When is rape not a crime?

The GOP sucks precisely to the extent they are indistinguishable from the tax and spend liberal/socialist/Marxist tools we call the Democratics.

If you can't tell the difference between the GOP and the "Democratics" [sic], you need to look at the recent vote on health care to see that there is clearly a difference.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Democrats and Republicans - the ONLY reason they reject the bill is because it was proposed by the Democrats and the Prez is a Negro.

Once they assume power we will have Socialized Medicine.

The GOP sucks precisely to the extent they are indistinguishable from the tax and spend liberal/socialist/Marxist tools we call the Democratics.

If you can't tell the difference between the GOP and the "Democratics" [sic], you need to look at the recent vote on health care to see that there is clearly a difference.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Democrats and Republicans - the ONLY reason they reject the bill is because it was proposed by the Democrats and the Prez is a Negro.

Once they assume power we will have Socialized Medicine.


And the reason they didn't pass similar legislation when they were in power is because...
Don't 'spect Contumi to talk any reason a'tall, cause race drives that critter like a blowfly spooks a calf right along.

Contumacious Moon Calf. Now that's a moniker that describes you well.
If you can't tell the difference between the GOP and the "Democratics" [sic], you need to look at the recent vote on health care to see that there is clearly a difference.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Democrats and Republicans - the ONLY reason they reject the bill is because it was proposed by the Democrats and the Prez is a Negro.

Once they assume power we will have Socialized Medicine.


And the reason they didn't pass similar legislation when they were in power is because...

1- They were busy bombing the fuck out of Iraq, Afpak and contemplating invading Iran

2- Let me remind you that Sen Lindsay Graham who is presently opposed to Obama Hellcare has stated that the had no problem NATIONALIZING banks. So the question is NOT if but when.

Wow, that is a leap of logic quite worthy of a mooncalf.

Better go cash in my bank stock.
There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Democrats and Republicans - the ONLY reason they reject the bill is because it was proposed by the Democrats and the Prez is a Negro.

Once they assume power we will have Socialized Medicine.


And the reason they didn't pass similar legislation when they were in power is because...

1- They were busy bombing the fuck out of Iraq, Afpak and contemplating invading Iran

2- Let me remind you that Sen Lindsay Graham who is presently opposed to Obama Hellcare has stated that the had no problem NATIONALIZING banks. So the question is NOT if but when.


Lindsay Graham is an Ass Hat. He belongs in South Park not the Senate.
The GOP sucks precisely to the extent they are indistinguishable from the tax and spend liberal/socialist/Marxist tools we call the Democratics.

If you can't tell the difference between the GOP and the "Democratics" [sic], you need to look at the recent vote on health care to see that there is clearly a difference.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Democrats and Republicans - the ONLY reason they reject the bill is because it was proposed by the Democrats and the Prez is a Negro.

Once they assume power we will have Socialized Medicine.


Thats like saying Bush spent more than Clinton

As far as the negro stuff goes, I think you should say "magic negro".
Answer: When you are a Haloburton/Blackwater/KBR employee. You sign an agreement when you are hired that you will not sue if you are gang raped.

And the GOP want to allow government contractors to continue this practice. Nice.
Regardless in which any or all presidencies that this occured, the practice of immunity to suit has to stop.
Answer: When you are a Haloburton/Blackwater/KBR employee. You sign an agreement when you are hired that you will not sue if you are gang raped.

And the GOP want to allow government contractors to continue this practice. Nice.

When a violent crime is committed against You, Who do You call First, 911 or Your Lawyer?
You hop right over the issue like it's a crack in the side walk, when in reality it is as big as The Empire State Building. Fuck Off with the Bullshit Political Double Speak.
Everyone should be Pushing for Criminal Prosecution and an investigation to why it hasn't happened yet. Why the cover up? Where are the Indictments?

If Arbitration is so bad, and I have reason to believe it True, why is it not put and end to. If Arbitration fails to comply with Equal Justice, Why is it even Legal at all? Grow some spines and Independent Minds People!!!
The bimbos get what theydeserve. I have NO pity whatsoever for them. TRAMPS !
But she sure as hell is representative of the mindset of the American Left though, isn't she? Now let's imagine it was Rush Limbaugh accused of getting a 13 yr. old child drunk, giving her Quaaludes and then sodomizing her for a few hours. A show of hands whether we all believe people like Whoopi, Debra Winger and Woody Allen would be demanding HIS release from prison -or demanding his execution. ROFLMAO If they wouldn't be saying the same thing regardless of the individual involved while all other circumstances were the same -then they are a pack of sick hypocrites.

And I"m sure Polanski is especially grateful for signatures like Woody Allen - the guy who seduced the daughter of his lover and mother of his own daughter. The same guy who had his visitation rights to his daughter cut off by a judge due to his innapropriate sexualized behavior with that child.

I agree that Whoopi's comment was absolutely insane and most likely biased, because he is in the entertainment industry- I do NOT agree that her comment is biased because SHE is a liberal, and I do not agree that her comments that minimize the child's experience are at all representative of ANY majority. You are TURNING this comment into a partisan issue, which it is not. Whoopi made a bad call- on behalf of Whoopi, and nobody else.

Just because someone can voice their incorrect personal view of a crime on national television, does not make that view representative of a whole group's view, even if that person is a party member, unless that person is, say, the head of the party, and says "I speak on behalf of my party"..

Connection does not equate to correlation..

And I am a libertarian, who voted almost all the way liberal in the last presidential election, and I can tell you for a FACT that one person's distorted views of rape are not indicative of the majority of the populace's opinion as a whole. It is very illogical to say "Oh if one person says that, then the rest of them probably think that way also"- Remember that the ladies on The Voice are just a bunch of famous entertainers that sip coffee together on TV and talk about their opinions.. They are not judges, congresswomen, cabinet members, or governers.. Just a bunch of chicks who want to gab on TV. And yes- sometimes they say idiotic stuff.
What can ya do..

On what possible grounds could Whoopi have made these statements? Polanski pleaded GUILTY to this crime -not as if he ever claimed he didn't get a child drunk, give her Quaaludes and then sodomized her for hours. He admitted in court that this is what HE DID. He just fled the country before being sentenced for the crime he said he DID.

I happen to be a libertarian too. And nowhere in my political beliefs can I find any justification for downplaying this crime just because the predator fled the country before being sentenced and now a couple of decades have passed and let's all pretend that somehow that makes his crime against a CHILD just go away. Maybe you forget that Polanski admitted in court HE DID IT.

As I said, I GUARANTEE you that if Rush Limbaugh had pleaded guilty to getting a child drunk, giving her Quaaludes and then sodomizing her for hours while she was unconscious that Whoopi would NEVER have been demanding his release. She would have been demanding his execution. As if Limbaugh had just fled the country before being sentenced for the crime he already admitted in court that he did people like Whoopi would be demanding the US just ignore it all entirely. Politics don't play any role in deciding whether a person who admitted he committed this crime should be held accountable for it even years later. But it sure does for people like Whoopi -who only formed her opinion based on WHO admitted he committed this crime.

But she is not representing liberals, in saying that, and minimizing his actions. I can see where you are coming from, with the Rush thing, but he is not your typical conservative. He is a mentally ill drug addict, obviously. Not many people respect him, in the first place- which is very dissimilar to how people perceive Polanski. Now, I am not justifying what she said, or what he did, either.. but it is really silly to turn this into a partisan issue, when the real issue is that Whoopi was a dumbass for saying such a thing, and the women on the Voice are all dumbfuck actresses whose main talent is pretending to be someone they are not, or singing a tune. Hell, considering the man's wealth and age, I would think that he would be a conservative, anyways. Why the hell is one dipshit hollywood actress's opinion about some equally dipshit hollywood producer, somehow suddenly a matter of liberal vs conservative? LOL!!

And by the way -a libertarian would NEVER have voted all liberal. Totally opposite political ideologies. No libertarian would have voted all liberal because a liberal favors a fascist state that forces people to do what those in power want and have decided is in every individual's best interests

No not really. I know a lot of all kinds, and while liberals do lean more towards bigger government, etc, I don't think that you have the right idea about liberalism, generally.
In any event, most people are registered one way or another, and are still pretty moderate. I am a moderate. I have registered conservative, liberal and libertarian. I have also registered under no party. I find that partisanship is like playground bullying, on all sides, and most citizens are far too moderate to partake in that crap.

- a libertarian believes in a government that never has the power to do any such thing and believe government is not a superior judge of what is in their best interests over their own judgment.

Oh maybe you believe that, but a moderate person like me, with a working brain, knows better than this. I KNOW that the government does have, and should have powers of intervention, when the states cannot agree, or when chaos is created state to state because agreement on certain issues are too many to hear and judge. This is a fact of life. You need to join the anarchist party if you really think that the government is not necessary. Libertarians who understand the system actually believe in smaller government, for means of self government, and moving back to a less tax-oppressive system. There are, however, always going to be rules and responsibilities that people must abide by. Thats life!!

Opposite ends of the political spectrum. But libertarians never believe those who have admitted their guilt in the commission of a crime against another human being should not be held accountable for their crime just because they fled the country before being sentenced. Even libertarians believe in justice and not the ability of a wealthy person to flee the country in order to avoid it.

The victim wants the rape charge dropped. I have no problem at all with seeing this guy spend 10 years or more behind bars for fleeing the country.
I just don't see how Whoopi the dodobird actress turned TV dimbulb talk show hostess commenting wrongly on another hollywood figure's criminal activities is somehow a partisan issue.
Apparently, everything is a partisan issue to you, though. :doubt:
The bimbos get what theydeserve. I have NO pity whatsoever for them. TRAMPS !

Spoken like a true Predator. What do They do to Child Molesters in Canada Yukon? How well does your claim hold to 13 year old girls up there?

Good post babe. At least you make sense.

Hey Yukon:


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