas, then Iā€™ve got a story to tell you.

Back in the 80s and 90s, the solution pushed by Democrats to reform our massively screwed up health care system was universal healthcare, also known as single-payer healthcare. The main reason we didnā€™t get health care reform in the 90s was because President Bill Clinton wanted single-payer (then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was also a very vocal proponent), and Republicans wanted healthcare to remain in some form of a market-based system.

While it never happened at the federal level, the ideas proposed by Republicans during that time carried on in Republican circles. The most prominent of these was the individual mandate, which was the foundation on which Republican Governor Mitt Romney passed his healthcare plan in the state of Massachusetts.

That is some fine messaging right there. Not once did he call it a ā€œmandate.ā€ It was taking personal responsibility and not getting a free ride. Brilliant.

The reason for the individual mandate is fairly simple, especially when explained by the organization the basically invented it: the extremely conservative Heritage Foundation. If we want a healthcare system that covers people who have preexisting conditions, it can only remain affordable for everyone else if healthy people who donā€™t have health insurance are forced to buy it.

The major disagreement the modern Republican Party pretended to have with the mandate was that it forced people who didnā€™t want insurance to buy insurance. What they appear to have missed is what was explained by Romney in the above clip. Because a major illness or injury could hit at any time, and because emergency rooms are required to treat anyone that comes in the door, it just doesnā€™t make sense to allow people that can afford insurance to not buy it. When their appendix bursts and they go to the emergency room, that cost is passed on to the rest of us.

Speaking of which, during the major Supreme Court trial addressing the individual mandate, it turns out that the lead plaintiff hadā€¦wait for itā€¦filed for bankruptcy partially due to medical bills.

When that happens, the healthcare provider has to absorb that loss. When they absorb that loss, they have to make up for it somewhere else, which leads to higher prices on other medical services. All of this, at the end of the day, means that the people carrying health insurance are being charged in part for the unwillingness of others to carry health insurance.

Here I am expanding on Mitt Romneyā€™s point, which originally the Heritage Foundationā€™s point, which at one time was also Newt Gingrichā€™s point, which is now the same point being made by President Obama.

Like it or not, President Obama has tried and compromised repeatedly in order to bring Republicans to the table on healthcare and many other major issues our country faces. He has made it a focus to work together to pass meaningful, bipartisan legislation. And in exchange, he has been called all sorts of nasty names and portrayed to the world as a dictator that wants to rule by force and not listen to anyone else.

We can only hope that decades from now, his legacy in our childrenā€™s textbooks will reflect the spirit of bipartisanship that he brought to every position he was elected to as a public servant.

Your liberalamerica.com talking points are hyperbole and lack specifics. Specifics would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, so I can't blame you necessarily. Second they are not doing anything, even as described, to benefit conservatism, only continuing liberalism. How is that compromising? Less Liberalism isn't conservatism, it's still liberalism, not compromising. Third, and most important to the argument is that these didn't happen within 20 days of the start of his Presidency. The fact that this article makes a joke that Obama had a job that was a state senator was a little disturbing. Lifetime politicians, Conservative or Liberal are not impressive to me at all.
Meanwhile, as of today the GOP congress, Trump and Red State America has all the POWER lets see how they Govern!!!! Will they govern on behalf of Red State America or will they use their new found power to govern for ALL of America!

/------ First strawman argument of the day.
Oh well can you provide a link which shows how the GOP congress between 2009-2016 reached across the isle to compromise with President Obama?

You mean the group Obama told to sit in the back of the bus?
Can you provide a link or youtube showing us this is what President Obama actually said?
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

By Daniel Bender
January 11, 2013
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To President Obamaā€™s critics, he will never bring about the era of bipartisan cooperation that he campaigned on in 2008, but the facts prove otherwise.

The presidentā€™s nomination of conservative Republican Chuck Hagel to his cabinet is just another example in a long line of Obamaā€™s attempts to reach across the aisle and work with a recalcitrant Republican minority. Here are a few other gems, as we highlight some of Obamaā€™s most bipartisan gestures of his first term and the Republican response.

1) Keeping Robert Gates as secretary of defense

In January, 2009: Obama is inaugurated and immediately seeks out Republican lawmakers willing to work with his new agenda. He makes it a point to maintain Robert Gates (previously appointed by Republican President George W. Bush) as his Secretary of Defense. Some Republicans on the Hill even whisper that Obama was working with them more than Bush ever did.

Republican response in January, 2009: Rush Limbaugh welcomes the president with a hearty ā€œI hope he fails."

2) Obama meets with pro-choice and pro-life advocates

In May, 2009: Obama begins the first of several sessions meeting with pro-choice advocates and their detractors in order to help design legislation that protects both the lives of women and the unborn.

Republican response in September, 2009: South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouts ā€œYou lie!ā€ at the president during Obamaā€™s speech to Congress wherein he intended to reach out to Republicans and voice his concerns with our failing healthcare system and his plans to fix it. To make matters worse, fact checkers have disproved Wilsonā€™s claim, saying that the healthcare proposal explicitly does not provide for illegal immigrants.

3) Obama listens to Republicans on health care

In January, 2010: Obama holds a meeting with Republicans in Baltimore, where he allows for a candid question-and-answer session in order to hear directly from the opposition and allow them to express their skepticism. A month later, he speaks with Republicans in what will be dubbed the ā€œHealthcare Summit.ā€ Obama compromised his initial plan for a single-payer system, instead seeking a Republican-promoted individual mandate mirroring the one Mitt Romney created as Governor of Massachusetts in the 1990s.

Republican response in October, 2010: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell states that the most important objective of the Republican Party is to make Obama a one-term president, not fixing our budget/debt issues, our broken healthcare, education or immigration systems, and certainly not protecting U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks.

4) Obama compromises on 2010 budget deal

In December, 2010: Obama compromises on his previously-stated goal of not prolonging the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy by agreeing to a budget deal. By doing so, Obama provides for the continuation of unemployment benefits to the needy, establishes a payroll tax holiday, renews the inheritance tax, and ensures that the government continues paying its debts.

Republican response by Spring of 2012: Senate Republicans have blocked Obamaā€™s judicial nominees at an unprecedented rate, delaying their being placed on the bench by greater than four times more than Democrats ever did to Bush judicial nominees.

5) Obama compromises on "fiscal cliff"

On January 1st, 2013: Obama once-again compromises on a ā€œfiscal cliffā€ deal by raising the threshold of the income level for whom taxes would rise from $250,000 to $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families and pushing back sequestration of funds allocated to the military. His deal-making resulted in the Federal government receiving even less revenues than Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had previously offered to allow.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

These are horrible examples obviously because these are compromises by republican's, (Or at least conservatism) for Obama not the other way around. Also Trump has been in office like 20 days so using any examples older than 20 days old in Obama's first term is ridiculous.
We all know Trump has 4 years to prove to the country that he can compromise and govern for the good of the country and for all Americans. But the only problem is will he and red state America do it while they are in power????

No, the problem is that Trump does things like having Schumer, and Pelosi into the WH immediately after the election where those two lie to his face and tell him that they want to work together, then walk out and immediately begin to obstruct.
Its pay back from the GOP obstructing and filibustering Obama for 8 years.
Your liberalamerica.com talking points are hyperbole and lack specifics. Specifics would take hundreds if not thousands of pages, so I can't blame you necessarily. Second they are not doing anything, even as described, to benefit conservatism, only continuing liberalism. How is that compromising? Less Liberalism isn't conservatism, it's still liberalism, not compromising. Third, and most important to the argument is that these didn't happen within 20 days of the start of his Presidency. The fact that this article makes a joke that Obama had a job that was a state senator was a little disturbing. Lifetime politicians, Conservative or Liberal are not impressive to me at all.
Meanwhile, as of today the GOP congress, Trump and Red State America has all the POWER lets see how they Govern!!!! Will they govern on behalf of Red State America or will they use their new found power to govern for ALL of America!

/------ First strawman argument of the day.
Oh well can you provide a link which shows how the GOP congress between 2009-2016 reached across the isle to compromise with President Obama?

You mean the group Obama told to sit in the back of the bus?
Can you provide a link or youtube showing us this is what President Obama actually said?

We can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. Barack Obama
Read more at: Barack Obama Quotes
Because we understand how the electoral collage works. Liberals donĀ“t even understand how shoelaces work.
Trump has still got to figured out how to govern for ALL American's!!!!! Meanwhile, you dumb fuck conservatives have to let him know its okay if he govern for ALL Americans.......and not you bone head conservative voters.

the changes he has made and will be making, will improve the lives of all americans. What specifically has he done that you think does not help all americans? (American citizens, to be precise)
Putin in interested in helping Trump make Red State America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?

that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Trump has still got to figured out how to govern for ALL American's!!!!! Meanwhile, you dumb fuck conservatives have to let him know its okay if he govern for ALL Americans.......and not you bone head conservative voters.

the changes he has made and will be making, will improve the lives of all americans. What specifically has he done that you think does not help all americans? (American citizens, to be precise)
Putin in interested in helping Trump make Red State America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????

Take a look at this Malignant NARCISCIST PRICK red state America elected
Psychologists believe Trump is showing signs of severe mental illness
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?

that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.
Trump has still got to figured out how to govern for ALL American's!!!!! Meanwhile, you dumb fuck conservatives have to let him know its okay if he govern for ALL Americans.......and not you bone head conservative voters.

the changes he has made and will be making, will improve the lives of all americans. What specifically has he done that you think does not help all americans? (American citizens, to be precise)
Putin in interested in helping Trump make Red State America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Yes Trump is:cuckoo:
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?

that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Why bother? Think it's gonna slow him down?

that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.
the changes he has made and will be making, will improve the lives of all americans. What specifically has he done that you think does not help all americans? (American citizens, to be precise)
Putin in interested in helping Trump make Red State America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Yes Trump is:cuckoo:

no, my little thumb sucking friend, you are the crazy one.
that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

the exact same thing could be said about the crazy corrupt old hag you voted for.
Meh.....HRC would have made a much better president. But GOP Cross Checking ensured the election was "Rigged" to favor Trump.
Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending ā€œcatch-and-releaseā€ policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" ā€“ a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."

In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!
Putin in interested in helping Trump make Red State America GREAT AGAIN!!!!

so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Yes Trump is:cuckoo:

no, my little thumb sucking friend, you are the crazy one.
Republicans have an entire fake news TV channel that lies about Democrats all day and all night. Their stupid viewers wonā€™t watch any other news because their fake news channel told them not to. Really frightening. You begin to see how a Hitler came to power in a country with an ā€œeducatedā€ population.
In terms of doing more to push through conservative dogma and protecting the wealthy.....yes, you are right
Trump has done more in two weeks than Obama did in eight years
Yep the Germans were Happy when Hitler was elected!!! Red State has elected a Mini-Me Hitler I'm sure you Putin Red State voters are happy you elected little Hitler.

Actually Germany elected Hitler with 38% of the vote and the way the Trump presidency is starting out is not similar to the way the Hitler regime started out. So you are being just plain silly, dramatic and using fear to create an issue that is not there.
Meh! Trump won the election with only 26 percent of registered voters!!!!! The other 74 percent of voters did not vote for Trump! So yes the similarities are......well....similar.

38% of those that voted in Germany, you are stretching the truth.

You are being dishonest and again the way Hitler started his administration was far different than Trumps.

The dishonesty by the losing party is pretty pathetic. My candidate didn't win however I am not going to be a pathetic, brainless loser and cry and try to make far reaching stretches to compare Hitler and Trump.

The lefties butt hurt over not understanding the will of the people is mind numbing.
Repeat......26 percent of the registered voters voted for Trump!!!!

Dumb ass, in Hitlers day, did Hitler have 100% turnout?

Trump didn't steal a thing, only an idiot would make a stupid statement like that. He won the electoral college, just like every other President since the beginning of US elections. If Clinton had won the election with 27% would you have compared her to Clinton? Of course not because you are a partisan idiot.

Thanks for confirming your massive stupidity.
so keeping americans alive in blue states only helps red states? Securing our border only helps red states? Bringing jobs back to the USA only helps red states? Lowering taxes only helps red states?

your bias makes you stupid.
So banning people who haven't killed American's give Red State voters a since of security!!! Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!! Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump just could cause the country to get HIT again!!!

Red State GOP foreign policies under Trump is already trying to go to war with Iran! How does that move keep Red State voters safe???? As for Putin, what great things has Putin done for his own country? Putin kills people who disagree with him or merely has them assassinated. Oh well we see how a Trump-Putin foreign policy is successful. You warmongering conservatives will get your war of invasion and occupation and the GOP will waste Treasure and lives all over again.

Who Trump going to war with......North Korea? China? Iran? There's a mad man in the WH and Red State Americans put him in there!!! Why can't Trump just use Red State Americans to fight his war's of CHOICE!!!!

How much will Trump and his administration increase the debt and the deficit????
Yes Trump is:cuckoo:

no, my little thumb sucking friend, you are the crazy one.
Republicans have an entire fake news TV channel that lies about Democrats all day and all night. Their stupid viewers wonā€™t watch any other news because their fake news channel told them not to. Really frightening. You begin to see how a Hitler came to power in a country with an ā€œeducatedā€ population.

Wow! and liberals have CNN and MSNBC, do you have a point or are you still crying like a spoiled brat because your person didn't win?

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