When Nazis are standing against pedophile groomers, it makes you wonder who the good guys are

The fucking nazis in the 1930's-40's were burning the books of LGBT insitutions of science. This is the kinds of people you pieces of subhuman crap are currently modeling yourself after. Congrats!
Lol, you can be as gay as you want, just leave children out of it.
Even the Nazis had good intentions. From their point of view they were just as right as we saw them as wrong. They believed they were doing what was good for Germany and trying to make what they thought was a better world.

Kid diddlers on the other hand don't deserve to draw a single breath. You should be shot in the head, thrown into a incernerator and your public records erased. Their existence should be deleted.

I'll take 1000 Nazis over one groomer
It's not comparable. The evils are at right angles to each other.

Individually, I am sure that there were Nazis who were no different than any other person in a situation of "interpenetrated peoples": that is, what they thought about Jews was not qualitatively different than what Croats thought about Serbs, Malays about Chinese, Sinhala about Tamils, Turks about Armenians and Greeks, Southern whites about Blacks, and on and on. (With the distinction that the more able and successful the hated group -- Jews, Chinese, Indians in Africa -- the more that group is hated and envied, instead of just being despised and looked down on. They're not seen as 'inferior', but as evil, dishonest, getting where they are by cheating. Or if they're more or less economically and socially equal, they're just seen as hated rivals for the same territory.)

What has made them different was that the Nazis took over a technically highly-advanced state -- the natural leader of Europe in fact -- and then history put them into a position to carry out genuine genocide, and where doing so was, in the circumstance, the 'best option'. (If Hitler had stopped after taking in the Sudetenland, and avoided getting into a war, and just expelled all the Jews, he would probably be considered in Germany today like Ataturk is in Turkey.)
They stood up to the commie street gangs and thugs. Withut the commies making them look good they probably would have faded.
Had the Russian Revolution not occurred, bringing to birth a serious Communist Party in Germany, would Germany have gone Nazi?

Or would there just have been a strong rightwing movement within the Weimar framework, perhaps along the lines of Mussolini's fascists minus the Squadristi street fighters -- ie a nationalist movement but with a pseudo-Left social program -- seeking to overcome the humilating terms of the Versailles Treaty? What really boosted the Nazis was the Great Depression, which devasted Germany. The Nazis got 2.5% of the vote in 1928 and 37.5% in the spring of 1932.

I would guess, no Russian Revolution, no Depression, no Nazis.

Given all the other genocides and quasi-genocides and mass murders and political repressions of the 20th Century, how special were the Nazis? Historians argue about this. [ Historikerstreit - Wikipedia ] It will probably be able to come to a calm, reasoned judgement about them in a couple of centuries.
Wow, I am sorry I clicked on that link.

Both those sides are disgusting.


It really does not make a sane person hesitate, not for one instant, who the "good guys," are. :rolleyes:
In WWII, the US should have never been in the European theater, we should have let the USSR and Nazi Germany destroy each other, and stayed the hell out of it, just like now, both these sides are immoral and evil.

If all sides are bad, there is no good. If you have no moral high ground, there is no, "good guys."



If one side wants to rape your women and children, and the other side wants to oppress any ethnic minority or religion that is not them? They are both evil. That is all there is to this.

They are both barbarian tribes that need to be called out, opposed, and shunned from civil society.
"..for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” The most overhyped nonsensical quote ever.
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lol just ignore the fact that it was the so-called 'libertarians' who kicked the country down the slippery slope to to the 'enlightened tolerance' social narrative garbage we're staring at now, especially for the kiddie groomer movement and its enthusiastic fans. Da Evul Statists N Stuff kept the freaks locked in their closets where they belonged.

Just never mind the fact that sexual deviants never keep their fetishes in their own bedrooms and never will.
There is a difference between homosexual behavior and sexualizing children.

This is lost on bigots and ignorant folks.

The only type of bigotry you will ever see from me? Is bigotry against bigots and authoritarians such as yourself.
There is a difference between homosexual behavior and sexualizing children.

This is lost on bigots and ignorant folks.

The only type of bigotry you will ever see from me? Is bigotry against bigots and authoritarians such as yourself.
The living embodiment of your first sentence is found in these good people:
This OP is indicative of the craziness that is going to spill into horrific violence.

The first is that Drag Queens = pedos, molesters, groomers
The second is supporting Neo-Nazi violence directed at innocent people.

Has anyone really thought this through? Or do you just believe the same couple of viral video shorts of a drag queens acting badly Is representative of all?

I don’t think any of this is about kids at all. I think kids are just being used as an excuse to turn hate into action against a group of people long hated for just being themselves. And will end up being killed.

This is a really good in depth article, not demonizing but humanizing. It’s a long read, won’t fit in a meme or bumper sticker.

Not that I'm condoning Nazis. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides. Except one side wants your children.

"Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023"​

"Everything is obvious. Evil pedophiles think that people aren’t going to stand up to their grooming of children? Think again. This weekend Blood Tribe, WLM and other groups paid the pedophiles a visit."

Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023 - Doomsayer News

Sometimes I wonder too!
Stormlover is a dude?
I know he/she is an idiot but I thought she was a she.
I'm so confused.

Years ago, he was on this forum under the name matthew, later had the name on that account changed to ScienceRocks. That account was permanently banned about seven years ago. It did not take long, when he showed up more recently under the Stormlover account, for it to become obvious that he's a sockpuppet for the old matthew/ScienceRocks account.
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This OP is indicative of the craziness that is going to spill into horrific violence.
The first is that Drag Queens = pedos, molesters, groomers

When they aim their shit specifically at an audience of children, when they attempt to drag children into their disgusting perversions, then yes, this make them pedos, molesters, and groomers.

You seem to be operating under the delusion that there is some moral high ground for you to claim by defending these sick fucks. There is not. All you are doing is showing us that you are not much better than they are.
Pedophilia is disgusting and should be removed from the face of the planet. Us woman on the other hand have nothing to do with it and if a few of us like every other group happen to be filth then they should be treated severely. Don't blame us all or bunch us together.
"..for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” The most overhyped nonsensical quote ever.

Nietzsche was a homosexual who suffered from tertiary syphilis. Over 80% of syphilis cases are homosexual males these days as well.
The living embodiment of your first sentence is found in these good people:

There might be a tiny minority that aren't lying about it, but the majority aren't. The founder of the American faggot rights hoax was a Communist PArty member and pedophile,and NAMBLA was a founding member organization of the ILGA. They have organizations that specialize in peddling fake 'science' and actively groom kids in our public schools.

There is a difference between homosexual behavior and sexualizing children.

This is lost on bigots and ignorant folks.

The only type of bigotry you will ever see from me? Is bigotry against bigots and authoritarians such as yourself.


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