When is rape not a crime?

Who decided it would be a good idea to allow Agnes the paedophile back on board?:evil:

We all know him for what he is and it is universally accepted that you cant change the mindset of child rapists and fantasists through debate.

Way to go guys.


I agree..

Except that the term "pedophile" is commonly inaccurately used to describe child molesters. A pedophile is a "child lover", so I would not doubt that my child has an educator or child care counselor, or two or three, or more that are this.. I dont think that someone who "loves" children, would do something hateful and deceptive to them, and hurt them willingly.

Please don't start with your dictionary definitions, it is generally accepted that paedophiles are indeed child molesters/rapists and often also child killers.You start calling parents paedophiles and you won't live long enough to explain the definition to them.

Understanding that sex by an adult male of over 40 with a 13 year old child is rape hardly makes one a femi-nazi :lol:

But your attitude towards women is much akin to a recent story about a random rapist we had around here- apparently he didn't get much positive attention from females, either :lol:

Only a misandrist would want a man locked up when there is NO EVIDENCE that he committed any harm.

Only a misandrist would want a man locked up after the State Of California voided his plea agreement.


Here, you need evidence? Is that what you need to shut the fuck up already??

The Smoking Gun - Polanski The Predator

Read the fucking transcripts, asshole. There are PICTURES that Roman Polanski took of this girl, undressed, and she did not LIKE it- she just was too young to know how to effectively deal with it. VERY common problem, and a main reason that rapists get away with it.

Chill out dawg. Do not despair.

Place your name on craigslist and see what happens. Maybe you won't die as a spinster.

Where was Samantha Geimer's baby mama at the time of the incident ?

Sick and tired of knowing her "little" girl was a slut, giving it away for free, why not let Roman fuck her and get 1/2 a mil out of the deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, Ms Geimer's attorney SIGNED the plea agreement .

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A paedophile is nothing more than a fecal-eating pond skitterer. Nothing excuses such behavior, nothing.
Who decided it would be a good idea to allow Agnes the paedophile back on board?:evil:

We all know him for what he is and it is universally accepted that you cant change the mindset of child rapists and fantasists through debate.

Way to go guys.


I agree..

Except that the term "pedophile" is commonly inaccurately used to describe child molesters. A pedophile is a "child lover", so I would not doubt that my child has an educator or child care counselor, or two or three, or more that are this.. I dont think that someone who "loves" children, would do something hateful and deceptive to them, and hurt them willingly.

Please don't start with your dictionary definitions, it is generally accepted that paedophiles are indeed child molesters/rapists and often also child killers.You start calling parents paedophiles and you won't live long enough to explain the definition to them.

Oh I understand what it is commonly understood to mean- but Autistics used to commonly be referred to as retards, and that is untrue, too.

I simply defend the word origins, and the fact that there seems to be a distinct difference between someone who thinks of children as sexy, who thinks of a child as someone they dearly love, and a person who abuses children out of power and control- hate- not love.

I also realize that a man can marry a woman and be considered a "heterosexual" even though he abuses her and her kids- but still go out and fuck other men, or old ladies, or have whatever wierd ass fetishes he has- and that this is not exactly heterosexuality.. A person can be classified and generally understood as having a specific sexual orientation, and that may not be the case. There are certainly more classifications to ones sexual (and love/ romantic) preference than hetero, homo, and bi.

Chill out dawg. Do not despair.

Place your name on craigslist and see what happens. Maybe you won't die as a spinster.

Where was Samantha Geimer's baby mama at the time of the incident ?

Sick and tired of knowing her "little" girl was a slut, giving it away for free, why not let Roman fuck her and get 1/2 a mil out of the deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, Ms Geimer's attorney SIGNED the plea agreement .

ROFLMAO!! I don't have any troubles with getting a man or a boyfriend.. Thanks for the advice, but I am sure that YOU are the one more likely to be cruising CL for some kind of disease infested hooker driven erotic adventures, LMAO..

Read the fucking transcripts. You have NOTHING to defend.

PS- The individual has to sign the plea, not the attorney. Law 101.
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. paedophile - an adult who is sexually attracted to children
degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Look it is in a dictionary.I win again.Have I learned you something?:lol:
ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. paedophile - an adult who is sexually attracted to children:

The term pedophilia (or paedophilia) has a range of definitions as found in psychiatry, psychology, law enforcement, and the vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.[1][2][3]

The term paedophilia erotica was coined in 1886 by the Viennese psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his writing Psychopathia Sexualis.[24] He listed the following characteristics:

* The sexual interest is toward prepubescent youths only. This interest does not extend to the first signs of pubic hair.

* The sexual interest is toward prepubescent youths only and does not include teenagers.
* The sexual interest remains over time.

The femi-nazis and mystics define PREPUBESCENT as an individual under the age of 68.

I have no sympathy for women who get raped. They ask for it, get it, and cry rape.
"Please don't start with your dictionary definitions..."

I agree. Whatever you do please don't confuse the right-wing, Bible thumping, wackjob Conservatives with factual information their head's will explode. Stick to information they understand like burning bushes, people rising from the dead, walking on water, etc. etc.
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"Please don't start with your dictionary definitions..."

I agree. Whatever you do please don't confuse the right-wing, Bible thumping, wackjob Conservatives with factual information their head's will explode. Stick to information they understand like burning bushes, people rising from the dead, walking on water, etc. etc.

Thats it!!!! When You Fuck Yourself It's not Rape!!!! Do it again!!!
What is a pedophile

Further proof if you need it.

OK That came from the Australian website for Megan's Law-

megans law medco lawyer free at australianparentsformeganslaw.com

And a thesaurus is not a dictionary, though I do agree that it is a generally contrived word to mean something a little different from what it's true meaning is.

The femi-nazis and mystics define PREPUBESCENT as an individual under the age of 68.

You just called ME a femi-nazi.. Why don't you stick to your story, or angle, or whatever it is you stick to, Cont?

PS- Lots of GIRLS don't get pubes till they are 14, 15, or even 16, not that this is even the issue here. Also, if they can use the term "pedophile" to mean a molester- Hey lets face it- people don't try to have sex with every person they are sexually attracted to, in the first place- then I could say that a 13 year old is a fucking prepubescent, if I wanted. :lol:

I have no sympathy for women who get raped. They ask for it, get it, and cry rape.

I guess you are saying that a man's purposeful lack of self control is somehow a rape victim's fault??


Remind me to never have drinks with you... :cuckoo:
"Please don't start with your dictionary definitions..."

I agree. Whatever you do please don't confuse the right-wing, Bible thumping, wackjob Conservatives with factual information their head's will explode. Stick to information they understand like burning bushes, people rising from the dead, walking on water, etc. etc.

...Ok so you're not a Christian I take it, why would you lie to the board?
"Please don't start with your dictionary definitions..."

I agree. Whatever you do please don't confuse the right-wing, Bible thumping, wackjob Conservatives with factual information their head's will explode. Stick to information they understand like burning bushes, people rising from the dead, walking on water, etc. etc.

...Ok so you're not a Christian I take it, why would you lie to the board?
clearly he doesnt believe anything in the bible
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

Rape is not a crime when Democratic Opportunist Grand Standers in the Senate, and their suck ups mis characterize to advance their corrupt political agenda. If Arbitration is wrong, Criminalize it. Abolish it completely, Jack Ass!!!
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.
Rape is not a crime when the Republican rapesenators put the profit line of a corporation above the right of women to seek redress for being raped by the corporation's employees when about the company's business.

This decision to side WITH the Halliburton rapists is truly disgusting.
Far more so than the Polansky thing.
This rape victim actually WANTS the perps in jail. And our govt doesn't want to make a big deal out of it.
except Haliburton was not the rapist

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