When Obama Voted For Infanticide

Point is, it's not what you are portraying it as, as anyone who lives in IL will tell you.

This was a fake controversy ginned up by the anti-abortion crazies, and everyone saw it for what it was.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDX52pEC7_w&feature=related]Jill Stanek Talks About Her Experience With Live Birth Abortion - YouTube[/ame]
Jill Stanek was found to be a liar and damned well near got hit with a perjury charge.

News Hounds: Anti-Abortion Extremist Jill Stanek's Questionable Background Excluded From FOX News Discussion Accusing Obama Of Supporting Infanticide

Really? Chicago tribune writer Eric Zorn has posted an email exchange he had with Stanek in 2004 in which she criticized the Illinois Department of Public Health investigation and dismissal of her claims. Stanek even used the same “the hospital hasn’t sued me” argument back then.

It's hard to imagine that the IDPH investigation would not have included statements and records from the hospital and that Stanek would not have known about those findings.
Bullshit liberal policies kill children everywhere..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioeLkI0x_RM&feature=related]Malaria in Africa - YouTube[/ame]
In his speech, he decried the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the federal ban on the gruesome abortion procedure known as partial-birth abortion:

[T]here’s a lot at stake in this election, especially for our daughters. To appreciate that all you have to do is review the recent decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States. For the first time in Gonzales versus Carhart, the Supreme Court held—upheld a federal ban on abortions with criminal penalties for doctors. For the first time, the Court’s endorsed an abortion restriction without an exception for women’s health. The decision presumed that the health of women is best protected by the Court—not by doctors and not by the woman herself. That presumption is wrong.

Some people argue that the federal ban on abortion was just an isolated effort aimed at one medical procedure—that it’s not part of a concerted effort to roll back the hard-won rights of American women. That presumption is also wrong.

What claptrap.

Nowhere in his speech is there any concern over the unborn child who is stabbed in the back of the neck while her head remains inside her mother. Nowhere is shock expressed that her brains are then suctioned out with a suction machine. Nowhere is there any concern over that child’s pain or death As he panders before a pro-abortion, largely female audience, his concern is over whether banning the procedure encroaches on women’s rights.

Barack Obama Takes a Subtle but Deadly Approach to Advocating Abortion | LifeNews.com
Yep, contradictions within the dirt piece; Obama voted no & present, then is says he AGAIN voted no. How many OTHER state Senators voted NO? Here a few FACTS:

FactCheck.org : Obama and ‘Infanticide’

I passed over the liberal fact check .org site. I figured some lib would use it though:eusa_eh:

Not surprised that you'd skip over a site that has actual facts, as you appear to prefer to swallow whole the lies told to you by conservative blog sites.

Way to go...........

So what site has the Actual facts.?
What impresses me about this thread is that the OP equates abortion to infanticide.

I don't care about Obama's vote/participation/stance... he's a total fuck up to begin with.
If not for his complexion, he'd never be more than an afterthought in the history books.

I understand that this issue has been sanitized down to the base topic of "choice", and I understand the importance of individual choice in such matters. And even as a Conservative, I respect the now-existing right to make that choice.

But I sure as hell don't condone it, and I certainly don't care for my tax dollars supporting it in any way shape or form.

It's barbaric, inhumane, and selfish. And as it is practiced on the scale that it is today - it constitutes a holocaust on humanity.
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Is there any doubt that the Democrat Party is the Party of abortion and partial birth abortion, which is infanticide in my opinion.

What else could it be called?
John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet


Book he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the population

Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens.

The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology -- informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.

Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. Below you will find photographs, scans, and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided to supply conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed.

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet
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"The power of life and death" - over the utmost vulnerable.

The definitive nature of the Liberal.

In the name of- "choice". The choice of self AND the choice mandated upon self.
Is there any doubt that the Democrat Party is the Party of abortion and partial birth abortion, which is infanticide in my opinion.

What else could it be called?

How about- A medical procedure that is sometimes, unfortunately, necessary.

If a woman is having an abortion in the second or third trimester, it's not because she wants one. Usually, this is a case where they've painted the baby's room and picked out names, and then something has gone horribly wrong.

That's quite different than the 99% of abortions that happen in the first trimester because women were careless with sex and birth control.

Personally, I'd like there to be a lot less abortions, but you don't get there through laws. Laws have not gotten the hookers off the streets or the drugs out of our back alleys. There were as many abortions happening before Roe v. Wade as there was after.
Population Control Nonsense


According to an American Dream article, “Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control,” there are too many of us and it has a negative impact on the earth. Here’s what the United Nations Population Fund said in its annual State of the World Population Report for 2009, “Facing a Changing World: Women, Population and Climate”: “Each birth results not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendants. Hence, the emissions savings from intended or planned births multiply with time. . . . No human is genuinely ‘carbon neutral,’ especially when all greenhouse gases are figured into the equation. Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution in some way. . . . Strong family planning programmes are in the interests of all countries for greenhouse-gas concerns as well as for broader welfare concerns.”

Thomas Friedman agrees in his New York Times column “The Earth is Full” (June 8, 2008), in which he says, “[P]opulation growth and global warming push up food prices, which leads to political instability, which leads to higher oil prices, which leads to higher food prices, and so on in a vicious circle.”

In his article “What Nobody Wants to Hear, But Everyone Needs to Know,” University of Texas at Austin biology professor Eric R. Pianka wrote, “I do not bear any ill will toward people. However, I am convinced that the world, including all humanity, WOULD clearly be much better off without so many of us.”

Population Control Nonsense | The Moral Liberal
I was trying to find the part where right wingers cared about the baby AFTER it was born. Couldn't find that part.
Obama fought the Born Alive Infant Protection Act tooth and nail. He fought to deny it even going up for vote in the state legislature. When it was brought up to vote, he was one of the few that actually voted against it, even most Dems voted yes.

I pointed this out back in 2008. Its all in the state records.

And yes, the act was strictly going to protect babies that survived abortion (yes that does happen).
It came about because a nurse found a discarded live fetus.

So you libs can sit here can call us "crazy" or "idiots" for pointed this FACT out, but the FACT is Barack Hussein Obama voted against legislature to help babies born alive from failed abortions.

Its disgusting, its inhumane, it is Barack Obama's core.
I passed over the liberal fact check .org site. I figured some lib would use it though:eusa_eh:

Not surprised that you'd skip over a site that has actual facts, as you appear to prefer to swallow whole the lies told to you by conservative blog sites.

Way to go...........

Actual facts? The facts are Obama did not vote for the ILL infant protection act because he was pandering to the pro-abortion lobby that’s the fact, Infanticide he could care less, if it interfered with his liberal political ambitions

That's your wack interpretation.

The fact is that you jus clearly admitted the OP is not only a fail but also a lie.

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