WHen Newt was the speaker and Clinton was the President

Newt and Clinton years.......well...
Out of those years - came the corrupt policies that bore the mortgage crises of 2008. No argument there.
Summers/Greenspan not only deregulated the derivative markets, but actually placed them outside of the jurisdiction of the SEC....one of the most cronyism/corrupt single acts in American history. (And Summers held not one, but two cabinet positions in Obama's administration)
Fannie and Freddie quadrupled in size.
On and on and on......the cronyism and corruption that happened in the Clinton era is well documented. (both parties)

But at the end of the day
greed caused the train to de rail

The 80's was the decade of greed. The wonderful economy of the late 80's - 90's was totally built on debt spending. People having 2nd and 3rd mortgages, millions of people walking around with 5 digit credit card debt. This began the fantasy investment land of Wall Street, where stock values commonly quadrupled the actual value of companies...and the FED and the SEC completely turned a blind eye. It took the both the greed/corruption of the financial markets AND the political corruption of Washington for 2008 to be created.
And guess what? The same fantasy land is being built again - right now.

It requires a cretain amount of debt spending to succed
not the way the 08 crash was brought on
No, JRK, no, you don't get to rewrite American history falsely without challenge.

Listen to your betters.
Clinton worked well with Newt. Clinton could reach across the aisle and get things done. In fact, he worked better with Newt and the R's than he did with his own Dems.

Barry Boy won't reach across the aisle. Hasn't in the five years he's been in office.

On his worst day Clinton was a better POTUS than Barry boy will ever be. And that comes from me. Someone who didn't like or respect the man.
Clinton worked well with Newt. Clinton could reach across the aisle and get things done. In fact, he worked better with Newt and the R's than he did with his own Dems.

Barry Boy won't reach across the aisle. Hasn't in the five years he's been in office.

On his worst day Clinton was a better POTUS than Barry boy will ever be. And that comes from me. Someone who didn't like or respect the man.

Well...Clinton worked well with Newt to jerk each other off.
Newt gave Clinton his "Affordable Housing" disaster, and went along with grossly increasing F&F in the mortgage industry, if Clinton continued to deregulate the markets to manipulate the Affordable Housing act so the central banks could cash in.
Clinton and Newt were both mutually conspirators that began the wealth bubble of the 90's.
And today there has NEVER - EVER - EVER been a President who is more of a friend to Wall Street and the central banks than Barrack Obama.
There is no greater friend to corporations in history than Obama.
Corporations and the wealthy are doing better now than at any time in modern history.
Wrap that around your head.
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Clinton worked well with Newt. Clinton could reach across the aisle and get things done. In fact, he worked better with Newt and the R's than he did with his own Dems.

Barry Boy won't reach across the aisle. Hasn't in the five years he's been in office.

On his worst day Clinton was a better POTUS than Barry boy will ever be. And that comes from me. Someone who didn't like or respect the man.

That is what amazed me about the hate the left had with W
I mean hate

No child left behind
Sarbanes Oxly
Removing Saddam
Patriot act
combining service to create homeland security

All Bi partisan events
and there was more
stricker gas regs for the automobile

hell, Barry has done nothing

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