When is rape not a crime?

But your honor, I didn't rape-rape her.

Yeah, women don't lie about rape............

In Re Kobe Bryant:

As the hearings began, the prosecution accused Bryant's defense team of attacking Kate Faber's credibility.[14] It was revealed that she wore underpants containing another man's semen and pubic hair to her rape exam the day after the alleged incident.[15] Detective Doug Winters stated that the yellow underwear she wore to her rape exam contained sperm from another man, along with Caucasian pubic hair. Bryant's defense stated that the exam results showed "compelling evidence of innocence" because the accuser must have had another sexual encounter immediately after the incident. Faber told investigators that she grabbed dirty underwear by mistake from her laundry basket when she left her home for the examination. On the day Faber was examined, she said she hadn’t showered since the morning of the incident. The examination found evidence of vaginal trauma, which Bryant’s defense team claimed was consistent with having sex with multiple partners in two days.


Sorry, if you are having sex with a minor "child", even if it the "victim" didn't fight back, it IS rape.
But your honor, I didn't rape-rape her.

Yeah, women don't lie about rape............

In Re Kobe Bryant:

As the hearings began, the prosecution accused Bryant's defense team of attacking Kate Faber's credibility.[14] It was revealed that she wore underpants containing another man's semen and pubic hair to her rape exam the day after the alleged incident.[15] Detective Doug Winters stated that the yellow underwear she wore to her rape exam contained sperm from another man, along with Caucasian pubic hair. Bryant's defense stated that the exam results showed "compelling evidence of innocence" because the accuser must have had another sexual encounter immediately after the incident. Faber told investigators that she grabbed dirty underwear by mistake from her laundry basket when she left her home for the examination. On the day Faber was examined, she said she hadn’t showered since the morning of the incident. The examination found evidence of vaginal trauma, which Bryant’s defense team claimed was consistent with having sex with multiple partners in two days.


Sorry, if you are having sex with a minor "child", even if it the "victim" didn't fight back, it IS rape.

That is a bullshit femi-nazi cliche.

She admitted to having sex with her 17 y/o BF. So what the fuck is the difference? Where is the EVIDENCE that harm was done?!?!?!??!?!?

Yeah, women don't lie about rape............

In Re Kobe Bryant:

As the hearings began, the prosecution accused Bryant's defense team of attacking Kate Faber's credibility.[14] It was revealed that she wore underpants containing another man's semen and pubic hair to her rape exam the day after the alleged incident.[15] Detective Doug Winters stated that the yellow underwear she wore to her rape exam contained sperm from another man, along with Caucasian pubic hair. Bryant's defense stated that the exam results showed "compelling evidence of innocence" because the accuser must have had another sexual encounter immediately after the incident. Faber told investigators that she grabbed dirty underwear by mistake from her laundry basket when she left her home for the examination. On the day Faber was examined, she said she hadn’t showered since the morning of the incident. The examination found evidence of vaginal trauma, which Bryant’s defense team claimed was consistent with having sex with multiple partners in two days.


Sorry, if you are having sex with a minor "child", even if it the "victim" didn't fight back, it IS rape.

That is a bullshit femi-nazi cliche.

She admitted to having sex with her 17 y/o BF. So what the fuck is the difference? Where is the EVIDENCE that harm was done?!?!?!??!?!?


Her 17 year old boyfriend didn't feel the need to get her:booze:drunk or:chillpill:drugged up to fuck her.

Sorry, if you are having sex with a minor "child", even if it the "victim" didn't fight back, it IS rape.

That is a bullshit femi-nazi cliche.

She admitted to having sex with her 17 y/o BF. So what the fuck is the difference? Where is the EVIDENCE that harm was done?!?!?!??!?!?


Her 17 year old boyfriend didn't feel the need to get her:booze:drunk or:chillpill:drugged up to fuck her.



The Plea Agreement was NOT accepted - ALL ALLEGATIONS now must be subjected to a thorough cross examination.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

No, it was called SEX WITH A MINOR!

Good grief, what is so hard to understand? It's legal terminology. What he did was rape. But what he was convicted of was SEX WITH A MINOR.

"Rape Rape" I guess is physically dominating someone into sex. But I guess intimidating someone into "voluntarily" having sex doesn't count as "Rape Rape".

To me there is no difference. He should be speedily executed.
i wouldnt go THAT Far
he wasnt sentenced to death

I would. Remember... I'm THAT guy.

I keep thinking of my daughter. That's why.
That is a bullshit femi-nazi cliche.

She admitted to having sex with her 17 y/o BF. So what the fuck is the difference? Where is the EVIDENCE that harm was done?!?!?!??!?!?


Her 17 year old boyfriend didn't feel the need to get her:booze:drunk or:chillpill:drugged up to fuck her.



The Plea Agreement was NOT accepted - ALL ALLEGATIONS now must be subjected to a thorough cross examination.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.


The PLEA transcript proves you wrong. You are just far too stupid to realize how moronic you now prove yourself to be.

The plea WAS accepted and entered. THEN the pussy fled.

The PLEA specifically left the matter of sentencing (within certain bounds) to the judge. And Polanski AGREED to it in order to (as he did) ACCEPT the plea and enter into it.

It's not even debatable.
The act by Polanski of screwing a 13-year old is morally and ethically indefensible, much less than what the law has to say about it.

Contumacious, do you endorse pedophilia? Think very, very hard before you answer this.

I wonder if the Republican rapesenators would support Contumacious' position?
Last edited:
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) introduced an amendment to a defense appropriations bill that would prevent the federal government from funding contractors whose employee contracts prevent workers from pursuing allegations of rape against co-workers.
The measure passed the Senate by a vote of 68 to 30, with all 30 'no' votes being cast by Republicans. Notably, 10 Senate Republicans voted for the measure, including all four female Republican senators.

Franken was inspired to push the amendment by the story of Jamie Leigh Jones, who was an employee of KBR -- at the time a subsidiary of Halliburton -- working in Baghdad's Green Zone when she was allegedly gang-raped by other KBR workers.

In a harrowing expose, ABC News recounted how Jones was locked in a shipping container, denied access to communication with the outside world, and told she would lose her job if she left Iraq or sought medical attention.

GOP votes against measure to help victims of rape at govt. contractors | Raw Story

Jay You are a total fraud. You twist and bastardize. Some day you may see the wrong in it.

that said, I support Justice for this Woman. Al Franken is not the way. Sorry Dumb ass. Abduction and Slavery should be added to the charges. What have you heard recently from The State Department? The Justice Department? Have the perpetrators been identified? Questioned? Where is Obama on this Shit Head? Where is Hillary Clinton?

look who's talking - GFY.
In my opinion if you voted against the bill you are pro-rape.
Alexander (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Barrasso (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Bond (R-MO) is pro-rape.
Brownback (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Bunning (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Burr (R-NC) is pro-rape.
Chambliss (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Coburn (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Cochran (R-MS) is pro-rape.
Corker (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Cornyn (R-TX) is pro-rape.
Crapo (R-ID) is pro-rape.
DeMint (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Ensign (R-NV) is pro-rape.
Enzi (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Graham (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Gregg (R-NH) is pro-rape.
Inhofe (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Isakson (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Johanns (R-NE) is pro-rape.
Kyl (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McCain (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McConnell (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Risch (R-ID) is pro-rape.
Roberts (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Sessions (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Shelby (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Thune (R-SD) is pro-rape.
Vitter (R-LA) is pro-rape.
Wicker (R-MS) is pro-rape.

ADDENDUM: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the Franken amendment as well:

Page 16 Lines 4-5 and 6

That is a bullshit femi-nazi cliche.

She admitted to having sex with her 17 y/o BF. So what the fuck is the difference? Where is the EVIDENCE that harm was done?!?!?!??!?!?


Her 17 year old boyfriend didn't feel the need to get her:booze:drunk or:chillpill:drugged up to fuck her.



The Plea Agreement was NOT accepted - ALL ALLEGATIONS now must be subjected to a thorough cross examination.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.


Apparently, it WAS accepted..

Now, for a moment there, even I thought that it was not accepted on the basis' that some lawyer signed the plea agreement, and the trial misconduct... But I, too, thought wrong. This is what happens when people assume things.

The only plea that was rejected was not the guilty plea, it was a pleading (a motion, in other words, you fucking moron) to change the jurisdiction as a way of getting the charges dropped. That motion was denied.

Entertainment | Polanski plea rejected | Seattle Times Newspaper

Polanski plea rejected

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge rejected fugitive filmmaker Roman Polanski's request to have another jurisdiction handle his attempt to have a 31-year-old child-sex case dismissed. Judge Peter Espinoza ruled Friday that the Academy Award-winning director had not shown any grounds to disqualify him or the entire court. Espinoza is set to preside over a Jan. 21 hearing in which Polanski's lawyers will argue that the sex charge should be dismissed. Polanski, now 75, pleaded guilty to unlawful intercourse with a a 13-year-old girl in 1977, but fled the country before sentencing. He lives in France.

It is not likely that he will spend any more time in jail for the rape charge- but for fleeing the country, he will most definitely be held accountable. Of course, they would probably just fine his ass, California (and every other state) being all broke and all, lol

Page 16 Lines 4-5 and 6


Roman Polanski Plea Transcript - September 28, 2009

Dated: 1977....

And it was accepted.

Roman Polanski Plea Transcript - September 28, 2009

He says "Your Honor, May I take the plea?" Judge says "Yes." However he does inform the defendant that AT THE HEARING ON THE APPLICATION FOR PROBATION OR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENT, and that THERE the defendant can withdraw his plea of guilty, if he chooses, and only in light of FURTHER CONSIDERATION IN THE MATTER.

It also says "Will the court order that the plea and these findings be accepted and entered into the minutes of this court?"
Judge says "It will be so ordered".

It also says a page or so later "It has been certified by this court that you are a Mentally disordered sex offender" in that you are, a person who, by reason of mental defect, disease, or disorder, are predisposed in the commission of sexual offenses to such a degree that you are dangerous to the health and safety of others."

Cont- You really seem to enjoy picking little bits out just to satisfy your own selfish child molesting needs.. Fucking NASTY. You should be ashamed.

Page 16 Lines 4-5 and 6


Wrong. ALL the words, together, count.

And what it actually says is NOT that the scumbag may unilaterally withdraw his plea of guilty. What it says is that IF the COURT finds that it cannot abide by the terms (for whatever reason) then of course the defendant would be free to withdraw the plea (which is common sense). If he doesn't get what he bargained for, then he can't be held bound to the agreement. Duh.

But, where the Court CAN accept the agreement as entered, then the defendant has no right to withdraw the plea.

You remain stubbornly and ignorantly wrong.
In my opinion if you voted against the bill you are pro-rape.
Alexander (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Barrasso (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Bond (R-MO) is pro-rape.
Brownback (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Bunning (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Burr (R-NC) is pro-rape.
Chambliss (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Coburn (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Cochran (R-MS) is pro-rape.
Corker (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Cornyn (R-TX) is pro-rape.
Crapo (R-ID) is pro-rape.
DeMint (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Ensign (R-NV) is pro-rape.
Enzi (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Graham (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Gregg (R-NH) is pro-rape.
Inhofe (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Isakson (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Johanns (R-NE) is pro-rape.
Kyl (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McCain (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McConnell (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Risch (R-ID) is pro-rape.
Roberts (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Sessions (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Shelby (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Thune (R-SD) is pro-rape.
Vitter (R-LA) is pro-rape.
Wicker (R-MS) is pro-rape.

ADDENDUM: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the Franken amendment as well:

In your opinion?????? The mighty Jay has spoken!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
What do you do next, bark, heel, roll over????? Sock Puppet.
In my opinion if you voted against the bill you are pro-rape.
Alexander (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Barrasso (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Bond (R-MO) is pro-rape.
Brownback (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Bunning (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Burr (R-NC) is pro-rape.
Chambliss (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Coburn (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Cochran (R-MS) is pro-rape.
Corker (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Cornyn (R-TX) is pro-rape.
Crapo (R-ID) is pro-rape.
DeMint (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Ensign (R-NV) is pro-rape.
Enzi (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Graham (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Gregg (R-NH) is pro-rape.
Inhofe (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Isakson (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Johanns (R-NE) is pro-rape.
Kyl (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McCain (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McConnell (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Risch (R-ID) is pro-rape.
Roberts (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Sessions (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Shelby (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Thune (R-SD) is pro-rape.
Vitter (R-LA) is pro-rape.
Wicker (R-MS) is pro-rape.

ADDENDUM: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the Franken amendment as well:

In your opinion?????? The mighty Jay has spoken!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
What do you do next, bark, heel, roll over????? Sock Puppet.

pretty hilarious coming from a douchebag who doesn't do much more than spout his own useless opinion and not much more.

P.S - you seem to be the only poster who finds his own posts so funny.
In my opinion if you voted against the bill you are pro-rape.
Alexander (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Barrasso (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Bond (R-MO) is pro-rape.
Brownback (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Bunning (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Burr (R-NC) is pro-rape.
Chambliss (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Coburn (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Cochran (R-MS) is pro-rape.
Corker (R-TN) is pro-rape.
Cornyn (R-TX) is pro-rape.
Crapo (R-ID) is pro-rape.
DeMint (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Ensign (R-NV) is pro-rape.
Enzi (R-WY) is pro-rape.
Graham (R-SC) is pro-rape.
Gregg (R-NH) is pro-rape.
Inhofe (R-OK) is pro-rape.
Isakson (R-GA) is pro-rape.
Johanns (R-NE) is pro-rape.
Kyl (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McCain (R-AZ) is pro-rape.
McConnell (R-KY) is pro-rape.
Risch (R-ID) is pro-rape.
Roberts (R-KS) is pro-rape.
Sessions (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Shelby (R-AL) is pro-rape.
Thune (R-SD) is pro-rape.
Vitter (R-LA) is pro-rape.
Wicker (R-MS) is pro-rape.

ADDENDUM: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbied against the Franken amendment as well:

In your opinion?????? The mighty Jay has spoken!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
What do you do next, bark, heel, roll over????? Sock Puppet.

pretty hilarious coming from a douchebag who doesn't do much more than spout his own useless opinion and not much more.

P.S - you seem to be the only poster who finds his own posts so funny.

It's not my post I find funny, it's your posts. My position is clear and grounded. You'rs is a lie. Thats funny except for those hurt by it. Only through misrepresentation can you advance your argument, thats sad and funny too.
my "position" as you put it was an opinion.... so once again my own opinion is no more a lie than yours is but thanx for making yourself look like the stupid jackass you are.
I totally forgot that the religionists and the femi-nazis speak Orwellian. So let me translate:



Much better.

Before, you said "The defendant shall be permitted to withdraw his plea."

Thank you for fessing up to the truth and adding in "NOT". You are learning. :clap2:
Cont- you also said this:


The Plea Agreement was NOT accepted - ALL ALLEGATIONS now must be subjected to a thorough cross examination.

Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Which led us to say "Yeah huh, was so"

And then you to post that ridiculous post about him being allowed to withdraw his plea..

And then us saying "Nuh uh.. can not"

And then you saying "Doh!"


I couldn't resist..

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