When is rape not a crime?

my "position" as you put it was an opinion.... so once again my own opinion is no more a lie than yours is but thanx for making yourself look like the stupid jackass you are.

My opinion is that Arbitration is Unfair and should be Stopped Universally. My position is that the Suspects in this case should be Criminally charged with, Rape, Abduction, Assault, and Slavery. I support Civil Litigation where cause is Justified. My anger is at the State Department or The Justice Department, for delay, and not acting effectively in bringing Justice.

I view the Bill You support as a half assed attempt to grand stand and politicize an event that required a swift solid, grounded response. Your bill is off the mark in a few ways and transfers blame. Congressional Oversight should be asking hard questions, not passing arbitrary laws, filled with contradiction.
thanx but I never asked you for your opinion or your postion....you can place your head back up your ass.
thanx but I never asked you for your opinion or your postion....you can place your head back up your ass.

My opinion has been posted here on previous posts, it remains unchanged. It is not based on false propaganda, like yours is, nor is it based on Party Line. My ass, unlike yours, is virgin. My beliefs, my own.
This case matters. RP must come home and face the consequences of his behavior. A child can never consent on his or her own. A child abuser must always be punished for society's sake, decency's sake, as well as for the child's sake. This should work out that he never leaves a jail cell again for the rest of his life.
This case matters. RP must come home and face the consequences of his behavior. A child can never consent on his or her own. A child abuser must always be punished for society's sake, decency's sake, as well as for the child's sake. This should work out that he never leaves a jail cell again for the rest of his life.

Fortunately he is OUT of Jail. He was "locked up" in a Country Club type prison to appease the scumbags.

He is going to have to be careful in the future and avoid Jurisdictions which have a treaty with the American Taliban.

This case matters. RP must come home and face the consequences of his behavior. A child can never consent on his or her own. A child abuser must always be punished for society's sake, decency's sake, as well as for the child's sake. This should work out that he never leaves a jail cell again for the rest of his life.

Fortunately he is OUT of Jail. He was "locked up" in a Country Club type prison to appease the scumbags.

He is going to have to be careful in the future and avoid Jurisdictions which have a treaty with the American Taliban.


You seem to enjoy ignoring this little tidbit of fun news- but he was not RELEASED. He is just not IN A CELL. He does not have freedom.. He is not a free man. He is probably in an institution somewhere. The fucking psychopath should be, too!!! Even if he is not getting mental help, he is getting some kind of medical attention, which is not grounds for release from JAIL.

You get jail and the military confused easily, doncha..
Contumacious is flatly wrong, and JD_2B is correct. RP will hopefully never leave a prison again accept in shackles and cuffs, and on a chain leashed to a guard. Any predator of children deserves no better.
This case matters. RP must come home and face the consequences of his behavior. A child can never consent on his or her own. A child abuser must always be punished for society's sake, decency's sake, as well as for the child's sake. This should work out that he never leaves a jail cell again for the rest of his life.

Fortunately he is OUT of Jail. He was "locked up" in a Country Club type prison to appease the scumbags.

He is going to have to be careful in the future and avoid Jurisdictions which have a treaty with the American Taliban.

do you realize you line up more with the taliban, right?
they support underage marriages
This case matters. RP must come home and face the consequences of his behavior. A child can never consent on his or her own. A child abuser must always be punished for society's sake, decency's sake, as well as for the child's sake. This should work out that he never leaves a jail cell again for the rest of his life.

Fortunately he is OUT of Jail. He was "locked up" in a Country Club type prison to appease the scumbags.

He is going to have to be careful in the future and avoid Jurisdictions which have a treaty with the American Taliban.


You are a disgusting woman hater. How many have you abused in your lifetime?
. A child can never consent on his or her own. .

Bullshit , at 13 y/o she was not a child.


At 15, Drew Barrymore went to court, argued that her mother was a bad influence, and won her emancipation as an adult.


Drew could support everyone on this message board at the age of 15. And even still, if she was forced to have sex with someone else against her will, she is still considered below the legal age of consent in California, as per the CA penal code, you sick twisted LITTLE fuck.

Plus, NOBODY who is drunk or drugged is considered capable of making an informed choice sexually, BY CALIFORNIA LAW, you goddamned wretched LITTLE MAN, you..

261. (a) Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a
person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following

(3) Where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating
or anesthetic substance, or any controlled substance, and this
condition was known, or reasonably should have been known by the

261.6. In prosecutions under Section 261, 262, 286, 288a, or 289,
in which consent is at issue, "consent" shall be defined to mean
positive cooperation in act or attitude pursuant to an exercise of
free will. The person must act freely and voluntarily and have
knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved.
A current or previous dating or marital relationship shall not be
sufficient to constitute consent where consent is at issue in a
prosecution under Section 261, 262, 286, 288a, or 289.
Nothing in this section shall affect the admissibility of evidence
or the burden of proof on the issue of consent.

269. (a) Any person who commits any of the following acts upon a
child who is under 14 years of age and seven or more years younger
than the person is guilty of aggravated sexual assault of a child:
(1) Rape, in violation of paragraph (2) or (6) of subdivision (a)
of Section 261.
(2) Rape or sexual penetration, in concert, in violation of
Section 264.1.
(3) Sodomy, in violation of paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision
(c), or subdivision (d), of Section 286.
(4) Oral copulation, in violation of paragraph (2) or (3) of
subdivision (c), or subdivision (d), of Section 288a.
(5) Sexual penetration, in violation of subdivision (a) of Section
(b) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a felony and
shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for 15 years
to life.
(c) The court shall impose a consecutive sentence for each offense
that results in a conviction under this section if the crimes
involve separate victims or involve the same victim on separate
occasions as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 667.6.

CA Codes (pen:261-269)
Contumacious, and anyone who supports pedophilia, is sick and twisted. Consent laws are there for a reason. To keep malformed individuals like Polanski away from children, and if they ever have their ways with children, to lock them away forever. RP will be incarcerated for this rest of his life, and that means he is getting off very easy.
Contumacious, and anyone who supports pedophilia, is sick and twisted. Consent laws are there for a reason. To keep malformed individuals like Polanski away from children, and if they ever have their ways with children, to lock them away forever. RP will be incarcerated for this rest of his life, and that means he is getting off very easy.

Jake Starkey , and anyone who supports lynching, is sick and twisted.

Those zombies never ask themselves the simple question : If the prosecutor's case was so good, if the case was airtight, if the allegations were true why the fuck did the prosecutor agree to probation. Why did Ms Geimer's attorney signed on the dotted line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Contumacious, and anyone who supports pedophilia, is sick and twisted. Consent laws are there for a reason. To keep malformed individuals like Polanski away from children, and if they ever have their ways with children, to lock them away forever. RP will be incarcerated for this rest of his life, and that means he is getting off very easy.

Jake Starkey , and anyone who supports lynching, is sick and twisted.

Those zombies never ask themselves the simple question : If the prosecutor's case was so good, if the case was airtight, if the allegations were true why the fuck did the prosecutor agree to probation. Why did Ms Geimer's attorney signed on the dotted line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Naturally, this is because of assholes like you who would prefer to allow predators to walk free, then go back to the ranks of your local NAMBLA association.. And considering the time that this happened, 1977- people were still easing out of the whole "free love" era.. There wasn't nearly as much attention given to child abuse, and child sex abuse was almost unheard of.
Also, I believe the perp can ask for a deal if they agree to change their plea to guilty. That doesn't mean they will get a deal- but the guy, Polanski, was already STACKED with moo-lah, and knowing that there was trial misconduct on the side of hurting the defendant, it is not much of a leap to think that there might have also been an exchange of money BY the defendant, to the prosecution. Very bad stuff..
Also, even in the legal field, the whole "you scratch my back, I will scratch yours" still applies. Some of it is just politics, in other words. Still really bad stuff, but getting the conviction was the goal, and the goal was achieved, so whogivesaflyingfuck.

Asshole. How the fuck is he getting fucking LYNCHED???? Retarded ass little dicked bitch. STFU.
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I totally forgot that the religionists and the femi-nazis speak Orwellian. So let me translate:



I almost forgot that abject filthy mutts like Confusedatious cannot speak honestly or intelligently.

So, I will correct his lying filthy deliberately dishonest mis-translation back into correct English.

IF (but only if) the Court cannot abide by the terms of the AGREEMENT, the defendant IS PERMITTED to withdraw his plea. But, where the Court can abide by the terms of the plea, then the defendant lacks the legal authority to withdraw his duly entered plea of guilty.
Naturally, this is because of assholes like you who would prefer to allow predators to walk free, then go back to the ranks of your local NAMBLA association..

Can you imagine the audacity of LA County Commissioners..... Assigning MALE prosecutors who are members of NAMBLA to this sweet innocent child? How about her stupid mom, retaining a bad male attorney to her pure angelical daughter!!!!!

Email them and tell them that in the future they must demand bull-dykes:

"In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape..." Apparently, the reference to "good rape" has been deleted from some performances but the surrounding language makes the rape’s goodness clear. For example, the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."

Naturally, this is because of assholes like you who would prefer to allow predators to walk free, then go back to the ranks of your local NAMBLA association..

Can you imagine the audacity of LA County Commissioners..... Assigning MALE prosecutors who are members of NAMBLA to this sweet innocent child? How about her stupid mom, retaining a bad male attorney to her pure angelical daughter!!!!!

Email them and tell them that in the future they must demand bull-dykes:

"In the award-winning radical feminist play by Eve Ensler entitled The Vagina Monologues, a 24-year-old woman plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol, then sexually seduces her. By statute and by feminist definition, this "seduction" is rape. Yet, from the stage, the little girl declares, "Now people say it was a kind of rape ... Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape..." Apparently, the reference to "good rape" has been deleted from some performances but the surrounding language makes the rape’s goodness clear. For example, the little girl eulogizes her orgasm:

"She gently and slowly lays me out on the bed..." She gratefully concludes, "I’ll never need to rely on a man."


Same old Agnes, full of lies and trolling bullshit.

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