When Nazis are standing against pedophile groomers, it makes you wonder who the good guys are

Not that I'm condoning Nazis. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides. Except one side wants your children.

"Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023"​

"Everything is obvious. Evil pedophiles think that people aren’t going to stand up to their grooming of children? Think again. This weekend Blood Tribe, WLM and other groups paid the pedophiles a visit."

Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023 - Doomsayer News
The thing about Nazis is they hate everyone and will kill anyone, including another Nazi.

But I get it, like when the Hitler and Stalin fought each other, its like, "Who do we root for here?"
The thing about Nazis is they hate everyone and will kill anyone, including another Nazi.

But I get it, like when the Hitler and Stalin fought each other, its like, "Who do we root for here?"

Stalin didn't have his submarines out killing American civilians with torpedoes, and Hitler declared war on us, so did the japs. There's that. They both seemed to think they had a right to tell us who we could do business with and who we couldn't. That's the problem with 'isolationism' and 'neutrality'; nobody else is going to leave you alone or respect your 'neutrality', no matter how much ideological tripe gets thrown around. Japs and Nazis made it easy to figure out who the bad guys were.
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Why in the world does one of them have to be "the good guys"?

Weird. We are one strange species.

It's an issue of relativity; your side loves the kiddie rapers and sicko mutilators more than they do Nazis, having zero morals and principles, while people who do wouldn't mind seeing Nazis stomp the shit out of the kiddie rapers and groomer fans. The choice between the two given is pretty easy, actually, except for you and your pet deviants.
The same people who got trolled and triggered into believing the 2020 election was stolen from them are letting the same group of snake oil salesmen trigger them into believing there are drag queens hiding in their children's closets or under their beds. It's a classic boogeyman gambit.
Well, I guess it provides a gentle reminder of how far our public discourse has fallen.

If rhetoric isn't full of profound hyperbole, rage and/or paranoia, people won't be interested.

If we continue down this road, our decay will only accelerate. Yet another self-inflicted wound.
What I love is how they judge and condemn a group of of people who have not committed a crime.
You don't think Nazis can be pedophile groomers? If not, you need to read up on the history of the movement.
Exactly right. The fellow who was head of the 'left wing' of the Nazis, Ernst Rohm, who was eliminated in the 'Night of the Long Knives', was gay. Overall, the Nazis were extremely, lethally, anti-homosexual, but there were gay Nazis. And, interestingly, their Communist and Socialist opponents tried to use this fact against the them. [Gay Nazis myth - Wikipedia ]

The head of the American Nazi Party was murdered by one of his ex-members, John "Patler", who had, if not outright homosexual feelings for him, at least a very warm emotional attraction.
Patler described his relationship with Rockwell in endearing terms, stating "I loved him like a father and he loved me like a son". In his last letter to Rockwell, Patler wrote: "I don't think there are two people on earth who think and feel the same as we do. ... You are a very important part of my life. I need you as much as you need me. Without you there is no future"
[ John Patsalos - Wikipedia ]
Exactly right. The fellow who was head of the 'left wing' of the Nazis, Ernst Rohm, who was eliminated in the 'Night of the Long Knives', was gay. Overall, the Nazis were extremely, lethally, anti-homosexual, but there were gay Nazis. And, interestingly, their Communist and Socialist opponents tried to use this fact against the them. [Gay Nazis myth - Wikipedia ]

The head of the American Nazi Party was murdered by one of his ex-members, John "Patler", who had, if not outright homosexual feelings for him, at least a very warm emotional attraction.

[ John Patsalos - Wikipedia ]

the gay nazi rubbish was just Hitler's propaganda machine at work. Himmler and Goebbels were also left wing Nazis, so were the Strasser brothers.
Of course the Nazis will be against groomers. They will pick up on any popular issue which is not directly counter to their beliefs., just as any intelligent political movement will.

The whole idea behind fascism is that it steals the clothes of the Left, pretending to be anti-Capitalist and pro-worker. (Although in this case, they're strealing the clothes of the conservatives.)

These people are going to be a persistent pain in the neck for patriots, because the Left will want to associate them with us. We have to be alert to their attempts to hijack our protests -- they are poison and must be repelled vigorously if they turn up to our events.
You know what? Most don't. This is a concerted effort by a small group of sicko motherfuckers.

Fags, Drag Queens, they aren't for that shit.

Hell, we used to hang out with this young dude that could dance. His job was being a drag queen and he was straight (I think)

When he was hanging out with us he was a polite young man that could dance good and we'd go out and have fun.

I remember one time when we were with him out at the club, some kid from the neighborhood tried to slap box me on the dance floor

while we were dancing. I probably slapped

him harder than was necessary (by accident), but he knew better than to ever do that again.

Some other people would have duked him. I didn't have to do that.

He learned he couldn't get a lick in on me.

slap box?
What did his propaganda machine say about gay Nazis, then? That they existed? ("See how tolerant we are!") or that the Nazis hated them? (Which was the truth.)

He was smearing his enemies within the Party. Pretty obvious. He also personally assassinated his other main right wing political enemy, the General who headed the Wehrmacht and was the man responsible for creating the 'black armies' throughout the 20's and 30's

Talk of the SA replacing the Reichswehr continued and even escalated. The SA, many said, embodied the youthful revolutionary spirit of National Socialism. “Wait until Papa Hindenburg is dead”, trumpeted one SA leader, “then the SA will march against the army”.

The SA leader, Ernst Rohm, repeatedly suggested to Hitler that he (Rohm) should replace Blomberg as defence minister. When Hitler refused these requests, Rohm became critical of the Fuhrer, both in public and private. On one occasion, Rohm caused a minor scandal by referring to Hitler as “a ridiculous corporal”.

‘Night of the Long Knives’​

Attempts to ease tensions between the Reichswehr and the SA in the spring of 1934 proved unsuccessful. In June, Blomberg visited Hitler with an order from the ailing president Hindenburg. The old man wanted the situation resolved and if it could not be done, Hindenburg hinted, he may impose martial law and hand control to his generals.

This implied threat prompted Hitler to order the ‘Night of the Long Knives’, an SS-led purge that saw dozens of people arrested and killed, including Rohm and several other SA leaders.

The SA was downsized and disempowered and purged of those who wanted to lead the Nazi revolution rather than serve it. The Reichswehr leadership was placated and their confidence in Hitler bolstered.

Schleicher was a key manager in this.


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