When is it OK to shoot trespassers?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
An Arizona rancher has been charged with first-degree murder and had his bail set at a whopping $1million for fatally shooting a Mexican citizen on his property.

George Alan Kelly, 73, was arrested following the January 30 fatal shooting of Gabriel Cuen-Butimea, 48, on his ranch in Kino Springs, just a mile and a half north of the US-Mexico border.

Authorities are still investigating the fatal shooting, with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's chief deputy saying it does not appear that Kelly knew Cuen-Butimea ahead of the shooting.
But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.

Several other statutes — known as the 'stand your ground' laws — also defend the use of physical or deadly force when a homeowner fears a threat and believes force is necessary.

According to Nancy Pelosi it's OK to shoot trespassers.
Pelosi's Capital Police shot Ashley Babbitt.
I'm sure that the Left will be claiming racism and an unjustified shooting.
However, I would not shoot a trespasser.
I would warn a trespasser.
Maybe a warning shot.
But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.

Damn, I'd have to see the statute on that one.

Meh, that what they make "throw downs" for. ;)
An Arizona rancher has been charged with first-degree murder and had his bail set at a whopping $1million for fatally shooting a Mexican citizen on his property.

George Alan Kelly, 73, was arrested following the January 30 fatal shooting of Gabriel Cuen-Butimea, 48, on his ranch in Kino Springs, just a mile and a half north of the US-Mexico border.

Authorities are still investigating the fatal shooting, with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's chief deputy saying it does not appear that Kelly knew Cuen-Butimea ahead of the shooting.
But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.

Several other statutes — known as the 'stand your ground' laws — also defend the use of physical or deadly force when a homeowner fears a threat and believes force is necessary.

According to Nancy Pelosi it's OK to shoot trespassers.
Pelosi's Capital Police shot Ashley Babbitt.
I'm sure that the Left will be claiming racism and an unjustified shooting.
However, I would not shoot a trespasser.
I would warn a trespasser.
Maybe a warning shot.
You know what? Illegals should not be able to go through American's properties to invade the US without getting shot. Or..fucking mine the fenceline n shit. This is America, fuck that!
An Arizona rancher has been charged with first-degree murder and had his bail set at a whopping $1million for fatally shooting a Mexican citizen on his property.

George Alan Kelly, 73, was arrested following the January 30 fatal shooting of Gabriel Cuen-Butimea, 48, on his ranch in Kino Springs, just a mile and a half north of the US-Mexico border.

Authorities are still investigating the fatal shooting, with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's chief deputy saying it does not appear that Kelly knew Cuen-Butimea ahead of the shooting.
But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.

Several other statutes — known as the 'stand your ground' laws — also defend the use of physical or deadly force when a homeowner fears a threat and believes force is necessary.

According to Nancy Pelosi it's OK to shoot trespassers.
Pelosi's Capital Police shot Ashley Babbitt.
I'm sure that the Left will be claiming racism and an unjustified shooting.
However, I would not shoot a trespasser.
I would warn a trespasser.
Maybe a warning shot.
It is OK to shoot a trespasser OUTDOORS when you tell them they are on private property and to leave and they don't comply. INDOORS, no warning and they will be going out quicker than they came in.
But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.

Damn, I'd have to see the statute on that one.

Meh, that what they make "throw downs" for. ;)
FL and CO have "make my day laws"

When is it OK to shoot trespassers?​

When no one else is looking ... and you have a place to dispose of the body ...


w.n.c. here....i had an issue with someone refusing to id themselves on my property...he took a right outta my drive not knowing the road is dead end...i pulled the truck out in front of him and made him give me an id...then drove off with it and told him he would be getting it back from sheriff who i called..i told the deputy that i was alone ...hubby was at bristol...i will never forget the deputy telling the guy he was lucky i didnt shoot him ...the young man was a subcontactor working for the cable people...a yankee from pa...young man was told next time you are ask for an id show it....also told him he was lucky my husband was not at home...

i was ask if i wanted him arrested ...that bruce would have to come in on sunday...deputy assured me that the young man had the hell scared outta him already...i was ask why i didnt have a pistol or rifle with me..now bear in mind ...i am totally in my bathrobe this entire time...i had just gotten outta the shower when i saw the idiot on my property..so from what i understood...had i ask him to leave and he refused i could have shot him...harsh for just being stupid on wrong road
If the dogs don't kill them, I can always shoot them.

When is it OK to shoot trespassers?​

When they are hot and thirsty, perhaps with a water pistol.
With a firearm, merely for trespassing? Never.
I CC every day and have always thought the morals and ethics of deadly force was the most important topic when one carries. Even more important than going to the range is have a good idea of when to use deadly force. Morally for me it is to protect myself and others from physical harm if that harm might cause death to some severe injury. If AZ law really says that a landowner could literally set up a shooting range on his property near the border with a ice cold Kool-Aid stand and pick them off when they stop for a drink. I think shooting people that cross your lawn and causing no physical theat makes you a murder. AZ might have lower standards...

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