When is rape not a crime?

The bimbos get what they ask for. I have NO pity for them whatsoever.

Rape is not the same as consensual sex. Rape is having sex with a person AGAINST their will, whether that consent is willfully forbidden, either verbally, by physical gesture, body language, or if in the accused has any reason to believe that the person is not consenting.

Getting someone drunk and drugging them just to get your nuts off is RAPE, asshole.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

Nothing to do with safer streets. More to do with paying for his crime.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

I speak on behalf of my femi-nazi and religionists friends when I say that I prefer that the California authorities release a serial murderer in order to make space for this dangerous criminal.

While according to the bible , the Virgin Mary was 13 when she was nailed , Roman Polanski is a goddamed Jew for christ sakes. Now each of the mystics have admitted to me that they get wet dreams whenever they dream about screwing a 13 y/o but they can not admit it publicly. They have got to pretend that what Roman did is disgusting and criminal.

My femi-nazi friends , most of them who are virgins, can not believe that Roman screwed a female. According to them sex between a nasty male and a female is always rape.

So the man should die in jail,


I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

I speak on behalf of my femi-nazi and religionists friends when I say that I prefer that the California authorities release a serial murderer in order to make space for this dangerous criminal.

While according to the bible , the Virgin Mary was 13 when she was nailed , Roman Polanski is a goddamed Jew for christ sakes. Now each of the mystics have admitted to me that they get wet dreams whenever they dream about screwing a 13 y/o but they can not admit it publicly. They have got to pretend that what Roman did is disgusting and criminal.

My femi-nazi friends , most of them who are virgins, can not believe that Roman screwed a female. According to them sex between a nasty male and a female is always rape.

So the man should die in jail,



Would you just hush? :eusa_shhh:
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

To that little 13 year old girl, he was already as old as dirt, when he assaulted her in the first place.. him being 43 and her being 13, that is. When WE were 13, we thought 30 year olds, and even some young twenty somethings were old.

The tendency of sexual molestation and other sexual crime tends to happen with men over 40, because after 40, the frontal lobe portion of the brain begins to deteriorate in men. This causes them to lose their ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Since this deterioration continues to happen over time, and the effects get worse rather than better, then I think it is pushing ones luck a bit to just decide that based on someone being 70, that they could not be a threat to society. Lots of sex offenders have used weapons, also. They are no different than wife-beaters, in a lot of ways, and they do get worse, rather than better..

I think the best (medical) way to correct this brain deterioration problem in the ones who offend more than one time, on any sexual charges that are NOT administrative (like, not on a one time offender who failed to register, but on someone who offended or attempted rape or molestation, etc, on more than one person, for instance) would be a lobotomy, removing the deteriorated portion of the frontal lobe, so that the criminal can think and function with reason and consideration.

Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment, that does not mean I advocate it wholeheartedly, obviously.. Some (mostly men over 40) people think that this is a cruel or unusual type of punishment. I don't see it as a punishment. It treats the condition, and cures the person. My contention is that it should only be used in men over 40 who have established a pattern of criminal sexual behavior that defies reason, and is directed at minors, other helpless victims, or the elderly. I don't want it done to men under 40, or to men who are 40 and older who rape only capable adult women, unless they were drugged or the woman was given alcohol to cause intoxication, while the male remained sober or even reasonably sober. I do think it should be done to predatory types like this producer dude, who actively seek out opportunities to use power and control on people, and hurt them. I think predators are the most disgusting, vial creatures..

I honestly think that more people should advocate for this type of procedure a little more than they do now. Seems like everyone just wants people to get injected and be done with.. I just think that if someone can be cured, then they should be cured, and not killed over a biological problem that is outside of their reach of controlling.
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

I speak on behalf of my femi-nazi and religionists friends when I say that I prefer that the California authorities release a serial murderer in order to make space for this dangerous criminal.

While according to the bible , the Virgin Mary was 13 when she was nailed , Roman Polanski is a goddamed Jew for christ sakes. Now each of the mystics have admitted to me that they get wet dreams whenever they dream about screwing a 13 y/o but they can not admit it publicly. They have got to pretend that what Roman did is disgusting and criminal.

My femi-nazi friends , most of them who are virgins, can not believe that Roman screwed a female. According to them sex between a nasty male and a female is always rape.

So the man should die in jail,



Would you just hush? :eusa_shhh:


Nothing to do with safer streets. More to do with paying for his crime.

I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

If it stops one other guy from doing it because he notices raping someone will actually get you jail time, then yes, he should be put away. ..It would be safer.

I want SqueezyMcFeelpants in jail.
Last edited:
I speak on behalf of my femi-nazi and religionists friends when I say that I prefer that the California authorities release a serial murderer in order to make space for this dangerous criminal.

While according to the bible , the Virgin Mary was 13 when she was nailed , Roman Polanski is a goddamed Jew for christ sakes. Now each of the mystics have admitted to me that they get wet dreams whenever they dream about screwing a 13 y/o but they can not admit it publicly. They have got to pretend that what Roman did is disgusting and criminal.

My femi-nazi friends , most of them who are virgins, can not believe that Roman screwed a female. According to them sex between a nasty male and a female is always rape.

So the man should die in jail,



Would you just hush? :eusa_shhh:


Nothing to do with safer streets. More to do with paying for his crime.


More because you keep referring to your femi-nazi friends. You really have femi-nazi friends? If so, why?
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

To that little 13 year old girl, he was already as old as dirt, when he assaulted her in the first place.. him being 43 and her being 13, that is. When WE were 13, we thought 30 year olds, and even some young twenty somethings were old.

The tendency of sexual molestation and other sexual crime tends to happen with men over 40, because after 40, the frontal lobe portion of the brain begins to deteriorate in men. This causes them to lose their ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Since this deterioration continues to happen over time, and the effects get worse rather than better, then I think it is pushing ones luck a bit to just decide that based on someone being 70, that they could not be a threat to society. Lots of sex offenders have used weapons, also. They are no different than wife-beaters, in a lot of ways, and they do get worse, rather than better..

I think the best (medical) way to correct this brain deterioration problem in the ones who offend more than one time, on any sexual charges that are NOT administrative (like, not on a one time offender who failed to register, but on someone who offended or attempted rape or molestation, etc, on more than one person, for instance) would be a lobotomy, removing the deteriorated portion of the frontal lobe, so that the criminal can think and function with reason and consideration.

Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment, that does not mean I advocate it wholeheartedly, obviously.. Some (mostly men over 40) people think that this is a cruel or unusual type of punishment. I don't see it as a punishment. It treats the condition, and cures the person. My contention is that it should only be used in men over 40 who have established a pattern of criminal sexual behavior that defies reason, and is directed at minors, other helpless victims, or the elderly. I don't want it done to men under 40, or to men who are 40 and older who rape only capable adult women, unless they were drugged or the woman was given alcohol to cause intoxication, while the male remained sober or even reasonably sober. I do think it should be done to predatory types like this producer dude, who actively seek out opportunities to use power and control on people, and hurt them. I think predators are the most disgusting, vial creatures..

I honestly think that more people should advocate for this type of procedure a little more than they do now. Seems like everyone just wants people to get injected and be done with.. I just think that if someone can be cured, then they should be cured, and not killed over a biological problem that is outside of their reach of controlling.

So then we just let loose the newly retarded on the streets??
Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment,.

Bingo, I know who you are:


Nurse Mildred Ratched

Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment,.

Bingo, I know who you are:


Nurse Mildred Ratched



Muff diving???

I swear, your sex slang jargon is so outdated, I would wager a bet that you haven't gotten the attention of a woman since the early days of the Reagan Administration...

That would explain your blatant, absolute hatred and resentment towards women, and why you hang out with a bunch of dykes.

And Bingo??? BINGO, REALLY, Contfucktardumacious??? Who fucking says BINGO, anymore, besides blue haired old ladies at their beloved Wednesday night get togethers???

WOW. Thats all that is left here.. Just... plain... old.. WOW.


Muah! Happy Halloween, Dracula. I am sure you will suck all the fun out of that, too..
Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment,.

Bingo, I know who you are:


Nurse Mildred Ratched



Muff diving???

I swear, your sex slang jargon is so outdated, I would wager a bet that you haven't gotten the attention of a woman since the early days of the Reagan Administration...

That would explain your blatant, absolute hatred and resentment towards women, and why you hang out with a bunch of dykes.

And Bingo??? BINGO, REALLY, Contfucktardumacious??? Who fucking says BINGO, anymore, besides blue haired old ladies at their beloved Wednesday night get togethers???

WOW. Thats all that is left here.. Just... plain... old.. WOW.


Muah! Happy Halloween, Dracula. I am sure you will suck all the fun out of that, too..
i think you would lose on the grounds he wasn't even born yet
I am not, I repeat AM NOT condoning this horrible crime,
but are the streets really going to be any safer with this old man in jail?
Just a thought.
But my take on crime and punishment might seem odd to some.

To that little 13 year old girl, he was already as old as dirt, when he assaulted her in the first place.. him being 43 and her being 13, that is. When WE were 13, we thought 30 year olds, and even some young twenty somethings were old.

The tendency of sexual molestation and other sexual crime tends to happen with men over 40, because after 40, the frontal lobe portion of the brain begins to deteriorate in men. This causes them to lose their ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Since this deterioration continues to happen over time, and the effects get worse rather than better, then I think it is pushing ones luck a bit to just decide that based on someone being 70, that they could not be a threat to society. Lots of sex offenders have used weapons, also. They are no different than wife-beaters, in a lot of ways, and they do get worse, rather than better..

I think the best (medical) way to correct this brain deterioration problem in the ones who offend more than one time, on any sexual charges that are NOT administrative (like, not on a one time offender who failed to register, but on someone who offended or attempted rape or molestation, etc, on more than one person, for instance) would be a lobotomy, removing the deteriorated portion of the frontal lobe, so that the criminal can think and function with reason and consideration.

Now, while lobotomy may be the most effective medical treatment, that does not mean I advocate it wholeheartedly, obviously.. Some (mostly men over 40) people think that this is a cruel or unusual type of punishment. I don't see it as a punishment. It treats the condition, and cures the person. My contention is that it should only be used in men over 40 who have established a pattern of criminal sexual behavior that defies reason, and is directed at minors, other helpless victims, or the elderly. I don't want it done to men under 40, or to men who are 40 and older who rape only capable adult women, unless they were drugged or the woman was given alcohol to cause intoxication, while the male remained sober or even reasonably sober. I do think it should be done to predatory types like this producer dude, who actively seek out opportunities to use power and control on people, and hurt them. I think predators are the most disgusting, vial creatures..

I honestly think that more people should advocate for this type of procedure a little more than they do now. Seems like everyone just wants people to get injected and be done with.. I just think that if someone can be cured, then they should be cured, and not killed over a biological problem that is outside of their reach of controlling.

So then we just let loose the newly retarded on the streets??

The frontal lobe does not function as a thinking portion of the brain. There is short term memory stored there, but since brain surgery is done while the patient is awake, so as not to cause permanent injury, then why would anyone think that the sex offenders who had a lobotomy would be retarded?

Some people call for castration. I say castration only kills the potential for an erection, and does not fix the real problem, which can simply re-emerge by the use of hands and mouths.
A lobotomy, as EXTREME and dangerous as it is, which is why I would only support it in instances where it is medically necessary, REMOVES the damaged portion of the brain ( a tiny little piece) and cures the perp.

Jesus healed.. I say, if we can heal, we might as well at least examine ALL of the possibilities and try to heal people, rather than putting them in jail forever. I think the department of corrections should be viewed as correctional facilities, rather than just promotional tools to be used in "crime prevention".

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