When is rape not a crime?

You just called ME a femi-nazi.. Why don't you stick to your story, or angle, or whatever it is you stick to, Cont?

PS- Lots of GIRLS don't get pubes till they are 14, 15, or even 16, not that this is even the issue here. Also, if they can use the term "pedophile" to mean a molester- Hey lets face it- people don't try to have sex with every person they are sexually attracted to, in the first place- then I could say that a 13 year old is a fucking prepubescent, if I wanted. :lol:

So you were 16 when you reached Tanner Age II - hummmmmmm

So according to my calculations you will be ready for sex at age ............er........uhum.......ahh...........+2...............crunch....crunch..........49 1/2 years.

No one is mischaracterizing the terrible behavior of certain GOP officials.

The Republican rapesenators are feeling the heat, rightfully so, as the Democratic opposition correctly defines the GOP opposition of one of profit line over human rights.
No one is mischaracterizing the terrible behavior of certain GOP officials.

The Republican rapesenators are feeling the heat, rightfully so, as the Democratic opposition correctly defines the GOP opposition of one of profit line over human rights.

I agree-

Halliburton is a corporation.. So it is an individual, in a legal concept- but that individual is an entity that is governed by actual human beings.

Those human beings (the people who work for the corporation) are covered, not criminally, but civilly, under the doctrine of Respondeat Superior, aka Vicarious Liability, meaning "let the master answer".

The rape case is a good one, as is the multitude of sexual harassment claims other women have made, as well..
Halliburton Rape Claim Goes to Court - ABC News

I think I might start a new thread on this one.. =)
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.
except Haliburton was not the rapist

I never said Haliburton was the rapists.
I said the "alleged" rapists were employed by them.
Why do you want to split hairs on such an obvious point?
This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.
except Haliburton was not the rapist

I never said Haliburton was the rapists.
I said the "alleged" rapists were employed by them.
Why do you want to split hairs on such an obvious point?
n o one is "siding" with the rapists, and you call me splitting hairs
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.

They should get prosecuted, every one of them, for Rape, Abduction, Assault, Slavery. Throw everything at the slime. The Bill is total bullshit, and addresses nothing. If using Arbitrators is wrong, change the law across the boards. If Arbitration fails to serve Justice, remove it completely as an option.
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.

They should get prosecuted, every one of them, for Rape, Abduction, Assault, Slavery. Throw everything at the slime. The Bill is total bullshit, and addresses nothing. If using Arbitrators is wrong, change the law across the boards. If Arbitration fails to serve Justice, remove it completely as an option.
i agree
but in what jurisdiction?
This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.

They should get prosecuted, every one of them, for Rape, Abduction, Assault, Slavery. Throw everything at the slime. The Bill is total bullshit, and addresses nothing. If using Arbitrators is wrong, change the law across the boards. If Arbitration fails to serve Justice, remove it completely as an option.
i agree
but in what jurisdiction?

It would have to be done federally, if this was eradicated- but people have the right to waive a jury trial. I just don't think that employees should have to agree to arbitrate disputes as a condition of employment.
They should get prosecuted, every one of them, for Rape, Abduction, Assault, Slavery. Throw everything at the slime. The Bill is total bullshit, and addresses nothing. If using Arbitrators is wrong, change the law across the boards. If Arbitration fails to serve Justice, remove it completely as an option.
i agree
but in what jurisdiction?

It would have to be done federally, if this was eradicated- but people have the right to waive a jury trial. I just don't think that employees should have to agree to arbitrate disputes as a condition of employment.
but it didnt happen in this country, did it?
No, it was called SEX WITH A MINOR!

Good grief, what is so hard to understand? It's legal terminology. What he did was rape. But what he was convicted of was SEX WITH A MINOR.

"Rape Rape" I guess is physically dominating someone into sex. But I guess intimidating someone into "voluntarily" having sex doesn't count as "Rape Rape".

To me there is no difference. He should be speedily executed.
No, it was called SEX WITH A MINOR!

Good grief, what is so hard to understand? It's legal terminology. What he did was rape. But what he was convicted of was SEX WITH A MINOR.

"Rape Rape" I guess is physically dominating someone into sex. But I guess intimidating someone into "voluntarily" having sex doesn't count as "Rape Rape".

To me there is no difference. He should be speedily executed.
i wouldnt go THAT Far
he wasnt sentenced to death
i agree
but in what jurisdiction?

It would have to be done federally, if this was eradicated- but people have the right to waive a jury trial. I just don't think that employees should have to agree to arbitrate disputes as a condition of employment.
but it didnt happen in this country, did it?

Being a civil suit, I would think that the "diversity jurisdiction" applies, for the Halliburton rape suit, making it a federal, rather than being where the act occurred.. Judges do have to base their judgments on prior law.. This is an interesting read:

Subject Matter Jurisdiction: Should I File in Federal or State Court? - Free Legal Information - Nolo

Cases that arise under a federal law (called "federal question" cases). Federal district courts have subject matter jurisdiction if your case is based on (arises under) any federal law. Examples include:

* You sue a police officer for violating a federal civil rights statute that authorizes civil damages lawsuits by persons who are unlawfully arrested.
* A patent owner sues an individual for manufacturing an item that violates the patent. (Federal law creates patent rights.)
* An owner of a small business sues a large company for violating federal antitrust laws.
* Under a federal law aimed at eliminating discrimination by businesses, a civil rights organization sues a restaurant chain for maintaining a policy of discouraging patronage by members of ethnic minority groups.

Diversity of citizenship cases. Federal district courts also have subject matter jurisdiction if you are suing a citizen of a different state (or a foreign national), and you are asking for at least $75,000 in money damages. (The minimum dollar amount may be responsible for the old saying, "Don't make a federal case out of it.") If a federal court has jurisdiction based on diversity of citizenship, the subject matter of the case doesn't matter. Examples of federal diversity jurisdiction include:

* A citizen of New York injured in a traffic accident sues the New Jersey citizen who was driving the car, and the complaint asks for damages in excess of $75,000. (The injured party could file the complaint in a federal court in either New York or New Jersey.)
* A businessperson who is a citizen of Florida sues a citizen of Great Britain for breaching a contract and causing a loss of $100,000.
* Bluegrass Corp., a corporation whose headquarters are in Kentucky, sues a company headquartered in Washington for $300,000 for breach of contract based on the Washington company's supplying the wrong kind of grass seed. (Bluegrass could file the complaint in a federal court in either Kentucky or Washington.)
* A company headquartered in Tennessee sues a Texas Internet news service provider for $125,000 for publishing false information about the company's business operations. (The company could file the complaint in a federal court in either Tennessee or Texas.)

"Complete diversity" must exist. Federal courts have diversity jurisdiction only if there is "complete diversity" between plaintiffs and defendants. For diversity jurisdiction purposes, individuals are generally citizens of the state in which they maintain a principal residence, and they can be a citizen of only one state at a time. A corporation can be a citizen of two states, however: the state in which it is incorporated and the state in which it maintains its principal place of business.

Example: Cobb, a Georgia citizen, wants to sue Peachy Corp. Peachy Corp is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Atlanta. Diversity jurisdiction does not exist, because Cobb and Peachy are both Georgia citizens.

Example: Cobb, a Georgia citizen, wants to sue Ruth (a Maryland citizen) and Wagner (a Georgia citizen). Diversity jurisdiction does not exist, because Cobb and one of the defendants are citizens of the same state.
It would have to be done federally, if this was eradicated- but people have the right to waive a jury trial. I just don't think that employees should have to agree to arbitrate disputes as a condition of employment.
but it didnt happen in this country, did it?

Being a civil suit, I would think that the "diversity jurisdiction" applies, for the Halliburton rape suit, making it a federal, rather than being where the act occurred.. Judges do have to base their judgments on prior law.. This is an interesting read:

Subject Matter Jurisdiction: Should I File in Federal or State Court? - Free Legal Information - Nolo

Cases that arise under a federal law (called "federal question" cases). Federal district courts have subject matter jurisdiction if your case is based on (arises under) any federal law. Examples include:

* You sue a police officer for violating a federal civil rights statute that authorizes civil damages lawsuits by persons who are unlawfully arrested.
* A patent owner sues an individual for manufacturing an item that violates the patent. (Federal law creates patent rights.)
* An owner of a small business sues a large company for violating federal antitrust laws.
* Under a federal law aimed at eliminating discrimination by businesses, a civil rights organization sues a restaurant chain for maintaining a policy of discouraging patronage by members of ethnic minority groups.

Diversity of citizenship cases. Federal district courts also have subject matter jurisdiction if you are suing a citizen of a different state (or a foreign national), and you are asking for at least $75,000 in money damages. (The minimum dollar amount may be responsible for the old saying, "Don't make a federal case out of it.") If a federal court has jurisdiction based on diversity of citizenship, the subject matter of the case doesn't matter. Examples of federal diversity jurisdiction include:

* A citizen of New York injured in a traffic accident sues the New Jersey citizen who was driving the car, and the complaint asks for damages in excess of $75,000. (The injured party could file the complaint in a federal court in either New York or New Jersey.)
* A businessperson who is a citizen of Florida sues a citizen of Great Britain for breaching a contract and causing a loss of $100,000.
* Bluegrass Corp., a corporation whose headquarters are in Kentucky, sues a company headquartered in Washington for $300,000 for breach of contract based on the Washington company's supplying the wrong kind of grass seed. (Bluegrass could file the complaint in a federal court in either Kentucky or Washington.)
* A company headquartered in Tennessee sues a Texas Internet news service provider for $125,000 for publishing false information about the company's business operations. (The company could file the complaint in a federal court in either Tennessee or Texas.)

"Complete diversity" must exist. Federal courts have diversity jurisdiction only if there is "complete diversity" between plaintiffs and defendants. For diversity jurisdiction purposes, individuals are generally citizens of the state in which they maintain a principal residence, and they can be a citizen of only one state at a time. A corporation can be a citizen of two states, however: the state in which it is incorporated and the state in which it maintains its principal place of business.

Example: Cobb, a Georgia citizen, wants to sue Peachy Corp. Peachy Corp is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of business in Atlanta. Diversity jurisdiction does not exist, because Cobb and Peachy are both Georgia citizens.

Example: Cobb, a Georgia citizen, wants to sue Ruth (a Maryland citizen) and Wagner (a Georgia citizen). Diversity jurisdiction does not exist, because Cobb and one of the defendants are citizens of the same state.
but we were talking about criminal charges
Oh no- Halliburton is most certainly a civil case. She wanted charges pressed, even did a rape kit- and the justice dept is just being a bunch of assholes and not filing those charges yet. Plus, those charges would probably be filed in Federal court, since she most likely did not live in the same state as the other offenders did.

Buck Naked Politics: Step in the Right Direction: Judge Decides KBR Rape Case Should Go to Court

A sympathetic guard let her use a phone, and she called her father -- who called Rep. Ted Poe, (R-TX). Poe called the State Department, who sent agents to rescue Jones from the container.

More than two years later, the Justice Department has not brought criminal charges against the rapists or the people who kept Jones in the container. Jones decided to file a civil suit against Halliburton/KBR.

One frightening possibility is that Justice Department officials may have helped cover up the rape.
And Criminal Charges are never Arbitrated- that is only used in civil cases.. ;-)


Wait ... it's coming... Right wingers are about to advocate that people should be able to enter into arbitration clauses for criminal charges too! Maybe put AETNA and CIGNA in charge of an alternative criminal justice system.
And Criminal Charges are never Arbitrated- that is only used in civil cases.. ;-)


Wait ... it's coming... Right wingers are about to advocate that people should be able to enter into arbitration clauses for criminal charges too! Maybe put AETNA and CIGNA in charge of an alternative criminal justice system.

HA!! VD- That is so funny.. Ur a trip!! Imagine that, Good grief, lol..

Punishment for terrorists:


Punishment for Repugnantcans:

:meow: :oops:

Nice, Varth- I salute you.


/fun with smileys :lol:
And Criminal Charges are never Arbitrated- that is only used in civil cases.. ;-)


Wait ... it's coming... Right wingers are about to advocate that people should be able to enter into arbitration clauses for criminal charges too! Maybe put AETNA and CIGNA in charge of an alternative criminal justice system.

HA!! VD- That is so funny.. Ur a trip!! Imagine that, Good grief, lol..

Punishment for terrorists:


Punishment for Repugnantcans:

:meow: :oops:

Nice, Varth- I salute you.


/fun with smileys :lol:

It sounds stupid, but think about it. The prison system (i.e. outcome of criminal trials) is already run in part by corporation. How far are we from a corporate run criminal judiciary system?
They should get prosecuted, every one of them, for Rape, Abduction, Assault, Slavery. Throw everything at the slime. The Bill is total bullshit, and addresses nothing. If using Arbitrators is wrong, change the law across the boards. If Arbitration fails to serve Justice, remove it completely as an option.
i agree
but in what jurisdiction?

It would have to be done federally, if this was eradicated- but people have the right to waive a jury trial. I just don't think that employees should have to agree to arbitrate disputes as a condition of employment.

I don't like that option with any contract agreement I am forced to sign, or do without.

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