When Nazis are standing against pedophile groomers, it makes you wonder who the good guys are

It's an issue of relativity; your side loves the kiddie rapers and sicko mutilators more than they do Nazis, having zero morals and principles, while people who do wouldn't mind seeing Nazis stomp the shit out of the kiddie rapers and groomer fans. The choice between the two given is pretty easy, actually, except for you and your pet deviants.
You (a) clearly don't know my politics, and (b) eagerly swallow the ignorant, paranoid conspiracy theories fed to you.

You're a mark, a target, a fool. Maybe it's time for you to grow the fuck up.
lol more rubbish. The FBI keeps many of these groups alive, financed, and in the news. So do black racists and scammers.
I'm sure they're well infiltrated by the FBI. But my impression from watching 4Chan discussions -- admittedly, a few months ago -- is that young white working class men are not automatically 'anti-Nazi'. They're open to 'the Jews are behind it' arguments. I would like to be wrong about this, of course.
An open carry state makes for peaceful deviant marches for the counter marchers for once. The faggots and commies are a lot less violent and obnoxious when the other side is armed, as the video shows.

Must be why the -- ahem -- "protests" are so lame in South Dakota. Literally everybody is armed and all anybody can plan on getting away with is whining.

^^^Commie idiot becomes unhinged and starts raving.
You can refer to anyone or any group as Nazis these days but it only makes your argument look stupid.
You're saying Rohm was NOT a homosexual? I know that's not why he was killed, but I thought it was generally believed that he was. In those days, you had to keep it secret, of course, and it may just have been a slander. Here's what Wiki says about him:

[ Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia ]
(Not that Wiki is an unimpeachable source, of course.)

Probably forgeries. Even the Soviets took pains to create fake evidence. So does our FBI and CIA, as we've seen with their efforts to keep Democrats' enemies spending time and money on fake trials and pogroms.

Unlike you , I know exactly where your talking points and propaganda tactics come from. lol

For starters ....

Amazon product ASIN 023115755X
Note who the translator is .... father of a certain Democratic Party insider and sick deviant. Saul Alinsky was a huge fan, and put out a 'Gramsci For Dummies N Dopers', AKA 'Rules For Radicals'.

See also this adaptation, also by Democratic Party deviants using pseudonyms.

See also famous Communist Party member Harry Hay, huge NAMBLA fan and Defender. Here the Progressive Party Pr hacks gush over ole Harry, while curiously forgeting to even mention the fact that he was a pedophile.

They should rename the Democratic Party ' Commie Groomer Faggotz R Us'.
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(Pssst. The pedo groomers ARE the minions of Nazis if not full blown Nazis themselves. People that want to prevent Nazis from doing their dirty deeds by any means necessary are not Nazis. They are very angry patriots.)
Even the Nazis had good intentions. From their point of view they were just as right as we saw them as wrong. They believed they were doing what was good for Germany and trying to make what they thought was a better world.

Kid diddlers on the other hand don't deserve to draw a single breath. You should be shot in the head, thrown into a incernerator and your public records erased. Their existence should be deleted.

I'll take 1000 Nazis over one groomer
Probably forgeries. Even the Soviets took pains to create fake evidence. So does our FBI and CIA, as we've seen with their efforts to keep Democrats' enemies spending time and money on fake trials and pogroms.
Not sure what you mean by 'fake trials and pogroms', but I would be interested in any links to evidence re. Rohm.

By the way, it's not a big deal. Put a lot of young men together in stressful situations, isolated from women, and you're going to get some homoerotic activity. Even in traditional boys' schools.

When he was a Liberal and voting against a big military budget, Churchill replied to a Conservative remark about the traditions of the Royal Navy, by saying "the traditions of the navy are rum, sodomy and the lash." I assume the ranks of the NSDAP were like anyone else.

And not just with respect to homosexuality. Pick a group of a million normal males at random, and some of them will have committed, or tried to commit, statutory rape with girls under the legal age of consent. I would be surprised if the guilty parties tended to be more from one side of the barricades than the other.

In the past, the guilty parties would have been found to have been condemning the behavior they later committed.

But now, we see people on the Left, embracing the post-modernist idea that all of our customs and institutions are just covers for the exercise of power, unravelling one of them after the other, with the sexualization of children their latest arena.
Even the Nazis had good intentions. From their point of view they were just as right as we saw them as wrong. They believed they were doing what was good for Germany and trying to make what they thought was a better world.

Kid diddlers on the other hand don't deserve to draw a single breath. You should be shot in the head, thrown into a incernerator and your public records erased. Their existence should be deleted.

I'll take 1000 Nazis over one groomer

They stood up to the commie street gangs and thugs. Withut the commies making them look good they probably would have faded.

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