When is rape not a crime?

Naturally, this is because of assholes like you who would prefer to allow predators to walk free, then go back to the ranks of your local NAMBLA association..

Can you imagine the audacity of LA County Commissioners..... Assigning MALE prosecutors who are members of NAMBLA to this sweet innocent child? How about her stupid mom, retaining a bad male attorney to her pure angelical daughter!!!!!

Email them and tell them that in the future they must demand bull-dykes:

"In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape..." Apparently, the reference to "good rape" has been deleted from some performances but the surrounding language makes the rape’s goodness clear. For example, the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."


I have no doubt that you were molested as a child at this point.

This is one of the major problems with child molestation. Apparently, the child's biological mechanisms will still allow them to experience some element of pleasure (not every time, but sometimes) which causes them to be confused about "good touch" vs "bad touch".

Now, it should be noted that just because the child FELT something that physically felt good or comforting, doesn't mean that the child consented to the sex act, or had a good overall psychological experience from it.

Many molesters have been molested as children and they simply remember the biological stimuli that caused their brain's "pleasure receptors" to react. Their frontal lobe tells them that they felt weird about the act, and that something was not right there- but their brains also have had "alterations" done to them that also affect the way they think about sex in the future.. They are generally programmed to believe that the person loves them, and make the reasonable conclusion that if a grown up person loves you, then this is what happens, as an expression of that love. For all we know, the molester (a care giver, a family member, a close friend of the family's, etc) did love them on some level- but the victim is not being taught that love and respect are not mutually interchangeable.

The same dynamic occurs in homes where domestic violence occurs. Children see this happening with their mom and dad, they see mom getting punched, etc. . And the little girls grow up to get abused, and the little boys grow up to be abusive. Its just adverse brain programming, Cont.

Any 13 year old who says that she enjoyed it may not be lying- if she says she climaxed, she also may not be lying. But to say that she can base her understanding about love and mutual respect on that first sexual experience, and try to claim that it was healthy, or good.. it is just a psychological defense mechanism to protect the person who programmed her to believe that she was "loved". Children are apparently surprisingly easy to manipulate.

How many kids still believe in Santa or the tooth fairy? Why- because they are told lies, and the lies come from people who "love" them. Sure these people love their kids.. but lying to your kids is not respectful. Even this very common situation is teaching kids that it is okay to lie or believe a fairy tale.

I told my kid WAY early on that Santa is not real. I made it sound really good at the time, of course- I said that Santa is the spirit of Christmas, because Jesus got presents for his birthday. I said that since Christmas is the date we use to celebrate that birthday, then we use this "santa" fella as a way of giving presents, and keeping the faith that someone we cannot see is out there, with a gift for all of us. I taught my son about salvation through the crucifixion, the gift of forgiveness and resurrection.. Then I told him that the Santas that we see in the malls are not the real thing. I told him "Santa" is just a made up person, made to keep the magic of Jesus alive. I encouraged him to look at the different santas and tell me what looked differently. He would comment on the skin colors, the beards, the suit fabric, etc.. He knows that Santa is not real. He also appreciates me telling him that. We "believe" in Santa, its just a "faith based" belief system, based more on the promise of God than anything. I think it is nicer to tell your kids the truth than to make them not trust you around one of the holiest holidays of the year.

Sorry wasn't trying to change the subject.. Just making a point about respect and love being two things that people should work towards and put effort into, in order to be able to honestly say that they have it.
Naturally, this is because of assholes like you who would prefer to allow predators to walk free, then go back to the ranks of your local NAMBLA association..

Can you imagine the audacity of LA County Commissioners..... Assigning MALE prosecutors who are members of NAMBLA to this sweet innocent child? How about her stupid mom, retaining a bad male attorney to her pure angelical daughter!!!!!

Email them and tell them that in the future they must demand bull-dykes:

"In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape..." Apparently, the reference to "good rape" has been deleted from some performances but the surrounding language makes the rape’s goodness clear. For example, the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."


I have no doubt that you were molested as a child at this point.

This is one of the major problems with child molestation. Apparently, the child's biological mechanisms will still allow them to experience some element of pleasure (not every time, but sometimes) which causes them to be confused about "good touch" vs "bad touch".

Now, it should be noted that just because the child FELT something that physically felt good or comforting, doesn't mean that the child consented to the sex act, or had a good overall psychological experience from it.

Many molesters have been molested as children and they simply remember the biological stimuli that caused their brain's "pleasure receptors" to react. Their frontal lobe tells them that they felt weird about the act, and that something was not right there- but their brains also have had "alterations" done to them that also affect the way they think about sex in the future.. They are generally programmed to believe that the person loves them, and make the reasonable conclusion that if a grown up person loves you, then this is what happens, as an expression of that love. For all we know, the molester (a care giver, a family member, a close friend of the family's, etc) did love them on some level- but the victim is not being taught that love and respect are not mutually interchangeable.

The same dynamic occurs in homes where domestic violence occurs. Children see this happening with their mom and dad, they see mom getting punched, etc. . And the little girls grow up to get abused, and the little boys grow up to be abusive. Its just adverse brain programming, Cont.

Any 13 year old who says that she enjoyed it may not be lying- if she says she climaxed, she also may not be lying. But to say that she can base her understanding about love and mutual respect on that first sexual experience, and try to claim that it was healthy, or good.. it is just a psychological defense mechanism to protect the person who programmed her to believe that she was "loved". Children are apparently surprisingly easy to manipulate.

How many kids still believe in Santa or the tooth fairy? Why- because they are told lies, and the lies come from people who "love" them. Sure these people love their kids.. but lying to your kids is not respectful. Even this very common situation is teaching kids that it is okay to lie or believe a fairy tale.

I told my kid WAY early on that Santa is not real. I made it sound really good at the time, of course- I said that Santa is the spirit of Christmas, because Jesus got presents for his birthday. I said that since Christmas is the date we use to celebrate that birthday, then we use this "santa" fella as a way of giving presents, and keeping the faith that someone we cannot see is out there, with a gift for all of us. I taught my son about salvation through the crucifixion, the gift of forgiveness and resurrection.. Then I told him that the Santas that we see in the malls are not the real thing. I told him "Santa" is just a made up person, made to keep the magic of Jesus alive. I encouraged him to look at the different santas and tell me what looked differently. He would comment on the skin colors, the beards, the suit fabric, etc.. He knows that Santa is not real. He also appreciates me telling him that. We "believe" in Santa, its just a "faith based" belief system, based more on the promise of God than anything. I think it is nicer to tell your kids the truth than to make them not trust you around one of the holiest holidays of the year.

Sorry wasn't trying to change the subject.. Just making a point about respect and love being two things that people should work towards and put effort into, in order to be able to honestly say that they have it.

More likely he is typing with one hand and holding himself with the other. Don't Encourage Him. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
* * * *
More likely he is typing with one hand and holding himself with the other. Don't Encourage Him. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

VERY off topic: Intense.

Did you know that your avie is now a Halloween costume that is making bleeding heart liberoidals :cuckoo: all kinds of upset?

I think it's just plain funny!

And the fact that the illegal immigration crowd is all upset by it makes it even funnier. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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* * * *
More likely he is typing with one hand and holding himself with the other. Don't Encourage Him. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

VERY off topic: Intense.

Did you know that your avie is now a Halloween costume that is making bleeding heart liberoidals :cuckoo: all kinds of upset?

I think it's just plain funny!

And the fact that the illegal immigration crowd is all upset by it makes it even funnier. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

That's why I chose it for my Halloween Theme. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Ihave no problem whatsoever with Negro people being lynched. Negro people are genetically predisposed to criminal acts abd should be exterminated. Just think what a beautiful and wonderful world it would be without Negro and Jew people creating problems?

Report: 1 in 8 Female Students Pregnant at Chicago High School
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Their Motto: Yes We Can.

ah, because SOME 13-17 year old girls voluntarily have sex and get pregnant, it is ok for a 40+ year old many to drug a 13 year old girl and have sex with her against her will


only in your perverted mind

Also we can calcualte the number of 13 year olds putting out in the 1970s based on the number in 2009.
of course
October 20, 2009

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture testimony

By Gary A. Harki

Staff writer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Seven people pleaded guilty for their part in abusing Megan Williams -- but now Williams says that abuse never happened.

She will hold a press conference Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio, to recant her claims of abuse, attorney Byron L. Potts, who represents Williams, told The Charleston Gazette on Tuesday night.

"She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth," Potts said. "She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.

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October 20, 2009

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture testimony

By Gary A. Harki

Staff writer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Seven people pleaded guilty for their part in abusing Megan Williams -- but now Williams says that abuse never happened.

She will hold a press conference Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio, to recant her claims of abuse, attorney Byron L. Potts, who represents Williams, told The Charleston Gazette on Tuesday night.

"She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth," Potts said. "She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.


what does that have to do with Polanski having sex with a 13 year old against her will?
October 20, 2009

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture testimony

By Gary A. Harki

Staff writer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Seven people pleaded guilty for their part in abusing Megan Williams -- but now Williams says that abuse never happened.

She will hold a press conference Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio, to recant her claims of abuse, attorney Byron L. Potts, who represents Williams, told The Charleston Gazette on Tuesday night.

"She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth," Potts said. "She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.


what does that have to do with Polanski having sex with a 13 year old against her will?

That you fucking lily pads like to lie.

October 20, 2009

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture testimony

By Gary A. Harki

Staff writer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Seven people pleaded guilty for their part in abusing Megan Williams -- but now Williams says that abuse never happened.

She will hold a press conference Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio, to recant her claims of abuse, attorney Byron L. Potts, who represents Williams, told The Charleston Gazette on Tuesday night.

"She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth," Potts said. "She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.


what does that have to do with Polanski having sex with a 13 year old against her will?

That you fucking lily pads like to lie.

since you are the fucking pervert here, i dont see where i have lied

The above quote was deleted inasmuch it is so vile that repeating it might taint me as being a pale copy of the inutterably loathsome pig fucking piece of shit, Yukon.

Yukon, there are no words that describe what a fucking piece of shit you truly are.

You better hope there's no hell. For if there is, you're going to have one long miserable eternity once your rotten cracass finally croaks.
October 20, 2009

Megan Williams to recant Logan County sex-torture testimony

By Gary A. Harki

Staff writer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Seven people pleaded guilty for their part in abusing Megan Williams -- but now Williams says that abuse never happened.

She will hold a press conference Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio, to recant her claims of abuse, attorney Byron L. Potts, who represents Williams, told The Charleston Gazette on Tuesday night.

"She has decided she has been living this lie for approximately two years and she has decided to tell the truth," Potts said. "She fabricated the story and she did this in retaliation because she was having a relationship with one of them.


what does that have to do with Polanski having sex with a 13 year old against her will?

That you fucking lily pads like to lie.


So when Roman P pled guilty, why aren't you saying anything about his despicable actions? The girl told her story and he did not disagree or argue, he pled guilty (meaning she didn't lie), and then he ran away to avoid the consequences of his actions.
Are you just so caught up in blaming other people for your miseries, you will not hold a man accountable for his own actions?

what does that have to do with Polanski having sex with a 13 year old against her will?

That you fucking lily pads like to lie.


So when Roman P pled guilty, why aren't you saying anything about his despicable actions? The girl told her story and he did not disagree or argue, he pled guilty (meaning she didn't lie), and then he ran away to avoid the consequences of his actions.
Are you just so caught up in blaming other people for your miseries, you will not hold a man accountable for his own actions?

That was part of a plea agreement - he would plead guilty IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF the court agrees to sentence him to probation.

Keyword IF


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