When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Yes I did, you get those kids out of those situations and show them that there's a better life to be had so the move up out of the gutter and become productive citizens unlike their parents.

Kids learn by observation and example so they tend to be very quick learners when exposed to something better.
Umm no your anecdotal stories do not explain this as a good idea. More importantly, it doesn’t explain why it makes any practical or financial sense to put millions of kids in the foster system lol
Trades is the way to go.......not for everyone but skilled labor is hurting right now.............Learn to earn.........

Our helpers make good money at it.............Those with lofty dreams of cush jobs are living in Disney's Magic Kingdom.
It's damned sure a way to give a kid a leg up in life an more HS's need to go back to offer training in the trades.

In a Town near my place in N. Texas a few years back a small aircraft manufacturer put on a job fare trying to hire 600 new workers to expand production.

Their requirements for hiring was HS degree or GED, a DL, the ability to read a tape measurer down to measurements of 1/8", the ability to do basic arithmetic with a pencil and paper, no felonies, and to demonstrate a familiarity with basic tools like wrenches, sockets, screw drivers etc.

After two months they could only find 150 candidates willing to start at 18.00hr with a guarantee of at least 22.00/hr after a six months training and probation program.

They ended up having to open up their own trade school for six months, providing everything for the students plus 10.00hr lasting a month for each group to finally get enough qualified people for the expansion.

We have a couple of very small schools in the area with fewer than 700 students in k-12 that have realized the value of skills/trades education. In three of them a kid can graduate HS with certificates in welding, plumbing, electrical and the school will pay for and provide transportation for state/national certification tests.

A kid coming from one of those programs can move to the city or just a larger town and start off making 20-40.00/hr.
Umm no your anecdotal stories do not explain this as a good idea. More importantly, it doesn’t explain why it makes any practical or financial sense to put millions of kids in the foster system lol
There you go being dishonest again, I never suggested putting millions of kids into the system, only those coming from situations of abuse and neglect or parents headed for incarceration.

You offer nothing but more of the same that has created an ever growing population of people stuck in poverty, I offer ways for their kids to break that cycle and get out.

That's damned sure a wiser use of tax payer dollars.
It's damned sure a way to give a kid a leg up in life an more HS's need to go back to offer training in the trades.

In a Town near my place in N. Texas a few years back a small aircraft manufacturer put on a job fare trying to hire 600 new workers to expand production.

Their requirements for hiring was HS degree or GED, a DL, the ability to read a tape measurer down to measurements of 1/8", the ability to do basic arithmetic with a pencil and paper, no felonies, and to demonstrate a familiarity with basic tools like wrenches, sockets, screw drivers etc.

After two months they could only find 150 candidates willing to start at 18.00hr with a guarantee of at least 22.00/hr after a six months training and probation program.

They ended up having to open up their own trade school for six months, providing everything for the students plus 10.00hr lasting a month for each group to finally get enough qualified people for the expansion.

We have a couple of very small schools in the area with fewer than 700 students in k-12 that have realized the value of skills/trades education. In three of them a kid can graduate HS with certificates in welding, plumbing, electrical and the school will pay for and provide transportation for state/national certification tests.

A kid coming from one of those programs can move to the city or just a larger town and start off making 20-40.00/hr.
We can't find experienced workers anymore..........and too many helpers don't want to learn........Tough to man the jobs.......

Guess they have found a way to be lazy for a living.........our wages are very good.
There you go being dishonest again, I never suggested putting millions of kids into the system, only those coming from situations of abuse and neglect or parents headed for incarceration.

You offer nothing but more of the same that has created an ever growing population of people stuck in poverty, I offer ways for their kids to break that cycle and get out.

That's damned sure a wiser use of tax payer dollars.
We were not talking about kids in abusive or neglectful homes. We were clearly talking about kids in homes of mothers who are too poor to raise their kids properly.
We can't find experienced workers anymore..........and too many helpers don't want to learn........Tough to man the jobs.......

Guess they have found a way to be lazy for a living.........our wages are very good.
Well it's like a recent study showing new college grads expecting to jump right into management jobs fresh out of college starting at 100k.

Totally unrealistic expectations, and neither any work ethic or experience for far too many of them.

Now Biden is going to pay off their student debts, more freebies they didn't earn which will only compound numerous problems.
We were not talking about kids in abusive or neglectful homes. We were clearly talking about kids in homes of mothers who are too poor to raise their kids properly.
Many of whom are raising them in abusive and neglectful homes. Most unable themselves to provide a good example to their kids because they grew up similarly, single mom's with no degree, no skills, no training, and little hope.
We were not talking about kids in abusive or neglectful homes. We were clearly talking about kids in homes of mothers who are too poor to raise their kids properly.
If they can't handle it...........and the kid is in danger because of it........and social sources aren't enough.......then the mother would have to give up her kid for the kids sake.

That is REALITY..............we provide MASSIVE WELFARE in this country........Section 8 .......SNAP........Free power.......phones.......internet......money.

There is only so much til we say ..............enough.
Many of whom are raising them in abusive and neglectful homes. Most unable themselves to provide a good example to their kids because they grew up similarly, single mom's with no degree, no skills, no training, and little hope.
You equating ANY impoverished home to neglectful homes does not make any sense.
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”
How about sterilizing the women having kids that they can't take care of?
Mothers who can't provide for kids and are raising them in neglectful or abusive homes?

Nothing fascist about that.
See nothing you say is consistent. I said earlier that you were equating any impoverished home to an abusive one and you deny it. Then you say this. It doesn’t make any sense lol

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