When it is really a heartbeat.

They started it. They made it a huge issue. They will not stop, so you think liberals can stop it? You think liberals should let them continue with no pushback?
So you're part the insurrection! You're fighting DEMOCRACY.

As a SEDITIONIST, how does it feel to be unpatriotic and ant-American and the enemy of our democracy?
Guy, I just pointed out some models and designs prevent implantation.

  • The released progesterone or copper creates changes in the cervical mucus and inside the uterus that kills sperm or makes them immobile.
  • The IUD changes the lining of the uterus, preventing implantation should fertilization occur. It is important to consider the ethical implications of this third method.
Again, if you are giving Globby the Zygote full human rights, then IUD's are murder devices.

Naw, that's just a stupid law that shouldn't be there.

The legal ramifications of giving full personhood to fetuses goes well beyond abortion. Yes, there's the part where you can be charged with murder for accidently causing a miscarriage... But if you take it to the logical conclusion, women would be prisoners of the fetuses inside of them. Smoke, Drink, have a shitty diet when pregnant, you could be charged with child abuse.
Stupid or not that’s the law
Anti-abortion proponents claim that there is a beating heart present at six weeks. The fact is that at six weeks there is only a rudimentary tube that can eventually become a heart, and a few quivering cells that will eventually become the pacemaker which supplies electrical pulses controlling the heart beat. There is no heart structure present to actually behave as a heart behaves. No valves, no chambers, no muscle to pump anything. The preliminary structures that will eventually become parts of the heart are not a heart, and claiming they are is vast exaggeration at best. Recent research has shown when major structures of the heart develop, and it is amazingly over a four day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Before this four day period, the beginnings of the heart are not viable, and can not survive outside the womb.

Researchers and neonatologists studying fetal cardiac development have typically run into critical limitations, as many of the known structures of the human heart can only be identified in the latter stages of gestation. Now, a group of investigators at the University of Leeds has just published data, using cutting-edge imaging technology, that shows that major structures of a baby's heart form in just four days. Findings from the new study—published today in Scientific Reports in an article entitled “Ventricular Myocardium Development and the Role of Connexins in the Human Fetal Heart”—help identify the precise time when the four chambers of the heart develop, opening up the possibility that doctors could eventually be able to monitor babies during this critical phase of their development.

Remarkably, the research team found that the most dramatic changes occurred over a four-day period 124 days into the pregnancy. Within this brief period, the muscle tissue of the heart rapidly organizes. Cardiac fibers were laid down to form the helix shape of the heart, within which the four chambers of the heart form. Without this essential architecture in place, the fetal heart cannot survive outside the womb.

Of course, if something human stands in the way of your ghoulish ideals, you must strip humanity from it. Because if it isn't human, it isn't legitimately worth caring for, is it?
Pointing out the scientifically provable fact that a heart doesn't exist at 6 weeks is zealotry?
Like I said, you kill a woman who is one second pregnant and it’s a double homicide. Legally. So arguing it’s not a life is not a great argument.
I've never owned a cotton plantation.

How much say should I have with regard to whether chattel slavery should be legal?
False conflation since you don’t have to be certain gender. Would you want women opining if men should get castrated to snipped? No. You have no idea what it’s like to be a woman so stfu. Don’t challenge me Bob, we think alike here like 99% of the time. You come after me and I will destroy you. You are not on my level when it comes to debating as illustrated by your asinine conflation.

Better one is someone giving parenting advice but they have never been a parent. I dismiss it and laugh.

I see no reason for you to take such a threatening tone with me.

But human rights are human rights, and I think my point stands solidly, that one does not need to be in a position top benefit from violating another human's rights, in order to be entitled to the opinion that doing so is wrong.

Killing people is wrong, period. I do not need to be a woman to recognize that an innocent child is entitled not to be murdered, even by his own mother.
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I see no reason for you to take such a threatening tone with me.

But human rights are human rights, and I think my point stands solidly, that one does not need to be in a position top benefit from violating another human's rights, in order to be entitled to the opinion that doing so is wrong.

Killings people is wrong, period. I do not need to be a woman to recognize that an innocent child is entitled not to be murdered, even by his own mother.
That’s fine but insinuating that I am stupid and conflate it to me condoning slavery is uncalled for. Yes, ending a life is sickening. As a father I cannot imagine that. But also a woman has to put her body through a lot so I do not want to speak for them when I do not have to carry that burden.
That’s fine but insinuating that I am stupid and conflate it to me condoning slavery is uncalled for. Yes, ending a life is sickening. As a father I cannot imagine that. But also a woman has to put her body through a lot so I do not want to speak for them when I do not have to carry that burden.

You're putting words in my mouth.

In any event, the reality, here, is worse than what you falsely accused me of attributing to you.

There is no spin that you can put on this, to hide that what you are openly defending is the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. I never implied in any way that you supported slavery, but if you did, that would be less evil than what you are supporting.
You're putting words in my mouth.

In any event, the reality, here, is worse than what you falsely accused me of attributing to you.

There is no spin that you can put on this, to hide that what you are openly defending is the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. I never implied in any way that you supported slavery, but if you did, that would be less evil than what you are supporting.
Not defending. I am abstaining. Big difference. How am I supporting it by abstaining?
“He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” — Albert Einstein, speaking of Pablo Casals
That doesn’t make any sense. So I have to fight any and all perceived injustice? I am not Bat Man. You’re going full zealot.
“He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” — Albert Einstein, speaking of Pablo Casals
That doesn’t make any sense. So I have to fight any and all perceived injustice? I am not Bat Man. You’re going full zealot.

Nobody can fight every injustice, not even the tiny portion of all injustices that might come to any person's notice.

If I see some subhuman criminal thug beating up an old lady, I might not be in a position to intervene. That's one thing.

It'd be quite another to try to argue that because I, myself, and not a subhuman criminal piece of shit, and have no basis on which to understand the position of such a creature, that I have no business condemning such activities, or calling for police to step in and deny this subhuman criminal piece of shit his right to beat up old ladies.
Nobody can fight every injustice, not even the tiny portion of all injustices that might come to any person's notice.

If I see some subhuman criminal thug beating up an old lady, I might not be in a position to intervene. That's one thing.

It'd be quite another to try to argue that because I, myself, and not a subhuman criminal piece of shit, and have no basis on which to understand the position of such a creature, that I have no business condemning such activities, or calling for police to step in and deny this subhuman criminal piece of shit his right to beat up old ladies.
False conflation yet again. You have many of those I see.

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