When is rape not a crime?

Bingo, I know who you are:


Nurse Mildred Ratched



Muff diving???

I swear, your sex slang jargon is so outdated, I would wager a bet that you haven't gotten the attention of a woman since the early days of the Reagan Administration...

That would explain your blatant, absolute hatred and resentment towards women, and why you hang out with a bunch of dykes.

And Bingo??? BINGO, REALLY, Contfucktardumacious??? Who fucking says BINGO, anymore, besides blue haired old ladies at their beloved Wednesday night get togethers???

WOW. Thats all that is left here.. Just... plain... old.. WOW.


Muah! Happy Halloween, Dracula. I am sure you will suck all the fun out of that, too..
i think you would lose on the grounds he wasn't even born yet

Awww now that is just SAD...

I wonder, then, where Cont got these ridiculous ideas about women... Seems like someone so young shouldn't be so damned jaded already...
“I really don’t give a f***,” Sky News quoted him [Gore Vidal] as telling The Atlantic mag.Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?”

He added: “Anti-Semitism got poor Polanski. He was also a foreigner. He did not subscribe to American [^] values in the least. To [his persecutors], that seemed vicious and unnatural.”

“I really don’t give a f***,” Sky News quoted him [Gore Vidal] as telling The Atlantic mag.Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?”

He added: “Anti-Semitism got poor Polanski. He was also a foreigner. He did not subscribe to American [^] values in the least. To [his persecutors], that seemed vicious and unnatural.”


And it was bullshit to say that stupid crap then, and quoting it doesn't make it anything other than bullshit.

It's not anti-Semitic to prosecute a fucking child molestor for drugging and sodomizing and raping an underage girl. It's called bringing a criminal to justice and they do that kind of thing to the fucking skell bastards without regard to race, age, ethnicity, gender or any of that horse crap.

Fuck a child, go to prison, hopefully for a VERY motherfucking long time. Only ratdicksucking scumbags support child molestors.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

It was not a horrible crime. Mr Polanski was tricked by a scheming sl#t and her tramp mother who tried to extract money from him after the event took place. She was 3 weeks short of her age of majority birthday. Mr. Polanski did the right thing by leaving the USA where a man has NO chance of obtaining a fair trial. Mr Polanski is a brilliant film director. Rosemary's Baby is a classic.

To h#ll with bimbo sl#ts trying to scam money from wealthy men. They get what the deserve.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

It was not a horrible crime. Mr Polanski was tricked by a scheming sl#t and her tramp mother who tried to extract money from him after the event took place. She was 3 weeks short of her age of majority birthday. Mr. Polanski did the right thing by leaving the USA where a man has NO chance of obtaining a fair trial. Mr Polanski is a brilliant film director. Rosemary's Baby is a classic.

To h#ll with bimbo sl#ts trying to scam money from wealthy men. They get what the deserve.

No wonder you couldn't remain in the priesthood, you disgusting little man. In fact, referring to you as a man is an unworthy compliment. You are more akin to the loose bowel movement of a camel.
Allah Akbar my friends for He is great ! Peace be upon the Prophet !
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If Yukon were savagely attacked and sodomized, it would still be a crime.

On the level of karma, we might think (guiltily perhaps) "the shitstain had it coming to him." But it would still be a crime.
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From a religious point-of-view, any religion, rape is NOT a crime. A man cannot rape his wife for she is his property to do with as he pleases short of killing her outright.
[No wonder you couldn't remain in the priesthood, you disgusting little man. In fact, referring to you as a man is an unworthy compliment. You are more akin to the loose bowel movement of a camel.

Cute avatar, colin!! Makes me want to throw them in the air and then blow on their tummies.

I use the image of a great man as my avatar. Yasser defeated the Jews and held the USA hostage for a generation. His influence is still in control of the middle-east, long after Ron Reagan died.
I use the image of a great man as my avatar. Yasser defeated the Jews and held the USA hostage for a generation. His influence is still in control of the middle-east, long after Ron Reagan died.
he was a low life SCUMBAG
I use the image of a great man as my avatar. Yasser defeated the Jews and held the USA hostage for a generation. His influence is still in control of the middle-east, long after Ron Reagan died.
he was a low life SCUMBAG

Yasser Arafat (ياسر عرفات) was great man.

"The pattern here is clear enough: whenever someone is actually opposing Israeli military aggression, that person or group is automatically characterized as a villain, a fanatic, a terrorist whose existence cannot be tolerated. Having demonized Arafat and driven him to his death, now they push Fatah and go after Hamas. Whichever group is more effective in resisting the occupation is targeted for destruction."


"he was a low life SCUMBAG"


...........of whom do you refer.....Arafat or Reagan ?

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