When it is really a heartbeat.

That was quite a delusional opinion piece. Pro-lifers say the craziest things to justify their giggling homidical massacre of helpless haploid humans. Whatever helps them sleep at night, I suppose.

Someday, I may find a pro-lifers who doesn't fail completeley at basic biology, logic and morality. But it won't be here.
you truly are as stupid as everyone says.
For anyone familiar with you, Incel Joe, there is nothing at all surprising about your post making excuses for murdering the most innocent6 and defenseless of all human beings in cold blood.

You're a sociopath, at best, and everyone here knows it. In every post where the subject ever comes up, you consistently take the side of the lowest elements of subhumanity, those who murder or harm others, who steal or destroy the property of others.

Actually, a sociopath is someone who wants to make other people miserable because an invisible fairy told him to and obsesses over the sex lives of strangers.

If it were up to me, there's never be another abortion performed. Women would only have sex with guys who are good father material and contraception would always work. It's not up to me. It's up to the woman that fetus is inside, at the end of the day... and unless you are willing to criminalize pregnancy, you aren't going to be able to do much to stop it.

Fetuses aren't people.

The law never recognized them as people.
Actually, a sociopath is someone who wants to make other people miserable because an invisible fairy told him to and obsesses over the sex lives of strangers.

If it were up to me, there's never be another abortion performed. Women would only have sex with guys who are good father material and contraception would always work. It's not up to me. It's up to the woman that fetus is inside, at the end of the day... and unless you are willing to criminalize pregnancy, you aren't going to be able to do much to stop it.

Fetuses aren't people.

The law never recognized them as people.
Until you murder a pregnant mother.
Because they know damn well that the truth completely refutes their position.

You can only get the public to go along with abusing and even murdering some segment of humanity, by convincing the public that those in that segment are not really human. It's how out own nation justified slavery, back when we allowed that shameful practice; it's how the Nazis justified their treatment of Jews and other untermenschen, and its how modern abortion supporters justify their crimes.

Except we never recognized fetuses as people at any time in our history. women have miscarriages all the time. They just don't get worked up about them they way they get worked up if they had lost an actual child.

For most of history, abortion was a woman's business. Pregnancy was handled by midwives, who would end them if the woman wanted them ended. Up until the 20th century, infant mortality was 50% plus. People didn't even get really attached to children, often recyling the same clothes up until boys were old enough to wear pants.

It's why you see so many pictures of 19th century male babies wearing dresses. No point buying him his own clothes unless you were sure he was going to live.


Today, we have "Gender Reveal" parties for fetuses.

So in a little less than a century and a half, we went from "having as many babies as you can hoping a few of them will live to see adulthood" to "selectively aborting fetuses until you get the ones you want."

Some day, we'll probably grow custom-designed fetuses in a lab and no one will do pregnancy anymore.
20 weeks it can survive that should be cut off.

The earliest it can survive is 22 weeks, and then it only has a 5% chance of survival... usually with a lifetime of health issues.

But let's look at that. 99% of abortions are performed before the 20th week. Most of the ones that aren't are done for legitimate medical reasons, either the fetus is deformed or the woman's health is threatened. (Again, unlike the good old days before safe surgical abortion, where 10% of women died in childbirth).

Here's a crazy idea. How about minding our own business and letting women and their doctors figure this out.
Until you murder a pregnant mother.

If you murder a pregnant woman, you should go to jail. If you kill your patient in an abortion, you should either go to jail or have your license to practice medicine revoked. This ain't complicated.
No, that's not how an IUD works, moron.

The complete ignorance of medical science (and every other field of science) consistently displayed by you LWNJ moonbats in this forum is absolutely astounding.

This is basic stuff that is taught in middle school. You're a fucking idiot who couldn't pass a test in a 7th grade health or science class.

Advantages of the copper IUD include its ability to provide emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex. It is the most effective form of emergency contraception available.[33] It works by preventing fertilization or implantation but does not affect already implanted embryos.[32] It contains no hormones, so it can be used while breastfeeding, and fertility returns quickly after removal.[34] Copper IUDs also last longer and are available in a wider range of sizes and shapes compared to hormonal IUDs.[14] Disadvantages include the possibility of heavier menstrual periods and more painful cramps.[12]

Why do pro-abortionists lie about the start of life at conception? I think both sides use and dismiss science to promote their rationale. My only point is when considering an abortion, all facts should be laid out and an informed decision should be made without any sway from pro-abortionists or anti-abortionists.

You mean, you want to be able to scream at a woman and give her the "Wand of shame" before letting her make a choice to give her "information". Get real. Women aren't helpless little creatures and they know exactly what they are doing when they end a pregnancy.
If you murder a pregnant woman, you should go to jail. If you kill your patient in an abortion, you should either go to jail or have your license to practice medicine revoked. This ain't complicated.
In many cases throughout at least modern history, if you murder a pregnant woman, you can be tried for murdering an unborn child. As far as I know, you can't be tried for murdering a glob of cells.
Just stop killing unborn humans. It's a simple thing that we all have the power to manifest. Just stop making babies that you don't want. The brainless ones are the ones who fuck like dogs and then go "OOOPS! A little accident".

Hey, guy, I am willing to bet you do things every day that effect your health that other people would consider poor decisions.

How about we just stop telling other people how to run their lives.

Remember when Conservatives used to be for individual liberty? Good times!
In many cases throughout at least modern history, if you murder a pregnant woman, you can be tried for murdering her unborn child.

And those laws are stupid and play on emotion.

Sure, everyone wants to see Scott Peterson burn in hell for murdering his wife and unborn child.

But some poor fool who gets into a barfight and pushes a drunken white trash bitch whose fetal alcohol pregnancy miscarries shouldn't be charged with murder for it.
Hey, guy, I am willing to bet you do things every day that effect your health that other people would consider poor decisions.

How about we just stop telling other people how to run their lives.

Remember when Conservatives used to be for individual liberty? Good times!
I might consider that if people would stop demanding that I shoot a "vaccine" into my body.
And those laws are stupid and play on emotion.

Sure, everyone wants to see Scott Peterson burn in hell for murdering his wife and unborn child.

But some poor fool who gets into a barfight and pushes a drunken white trash bitch whose fetal alcohol pregnancy miscarries shouldn't be charged with murder for it.
I guess we'll have to agree to put this conversation off until you grow a brain. Or at least some morals.

Advantages of the copper IUD include its ability to provide emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex. It is the most effective form of emergency contraception available.[33] It works by preventing fertilization or implantation but does not affect already implanted embryos.[32] It contains no hormones, so it can be used while breastfeeding, and fertility returns quickly after removal.[34] Copper IUDs also last longer and are available in a wider range of sizes and shapes compared to hormonal IUDs.[14] Disadvantages include the possibility of heavier menstrual periods and more painful cramps.[12]
All that C&P shows is that you're a wikidiot.

And of course the link in the wikipedia citation simply does not exist.
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Anti-abortion proponents claim that there is a beating heart present at six weeks. The fact is that at six weeks there is only a rudimentary tube that can eventually become a heart, and a few quivering cells that will eventually become the pacemaker which supplies electrical pulses controlling the heart beat. There is no heart structure present to actually behave as a heart behaves. No valves, no chambers, no muscle to pump anything. The preliminary structures that will eventually become parts of the heart are not a heart, and claiming they are is vast exaggeration at best. Recent research has shown when major structures of the heart develop, and it is amazingly over a four day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Before this four day period, the beginnings of the heart are not viable, and can not survive outside the womb.

Researchers and neonatologists studying fetal cardiac development have typically run into critical limitations, as many of the known structures of the human heart can only be identified in the latter stages of gestation. Now, a group of investigators at the University of Leeds has just published data, using cutting-edge imaging technology, that shows that major structures of a baby's heart form in just four days. Findings from the new study—published today in Scientific Reports in an article entitled “Ventricular Myocardium Development and the Role of Connexins in the Human Fetal Heart”—help identify the precise time when the four chambers of the heart develop, opening up the possibility that doctors could eventually be able to monitor babies during this critical phase of their development.

Remarkably, the research team found that the most dramatic changes occurred over a four-day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Within this brief period, the muscle tissue of the heart rapidly organizes. Cardiac fibers were laid down to form the helix shape of the heart, within which the four chambers of the heart form. Without this essential architecture in place, the fetal heart cannot survive outside the womb.

Why is this so important to you?

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