When Next The United States Has An Actual CinC


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
An announcement should be made through the usual channels that collateral damage will no longer be a general consideration in the conflict with Islamist terrorism, or against Daesh specifically.

Watch how fast Islam kills off these bastards all by themselves.
If we stifle ourselves with collateral damage PC bullshit it's like getting into a fight with one arm tied behind you. The task becomes exceedingly more difficult along with the prospects of success IMO. Instead, we should look at it just like the Islamo terrorists do. They have no collateral damage issues. There are no innocents around to accidently die because innocents are their targets in the first place. Neat and simple and clean as a whistle way around any CD problem for the JVs.

So, yeah. I'll devote a fraction of a nanosecond of concern for the prospect of some dead "innocent" Muslims if it comes to wiping the ISIS pigs out where they live/train. Life's a bitch sometimes.

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