When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

There is no criteria that you must have a year over 3% (that was created from the right).....what you got out of Obama was steady growth in the 2-3% range. There were no crashes during Obama's eight years

I am glad you are concerned about the middle class that has been shrinking since Reagan began attacking it. However, the poor wage growth in the middle class can be blamed primarily on the "job creators" that our supply side policies have been rewarding for 30 years

No, we did not even have mediocre, lukewarm growth under the reign of petulant, former President Barack Hussein Obama. You and President Obama only WISH our growth rate was that that high, between 2 and 3 percent. Do you always post without any research? Allow me to help.

Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)

For your uneducated benefit:

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%

There was also no prosperity during the reign of President Obama.

The economy added $55 trillion to our nations wealth.......That's prosperity

Ronald Reagan got growth through borrowing to ramp up Defense spending

Obama was given spending freezes and sequestration

give it up, winger. trying to support Obama's failures only makes you look stupid.

The community organizer from Kenya added 11 million jobs, 13,000 points to the Dow, cut unemployment by five percent, added $55 trillion to our wealth, saved the auto and financial sectors

Let's see the former host of The Apprentice beat that

Ignored the thread didn't you?
You run but you can't hide
Perhaps, but we don't need a "moderate" judge, we desperately need one who believes in our Constitution and that it means what it says. NOT what a judge THINKS it should say.

NO moron....what you really mean is that you want judges that agree with you and the orange clown.....

Funny how that keeps coming up.

I want a judge that will overturn Roe....why ?

Because it is a state issue.

If the federal government passed a law forbidding abortion, I would want the SCOTUS to overturn 9-0 and return it to the states.

So your statement is horsehockey.

You're 100% correct. It was and is a state issue.
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

You must be thinking of Republicans and red state conservatives. Compromise isn't in the GOP DNA. Its treason to compromise in the minds (lack thereof) of Neanderthal Knuckle Dragging Conservatives.

You mean progressives first off, and no they don't. Their version of compromise is you give them what they want and you get nothing. Fuck that.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
The GOP congress wouldn't compromise with President Obama. The GOP viewed compromise as a sign of weakness and giving in to the first Black President!!!!
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You are making s
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
The GOP congress wouldn't compromise with President Obama. The GOP viewed compromise as a sign of weakness and giving in to the first Black President!!!!

Like on what?
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
The GOP congress wouldn't compromise with President Obama. The GOP viewed compromise as a sign of weakness and giving in to the first Black President!!!!

Quit rewriting history, Obama didn't have a clue to lead or compromise..

That was our biggest complaint along with Harry keeping bills from the president to vote yes or no on.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You realize that, by liberal standards (which most liberals don't live by) this post is racist, right?
Perhaps, but we don't need a "moderate" judge, we desperately need one who believes in our Constitution and that it means what it says. NOT what a judge THINKS it should say.

NO moron....what you really mean is that you want judges that agree with you and the orange clown.....

Funny how that keeps coming up.

I want a judge that will overturn Roe....why ?

Because it is a state issue.

If the federal government passed a law forbidding abortion, I would want the SCOTUS to overturn 9-0 and return it to the states.

So your statement is horsehockey.

You're 100% correct. It was and is a state issue.
Actually abortion is a personal matter. If you don't believe in abortion then DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!!
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You don't have a clue about the modern south do you?

My next door Neighbor on the left is retired liberal from New York, me a conservative from Chicago and my other neighbor is a retired liberal nuclear scientist.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You realize that, by liberal standards (which most liberals don't live by) this post is racist, right?
No more racist than conservatives say blue states are full of slums, which says black and brown people only live in slums.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You don't have a clue about the modern south do you?

My next door Neighbor on the left is retired liberal from New York, me a conservative from Chicago and my other neighbor is a retired liberal nuclear scientist.
That's the way to split hairs and over rationalize.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You realize that, by liberal standards (which most liberals don't live by) this post is racist, right?
No more racist than conservatives say blue states are full of slums, which says black and brown people only live in slums.

Actually it is, but at best you admit you are no better than the conservatives you hate.
I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
The GOP congress wouldn't compromise with President Obama. The GOP viewed compromise as a sign of weakness and giving in to the first Black President!!!!

Quit rewriting history, Obama didn't have a clue to lead or compromise..

That was our biggest complaint along with Harry keeping bills from the president to vote yes or no on.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

By Daniel Bender
January 11, 2013
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To President Obama’s critics, he will never bring about the era of bipartisan cooperation that he campaigned on in 2008, but the facts prove otherwise.

The president’s nomination of conservative Republican Chuck Hagel to his cabinet is just another example in a long line of Obama’s attempts to reach across the aisle and work with a recalcitrant Republican minority. Here are a few other gems, as we highlight some of Obama’s most bipartisan gestures of his first term and the Republican response.

1) Keeping Robert Gates as secretary of defense

In January, 2009: Obama is inaugurated and immediately seeks out Republican lawmakers willing to work with his new agenda. He makes it a point to maintain Robert Gates (previously appointed by Republican President George W. Bush) as his Secretary of Defense. Some Republicans on the Hill even whisper that Obama was working with them more than Bush ever did.

Republican response in January, 2009: Rush Limbaugh welcomes the president with a hearty “I hope he fails."

2) Obama meets with pro-choice and pro-life advocates

In May, 2009: Obama begins the first of several sessions meeting with pro-choice advocates and their detractors in order to help design legislation that protects both the lives of women and the unborn.

Republican response in September, 2009: South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouts “You lie!” at the president during Obama’s speech to Congress wherein he intended to reach out to Republicans and voice his concerns with our failing healthcare system and his plans to fix it. To make matters worse, fact checkers have disproved Wilson’s claim, saying that the healthcare proposal explicitly does not provide for illegal immigrants.

3) Obama listens to Republicans on health care

In January, 2010: Obama holds a meeting with Republicans in Baltimore, where he allows for a candid question-and-answer session in order to hear directly from the opposition and allow them to express their skepticism. A month later, he speaks with Republicans in what will be dubbed the “Healthcare Summit.” Obama compromised his initial plan for a single-payer system, instead seeking a Republican-promoted individual mandate mirroring the one Mitt Romney created as Governor of Massachusetts in the 1990s.

Republican response in October, 2010: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell states that the most important objective of the Republican Party is to make Obama a one-term president, not fixing our budget/debt issues, our broken healthcare, education or immigration systems, and certainly not protecting U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks.

4) Obama compromises on 2010 budget deal

In December, 2010: Obama compromises on his previously-stated goal of not prolonging the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy by agreeing to a budget deal. By doing so, Obama provides for the continuation of unemployment benefits to the needy, establishes a payroll tax holiday, renews the inheritance tax, and ensures that the government continues paying its debts.

Republican response by Spring of 2012: Senate Republicans have blocked Obama’s judicial nominees at an unprecedented rate, delaying their being placed on the bench by greater than four times more than Democrats ever did to Bush judicial nominees.

5) Obama compromises on "fiscal cliff"

On January 1st, 2013: Obama once-again compromises on a “fiscal cliff” deal by raising the threshold of the income level for whom taxes would rise from $250,000 to $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families and pushing back sequestration of funds allocated to the military. His deal-making resulted in the Federal government receiving even less revenues than Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had previously offered to allow.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected
It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You realize that, by liberal standards (which most liberals don't live by) this post is racist, right?
No more racist than conservatives say blue states are full of slums, which says black and brown people only live in slums.

Actually it is, but at best you admit you are no better than the conservatives you hate.
So now you see both sides of the equation.
We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Since what has Obama ever compromise on?

Clinton compromised, Bush Jr. Compromised...
The GOP congress wouldn't compromise with President Obama. The GOP viewed compromise as a sign of weakness and giving in to the first Black President!!!!

Quit rewriting history, Obama didn't have a clue to lead or compromise..

That was our biggest complaint along with Harry keeping bills from the president to vote yes or no on.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

By Daniel Bender
January 11, 2013
Get Mic daily:
Sign up

To President Obama’s critics, he will never bring about the era of bipartisan cooperation that he campaigned on in 2008, but the facts prove otherwise.

The president’s nomination of conservative Republican Chuck Hagel to his cabinet is just another example in a long line of Obama’s attempts to reach across the aisle and work with a recalcitrant Republican minority. Here are a few other gems, as we highlight some of Obama’s most bipartisan gestures of his first term and the Republican response.

1) Keeping Robert Gates as secretary of defense

In January, 2009: Obama is inaugurated and immediately seeks out Republican lawmakers willing to work with his new agenda. He makes it a point to maintain Robert Gates (previously appointed by Republican President George W. Bush) as his Secretary of Defense. Some Republicans on the Hill even whisper that Obama was working with them more than Bush ever did.

Republican response in January, 2009: Rush Limbaugh welcomes the president with a hearty “I hope he fails."

2) Obama meets with pro-choice and pro-life advocates

In May, 2009: Obama begins the first of several sessions meeting with pro-choice advocates and their detractors in order to help design legislation that protects both the lives of women and the unborn.

Republican response in September, 2009: South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouts “You lie!” at the president during Obama’s speech to Congress wherein he intended to reach out to Republicans and voice his concerns with our failing healthcare system and his plans to fix it. To make matters worse, fact checkers have disproved Wilson’s claim, saying that the healthcare proposal explicitly does not provide for illegal immigrants.

3) Obama listens to Republicans on health care

In January, 2010: Obama holds a meeting with Republicans in Baltimore, where he allows for a candid question-and-answer session in order to hear directly from the opposition and allow them to express their skepticism. A month later, he speaks with Republicans in what will be dubbed the “Healthcare Summit.” Obama compromised his initial plan for a single-payer system, instead seeking a Republican-promoted individual mandate mirroring the one Mitt Romney created as Governor of Massachusetts in the 1990s.

Republican response in October, 2010: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell states that the most important objective of the Republican Party is to make Obama a one-term president, not fixing our budget/debt issues, our broken healthcare, education or immigration systems, and certainly not protecting U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks.

4) Obama compromises on 2010 budget deal

In December, 2010: Obama compromises on his previously-stated goal of not prolonging the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy by agreeing to a budget deal. By doing so, Obama provides for the continuation of unemployment benefits to the needy, establishes a payroll tax holiday, renews the inheritance tax, and ensures that the government continues paying its debts.

Republican response by Spring of 2012: Senate Republicans have blocked Obama’s judicial nominees at an unprecedented rate, delaying their being placed on the bench by greater than four times more than Democrats ever did to Bush judicial nominees.

5) Obama compromises on "fiscal cliff"

On January 1st, 2013: Obama once-again compromises on a “fiscal cliff” deal by raising the threshold of the income level for whom taxes would rise from $250,000 to $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for families and pushing back sequestration of funds allocated to the military. His deal-making resulted in the Federal government receiving even less revenues than Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner had previously offered to allow.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

These are horrible examples obviously because these are compromises by republican's, (Or at least conservatism) for Obama not the other way around. Also Trump has been in office like 20 days so using any examples older than 20 days old in Obama's first term is ridiculous.
Smart patriots moved away from indocterated liberal sheep who stayed be hind in the slums of the blue city's


You guys are over taxing and self destructing...
You mean the so called smart patriots moved into red states where inbreeding was condoned. This why the gene pool in red state America has been compromised! Red State America is full of T-REX's with pea size brains.

This explains why red state conservatives have a difficulty joining the human race.

You realize that, by liberal standards (which most liberals don't live by) this post is racist, right?
No more racist than conservatives say blue states are full of slums, which says black and brown people only live in slums.

Actually it is, but at best you admit you are no better than the conservatives you hate.
So now you see both sides of the equation.

No not really. Just that you are a hypocrite, not that you believe in anything.

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