When (if ever) will R-W'ers admit to Trump's approval ratings?

Not all Americans live in Red State America!!!

To underscore the above..........(and that is why losing the popular vote pisses off the Trumpster)

He'll never beat crusty, old, corrupt Hillary if that continues.
Trump will NEVER govern for-to ALL Americans!!!! He's made to many promises to Putin and Red State Republicans!!!

Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country..

Part of the country is liberals and anti constitution.. They make shit up as they go like the 9th court

Yes Dumb Billy we know!!!!! Let's keep everything RED!!!! and see how that strategy turns out!!!

Oh stop already....It's been like a minute and a half, and you libs are already wanting to throw in the towel....:blahblah::blahblah:
We sitting back watching the GREAT Trump and GOP Congressional "Over Reach"......what could possible go wrong with all that POWER!!!! Get Your Popcorn...............

Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL
Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!!

Trump ban is boon for ISIS recruitment, experts say - CNNPolitics.com

........and what REALLY worries me, is that ISIS' recruitment will NOT be some Yemeni or Libyan or Iranian............Recruitment of terrorists will be among some susceptible kids who were born here, live here and are willing to die here.....


Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

All you do us post how dumb you are..
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL
Opinion polls mean nothing to libs or we wouldn't have the "Affordable Health Care" Act
that's awesome from someone who whined about the things the popular president who actually carried out what the people wanted did.

you think the orange sociopath should have unchecked power while he destroys this country?


Yup the populist president did more work for the people in 2 weeks then the Messiah in 8 years
  • An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law.

  • A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their client's interests first.
  • An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others.

  • A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.

  • A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

  • An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

  • An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan.

  • Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U.S.-Mexico border wall; the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities; hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents; ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants; and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships.

  • A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness.

  • Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines; direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process; and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U.S. steel in the pipeline.

  • An order to reinstate the so-called "Mexico City Policy" – a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House.

  • A notice that the U.S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order "a great thing for the American worker."
Trump has historically low approval ratings!!!!!
Polls show Trump with historically low approval ratings


He'll never beat crusty, old, corrupt Hillary if that continues.
Trump will NEVER govern for-to ALL Americans!!!! He's made to many promises to Putin and Red State Republicans!!!

Sucks to be you...
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Butt fuck idiots live in the highly populated areas you love so much. Its a disease really. I mean since we are speaking in hyperbole.
Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!!

Trump ban is boon for ISIS recruitment, experts say - CNNPolitics.com
Do you not Realize Trump and his cabinet may actually create more terrorist who want to do the country HARM!!!!

Trump ban is boon for ISIS recruitment, experts say - CNNPolitics.com

........and what REALLY worries me, is that ISIS' recruitment will NOT be some Yemeni or Libyan or Iranian............Recruitment of terrorists will be among some susceptible kids who were born here, live here and are willing to die here.....


Pole Dancer!!!!:)
You lost.

Get over it.

Someday (fairly soon, I might add) you'll realize that WE lost........

That was a given.....either way.

Except that I expected Trump to nominate good justices....not the idiots that Obama put forth.

In that regard....we won big time.

Merrick Garland was an excellent judge and more moderate than the judge Trump picked

Perhaps, but we don't need a "moderate" judge, we desperately need one who believes in our Constitution and that it means what it says. NOT what a judge THINKS it should say.

Scalia only believed in the Constitution when it supported his conservative views

He went against it when he supported Hobby Lobby and Citizens United

Specifically why?
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Butt fuck idiots live in the highly populated areas you love so much. Its a disease really. I mean since we are speaking in hyperbole.
Inbred idiots live in those counties won by Trump.
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!
You're fighting a losing battle. The economy is modest at best. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is the only president in history that never had a single year of growth exceeding 3%.

Surprised that you are supportive of shrinking the middle-income bracket and greatly enlarging the upper five percent. Where did that money come from and what caused the stock market increase by such a large amount? I'll give you a hint below.

I'll be happy to explain this to you.


There is no criteria that you must have a year over 3% (that was created from the right).....what you got out of Obama was steady growth in the 2-3% range. There were no crashes during Obama's eight years

I am glad you are concerned about the middle class that has been shrinking since Reagan began attacking it. However, the poor wage growth in the middle class can be blamed primarily on the "job creators" that our supply side policies have been rewarding for 30 years

No, we did not even have mediocre, lukewarm growth under the reign of petulant, former President Barack Hussein Obama. You and President Obama only WISH our growth rate was that that high, between 2 and 3 percent. Do you always post without any research? Allow me to help.

Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)

For your uneducated benefit:

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%

There was also no prosperity during the reign of President Obama.

The economy added $55 trillion to our nations wealth.......That's prosperity

Ronald Reagan got growth through borrowing to ramp up Defense spending

Obama was given spending freezes and sequestration

give it up, winger. trying to support Obama's failures only makes you look stupid.

The community organizer from Kenya added 11 million jobs, 13,000 points to the Dow, cut unemployment by five percent, added $55 trillion to our wealth, saved the auto and financial sectors

Let's see the former host of The Apprentice beat that

Ignored the thread didn't you?
What did you draw that fake map yourself?

Trump won 3,000 plus counties.. Hillary 57

It would take a sturdy 2x4 to explain to you the difference between population and some butt-fuck counties........Stay dumb, I really don't care....LOL

Butt fuck idiots live in the highly populated areas you love so much. Its a disease really. I mean since we are speaking in hyperbole.
Inbreed idiots live in those counties won by Trump.

Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

Liberals compromise when?
Oh I have my popcorn alright....So far it's been pretty entertaining watching liberals set their hair on fire, and Trump playing you fools like a violin....It's really great...So, please don't stop.

I'm actually having a great time slamming the orange clown on a daily basis.....however, if you choose to stay dumb, I'm a liberal and I encourage morons to stay just as stupid as they wish.....LOL

We know you encourage morons to stay stupid, it's why they are liberals.
Since when is it stupid to want to compromise??????? Liberals compromise......conservatives just filibuster and obstruct!!!!

You mean progressives first off, and no they don't. Their version of compromise is you give them what they want and you get nothing. Fuck that.

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