When is rape not a crime?

That you fucking lily pads like to lie.


So when Roman P pled guilty, why aren't you saying anything about his despicable actions? The girl told her story and he did not disagree or argue, he pled guilty (meaning she didn't lie), and then he ran away to avoid the consequences of his actions.
Are you just so caught up in blaming other people for your miseries, you will not hold a man accountable for his own actions?

That was part of a plea agreement - he would plead guilty IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF the court agrees to sentence him to probation.

Keyword IF


IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF he had done nothing wrong, he wouldn't have pled guilty. He was just trying to get off easier..happens all the time.
RP was guilty of child rape.

He will be extradited.

He will spend the rest of his time in a cell or in restraints.

Just so.
The zombified state that had he not done something wrong, he wouldn't have pled guilty. What did Nelson Mandela do which required him to spend 25 years in jail?!?!?!?!?!?

How the fuck do one stay away from jail in a theocratic police state??!?!?!?!?!?!?

The zombified state that had he not done something wrong, he wouldn't have pled guilty. What did Nelson Mandela do which required him to spend 25 years in jail?!?!?!?!?!?

How the fuck do one stay away from jail in a theocratic police state??!?!?!?!?!?!?


Uhhh because he was convicted of treason for breaking the law. (not that it was a just law, but just that it was a law, and it was broken)

Nelson Mandela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PS- I know this is Wikipedia, but the citations are verifiable..

He coordinated sabotage campaigns against military and government targets, making plans for a possible guerrilla war if the sabotage failed to end apartheid.[31] Mandela also raised funds for MK abroad and arranged for paramilitary training of the group

Whittaker, David J. (2003). The Terrorism Reader (Updated ed.). Routledge. pp. 244. ISBN 0415301017.

Later, mostly in the 1980s, MK waged a guerrilla war against the apartheid regime in which many civilians became casualties.[31] Mandela later admitted that the ANC, in its struggle against apartheid, also violated human rights, sharply criticising those in his own party who attempted to remove statements supporting this fact from the reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.[34]

^ "Mandela admits ANC violated rights, too". Financial Times. 1998-11-02.

In 1959, the ANC lost its most militant support when most of the Africanists, with financial support from Ghana and significant political support from the Transvaal-based Basotho, broke away to form the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) under the direction of Robert Sobukwe and Potlako Leballo.[29]

^ Leeman, Bernard (1996). Alexander, Peter; Hutchison, Ruth; Schreuder, Deryck. ed. The PAC of Azania in Africa Today. The Humanities Research Centre, The Australian National University Canberra: The Australian National University Canberra. ISBN 07315 24918.

Look, Mandela was a good man- I agree- What he was doing was JUST. It was also RIGHT.. Unfortunately, it was still treason- even though he was found guilty of other charges, like sabotage and plotting a foreign invasion..

It is sad that he was jailed over it, but the law is the law. He could have used those 25 years in prison to find far more constructive ways of abolishing the apartheid. Instead of spending a few years organizing a potentially highly destructive attack on the country, Mandela could have found a far more civil and peaceful means to make his voice be heard.

And in the case of an older guy drugging and raping a younger girl- the same logic applies. People do not have to resort to force. There are better ways of getting what you want than by taking such extreme measures as drugging and raping someone, or organizing a terrorist attack!!!
The zombified state that had he not done something wrong, he wouldn't have pled guilty. What did Nelson Mandela do which required him to spend 25 years in jail?!?!?!?!?!?

How the fuck do one stay away from jail in a theocratic police state??!?!?!?!?!?!?


Who you calling zombie? If you had any I'd..
just for your ignorance.
It is sad that he was jailed over it, but the law is the law. !

Yes, yes, yes - I fully understand.

I have always said that the Jews had no right to fight the gestapo - they should have meekly driven themselves to the gas and cremation chambers .

How about those stupid black slaves - breaking the slavery laws and heading north - the Chutzpah.

...Look, Mandela was a good man- I agree- What he was doing was JUST. It was also RIGHT.. Unfortunately, it was still treason- even though he was found guilty of other charges, like sabotage and plotting a foreign invasion..

It is sad that he was jailed over it, but the law is the law. He could have used those 25 years in prison to find far more constructive ways of abolishing the apartheid. Instead of spending a few years organizing a potentially highly destructive attack on the country, Mandela could have found a far more civil and peaceful means to make his voice be heard.

Is that a general statement. Because I'm sure the founding fathers could have found a more peaceful way to revolt. Or maybe the French Resistance should have not done sabotage.

The "law is the law" reasoning only works when the law is fair, etc. Sometimes, some people will only listen to violence.
...Look, Mandela was a good man- I agree- What he was doing was JUST. It was also RIGHT.. Unfortunately, it was still treason- even though he was found guilty of other charges, like sabotage and plotting a foreign invasion..

It is sad that he was jailed over it, but the law is the law. He could have used those 25 years in prison to find far more constructive ways of abolishing the apartheid. Instead of spending a few years organizing a potentially highly destructive attack on the country, Mandela could have found a far more civil and peaceful means to make his voice be heard.

Is that a general statement. Because I'm sure the founding fathers could have found a more peaceful way to revolt. Or maybe the French Resistance should have not done sabotage.

The "law is the law" reasoning only works when the law is fair, etc. Sometimes, some people will only listen to violence.

The founding fathers found a better way to create a good and just government, without organizing a full on attack by a foreign country.

They may have been found guilty of treason, too, of course- <sigh>

Look I have family in S Africa. I know all about all the apartheid. Been hearing about it my whole life. THAT IS NOT THE ISSUE IN THIS THREAD..

My sole point was that people do not need to resort to extreme and violent measures to achieve a wanted and dignified end result.

This is about a 13 year old being drugged and raped by a man who was over 40 years old.

The law IS the law. Thats the fucking point.

I agree with you about the Jews. They should have fought back. Hitler was elected, you know.. He was an amicable sociopath, even if he did kill millions of innocent people. And did you know that the Jews were disarmed after voting for him? The US did not condone his behavior, in the slightest.. We went to war over it, because the Jews got duped and could not.

And the US didn't exactly condone the apartheid government, really- even though it kinda looks that way. At least- it should be understood that the US government's ideas on race relations was much different 50 years ago than it is now, anyways.. The apartheid, in the concept of whites v blacks was very similar to how our own government was run back then, too. Not that I am saying that was right or just, either, not in the slightest!!

Mandela was not making a bad situation any better, is all. If he left the country, and established citizenship elsewhere, he could have become a leader within a matter of a few years, I am SURE, and then could have organized a war against the white government in SA.

Anyways, all this stuff is still going on, in SE African countries, even today. It is not white and black so much as tutsi and hutus based still on light and dark skin tones, in Rwanda, which has yet to become a non issue, but their government has made great strides and the people are happier now.. Incidentally, the tutsis still have dominance, and people are still in a state of unrest, as a result. To this day, in spite of there being a representative government established, the Tutsis are still predoninantly in charge there. There was a civil war, and another war involving Uganda, as well, and about 5 million people died. This is all very recent too.. Of course, whomever it is that organized all of this, was not nearly as big of a dope about it as Mandela was, and organized the revolt to be within the borders, which is where it at least started out, before the president called in other governments who took notice and jumped in to help.

African government is all fucked up.. and it will take a lot of fighting and revolting to stop this madness, but that does not change the fact that there are only certain people who may call people up to fight, without being accused of treason. Sorry but that is just how it is.

Power and control is just about dominance.. and this rapist definitely exercised that, with this young girl. It is illegal to do this, for good reason.
If Roman the childmolestor rapist Polanski had done nothing wrong, it is more than just a little strange that he pled guilty and allocuted to his own commission of despicable acts which establish that he did do something wrong.

The child molestor's defenders, like Confusedatious, seem to seek to "defend" the child molestor/rapist Polanski by arguing that Polanski didn't do the very thing that Polanski said he DID do.

And when that transparently fraudulent "defense" fails for glaringly obvious reasons, the "defense" changes a little bit. It becomes, "Polanski pled guilty to a crime which isn't really a crime . . . ." Morons.

Polanski pled guilty because he WAS guilty and he did the things that both his victim and HE said he did. And it was a crime and it damn well should be a crime. And he took an open sentence that gave the JUDGE the option of giving the fucking criminal either probation or time. And, provided that the judge doesn't someday find that he can't abide by the plea (which was a plea to a lesser count so that might be why the judge could say, "this is not a reasonable plea"), then no rights of the scumbag criminal Polanski have been in ANY way violated, whatsofuckingever.
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The law IS the law. Thats the fucking point. I agree with you about the Jews. They should have fought back. .


The Law is the Law - Adolf Hitler - the duly elected leader had to enforce the law which had declared the Jews enemy noncombatants and a danger to the German State.

The Jews ONLY choice - as law abiding citizens - was to drive themselves to the gas / incineration chambers , kneel down and thank the SS for enforcing the law so efficiently.

Heil Hitler.

The law IS the law. Thats the fucking point. I agree with you about the Jews. They should have fought back. .


The Law is the Law - Adolf Hitler - the duly elected leader had to enforce the law which had declared the Jews enemy noncombatants and a danger to the German State.

The Jews ONLY choice - as law abiding citizens - was to drive themselves to the gas / incineration chambers , kneel down and thank the SS for enforcing the law so efficiently.

Heil Hitler.



You know damn well that my post was rooting for the Jews and oppressed tribes.. You fucking pathetic little man..

Go crawl back under your rock of shame, willya???

I mean, I am sorry that guys like you and Polanski cant find an adult woman who you can please sexually, and that you have to take your aggression issues out on innocent little 13 year old children.. but the fact that your minds are so wrapped around the idea that you are not good enough for an adult woman does not give you some kind of insta-right (a right that nobody of sound mind believes they have) to go and administer alcoholic beverages and drugs to little girls or boys and rape them.

Ever heard of Antisocial Personality Disorder??
The law IS the law. Thats the fucking point. I agree with you about the Jews. They should have fought back. .


The Law is the Law - Adolf Hitler - the duly elected leader had to enforce the law which had declared the Jews enemy noncombatants and a danger to the German State.

The Jews ONLY choice - as law abiding citizens - was to drive themselves to the gas / incineration chambers , kneel down and thank the SS for enforcing the law so efficiently.

Heil Hitler.



You know damn well that my post was rooting for the Jews and oppressed tribes..


So what we have here is a case of selective prosecution. From your standpoint the law must be followed strictly in certain cases but not in others.

Ever heard of Antisocial Personality Disorder??

Ever heard of the fat , ugly female over 40 Disorder?

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You know damn well that my post was rooting for the Jews and oppressed tribes..


So what we have here is a case of selective prosecution. From your standpoint the law must be followed strictly in certain cases but not in others.

No, I support justice being served. You are comparing a 43 year old getting a 13 year old drunk, drugging her, and raping her- and hence, oppressing her.. To my supporting other oppressed people defending themselves against attack, also, in a civil way. Now, if this girl had grabbed a knife and stabbed (or even just bit him Polanski, I would think justice was already served by her to him. But, if she stabbed him, and proceeded with rape charges, (Edit starts here, oops) then she would be pushing the envelope somewhat, and she herself should maybe be charged with the violent crime, then. But this is just my opinion, and that is entirely dependent on when she actually stabbed him, or injured him. If she did it during the time he was forcing himself on her, then she is okay- but if she went sneaking around and did it to get him back, then she should be charged, just like Amy Fisher. (Of course Amy went after Joey B's wife, so this is much different anyways, but I mean if Amy had shot Joey in the same situation as she shot the wife, instead- then I think Joeys charges would have grounds for getting dropped, possibly)

Ever heard of Antisocial Personality Disorder??

Ever heard of fat , ugly female over 40?


LMAO!! That would not be me, though. I am 32, and am generally mistaken for a 22-23 year old.

AND I got about a dozen men at my disposal at any given time.. Without going to bars or looking for men. TYVM... =)
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JD_2B hit the core of the issue here -- Contumacious and those of that ilk are so confused and ill sexually that they mistake children as legitimate targets of sexual exploitation. RP will never leave jail, nor should he. Should Contumacious or anyone else ever be convicted of the same behavior, then such folks should never be allowed in society again.
It is sad that he was jailed over it, but the law is the law. !

Yes, yes, yes - I fully understand.

I have always said that the Jews had no right to fight the gestapo - they should have meekly driven themselves to the gas and cremation chambers .

How about those stupid black slaves - breaking the slavery laws and heading north - the Chutzpah.


How much is NAMBLA paying you???
When is rape not a crime?
When there is no evidence that neither force nor violence were used in a sexual rendezvous.
Drugs etc do count as use of force under most legal codes.
This is particularly true for Minors and anyone "slipped a mickey"
If there is no evidence, the crime is not prosecutable, but it remains a crime.

There is a reason civilized nations treat rape with a severity on par with murder.
When is rape not a crime?
When there is no evidence that neither force nor violence were used in a sexual rendezvous.
Drugs etc do count as use of force under most legal codes.
This is particularly true for Minors and anyone "slipped a mickey"
If there is no evidence, the crime is not prosecutable, but it remains a crime.

There is a reason civilized nations treat rape with a severity on par with murder.

Not in the US. Murder can get you the death penalty here but rape can't.
The bimbos get what they ask for. I have NO pity for them whatsoever.
The bimbos get what they ask for. I have NO pity for them whatsoever.

What if it happened to your mother, sister, daughter? Are they bimbos?

Don't ask him embarassing questions like that. He can't help it that his mother never married because it would have interfered with her career. She was a woman from a professional line stretching back into the mists of time, considered by many the worlds oldest profession, and little Bas, err darlings like him are the inevitable result.

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