When Religious Freedom reaches its Inevitable Conclusion...

Religious man slaps DMV worker with $6.6M suit for forcing him to ‘submit to an insurance god’

The 79-year-old Jensen, of Athol, cited his religious belief in only one god, named Yehovah, who handed down his laws to Moses and the Israelites.

“Believers in Yehovah are commanded to obey only his statutes,” Jensen argued in his filing. “As such, (Jensen) is not subject to the jurisdiction of the codes and statutes of the artificial person of the state of Idaho, nor can he be subject to the codes and statutes of any fiction.”

One of those fictions, in Jensen’s view of the law, is the requirement that drivers carry automobile insurance.

Pemble sent a letter Sept. 3 to Jensen informing him that his driver’s license was suspended until he purchased liability insurance.

Jensen had been cited in June 2014 for failing to register his vehicle or purchase insurance, and he was found guilty during a subsequent trial was was fined $198.50 and jailed five days for contempt of court.

He then began a campaign against Pemble using tactics and language associated with the “sovereign citizens” movement — a loose grouping of adherents who claim immunity from federal, state and local laws, citing God’s law or common law over constitutional authority.

“(Pemble) does not have the authority to govern the actions of a natural person,” Jensen wrote in one notice. “There is no provision under law whereby (Pemble) can subject a natural person to the codes and statutes of a fictitious entity.”

Pemble never responded to those “notice and demand” letters, and Jensen filed a lawsuit seeking $6,689,940 in damages payable in gold or silver — because he considers currency to be debt.

That's nothing. In Idaho if you kill your kid, all you have to do is say Jesus wanted you to do it and you won't face any consequences.

Idaho's 'Faith' Healing Dilemma | Features | Boise Weekly

Somebody remind me what century we live in again?
You left out the best part.

"Jensen argued that, if he prevails in the suit, Mosaic law requires Pemble to pay all damages within 30 days or forfeit all of his assets — and the transportation department worker, his family members and their descendants be forced into bond servitude until the nearly $6.7 million in damages are paid in full."
Religious man slaps DMV worker with $6.6M suit for forcing him to ‘submit to an insurance god’

The 79-year-old Jensen, of Athol, cited his religious belief in only one god, named Yehovah, who handed down his laws to Moses and the Israelites.

“Believers in Yehovah are commanded to obey only his statutes,” Jensen argued in his filing. “As such, (Jensen) is not subject to the jurisdiction of the codes and statutes of the artificial person of the state of Idaho, nor can he be subject to the codes and statutes of any fiction.”

One of those fictions, in Jensen’s view of the law, is the requirement that drivers carry automobile insurance.

Pemble sent a letter Sept. 3 to Jensen informing him that his driver’s license was suspended until he purchased liability insurance.

Jensen had been cited in June 2014 for failing to register his vehicle or purchase insurance, and he was found guilty during a subsequent trial was was fined $198.50 and jailed five days for contempt of court.

He then began a campaign against Pemble using tactics and language associated with the “sovereign citizens” movement — a loose grouping of adherents who claim immunity from federal, state and local laws, citing God’s law or common law over constitutional authority.

“(Pemble) does not have the authority to govern the actions of a natural person,” Jensen wrote in one notice. “There is no provision under law whereby (Pemble) can subject a natural person to the codes and statutes of a fictitious entity.”

Pemble never responded to those “notice and demand” letters, and Jensen filed a lawsuit seeking $6,689,940 in damages payable in gold or silver — because he considers currency to be debt.


I've been saying for years that the 'Religious Liberty' as conceived by conservatives is a Sovereign Citizen argument. As each individual is the sole arbiter of what laws apply to him and which don't.

Thank you!

For some reason they call this guy a fool and says he doesnt have to drive. Take the convo to gay cakes and they'll do a 180
Exactly, not in terms of enforcement by others around one in society. It's a matter of the social contract. One can opt out, but 'God' save him/her.

You can't 'opt out' of the laws.

Except discrimination laws. Republicans think that its ok to discriminate if you excuse it using the bible.

Their premise is that a law that violates a person's religious convictions is unconstitutional.

An argument that works just as well with car registration as it does PA laws.

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